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And at the same time, insurance providers are getting out of the obummercare fiasco, or raising rates considerably.

obamacare is going up 28% in November. Right after the elections. Ripping off the public again with their lies.

Tell me again how hard you worked for Mitt Romney in 2012….

DearLeader designed his signature health plan to fail so the fix would be single payer…

Thought was, sorry word police big fingers little buttons smart phone but you got the point!

Sty in the Sky ~ you need to get a helmet and wear it.

Why does Harley block 7th st. to unload semi’s,traffic hazard.I thought they worked deal with city to own the alley behind them.They need to develop that area to unload instead of blocking road.Was this way at noon time today,not real smart the alley would be a lot better choice and not be a hassle to everyone else.And just maybe you save a motorcylist life in process,and yes I ride.I know what your next though was that was.

I hear they are practicing a ’emergency preparedness disaster’ drill today in mason city. I have a feeling if they approve this hog slaughter they will need it.

My husband and I were SO close to buying a $350,000 home in Mason City. We have decided to instead buy in Clear Lake, where the hog plant would never get voted in. Congratulations, Mathes boys, you have not only made it known how nasty you are, you’ve driven people from Mason City to Clear Lake.

No one cares! You belong in Clear Lake with all the other trash.

Where is the house located, I know some people that are interested.

Are they legal ?


Yes they are legal, ten illegals couldn’t afford that house, or could they. How many rooms does it have.

Big deal good for you!Like we need to know or care.There is always someone else that will buy.Just another person that thinks they know it all .They think people really care how much their home cost or where it’s at.You’ll fit right in with all the out of town tourist coming to the big mud puddle.Oh and don’t cook any Pork out on that grill.Just where do people think meat comes from Magicland.All in all your just 1 family , and our population in MC has been going down for years anyway.Oh that’s right there isn’t enough good jobs anyways so you won’t be missed KOOK!

Sad to learn you can only afford a house half the value of one of My CAFO units, We have 5 of them . House about same value as my tractor storage building, 3 tractors at 1 house per each, combine equals 2 houses, rest of equipment 1 house. We own 1280 acres,2 square miles of land at 1 house per 40 acres ,32 houses. My Wife and I plus 1 farmhand do all the work,family farm.Feeding hogs has paid for all we own,which is free of debt. All equals about 50 of your house. Nice to know You will never be able to afford to live in my neighborhood.

Congratulations on all your hard work and success. You have every reason to proud of your accomplishments.

Would you mind sharing how much you’ve received in subsidy payments the last 5 years?

We do not participate in farm program.Would like to thank all for eating other white meat. Helping to feed others has been very good to us.To bad so much misinformation directed at ag sector, and processing plants.Note, that We did pay $223000 in income tax last year.


Trust me if you are on this site you do not have $350,000

Why has no one brought this up? “Sale of Southbridge Mall a requirement in Mason City downtown renovation plan”

So, Rick Mathes is switching into high gear with a large ad in the Globe Gazette today, urging other greedy landlords and real estate agents specialized in slum dwellings to show up at today’s council meeting and demand they do a surprise re-vote on that Prestage Cluster F*.

Does anyone know if the can legally do a vote even if its not on the agenda?

Why is it that local governments will keep voting and voting on something until the public finally gets tired of it and lets them do what they want anyway? I see this in so many towns. To me it’s not a democracy, it’s more of a dictatorship that pretends to be a democracy.

I watched the news this morning and found out that our government is worried that Marvel is making too many male dolls, (a business strategy) instead of female dolls. I would think that our government has more important things too worry about.

So just wondering how many businesses this North Iowa EDC Chad Schreck has owned and run? Why? he leads economic development right? He should own and run many successful businesses..please list them…

A little experience might be nice, too. He looks 12. How old is he, anyway?

My oh my. No infantile, stupid, childish comments from the Dumb Azz “Anonymous”. What a shame.

LVS is a three letter scrambled code for:
Ignorant old geezer, dumb-ass old coot and ass-kissing pussy.

^^Quilted Northern

I am still here watching the idiotic posts of the libraterds.

^^ Angel Soft

LVSsssssssssss……….where are you??

It is so nice to be missed. Call me anything but a Anonymous Dumb Azz libraterd.

Max is talking at the library – Matt do you have someone here to report!

Um, I’d say the answer is… If you were there, what did Max say?

I didn’t order um.

As always….. Mad Max talked alot and said nothing.

Yeah I know what you mean he did talk a lot with some good ideas! Go Max go!

Anonymous THANK YOU

Anybody else, see those “lights” flying over Mason City last night?
Dozens of them, … I have a picture of it !

Picture please? I didn’t see anything..I was in the house.

Saw them too Chinese lanterns

Thank you Mason city citizens for pressuring the council to reject this free money grab. A big FU to Prestage and bookmeyer calling us racist. How about bookies wife making 12.20 a hr for 52 hr week. Where would he vote on that. Maybe Mason city will die maybe it won’t only time will tell. Also the only racism I saw saw was the poor wages and long hrs guaranteed by Ron Prestage. That is legal slavery working the most vulnerable people to death. JMHO

The Des Moines register quoted Janet Solbutg as saying she was so disappointed in the citizens of Mason City.
Well guess what Janet the citizens of Mason City are so disappointed in you! Please do everyone a favor and step down from the city Council. You will go down as one of the worst city council members in the history of this town.

Mason City Council person Janet Solberg is the most clueless & ignorant person to have ever been elected to MC council.

f you watched any of the meetings, she was the only member that sat there like a bump on a log and said nothing.
How she manages to remain on the council is beyond me.
She is way out of her limited abilities (or lack thereof).

I sure hope that some of you critics step foward, run for council and then bring a prospective large employer to town. Good jobs, high pay, clean air and water, all white workers, no crime, no drugs, you know what we want. It wont ever happen unless it is ag processing related, and we just blew it, perhaps forever.

I am not qualified for the important job of being on the City Council. The difference between Janet and I is I know I am not qualified, Janet doesn’t know she is not qualified, she actually thinks she is good at being a city Council member. She does absolutely nothing to help the city. The only reason she is there is to do whatever the mayor tells her to.

The only person that is qualified is someone that has done the job before. if you have ever had a job you would know that your first day there you didn’t know a thing but as time went on you got better at it. just because you don’t think that you are qualified for the city council could make you the perfect person for the job.

I don’t think anyone cares what Solberg thinks. The council is elected by the people of Mason City and it was clear the majority of people had serious concerns about this plant. Everyone had the opportunity to contact the council and give them their opinion either for or against and if they didn’t that’s on them. Maybe if the mayor and council would have slowed down and gave the people all the information before rushing for a vote things would have been different. But I doubt it.

Do I lack empathy or are people just too sensitive?

I understand the way someone can feel, but I have a hard time connecting with people on an emotional level and when I say I’m sorry or try to offer kind words, I’m doing it out of respect, so it isn’t like I actually care/feel about what anyone is going through. Isn’t that what most of you do anyway? Be honest, does someone else’s problems actually matter to you and is it easy to empathize?

Because I don’t get it.

It makes more sense to think that people are just selfish and fake and will make someone else feel important when it really doesn’t matter to them since that’s what I’ve always done when it was necessary.

What are the doing along Monroe? Sidewalk maybe? Put cones up, did a little digging for a couple days a week and a half ago then nothing.Cones are still up blocking outside lane but no work is being done.

I think that’s how the work around here.Started doing something on my corner two weeks ago. Worked on it for maybe an hour then left one of those flashing marker lights. I think they forgot about it.

Must have given up on the poor plan and layout. Move the cones after three weeks of doing nothing.

It is called a sidewalk. It is typical of the city. They are the most inefficient workers around. All planning (that doesn’t work) and no labor. It takes five people to do one guys job.

The work on S Monroe is being done by a private contractor so I guess you can complain to Heartland Asphalt if you think there is to many people on the job site. But I would bet they won’t listen or care what you think it takes to do one of their jobs.

And, the city contracted it and lets them get away with starting a project so they can collect money. It is B.S. If they start it they should finish it. City planning sucks.

Wonder how they are going to plan it out.Going to have to be real narrow and close to the street as it goes under the rr track and up the hill.

Anonymous, I agree, they will probably leave an orange cone up on the road under the overpass when they are done, tehe.

I did meditation to take a break, which is to say I still saw value in all my thoughts and notions. I had to have a mental breakdown after following all those thoughts and notions to really understand it was bad for me to follow them blindly.

Take anger. I used to delight in getting righteously pissed at things, it made me feel energetic and powerful. Then shortly after I burnt out I found myself thinking about something that had happened in the recent past that pissed me off. And for whatever reason I decided to be present for being pissed off, and it really became apparent to me how much agony being angry is. I mean it hurts your body! And at the time I was alone in my room, the situation was past. Here I was in agony by my own choosing!

From that point on I stopped looking at anger as something of value. Instead it was a self-damaging decision being made to follow an arbitrary image in my mind for emotional masturbation.

Once that pillar fell I started questioning all the other mental images I bought into. It’s like the red pill stuff, once you recognize the way women have tried to manipulate you in your own life, you stop being able to view them as paragons of innocence. Which isn’t to say they are bad, they just aren’t what you thought they are.

I relate to so much of this. How do we truly overcome those things about ourselves that we do not like. It is hard. I anger quickly and have a very bad temper. I hate it. I hate this about myself. Oh, and the woman thing, I relate to that also. Once you are hurt, it’s hard not to put up a wall and exclude many of them.

You and Lagios-I would hate to think there were two of him. He is posting under page 32 now.

A Mexican restaurateur interviewed on KIMT today said he was surprised how popular cinco de mayo is in the USA. Well it isn’t. That’s just reporters doing their thing. I don’t know anybody who does anything to celebrate that day. KIMT has to do something to fill in the time slot. Pathetic journalists. Not this place though.

Just an excuse to get loose.

If the only reason you’re doing things is because you don’t want to be a failure, then it’s going to be incredibly difficult to do them because you can’t really give your full attention and effort unless you actually care about what you’re doing. If you don’t have a goal in mind that you know you’re going to need the information to achieve it’s hard to force yourself to learn irrelevant information.

Modern day society has made it so damn hard to give a damn though. It’s all just about making money and being the biggest and best narcissist you can be.

There you have it folks: Page 32 of the Peter Lagios Loser Hand Book.

The dim wit has yet to figure out that no one gives a shit.

When is the city large item pickup?

Contact waste management 1 week in advance of your normal garbage day, they will tell you how many stickers or tags you need.

they don’t have a large pickup day any more. They pick up year round. Call Sanitation at 421-3675 and they can tell you how many stickers to put on the item. Write your address on the stickers so no one steals them.

Someone in the know please respond: Tim Behm, 23 felony counts, reduced to 7 serious misd counts, ordered to pay back thousands…….did this guy get probation? any restitution?

Ever heard of Google? Try it.

Tried “Anonymous” ..your mom must have really thought you’d amount to nothing to name you that! Google doesn’t state any restitution besides money…

He’s now a sales manager at Pritchards. WTH?

Where are the articles of the big decision tonite of whether we will have a pork facility or not? It’s cut and dried, as far as the city council is concerned, we are the last to know. This is passing and it really frosts me knowing that the citizens are getting it shoved down our throat. What is this Washington DC?

I will be attending Mason City’s City Council Meeting tonight. I haven’t had time to delve into this issue other than a perfunctory glance, due to my full time status at junior college, but after witnessing the Clear Lake City Council Meeting yesterday, I see it’s time to speak out.

You mean now that you’ve dropped out you have even more free time on your hands. Goofball.

Junior college? Doesn’t sound like law school. Have you even gotten your GED? my guess is probably not. Go back to the basement. No one cares what you think.

Now the city can get down to some REAL issues, like loud motorcycles. I’m sure you can throw in some advice, since you’ve probably got your law degree from FUBAR UNIVERSITY.

Editor: Please delete these harassing comments. It’s well beyond worn out. There’s a lot of positive energy going round…you sure you want NIT to still focus on negatively abusing and harassing this individual, myself, Peter Lagios? You have an opening here to do what’s right if you stop your trolls from robotically berating me…and NO, im not “Page 32”. Glad to see the writer finally going by his / her own moniker.

Pretty sure you are the one crying. I see the assholes as they are. Oh for sure I can’t change it but that doesnt mean they shouldn’t grow a heart and think of loved ones and humanity in general. Losers

Cripes almighty council wake up! Put it to vote if you think everybody wants the pork plant. Then that’s it. How can you walk around knowing everyone hates you? What’s that like? Get over your selves and knock this shit off with our town! Your nerve is unreal. wannabe’s.

Voting would make no difference at all. We voted down the ice skating rink and they are going to do it anyway. It is a done deal. Quit crying about something you can not change.

Very interesting, thanks for posting

A lot of embarrassing comments in there by the NE residents

Blah, blah, blah. No one cares Lagios.

Says the dropout – flash card – multiple choice loving- weirdo who still lives with mommy in her basement. Fishy fishy fish.

Okay, I have a question. So what ever happened to all the talk about the downtown development. I guess I am out of the loop. Is this really gonna take place, or is it all at a stand still now? Fill me in.

It was probably just a ploy until they announced the hog plant plans.

well I heard that as long as floyd county was getting a loves truckstop, then Kwick star was buying the rose bowl and putting in a truck stop.

What exactly do people live for?

I’m trying to understand why most people do not commit, or at least contemplate suicide. I have a girlfriend, I have a job, I have a place to live, I have a hobby, but I still feel like it is all meaningless. Every time I feel like I am on the verge of discovering a reason to live I am let down.

My life is as complete as it could ever become, but I am empty and dissatisfied. There must be more to life, something that I am missing, something that drives people like me to continue to live, right?

What is the point of any of this? Does happiness even exist or is everybody just joking and I’m the only one out of the loop?

Try altruism.

Caitlyn Jenner uses the ladies room at Trump Tower after getting Trumps blessing.

Trump for President – Mason City Chapter

Who cares!

Trump likes chicks with *icks.

I heard a ex bar owner was buying the rosebowl to turn it into a nite club/ restaurant. I know its a rumor but someone just might jump on this gold mine now.

Don’t waste your time investing in such a thing. The Detroit and Chicago immigrants will infest such an establishment and turn it into a low pants wearing gang banging atmosphere. Look at what they did to Eleven? Dumb idea.

Matt, I really like the information you’re putting out on the pork chop plant. Good or bad, you’re giving useful information.

Any realtor on here. I heard a rumor that there has been a noticeable increase of people listing their house’s because of the possible hog processing plant planned on the SW part of Mason City. Any truth to it?

That is Bull Crap and so are you. You are just trying to start rumors with nothing to back it up. Why don’t you just move out of town if you don’t like what is going on?

A butt kisser like you will never run me out of town. So I think I will keep coming back and voicing my thought just as long as your here. Kisses sweetheart

He is LVS or someone genetically related. You know like marrying your first cousin. I personally think its the old man in disguise, because you can’t put lipstick on a pig.

I’ll bet you know all about butt kissing while you are down there sucking around getting a whiff. As far as thoughts you have never had a original one have you gay boy?

I’m going to continue a rumor, or hearsay, that I like to call it. I over heard two guys in suits talking about all the Kum nd Go’s in town being sold to another company. I also think that I heard the words, over seas interest.

Not a rumor. The story was reported by the GG in early March.

Kum and Go has been on a divesting path for several years.

I guess that I am left in the dark, as I don’t buy the globe. Thanks for the info.

I think Kum n Go is keeping the newest store T 19th St SW and S Federal.

According to the company press release, the store located at 1920 S. Federal Ave is part of the package. It’s probably the most winning card in the deck, compared to other more marginal locations in town.

He sorta has that effect on people. After while, the itch is gone but the stink still remains.

I think it is curious that the majority of people that spoke in favor of this hog plant…DON’T LIVE IN MASON CITY. ummm maybe this company ‘brought’ them in to say positive things??

Board member Realtors and wifes that are realtors will do well leasing and selling immigrant homes…ummmm maybe that is why the other reality firms are so in favor?

And that is why should stay the hell out of our business. They have no say in what we do in our city.

Nobody on this site has a REAL sense of humor.

I introduced my new black girlfriend to my old fashioned and slightly deaf grandfather.

“She’s Annika,” I said.

“Yes, I can see that,” he replied.

I stand corrected.

Thought of the day being most of the council members personal facebooks are locked but you can comment on their business work sites let them know what you think! If they are above listening to the majority hit them in the pocket book!

Today was Earth Day.

Today I watched serveral classes of school children walking around the Hilands with plastic bags picking up litter. This was, I guess to teach the children our planet is important to take care of and we all need to keep it clean. Like outdoor manors is part of the ciriculem. Common Core?

What a crock! These kids are supposed to be in school learning reading, writing, arithmetic, and the necessarily educational.

The teachers had no business taking children out of the classroom for a lesson in manors. We wonder why American is behind other nations when it comes to academic education.

As far as I am concerned these teachers just wanted time out of the classroom for a spring day break, or just plain lazy.


so community service and teaching children to care about the enviorment is wrong? you are a complete retard

It is retarded to think that character building is the responsibility of the schools. Schools are to for education. It’s common sense that we all have to take care of our earth. If you need to be taught this value you are retarded and it’s hopeless for you.

It is quite obvious that character building ever took place in your home. I presume that is where you think it should be taught, and unfortunately, your children, if you had children, are apples that have fallen not far from the tree.

After you learn to spell get back to us. You might sound intelligent then. “manners.” Not “manors”. LOL smh. What an azzhat. Typical MC protestor of anything intelligent. NITwit degree?

I suppose that is why your not a teacher. Maybe that had been learning about the effects of pollution, on the environment.

This comment of yours has no basis in history. Teachers imparting to children a sense of civic and environmental responsibility was part and parcel of going to school. As we pledged allegiance to the flag each morning (i bet u have no problem with that), we also took field trips, we also picked up trash in the schoolyard. It’s not “manners”, it’s LAW, not to litter.

Those teachers didn’t have those children outside so they could teach them about Earth Day and to litter. No, they were teaching them to listen for loud motorcycles. You can’t teach those up and coming noise complainers too early.

@Buzz, you are the reason I come to this site. Your posts are great!

Buzz is the reason I tolerate NIT. He seems to have a sense of humour, despite his futile defense of an indefensible position.

Each life is but one note in an ongoing song. Some notes sing for death, and others sing only for themselves, but the melody that has brought us all here today, and the one that will continue when we’re all gone, is the one made up of those notes.

Do people actually love each other? I’ve been thinking about it for a bit, and I understand the concept behind it and how it would work. For one person to love another person, even the feelings behind it. I just don’t know if those are real or not, or just something media made up.

So, do people actually love each other? Say mushy things to each other? Would do anything for another person? I figure it would be kinda nice if that’s how things were, but I can’t imagine another person ever being that much into me that they would “love” me, or me ever finding a person out there that I could “love.” That’s why I have to ask does “love” even exist, or should I just stop?

I just want someone I can connect with. Sure, I’ve gone through stints where I thought about wanting this or that or the other thing from a gf, like browsing through a laundry list, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. What I really want is someone who is just as disenchanted and desperate as I am, who wants to just get away from everything by losing themselves in another person.

They don’t exist though, so it doesn’t matter. I choose no one. I’d rather be lonely than kid myself and lead someone else on. At least I’m accustomed to the former.

Yeah Peter, you stay because of me, That’s the reason you’re here on NIT. I thought you Buddhists were all about honesty and stuff.

Face it, you’re here so you can run your little yap and talk like you are a tough guy. If you said one tenth in public, what you say on here, someone would have blackened your eyes and most likely, knocked a tusk or two out of your smart pie hole.

Geez Buzz, are you sure youre not masking homo-erotic fantasies? Why so violent all the time? Just go fishing or something. You know you crave my intellect. Youre like the one ape whose brain was slighter larger than the rest. You want to become human, i can feel it.

Lagios….the ONLY thing I crave from you is silence. The sooner, the better.

What’s Mommy asking for the house and who is it listed with? I might like to make an offer so as to help you along your path to homelessness as soon as possible.

And silence is all i ever wanted from the roadways. You’re answering your own dilemma Buzz. But i know you’re getting better. I feel the dendrites in your brain sparking new branches. You will evolve Buzz. I have faith in you and the process.

You are the retarded big mouth jerk Peter.

You are by far the biggest, bigoted, retarded jerk on NIT. You are almost as retarded as Lagios and that is bad.

A 2 1/2 mile buffer around the hog plant? As if that is a total solution. LOL! It’s misleading false logic. They can just build ten hog farms in a five mile radius outside the plant. Jobs? for whom? People who don’t even live here now? Some of who will send their pay home to Mexico. I see very little benefit to our community. Let someone else have it.

I grew up on a farm and we raised pigs as well as every thing else. You get pig farms so close to town and the smell will be overwhelming.

nobody is talking about eh TRUCKS coming to and out of the plant, traveling thru this ‘buffer zone”..the smell coming from these trucks alone will get me to cancel my Country Club membership. Hate to be Newman HS on a hot day in May…

What a damn shame that you have to cancel your country club membership so under employed people can make a living. You entitled A-Holes make me puke.

There are several companies here already that start at a higher wage that cant fill positions, so how is destroying the community upside down going to fix it? You think mason city is bad now wait till they build this and then 10 years from now when the tax breaks end and the company is shut down or is sold, and you have 5000 people in the community you have to support, mason city will be a 10 times worse shithole then it is now. Oh wait it will be different in mason city then the 100 other towns across the country that this has happened too.

That is a different type of employee. They are looking for skilled labor and the new plant will let low skilled people earn a living. Not the same thing at all. Those plants you are talking about are to cheap to raise their labor rates to a skilled level.

your suppose to be at least ten to post here…go tell your mommy you did a no-no

Looks like the Mayor and City Council do not want people to be able to watch any public comments this time on their streaming website of tonight’s meeting.

According to tonight’s (4/21/16)council meeting agenda:
“Citizen Comments: Citizen comments will not be televised and shall be called to order five minutes after adjournment of the regularly scheduled Council Meeting….”

It was “televised” & streamed last time, so WTF Mayor & Council, what are you afraid of?

This is probably at the behest of Bookmeyer, as he doesn’t hold up well to adversity or confrontation.

Is it just me or does Bookmeyer remind anyone else of this guy:

comment image

It’s called the run and hide technique…they all know MC doesn’t want this plant

150 country clubbers don’t want it. They might get a little dirt on their shoes. The rest of the town wants the jobs. You spoiled brats should shut up.

For starters, using someone else’s legal identity to communicate a message should be guilty of a serious misdemeanor and punished with 30 days in jail.

Does anyone know can we take the authority away from the City Council to enter into agreements in which they give millions of dollars away in corporate welfare. Just wondering if there is a process the people can vote on to take away the Councils authority to do this kind of thing. It would have to be something the people could force onto the ballot because I don’t believe the council would vote to do it.

No you can’t. They are legally elected by you the lazy voters who did not vote. It is their legally within their authority to vote however they feel is in the best interest of the long term for the city. They will not and should not listen to special interest like you. How very Christian of you to deny people who need decent jobs to raise their family the opportunity. You should be real proud.

im gonna assume youve never worked with hogs before. nobody but illegal immigrants will do this type of work. have you even been to marshalltown? full of meth and mexicans. thats exactly whats gonna happen here.

You are full of shit. I have worked with hogs and know a lot of people who work at Austin and they are not illegal. But they do make a decent living. You are just a racist. I hope all the Mexicans move in next door to you. Then you will find out they are people just like you, only better.

what did i say that was racist.?? its true processing plants are generally filled with illegal immigrants. and they bring crime and drugs with them. not racism, facts. i have no issues with mexicans at all.

Prove it. How many are illegal? 5, 10 20 or half the workers? Come on now, tell us the rumor’s you have heard.

I hope you are raped by a illegal Mexican!

Well I am not a special interest and I did vote last election so get off your high horse. I do believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and should have their voices heard. I know some people would just like to think they are better then everyone but that’s not the case. Majority opinion should rule especially when we are being asked to give to corporate welfare.

50 people spoke against it last time. hat is not a majority at all. Get up a petition and see if that works. Spouting off one here does nothing but make you feel good.

This must mean that your comment “makes you feel good”, huh?

The people that spoke out were just a small representative of the number of people that are against this project.
What are the number of people that are for this project?
What are the number of people that are undecided on this project?

Since a vote on this project is not going to happen, it would be interesting to take an all inclusive poll on this issue.

Just would need a venue that would reach as many people as possible.

You are sure one to tell someone about spouting off with all your comments. To bad your wrong and most people recognize it. And yet in the globe today one council member said most of his calls have been against this project so I guess like usual you don’t know what your talking about.

Jobs for people who don’t even live here yet.

And a lot of the people that spoke for it don’t live around here!

Observation: I just drove down east state st. and noticed red ribbons tied to almost every utility pole from Illinois to Georgia, then on street signs, lamp posts, the bridge over willow creek, and fire hydrant markers. Anybody know what’s going on.

How stupid is that?

All put up by one person who needs to be arrested for littering.

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