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Op-ed: Make Believe Justice (by Peter Children)

In today’s Globe-Gazette their lead journalist, John Skipper wrote that nine would-be complainants were excluded from the class action suit pending against the Mercy Health Center due entirely because they tarried too long.

Well what about that? Nine parties were dropped because they were what seemed like being one day late. Listen up, when your driver’s license expires you still have 30 days before penalties kick in. First the City Council genuflects before the hospital… now the court follows suit by dropping 90% of the hospital’s liability exposure.

This so-called Health Center touts itself as a quasi-religious institution tied at the hip to their mother church; which is the Catholic Church. I, as well as everyone else knows the stance the hospital has taken is totally opposite those teachings associated with what pope Francis would expect.

The value of a dozen homes will be deflated considerably. These properties represent far more than just a roof over the heads of those who live In them, they also act as their biggest investment in their future… a cushion against slipping into poverty in their later years by knowing if push came to shove… their equity would always be there. Now in one fell swoop… it’s gone.

Have you ever attended a mass at a Catholic Church? If you have you will remember that at some point in the service you turn to the one sitting next to you and extend your hand in fellowship; what is that… theater maybe, is it make believe? Is that what this Catholic Hospital is doing, do they have their hand extended… did they ever? No, not once.

The real truth, the bottom line here is that the City Council first sold these homeowners out from the git go. Oh the council went through some amateur play acting… much like a primary school drama class… then with a simple vote whipped out the value of a dozen homes belonging to local residents. Next the court will offer the final coup de grace.

The council should be prosecuted and the North Iowa Health Center should be ashamed of themselves, then the Vatican should order them to remove all images and statues of the Holy Mother…. because this isn’t her style.


“Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Peter Children

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Peter – nice touch with the crucifix – using imagery in an attempt to inject emotion in order to convolute the situation.
The homeowner’s booted by the court very likely were told what their window of opportunity was and failed to jump in time so it’s their own fault.
The city council sold the homeowners out – really? The values of dozens of homes will be deflated – your proof? At this time you are merely speculating.
As to those who have already sold to Mercy, I think records will show the sellers received considerably over market at the time of sale. This is based on personal knowledge of a sale to them.
The council should be prosecuted – for what? They followed the law in their proceedings as I think the court will find.
North Iowa Medical Center should be ashamed? They are pursuing their stated goals of providing health care – or did I miss something?

excellant post 4ever49, thank you.

Catholic Charities is far above and beyond any standard on earth when it comes to offering aid and assistance to the world’s needy. They are without equal in that respect.

Somehow the fact that the homeowners fooled around too long is the Catholic Church’s fault? Now that’s a stretch!

“Wait a second. I thought I read somewhere that Catholic priests love young boys. They like to make love to them. Thought I read that somewhere.”

How can anyone be that sour to use such a vile statement as that? Yes, there is fact that shameful incidents have happened within the Catholic Church. Just as shameful behavior has happened in society as a whole. You however, make it sound as if it was something all priests do. With that I factually beg to differ. The numbers hardly support it.

I was born and raised in the Catholic Church. I was surrounded with Nuns, Brothers, and Priests all through schooling. That schooling taught me that other belief systems existed, and one should respect them as others respected yours. That was, and is a big concept in our country.

Casting aspersions upon other belief systems with a broad generalize brush, is only done to create hysteria and controversy. And it is hardly civilized conversation.

@Observer-very well said. To blame all Catholic Priest for the actions of a very few is just plain stupid. This atheist doesn’t like it when churches advertise or do other things to promote their religion, he doesn’t mind putting down the churches at every opportunity. People should respect other people’s beliefs, it is that simple.

The answer is yes. Especially if I have known the Clergymen for a while. However, my children are all grown, and their experiences were the same with as during my upbringing.

Your wrong observer. when looking at all religions. Catholics have the most child molesters. When looking at other organizations. Catholics have the most child molesters. with the exception of N.A.M.B.L.A. Just because you were lucky enough not to be molested DOES NOT mean it doesnt happen.

I am not wrong, and as stated, there have been problems with bad behavior within the church. Perhaps I did not make that point clear enough as obviously some cannot discern plain language.

Those violating the trust of the community, no matter what community should be held accountable.

However, Catholics just as other segments of society, are made up of humans. And one must remind himself that being human, is to be imperfect. No excuses, just fact. It is also fact that humans are prone, due to their imperfections to make errors in judgement and behavior. No matter what and who they are.

The prevalence of the inappropriate behavior was caused by less than 1% of the Clergy. Yet in society as a whole, especially in the public school systems in the U.S. the issue is much larger. Meaning, the percentage of the perpetrators versus the whole of the population.

So much for your numbers and hysteria. Again, I am no apologist for the behavior of others, and I am not sticking my head in the sand saying there was no problem.

“Those violating the trust of the community, no matter what community should be held accountable.” If there was less than 1% offenders, (as you claim) then why not eliminate them instead of hiding it, denying it, lying about it, start protecting children from it, and now paying for it. 1% as you claim sure got around to cause so much trouble for the Catholic church. Shame on the church for not dong the right thing. You are right that many churches do alot of good. NOT ALL. and yes people are human.

Observer has it right. The Catholic Church has done more good than possible for an atheist to understand.

Odd that the atheist uses whatever he can to make nasty comments about others when he don’t like to be labeled himself.

The stupidity of Proud Atheist and his ilk only serve to verify the phrase, “Stupidly is Fatal!

That moniker may stick with you forever.

How do you idiots turn an editorial on property rights into a debate on the Vatican and priests? Go outside and get your government checks and turn on The Price Is Right. We are all dumber from just reading your comments!

The lawsuit is against the city, not against Mercy. If the neighbors think the project will devalue their property they can still sue Mercy. This was not a matter of people joining the suit a day late. One person joined the suit three months past the deadline.

Peter just went to the holy trinity of journalism to get a response. If you want to get your rantings read, include one of these:
#1 Catholic Church
#2 Marijuana
#3 Gay marriage
Nothing to read here; move along.

WHAT???? NO SEX????? son of a bitch

Peter.. If I try to sue you and the statue of limitations gas run out what would say or do?
Don’t necessarily like how Mercy has handled this but you of all people should not promote yourself as the God abiding saviour. you were a womanizer, cheat and despickable arrogant an pompous person at one time. Have you changed so you can preach the gospel?


Thank you

the truth has been told!

Everyone knows Peter is not catholic and while there might be some grounds in these comments posted, no one can deny that the hospital sets up a religious front. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, then you’re telling me it’s not a duck? There are pictures of Jesus and Mary throughout, what’s that all about? There are statues of the Virgin on the grounds, why? Why then are they fighting with these residents?

It’s true that thy are a large employer and provide a living for many who live here, but it is those living here and in the surrounding area who support it, and we all know there are some real horror stories tied to that place, more than one. Not everyone who enters comes out better than they went in. It’s a two way street.

Mercy is owned by the sisters of mercy based in Michigan…a catholic orginzation. That said it is run by health care professionals who are not necessarily catholic. The fact that they have christian sculpture and or paintings and do a daily prayor is becuase they are catholic based…and thats what they choose to do.

Mercy is not fighting with these residents they are trying to work with them to come up with the best solution for all and I believe Mercy has the residents interest in mind as well as their own.

As far as the residents of North Iowa supporting Mercy of course they are. If you break your leg do you want to go to the nearest hospital or do you want to drive to Albert Lea, Rochester, or Cedar Falls? You do not have to use Mercy if you dont want to. Go somewhere else and have them take care of you.

As far as horror “stories”., doctors and nurses are not perfect they may make mistakes becuase they are human, and unless you have had a personal negative experience then again alot of the “stories” are just that “stories”.

Finally, Mason City without Mercy or more importantly a vibrant and thriving Mercy becomes a ghoust town, and everyone is affected from the builders to the car dealers, to the retail. They are along with agri-business are the strongest economic factors for this city…and no I am not a mercy employee, but I do have friends, neighbors, and even some relatives that are employees of Mercy from a kitchen aids to a nurse, and they take a alot of pride in their job,…which is taking care of YOU when YOU need it most.

I think the management of the Hospital made a decision, and stayed within that paradigm. They have ignored other ways to accomplish the goals of getting a better receiving dock and power substation/generator.

Then there is the constitutional right of property. It’s easier to ignore it, until it becomes your ox that is being gored. Taking of property should be a last resort. Same goes with devaluing others property for self gain (in this case, the Hospital’s gain).

The (City) Council should have asked for alternative plans that would not have disrupted the neighborhood, which lies at the root of this dispute. They ignored the rights and needs of many, for the few, again since alternatives exist.

Sad as it may be, deadlines, ordinances, and laws are there for a reason. They are a foundation for an orderly society. But something tells me this will not be the end of this issue, and that the current excluded parties in this case will have standing in future actions.

Common sense man: I have agreed with you many tomes in the past. however this time I think you are full of shit. I think you asked peter for some hard evidence. I would like you to answer observers first three paragraphs above with YOUR hard evidence.

to 50 miles, and observer. Let me answer the first 3 paragraphs from observer.

1. Mercy has not ignored other ways to accomplish this expansion. I know for a fact they have looked at other alternatives but feel this is the most cost effeciant and practical way to get this project done.

2.They are not taking anyones property. Mercy owns the property they will be building on. They are going to tear down homes they own for this expansion. Devaluing property for self gain is not their goal, this is not for self gain it is to be a more effeciant medical center, they dont want to build a retail type outlet to make money they are doing this to be better and more effeciant at what they do…which is provide medical care for North Iowa.

3.As far as alternatives what are they? The people who are in charge of Mercy North Iowa are highly educated adminstrators, who are very good at making complex decisions that are in the best interest of Mercy, Mason City, as well as you and I.

This project does affect people, it affects a neighborhood, and it affects the ability of one of Mason Citys biggest and best employers to be more effeciant. Mercy has met with the neighbors at least 6 times to work with them. They have agreed not to take any big trees, to erect a large fence, to landscape it, and there will not be a fleet of semis going up and down the road, there will actually be less traffic becuase they will use larger trucks and make less trips than the smaller ones they currently use.

All that being said I urge 50 miles and observer to come up with a better alternative. If you can i assure you Hal Hudson and Dan Varnum of Mercy would love to see it….and 50 miles south just becuase you dont agree with me doesnt mean I am “full of shit”…these are my opions based on these facts presented above.

#1 sounds to me another way to say it is “cheapest for Mercy, FUK everyone else”.
skipping to #3 Why ask “what the alternatives are” if Mercy has looked into all possibilities?
As for #2 I do not live in MC, but have been in the same situation so the subject upsets me. I asked once (in another story)If anyone was forced to sell their property? I sorta got 1 answer. So Im asking you, and please anyone else. Was anyone forced to sell their property. Was anyone forced to take a lower settlement for their property? If they loved their home and didnt want to sell, then they would still be living in their home, right? I am not upset if everyone sold willingly. Property value should be the same or higher for the surrounding homes because they know Mercy will be interested in it for future expansion. Or at least to eliminate hassles in the future.

@50 miles south-I do not believe that anyone was forced to sell their homes. All the homes that are being removed for the construction are owned by Mercy. The issue as I understand it is, possible devaluation of their property in the future. I think they want a buyout but not at market prices, they want a premium. I think where part of the issue is in the rezoning which the home owners disagree with.

thank you for responding LVS. If this is the truth, I do not see much wrong except for the amount of traffic (safety issue) or noise. As for the devaluation. I still would assume the value would be the same. The hospital may still need property in the future and should consider a buyout if homowners want it.

Peter, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. They missed the deadline. Their fault. Not Mercy’s. There is no 30-day grace period for stuff like that and you KNOW it. It goes both ways – for the complainant and the defendant.

true Katie, but did they all have the same lawyer or what? wouldnt it be his fault? or why did they all file to late?

Beats me. If it was the lawyer’s fault, they could try to go after him/her or report him/her to the bar if a deadline was missed due to negligence or whatever the legal term is. If they just didn’t make up their minds to take action in time, too bad, so sad.

One other thing Peter, putting the picture of jesus on the cross and using his holy words in the context you have is wrong to all christans. As my irish catholic grandmother always said….dont mess with jesus he is watching you.

I pray for your soul as I type this. Just one question…when you die and meet jesus face to face what are you going to say.

Jesus is very real. He lived just the same as you and I.

Get a grip! You could not find a better friend.

Proud Atheist loves to lie. Jesus never started any wars. You are such a fool.

I know you think YOU are god but then again, stupidity is fatal, huh.

I agree with proud atheist. just because he took an “in your face” stance does not mean he is wrong. Far to many wars were fought over religious beliefs. this is why god killed so many innocent people. If you werent so set on badmouthing someone who does not believe in your god. You would understand what he meant. talk about not practicing what you preach.

Max is that you????


War is always about money! Who is going to control the natural resources, money, ect.

Religion or beliefs may be used as the excuse but it is always about the money!!!!

Jesus lived, loved, and lost his life preaching the good news. He also gave us the gift of forgiveness and set the example.

To say Jesus started wars is just plain not true.

You people looking for a scape goat need to get a life!!

get a clue watch dog. your telling me that Hitler hated the Jews because they were better with with money than he was? Some of the fighting in the past couple decades MAY have been about oil (money). that problem lies with our politicians today. Remember one of the major wars a long time ago with us and the British? I believe something was wrote in the constitution. In the first amendment even, about the freedom of religion. One of the first items talked about. being one of the most important things. The constitution, remind you, that we Americans live for and are proud of. And you still think wars were not fought over religion. talk about bias.

Peter unless you are a catholic who attends mass weekly your comments about the catholic church and what the pope would think is pure hearsay and opinion. Mercy seems to be a favorite target of yours so lets look at some pure facts.
Mercy is the main employer in this town that pays above average salarys with way above average benefits.
Mercy provides excellant health care to all of North Iowa and has done that for over 100 years.
Mercy provides incentives and jobs for young college graduates to come back to Mason City and work and raise their familys….did you know that Mercy will help pay a majority of education costs for college graduates to come back here and work at Mercy…they are the only employer that does that.

As for the expansion of Mercy your op-ed about homeowners losing all their equity is pure speculation and hearsay. It is not backed up by solid numbers or instances of this happening in other citys where all the equity in a house was lost becuase of a medical center expansion.

Finally,…Mercy is not going anywhere and they will continue to expand so complaining about them will not change anything….what will happen is they will continue to provide excellant jobs with excellant benefits and continue to hire young people to fill job openings. Peter you should spend your op-ed time talking about the good Mercy does in this community, becuase you are not a young man and there will come a time when you need their services and you will then thank god, the pope whoever they are there to take care of you.

You are entitled to your opinion but just keep to the facts and not what you think might happen.

On the contary; I’ve been to many Catholic services, mass, weddings, baptisms, funerals (too many) and one priest even asked me to read part of the mass during mass…. which I did. I have had a catholic priest as an overnite guest when I did a program with the archdiocese of Dubuque. To that point I have rasied several millions for catholic causes.

The Catholic mass and the Orthodox mass are near identical, when you make assumptions regarding me you’ll find my water runs much deeper than you might have thought.

Peter you brought the church into it I did not. Your comments about Mercy and the catholic church I do not agree with. Your real problem seems to be with the city and its leaders…fine, I do not agree with how they go about their business as well. To say Mercy never extended their hand to the residents is false, you know they have been trying to come up with a solution to suit everyone.

Finally to say Mercy should remove all images and statues of the holy mother becuase YOU dont agree with what has happened with this situation is plain and simply wrong.

I commend you if in fact you have raised millions for catholic causes. Becuase it is the sistes and the fathers of the catholic church who are the forefront of feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, and sheltering the homeless…can you say the same?

If I were to publicize whatever acts of charity or kindness might be attributed to me; they would lose the spirit in which they were preformed. Let me just say this, I am quite comfortable in knowing I have been allowed to share a good portion of whatever success I have had with others. I sleep quite well.

Peter-Mercy Hospital is run by managers with the Catholic Church having very little if any say in how it is run. I think you are out of line bringing the church into this as I don’t think they had anything to do with it. Now, your comments about the mayor and the city council I agree with. That is just another example by the council on how little people matter to them. If you are not one of the elite haves in town you are nothing.

LVS: true the church itself does not have much (if any)to do with management. it is affiliated in name only. which comes to my point. Why does the hospital then call itself Mercy and try to push that on the public. just like a business in my town. affiliated in name only for tax reasons. If you dont think the church should be brought into this, then they should dump the church. Gotta take the bad with the good

You should go look at all the people who visit this “so-called health center” each day. I’d say hundreds of people getting quality health care each day without traveling very far. Most communities would love to have this service available.

And to say that the value of the dozen homes will be deflated considerably is pure speculation and it probably won’t push them into poverty as you state. I also don’t think the Catholic church would be ashamed of the progress and mission of the hospital.

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