Founded in 2010

News & Entertainment for Mason City, Clear Lake & the Entire North Iowa Region

Op-ed: Weaver calls out Bookmeyer/Tornquist donor$: See the list (UPDATED)


Max Weaver
Max Weaver

Don’t let the big money crowd buy this election.

Instead, elect dedicated Mason Cityans TO SERVE YOU.

The list of Eric Bookmeyer financial supporters was released today. I know most of these contributors and the selfish motives of many of them.

I am not disparaging them. They are only looking out for their own interests. But their interests are not your interests. That is why your vote is important – because I’ve got your back.

Some of these contributors view the Bookmeyer Gang as personal bankers whose job it is to give them your money.  Some of these folks got a tremendous return on their investments in Bookmeyer and his Gang.

Your voice counts.  Your vote counts.  You matter to me.  Don’t let big money beat you.  Please vote Max Weaver.



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For me, this article is was really pushed me off the fence. Max you really shot yourself in the foot here. Maybe in four years we’ll see you again. In the meantime I hope many learned some lessons here. Karma, what goes around…comes around.

“Greatest mayor this town has ever seen”….sigh

“I have lived in about a dozen cities in half a dozen states. The current city government is about the best that I have encountered.”

As have I. There is much worse out there, and to be honest, a lot better. Those who do a better job practice a far more holistic, and inclusive method of governing (meaning for the good of the whole – the idea that the health of one small part can taint that of the rest).

We have so many sick parts in Mason City, that there is no chance the whole will be healthy and grow.

“I will definitely vote for their return rather than vote in a bunch that will chase away jobs and other improvements in quality of life.”

Improvements in the quality of life? Do you live in an isolated area of the city? Do you ignore what goes on outside of your gated community?

In my paradigm, the leader of Mason City should be passionate about it’s citizen’s welfare, and work to better the community for all.

Hoping one task of cleaning this city up will be accomplished tomorrow. Now… How do we get Trout Out!

Voted today! Weaver, Draper, Foster all as the lesser evils and change agents, not particularly that I am in full support of their views.

@Concerned Citizen-I too voted today for Max, Jody and Leonard and I am very happy with my choice.

Linda wrote:

“Who cares if Bookmeyer got contributions to run a campaign? Last time I checked most people running for office did!”

Indeed they did. It happens all over. However, there is a fine line of ethics involved. The guiding light is, if there is even an appearance of impropriety, err on the side of caution.

In other places, where the line was crossed, people ended up in prison. “Contribute to my campaign, I will steer some business your way.” “Don’t worry about those code violations, by the way, I am running for re-election.”

Sure, in Mason City, it seems like small potatoes compared to some big city. But that is the beauty of the law, it applies to both equally.

“We need progressive leaders who will get stuff done, instead of just liking to hear themselves talk!!!!”

Yes, accomplishments, they are what is important. However, what makes the difference is who gains from those accomplishments.

For example, the community looses when you eliminate services for citizens, especially ones that helps those at the lowest levels of society. Eliminating such services are not at all considered progressive. At the very least, it raises eyebrows and sets one to pondering why such a move is made, what would motivate it?

Dirt-I don’t disagree with your comments but the fact this influential group supports the Bookmeyer team shows the real problem. How could any person with average intelligence talk to Solberg and truly support her? Because she will vote however she is told. She doesn’t even know why she is running for a second term, she ran the first time to get free paving for Central Heights.

free paving for central heights..really, thats funny because i remember being charged for it, …Not that i voted for her, because i didnt but you are wrong on that.

The very people who live here dug this ditch we’re now in. This was done through indifference as to what was and is taking place right under your window. You were content to keep sitting in your lazy-boy drinking your beer and watching the game. Well the game is over and you lost. The prize you got was Eric Bookmeyer.

The answer is right in front of your face, go vote, take the city back. Believe me this isn’t hard. Stop at any of 10 polling places in the city,show your credentials and vote. It will be over in 10 minutes and you’ll feel better about yourself. By that simple act you are telling Bookmeyer that this is “your” city not his. You are telling him he can get drunk and stay drunk.

I know a lot of the names on this list and they are down to earth great people. To me it’s more of an attempt to inflate someones ego to convince us we should think they are something more than they are by the company they keep. In reality all it shows is a true divide between white and blue collar.

So two plus years ago MC City Council gave so e money to Harley Davidson in MC but a few council members said some guidelines/parameters should be set up to hand out TIF money. 14 plus agreements later at tax payer expense exactly what are those parameters? Would one of the sitting council members or Mayor who watch this site please speak up and explain this to us com in tax paying folk of Mason city

It seems like this council is cherry picking business it favors and is creating a two tiered tax structure. Very un American mad very unethical upon my opinion. Most of the business that received some TIF FUNDS WOULD Have stayed in Mason City regardless

People can and should vote/support for who they want and that’s fine but after seeing the list of donors I know who I won’t be supporting by doing business with at their shops and clinics. Thanks NIT

I have asked this question several times and I have yet to get an answer. Why would anyone vote for people that refuse to debate? They don’t want to meet with the people yet they expect voters to vote for them. Honestly I don’t understand. They say they stand on there record and don’t need to debate. So let me understand this, they are going to keep taking money from the fire and police retirement year after year, give tax money to companies to move from one part of town to another. Cut out programs that they don’t think are important. If this is true and it must be because they are standing on their record why would anyone want to vote for them?

Still waiting for an answer

Lots of strong opinions both ways. Just be sure to vote or don’t complain.

Bookmeyer to Trout: “Careful, Brent – there’s a camera.”

Trout: “Oh, shit.”

Urdahl is thinking: “Let’s see, now… after I stuff myself at public expense, what’s the best way to sneak some free food out of here?”

Thrifty no. Greedy is what Jay is like somebody said on here Urdahl would not give you the steam off his piss. His money man Gary Blodgett is why he is in, stays in, old doc stuck us with this greedy a-hole. If it would of not been for Blodgett why Jay would still be a part timer over to UPS, he has more driving accidents then any other worker. He also throw’s packages has been wrote up for it to.

We don’t all have extra funds for contributing to candidates. But voting costs you NOTHING. It’s a right (not a privilege) to vote. Please exercise this right. Money should NOT buy elections. When are we going to start electing leaders who run on a premise of integrity and representation of everyone, not just those who offer monetary bribes? Please, if you haven’t already voted, think hard about the type of person you want representing you. And don’t let big money win out again.

Thank you NIT for publishing these lists of contributors to the campaigns.

This really confirms and validates my decision to vote the way I will be voting. Proud to say I am in such good company!

Thanks again NIT!

Excuse me but you’re the “loser” here. You are the ultimate in rude.

Matt felt strongly enough about representing the 4th Ward of MC that he did not solicit funds from anyone. He put his own money into his campaign. That is hardly a loser. He did not spend tens of thousands to advertise in the Globe Gazette. That is hardly a loser. And before you start on your tirade about NIT and Matt, stop right there. He did not advertise his candidacy in NIT. He provided a forum for ALL candidates to be heard whether they are incumbents or challengers. The incumbents merely sent other bullies out to other media outlets to do that for them and with very negative results.

The only loser here is you.

Matt will represent the 4th Ward citizens fairly, honestly and openly.

What will you do except write insults and hide???

@Honest Citizen-Excellent answer. There are always low class losers around that try to tear down people who are better than them. That guy is one of them. A coward hiding behind a keyboard. I don’t know why Matt puts up with them. He is stronger than I am.

Matt’s whole family does not hate him! There is a difference of opinions in his family. Everyone has the right to free speech and the right to vote anyway they want too. This includes Matt’s brothers and sisters-in-law. He is still their brother…

@Fremont-haven’t you figured this out yet. “mh” is really Travis Hickey posting under his initials. He has been doing it for awhile now. What a P.O.S. He is afraid to debate Jody but will sneak around on here anonymously post credits to his own name. Vote Hickey out once and for all “mh” my rear.

@Fremont-No one asked you to come on here you loud mouth freak.

I can’t wait til election night either Doc Bar. Win or lose for Mr Marquardt, NIT will still be around to coax you to its website on a daily basis. You will be the first one to grab your morning coffee and head to read the latest on NIT. On a second thought, I would like to see you attempt to purchase the domain name. You obviously are clueless on how to purchase a domain and I highly doubt your pockets are deep enough, especially after padding Mr Bookmeyers. Karma has no deadline Doc.

Awwwww, that’s nice. Matt’s mommy has to stick up for her little boy. Maybe she will dress him and drive him to the polls on election day too!!

I know Matt’s Mother and Father personally and they are very proud of there son. His Mother was smiling ear to ear at the forum the other night at Prime n Wine. It would have been a debate but your Janet and the rest of the “team” never showed up. I would not vote for anyone that is chicken to debate. If the challengers refused to debate they would never have heard the end of it. So you vote your Janet but know it is a wasted vote because I will vote for Matt and now your vote is mute as well as mine. Don’t bother telling me mine is to, I already know that.

@ MH your post is the exact reason the citizens are in an up roar. WARD 2 belongs to the people not the elected public servant. Arrogance is threaded through out your whole post and that is why the people will vote for you they want in office. Ward 2 belongs to the people. I think that is the biggest difference between Travis and Jodie. Arrogance and someone who treats everyone the same

@SK-mh is really Travis Hickey posting under a anonymous name. he has been on here for weeks blowing his own horn. He is a complete waste of skin and fat. Vote him out and let him go back to the shadows where he was before. I have heard that even his bosses are unhappy with him.

Hate to break it to ya, but your amiga Solberg didn’t raise a dime either! HaHaHaHa! Why didn’t you contribute to her campaign? You really should chose your words wisely. Saying ones own family hates them, really loser? Come on Soleberg amigo, we know you already voted for Marquardt!

You got it all wrong ace . matt going to win

That’s a legal entry because the campaign needs to pay back the “loan” of money paid for signs. All legal and above board. Move along, nothing to see here.

Why did you block comments from my neighbor Hacker and also from my husband Jonesy?

Say whatever you will, Bookmeyer and his council cannot point to anything meaningful, no jobs, none. No factories when smaller towns surrounding us have scored big. We have an “economic developer” who had developed squat.

Put a guy in there who loves his city and ALL it’s residents.

I wish you to know not all republicans like this crowd running Mason City. These people are progressive liberals who are not leading us to free speech and a watch dog press BUT have nefarious motives. Just sit back and watch them and listen to them talk. Is what they have done been good for Mason City? Do they appear to love Mason City or only their power over the community.

Who cares if Bookmeyer got contributions to run a campaign? Last time I checked most people running for office did! It doesn’t make Max a better candidate because he didn’t get contributions! I would say look at who is going to bring business back to Mason City. No, Max, I do not want this city run like it was in 1960! We need progressive leaders who will get stuff done, instead of just liking to hear themselves talk!!!!

@ Linda. Who cares? I care, and everyone should. Just because Bookmeyer gets stuff done doesn’t mean it must line the pockets of his friends and financial supporters at the expense of the rest. Does it not concern you that our mayor cuts secret deals at the Country Club with the sons of two of the wealthiest men in our county? You are too Republican for me. Mr. Weaver is an honest man who wants what is best for all of the people of Mason City, not just the one percent.

It is worse then you think NIACC Minert and Blodgett don’t even live in Mason they live in Clear Lake. You give Booky money he takes care of you it don’t matter where your from.

It is illegal to buy a meal for a Iowa mayor that cost more than $3.50. Well we know Jay Urdahl got Blodgett in trouble when Toddy Boy picked up the check for a lunch at the Quarry. So if Minert or Blodgett either one paid for this lunch at the Country club Bookmeyer has alot to answer for.

@ Linda
So then if you are saying you are tired of people who like to hear themselves talk I take you are voting for Foster and not Scott? I mean who else likes to hear themselves talk more than Scott??

This comes to mind: the emperor wears no clothes. In this case, it’s Emperor Bookmeyer.

I have lived in about a dozen cities in half a dozen states. The current city government is about the best that I have encountered. I will definitely vote for their return rather than vote in a bunch that will chase away jobs and other improvements in quality of life. BE PART OF THE SOLUTION NOT THE PROBLEM!!!

So your saying its not a problem this moron we got for mayor robs the poor to give to the rich. I bet your a drinking buddy with Beermeyer ok, maybe you just smoke crack with Toddy Boy.

toddy boy don’t smoke crack cocain anymore , he goes toaa meeting every week nunbnuts

don’t he?

The current regime is the problem.

Bookmeyer is a crook!! Talk about a waste of time and tax payers money. Get your hands out of the cookie jar and quit wasting money on stupid shit like statues. SERIOUSLY????? Statues is what Mason City really needs? Be realistic here. Get your ginger ass out of office!!

The One and Only-Just wait until you see what they do to you next week. More giveaways to the rich and famous.

Maybe drive out to the country club Monday lunch time see who shows up, to cut another crooked deal with Bookmyer.

After Hillary comment

I rest my case

@ Retired Lehigh. A big Thank You for telling us what really happened at the Country Club. This mayor seems to bend over backwards to accommodate the rich, and ignore everyone else. He is the 1% mayor. He will be so, even if it means he has to associate with drug addicts who belong in jail.

mom don’t tell them that

I wish Harley would have moved over to the interstate, then I would not have to come to mc. Seriously, my granddaughter worked at the country club and saw the “druggies” is in one of these responses. I am so glad I moved out of mc because the gossip some of you are putting on here it just does not seem like a friendly place. And it is clear you don’t like “outsiders” so we will go to FD from now on.

What did you expect when some Republitards are out to the country club. Booky will do what ever to help the rich, he is bought and paid for. The Globb says no debates, why because the rich bought all his ad’s. Then the Globb runs that Republitard shit from Gary Blodgett and his crack head son it is only good for wiping up after I go to the bathroom.

LMAO ROTF!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!


Was there a body found at the Algona school yesterday?

I seem to remember Max having a hand in all the dirty politics that drove jobs out of our community. Good paying jobs….. Remember your pathetic picket line in front of IC System Max? You didn’t get much support from employees and after many years of tactics like yours IC pulled out of town and many of these employees are stuck trying to find jobs in a town primarily full of resteraunts & retail (minimum wage)or leaving town. You and a handful of others had a direct hand in driving these jobs out of town. Jobs like these thrive in big cities, pay employees well above minimum wage yet your small town mind can’t grasp that. I personally will not forget yours, as well as a few others, role in ensuring these jobs left our community.

IC Systems pulled out because they couldn’t attract workers even in. time when jobs were hare to get. They had the most complaints filed against them at HR departments. They had to pay the city back over 150K because of a agreement set in place before the opened. The C.E.O. was later fired.

I won’t get into a ridiculous debate like many on this site but I would suggest you double check your statements.
IC System had difficulty hiring the original number of employees agreed to when the economy plummetted. Other businesses in these contracts with the city were given extensions but when IC asked for one, it was declined.
The complaints which were not as many as you’ve been lead to believe were few. Did anyone every ask the over 100 employees how they felt? Were they happy? Well paid? When Max had his picket line and tried to talk to employees entering/leaving the parking lot none would have anything to do with him.
I know many who will unfortunatelly never have the ability to earn what they were if they choose to stay in this town. And the CEO was not fired, I would suggest you do a little more fact finding.
I for one hope all of these employees vote because if I had to guess two of those running will not get their vote and that’s a pretty powerful statement to “how the employees really felt”.

@MC Professional-There is nothing professional about you. I.C. Systems was one of the worst places to work. They is why they had so many claims against them. Anyone who had anything going for them would never work there. They couldn’t get good quality people because of the way they treated their employees. That is why they are gone. Some professional you are. Making up crap to try to discredit Max.

I would have to ask what kind of professional you are? It seems you comment on anything and everything, all day, every day. Do you have anything more meaningful to do?

Former IC employees, please vote. That will say it all.

@MC lack of Professional-Do not worry about what I do. You have enough problems taking care of yourself, SNOB”.

Actually LVS I do just fine. I do however have enough business sense to know that the misinformed preconceived and incorrect notions of a few essentially hurt many. You have your opinions and I have mine and the truth is neither of us will ever prove to the other that one of us is right over the other but the one fact that does remain is that many people lost very well paying jobs because people who acted on misconceptions drove IC System out of this community.
IC System has offices in Lacrosse, WI, Fargo, ND and St. Paul, MN who thrive. If it was such a terrible place to work, why do they thrive in these cities?
The sad reality is that Mason City doesn’t have comparable paying positions for these former employees (many earned $50k or more) and likely won’t attract them because of the reputation created. These former employees are citizens right here in Mason City and we should care that these actions cost them their jobs. Your opinion, or anyone holding the same, does not justify the loss of jobs. The call center who has taken over the building is paying $9.50/hour. Not even close to comparable.
If a politian truely cares “for the people” what happenned in this case doesn’t support that notion and I cannot support those who had a hand in it.
You do not have to share my opinion but I do have every right to state it.

How about the Globe’s Front Page Hotel “story” right before the election! This city is so crooked. Thick as thieves they are. PLEASE GET OUT AND VOTE THE BUMS OUT!!!

said it before, why doesn’t someone just call Hilton and ask?

Worldwide Headquarters
7930 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, Virginia 22102
Tel: +1 703 883 1000

This is the first time in the history of Mason City that a candidate is running for Mayor that would represent the ENTIRE community.

There sure is a great candidate running for Mayor!


Sad when there’s nobody running that’s worth voting for ?

You must be the Dave that made a fool of himself at a Library forum for the candidates.

Give it up.

A Mayor Max Weaver will be a welcome change for Mason City.

dave you must not in mason city
or you would see the light you crap eating outsider

OMG, Bookmeyer’s treasurer live on:

DIAMOND COURT in Mason City.

How telling!

Looks like the Glob and KGLO are ripoffs. Is that what Bookie had to pay when they “interviewed” him on ask the moron I mean mayor show? You know, Matt being Max on steroids and all that crap.

Heck the Globe has won a ton of awards for their stories. I recently remember seeing Skipper being awarded the Adam Gold, “Full of Hot Air Award” at the Quarry. You want fiction read Skipper you want the truth read NIT

What has Max done in the past….disappoint, remember when he asked to be bought out of his council position??? Didn’t Max wanted to spruce up downtown Mason City with a strip club. Max is a genius I guess. He’s made as many mistakes in office as any other elected official but he has done more to embarrass this town than good. Track records don’t lie, ones just a lot worse than the others

I would rather go to a gentle mans club than the park inn and it would probably bring more out of town visitors/ hotel guests than people would realize.

Sometimes “whores” take different forms….. Money for sex just isn’t the only game played by “whores.”

I’m curious about MC history. During what years was the Park Inn a “house of ill repute”? I knew a couple women who “worked” the Hanford back in the 1910’s and 1920’s.

@Katie-back in the 50’s and 60’s.


You would find fault with Max for trying and cheer on Bookmeyer’s lying.

How odd.

This is a honest question. I am not being smart. Please tell me why Bookmeyer has not come to any forums? He wants my vote but doesn’t want to come out and meet me and answers questions that I have. It reminds me of a kid wanting an A on his report card but doesn’t want to do his homework. If you want something bad enough my Mother always told me you have to work for it. I for one will not be voting for anyone that does not work for want they want but want it handed to them.

Seriously…this is news & unbiased? Come on, Max…where is the link for your donors/contributions? Have something to hide? Throw a link on here to Max’s. This motivated many to not only support Bookmeyer, but to vote for him! He conducts himself with respect & dignity. Professional, like a Mayor or a Council member should.

How is this now news? Is it not important that we know the names of those who financially support our mayor, and how some have benefited? How is it biased? Bookmeyer and Weaver both complied with Iowa election law. Bookmeyer had to file a report because he raised over $750, and Weaver did not. This is why Weaver was not required to file. As to respect and dignity, read what MCHS 1975 said, and then read what Bookmeyer said on KGLO. It was so bad that the station apologized to Matt, and pulled the tape from their web site.

He has.

There is a link below to Matt’s DR-2.

This is what decided it for me. I watched the video where some guy called Max a draft dodger. Well Max is not one, but that is what the man accused him of. And Max lets the guy keep on talking. He tells the crowd ok quiet down, it is this man’s turn, let him have his time. Max said this is what democracy is about. Everybody gets their say. Well we know how Bookmeyer does things. He tries to silence anybody that questions him. He hides, except maybe when he goes over to some rich doctor’s house and tells the rich how great he is and what he will do to make them richer yet. And that is how I decided. Vote Max.

Well said, couldn’t agree more.

@ Crookmyer if the city would offered me $300,000 like Blimpmyer done Minert’s do you think I would of said no thanks. Hell no. It was good for the Harley, just not nobody else. It is good we know the names of the greedy ones writes the big checks to keep him in. Vote for Max people.

Our grand daughter use to work out to the country club, she was there when the Harley thing went down. She said the Minert boy walks in with Gary Blodgett’s son, the one that does drugs. They wait for the blimp, he gets there goes straight to the table they are at. The druggy introduces Beermonger to Minert the whole thing takes about 2 hours. Next thing you know Bookmeyer gets the council to give the Harley our money. That is why we will vote for Max and Jodi Draper.

Your granddaughter shouldn’t be around drugs so much to know who is doing them and who is not!

This intermodal business park he speaks of located out by the county landfill makes absolutely zero sense. I guess Max has talked to the railroads and the trucking industry to see if this is feasible. Could he publish the report if he has one. Having worked in the railroad industry for 40 years I doubt like hell that would be a good location. Most intermodal traffic would be a south to north and if any thing should be located along the uprr mainline. So for a person to come out and say this would bring in thousand of jobs has no clue on the transportation industry. First off the intermodal business is based on contracts to which ever railroad receives the bids. Secondly how are the trains going to get out there. Just say I’m wrong on my assumption that max has talked to these people about this can he give names to who he has talked to in the industry. I think if any intermodal yard is built in this area. It will be built at Iowa northern yard in manly or randolph mn yd on the progressive rr. I believe Max has good intention but lets here the facts before he claims all these jobs would be created sounds like alot of promises with out any substance. This is the same bs you here at every election just a bunch of hot air and promises. Also he wants the county to buy the land. How many acres is he talking about. How much money would say 400 acres cost the tax payer. I’m not saying this is a bad idea because transportation job are high paying blue collar jobs. But give me some facts before making claims of thousands of jobs. Also they would be mostly union jobs and most posters on here hate unions.

Development land in Mason City is going for $24,000 per acre. No reason to think this land would go for any less.

For every donor on the list, there are ten (or twenty) Max supporters. What does this mean? Simple. It means Max could easily win IF his supporters vote. Unfortunately, many aren’t even registered to vote. But they’ll still complain if the election doesn’t go their way. Are YOU voting?

What do you mean by “it’s not even close”? They can’t release any results until Tuesday.

I think what they mean is the old record for voting turn-out was broke and it is not even close.

Thank you, Granny.

I personally know about 40 People that have never Voted nor was Registered, and every one of them took 10 minutes and went and Registered and voted, Myself included !!!

Fantastic! Is this going to be the first election that money can’t buy? Mason City will make national news if this happens.

Did you note that $6,827.00 of the $7,251.82 identified as expenditures went to the Globe Gazette and KGLO Radio?? $3,737.00 to the Globe; $3,090.00 to KGLO Radio.

Any wonder there were no debates this election season in Mason City????

Shouldn’t be any more doubt – state filings don’t lie.

After looking at the list, it looks like a who’s who of Mason City. If you look at the addresses you can tell where most of those people live and they are all supporters of downtown and the haves. They are certainly not people that understand the common people like Matt, Max Jodi and Leonard do. Let’s take back our city from the elite’s and give it back to the majority instead of the few. VOTE for Max, Matt, Leonard and Jodi.

1) Unfortunately, if this goes the way most political campaigns go, the one who spends the most money wins.

2) I noticed there was a Marquardt in this list, any relation to you Matt?

Doesn’t have to be that way this time. Money doesn’t buy everything.

There’s trouble right here in River City.

Mason City Citizens: GET OUT & VOTE on Tuesday. Make your voice heard. Don’t let the pocketbooks of Bookmeyer’s gang of bullies speak for you.

Matt’s brother and sister in law.

I worked on Max’s committee & the only money spent by Max was for cookies, coffee & room rent at the library. He doesn’t want your money he just wants your vote!

Let’s see Dr. Lala got how many$ 1000.00s of dollars to redo his apartments that he will be getting the revenue from. Hickey maybe that’s why you felt so much hostility at the meeting the other night because it is about getting the big guns to try and win the election. Maybe this why Bookmeyer is not speaking at any forums after your total mess at the radio station. I am sure your group told you to go into hiding like they they told Hillary Clinton when Bill was running because she was just making it worse for her husband to win the election. Rather Bookmeyer wins or loses I have no respect for him. It is all about what can we do for each other and not what is best for Mason City.

Pretty sure Lala didn’t get any City money for that project.

After reading the list I’d say the vast majority of people on that list haven’t gotten any “special” (your words not mine)treatment from the city. Kind of shoots your conspiracy theory in the foot.

What I did see on the list are business people – the movers and shakers of the community. The kind of citizens you want to see in your corner. The people who get things done.

People who care about Mason City and its growth and prosperity, too. The big difference is they are willing to put their money where their mouths are and invest in the community.

You’re so right. We don’t want any successful businesses or businessmen in Mason City who can work together to get things done. We just want a town full of blue collar workers with no one to provide jobs for them. I see the big green-eyed monster here that is called ENVY. Get that damned big green chip off your shoulder and be glad for the successful businesses that we have here. If they aren’t successful, they shut down or leave like so many already have. So shut up and count your blessings instead of carrying that damned mint chip. Some people are just smarter and/or more ambitious than others and that’s the way life is.

@stir stick: I’ll quit having opinions about MC when I quit paying a big chunk of real estate tax here every 6 months! I should have a right to have more influence here than Mercy Hospital, which pays ZERO tax on how much real estate????? I have not received any quid pro quo favors from city government, any grants, or any TIF. So stuff it.

Lala yes his hands in the cookie jar, but not as much as Minert. He gives $250 to Bookie the Harley gets better than 1,000 times that. Your right about the gold Jerry.

Let me explain this like I would to a first grader! Lala got grants for this sweet deal. Where do you think grant money comes from the sky? Rather it is state taxes or federal taxes it is my tax dollars that funds these grants. I don’t think the government prints money just for projects like this and not take it out of our taxes.

But the grant didn’t come through the City, did it?


You really don’t get it do you? The city had to approve the project to get the grant.

Federal, State, or Local money it is still OUR tax dollars that are being spent without approval or the consensus of the Mason City Taxpayers!

Has nothing to do with Envoy or a Mint Chip on anyone’s shoulder.

It has to do with honesty and fairness which this group of donors to Bookmeyer campaign, obviously don’t believe in.

Just saying.

The City had nothing to do with approving any of the grants Lala got.

Watchdog…NO Katie does NOT get it. You’re not going to get her to get it either. She doesn’t want to stand up for what is right. She doesn’t believe in fighting against corruption. Her posts clearly indicate that. Try to just ignore her. She isn’t worth the keystroke.

FROM NIT STAFF: Clean up your language or face a ban.

Will you post a link to your list, please,Max?

How about posting Max’s as well? Seems to be only fair that we get to see his and the people that have donated to his campaign.

Most of these were collected before Max even announced he was running

Yah, so what?

Mr. Weaver is not required under Iowa law to even file a report. This is because he did not raise the minimum amount of $750.

Sounds good, I was curious. Thanks for the insight

Above is link to Matt’s DR-2 filing with the state of Iowa.

Really? You refused all campaign contributions? Even from Peat & LVS? I find it hard to believe that none of your cheerleaders on here didn’t slip you some cash.

@Katie-what’s the matter?? Does the truth hurt, a lot?

Katie, apparently he didn’t have to file the report since the income was less than $750


I tried to donate money to the Max Weaver for Mayor campaign and Max refused my money.

I realize you don’t trust anyone and refuse to believe the truth when it is starring you in the face.

These are the facts!


When he loses, that will be a lot of money to donate to charity, as he cannot keep it. Looks like a lot of the “1 percenters” on that list. Max, keep going after the 99% to SERVE them and you’ll win by a landslide.

If you could buy some gold at $1 an oz and sell it at today’s price, you would not of done as good as some of Booky’s donors did on their investment in him. Must be sweet to be allowed to get in on the Bookmyer gravy train. Max has my vote, so does Matt.


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