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Devout Christian clerk jailed for not giving homosexuals marriage licenses

ROWAN COUNTY, KENTUCKY – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that homosexuals must be given marriage licenses, but a Kentucky clerk refused to comply and has been jailed.

The woman’s name is Kim Davis of Rowan county, Kentucky, where she is the elected county clerk in charge of issuing marriage licenses. She is reportedly a devout Christian woman who believes in one man and one woman entering into wedlock. She herself has had four marriages, to three different men, news outlets say, and gave birth to two children out of wedlock.

On Thursday, federal judge David L. Bunning ruled Davis’s religious beliefs were not enough to prevent her from signing same-sex marriage certificates.

Davis cannot be fired from her job for not following the law; she would have to be impeached or re-called by voters.

She will remain jailed until she agrees to comply with the law.


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Looks like you can cherry pick what you believe in the bible and refuse to do your job based on it. A new level of self righteous lazy.

“Permitting a state employee to foist her religion upon others, denying them a fundamental right as articulated by the U.S. Supreme Court in Obergefell, would be to give government, through this agent, the power to impose religious doctrine and viewpoint. That it cannot do. Ms. Davis is in effect establishing religion by using her governmental powers to impose her religious views.”

What would you do if you were in her shoes? She was elected by her peers and took an oath to the state of kentucky. Kentucky law says it is illegal for same sex to marry but the federal law says it is legal. She honored her oath that she took and was put in jail because of that by a judge that was gay.

She would have been jailed by almost any judge. I don’t know where you get your info David, but all I have read about Judge Bunning is that he is a conscientious judge who was appointed by President Bush. He is opposed to the SCOTUS ruling on same sex marriages but felt he had to uphold the law. She defied a court order and therefore was criminally negligent. What difference does it make if he is gay?

I can’t remember where it was that I was reading about the judge, it was either yahoo news or msn but they talked about him either being gay or always leaning towards the gay community. It wasn’t till after I said that and posted it that I started to wonder if I said it right so I went back looking for the article but I couldn’t find it. As for her religious convictions if I went to a meat market owned and ran by a muslim and wanted pork it would be the same thing. It’s ok for them to refuse service but not for a christian, and I am also talking about making a wedding cake for a same sex marriage too. Maybe she should have stepped aside I don’t know.

Careful David, your beginning to pull “your logic” out of your nether regions.

A Muslim meat market would never have pork on the premises and if you went to a Muslim meat market looking for pork, well that wouldn’t be too bright a decision.
And you called the Judge gay without even knowing for sure, just something you “thought” you heard.
Also, not very bright.

You are right, I was feeding my grandson when I read the article so I shouldn’t have said what I did until I was certain what I read and if it was correct..

I respect a man that admits when he makes a mistake. Takes guts.
I have made my fair share of mistakes & probably will make more.

Thanks David

A Muslim meat market isn’t a FEDERAL . STATE OR COUNTY government office obligated to give CIVIL right to marriage licenses to LEGAL citizens. duh.

If you look David, the oath she took also included obeying the laws if the USA, not just Kentucky.
And where the hell did you come with the idea that Judge Bunning is gay?

You might want to read this article about Judge David Bunning.
He is actually a religious conservative married to the same woman for years

Were I “in her shoes” and devout in my beliefs, I would have stepped aside and allowed my deputies to issue the licenses.

Looks to me like Rev. Huckabee will do anything to boost his 1% voter approval rating, including jumping in on the dog and pony show featuring Kim Davis. The honky version of that opportunist, Rev. Sharpton. Once a preacher always a preacher.

It won’t work as most people just do not care.

What if Ahab, a devout Muslim clerk refused to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple would you support him? What about a Mormon, a Buddhist or a Hindu clerk, all of whom were actively practicing, sincere and devote followers of their belief system?

There was a news story about a musim woman who was an airline stewardess who refused to serve a customer an alcoholic drink and she was suspended from her job. Is that what you are talking about?

peter didn’t catch that one. He likes to live in “what if” land.

The lack of respect for your neighbors that believe in God is telling. It follows that society in general has become selfish, violent, and promotes a moral attitude that destroys relationships. Reading these comments reveals how decadent many have become.

No wonder there is no trust!

Neighbors who foist their belief system on you while on the county payroll are not to be respected. That is the heart of the issue for me.

If she refuses to do something because she believed it went against her religion, how is that forcing her religion on others?

She wasn’t just refusing to issue them a license. She was trying to DENY them the license and told her deputy they could NOT issue the couple a license either based solely on her personal religious beliefs. In America that is called discrimination and is illegal. ESP. in a tax funded government job. Get it yet? Try reading the Constitution instead of the Bible. The Constitution governs our nation. NOT one Christian fairy tale. K?

For some “devotees” religion has become their intoxicant, their drug of choice, their hypocrisy. Anything in excess is potential poison, including Geebus.

I bet that miss kim is drawing her wages and benefits while she sits in jail and in righteousness condemns the Gubment.

She wants to work for Jesus but get paid by Caesar.

The “fallen” person rises up to a perceived “higher calling” and devotes themselves totally to God.
However, they are unaware of the psychological mechanisms of sublimation and denial allowing them to adopt a sanctimonious rationalization for their new found status as a “chosen” one.
Like the drug addict who kicks the habit and replaces their addiction with religion, they feel they must perfect the practice lest they once again fail.

Add the demagoguery of right wing politicians like Huckabee and Cruz exploiting this situation for their own personal gain, along with the far-right Christian fundamentalists fueling the fire with their misguided theocracy beliefs in government.

Thankfully there are still us LIBERALS keeping the religious fanatics in check….

Give it a rest boys. Enough self amusement aleady.

I have come to the conclusion that Samuel wants to believe that that our Constitution was written without any religious or Christian influence.

That is a false narrative. You are going to believe what you want to believe to justify your position, but it still don’t make it so.

This is why it is so important to appoint judges to the Supreme Court that don’t have a liberal agenda hell bent on taking our freedom away!

It seems to me that several of you here have completely exhausted conversation on this topic. At the very least you have worn me out with the rants that have gone on for days! You just don’t know when to quit. Perhaps it time to take a break, call a truce and stfu.

The Declaration of Independence:

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation

The Declaration of Independence is not the Constitution and has no legal status as such.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the USA and does not have anything to do with nor does it say anything about God.
Christianity is not mentioned in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
This nation was purposefully crafted to be without a specific religious affiliation, official or otherwise, thereby tolerant of all religions or atheists whose citizens abide by the United States of America’s laws.

You talk silly. The people that came here from Europe and founded America, came here to escape religious persecution. Our Republic was established with our Constitution to PROHIBIT religious persecution and therefor, set that, out in the Constitution so we all would be guaranteed our religious freedom.

Our founding fathers wrote the Constitution using the principles they lived by in the Holy Bible.

The concept that “all men are created equal” “with certain inalienable rights,” came from people that believed in God.

That means the clerk has her right of “conscience”. To thine own self be true!

Once again, the Constitution is not based on biblical principles. The two have nothing in common.
Ancient Israel and Judah were kingdoms, ruled by kings. When the kings were gone, the Jews were ruled by corrupt high priests.
Monarchy or theocracy.
Some choice.

Saying that the constitution has nothing to do with religion because israel was a kingdom is pure lunacy. Sounds like you are just looking for a fight using anything you can to try to back up your position.

I am not trying to pick a fight David, just engage in discourse of a differing opinion.
Perhaps you take it that way due to your paranoia.

How can the Constitution can be based on biblical principles without so much as mentioning God, Jesus, the Bible, or the Ten Commandments?
You have not explained how the Constitution can be based on biblical principles when it in fact enshrines English Common Law, which owes more to Pagan Roman civil law than the Bible.
And let’s not forget the Iroquois influence on the Constitution.
The Iroquois who were – oops – not Christians either.

Our Constitution does not define or name any religion. But it does name ALL religions via their absence in the third article of the Bill of Rights.

Quoting : Article 3 in the Bill of Rights,

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The lady is just “exercising” her religious beliefs which are clearly protected.

The Supreme Court has error-ed on this one!

The lady is just “exercising” her religious beliefs which are clearly protected.’

So by your flawed logic, anyone can go against any law as long as they are exercising their religious beliefs, huh?
Deeply flawed watchdog, deeply flawed.

If I didn’t know any better I would swear that samuel was peter just looking for a fight because nobody can be that stupid.

Well, you are correct about one thing David.
You don’t know any better.
And what is your hangup with this “peter” person?

But I’ll play along.
So you think that anyone can violate the law, any law, as long as it goes against their religious beliefs?
Any religious beliefs David?
Or just “fundamental Christian” beliefs?

The idea of the law of God superseding the law of man was explored in Sophocles play “Antigone”. In essence what Sophocles had to say was that reason often gives way to passion when it comes to religious beliefs. Both his protagonist, Antigone, and his antagonist, Creon, have huge egos (hubris) which prohibit both of them from looking at this reasonably. Maybe that is our problem today. No one can see the other side.

@Samuel, you have it most awfully wrong. You need to study up there fellow because you clearly do not know your history. Our founding fathers were very religious people and the Holy Bible played a huge part in their deliberations.

Your argument has nothing to do with Republicans or right wing. As I read about the people who authored our Constitution, they purposely wanted America to be a Republic, and that is neither Democrat or Republican.

You Progressive/Socialist’s like to call others names,tax, and take away freedom but it isn’t going to work.

We have been free to long to ever succumb to your kind of government. God will always come first!

It is our Government, all people including you watchdog.
But that does not give you and your kind any right to force your beliefs on others.
The USA is to be ruled by law, the Constitution & the Bill of Rights, no deities.
The right to worship/or not any religion.
The USA is not a theocracy.
We are diverse in all walks of life and a country of freedoms for all.
You fundamentalists on the other hand seem preoccupied with a nation ruled by the theocracy of Christianity.
You are the ones that need to revisit history of the founding of our country.

For all you scholars out there. It is important to remember that America is a “Republic” and not a Democracy.

In a Democracy the majority rules. In a Republic God’s law comes first.

When the founding fathers wrote our constitution they were clear that first came Gods’ Law, then the Constitution, then laws made by the governed. (this is why it is often said we are a christian nation)

What makes this country so great is that a majority can not write some screwy law like this law marrying homosexuals and cram it down our throat. Maybe you will remember the saying “we all have certain inalienable rights”? They come from God or Nature not man.

Our Constitution and…

Our Constitution and founding fathers made it clear that we are a Republic.

The Supreme Court might have ruled but doesn’t mean they are correct!

“In a Republic God’s law comes first”

In fact, it is exactly the opposite.
The United States Constitution was written by those same Founding Fathers to put humans, not deities, in the driver’s seat, that political power derives from the hands of the people and the consent of the governed.
Watchdog must have a “special” version of the Constitution, because nowhere did the Founding Fathers say God’s law was the law of the land
You could not tell a bigger lie than Watchdog just did if you tried.

This is the liberals agenda. to try to change history to make it out what they want, just like he old cartoon movie called Animal Farm. They change history then call those that try to set the record straight liars like our friend samuel, he is the real liar, either that or he is whoa-fully ignorant and believes everything msnbc tells him.

David, you can’t even get the compendium of “Animal Farm” correct.
And the correct word would be “woefully” not “whoa-fully”.
Your feeble attempts to come across as even semi-intelligent fail miserably.

Perhaps you should stick to something simple and more suited to your limited abilities, like single syllable cross-word puzzles or watching cartoons.
You do kind of remind me of Elmer Fudd.

ouch your mean words hurt my feelings, bully. But I was correct on everything I said even if I miss spelled 1 word.

Don’t you folks realize we are in a culture war? Christianity has come under attack from the left. My history teaches me that the Party of JFK was long ago transformed into the Socialist/Progressive Party that has tricked many unsuspecting Democrats into supporting their new agenda.

Me, I booked from the party. I got tired of being punished for hard work and saving money.

I could care less if homo’s want to marry. As for the clerk, good on her for sticking to her beliefs.

This whole homo marriage thing could have been handled much different. The left’s culture war wanted the battle!!!

You far-right wing religious fanatics say some of the most ridiculous & bigoted things.

You promote religious war against non-Christians, bigotry against those that are different than you and cheer on a person that violated the laws of the land.

You & your ilk are the major problem in this country.
Disgusting & pathetic.

The country was built on christian principles. Now it’s based on hating God. It’s great to see someone stand up to the God hating majority.

America was not founded as a Christian nation; take a look at the Constitution.
Many Religious Right activists have attempted to rewrite history by asserting that the United States government derived from Christian foundations, that our Founding Fathers originally aimed for a Christian nation.
This idea simply does not hold to the historical evidence.
The idea of Christian America was a fiction in search of believers

better do some more research on that

HA,”do more research”, that’s priceless coming from you.

you have absolutely no clue do you? But then you never did peter.

Religious convictions, huh?
pfft… hypocritical trash

Kim Davis has been divorced 3 times, married 4 times.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second husband.
Obviously she has no problem with adultery.
If she had as many different dicks sticking out of her as she has had stuck in her, she’d look like a porcupine.

There is nobody besides Jesus that is without sin, so if you are judging someone for what they have done before they got saved then you are in for a world of hurt.

That’s priceless coming from you David.
You have railed against how all democrats are evil and the cause of all that is wrong with this country.
They are godless souls in your eyes.
Interesting that the woman in question won the election to her position as democrat.

Not all democrats but the majority of them and some of the republicans too.

@David-You misunderstand. It is not your comment that is out of line it was the comment by the other anonymous I was referring to. I agree with you 100% on your comment. To put you down because of your beliefs when you really believe in God and the Bible is just wrong. I see it as a failed attempt by someone who does not believe and that is just wrong.

So LVS, you have finally admitted to posting under “anonymous” when after all these years you boldly proclaimed never to have done that and always posted under “LVS”.
And you called people out for doing just that.
Typical LVS hypocrisy & lies.

You going to have this deleted because it offends your delicate feelings?

there have been times when I got signed out without realizing it and I posted and it wasn’t till after I posted that I realized that I was anonymous.

Once or twice perhaps, but LVS has posting for quite awhile now under “Anonymous”.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
He will just deny it & you David, being the good minion that you are, will support him.

All that from a P.O.S. who has always posted under anonymous because he has no guts and no pride. All he has is a big mouth covering his dumb a$$. If you don’t like what I post and how I do it really means nothing to me. I happen to be using a different computer, not that it is any of your business.

This comment is way out of line. The Democratic Party as a whole has turned it’s back on God. That is apparent at their convention and in their war on abortion. It is very difficult to believe a Democrat is a Christian with their philosophy. They are the by far the biggest hypocrit’s there are. David lives his life believing in God and acting that way.

Why is my comment way out of line? Even though I agree with you, I was giving some democrats the benefit of the doubt. I have said many times that I don’t know how a person can be a democrats and call themselves a christian at the same time.

So who’s Joel Krutsinger?

why do you ask?

Don’t know who Joel is, but supposedly is a locally website designer.
Check out his Linkedin page.

Don’t believe that I would have him work for me though.
His page is rife with spelling & grammatical errors.
Not good for a so-called website designer.

To believe that all (okay “most”) Democrats are godless creatures makes you sound like ISIS David. That is typically their rationale for their attempts at jihad. That all but Muslims are godless creatures who deserve to die. The God I believe in is a merciful and compassionate father. He is not a revengeful, hateful and damning entity who wants all those who don’t believe in what he teaches dead. He wants them to see through his followers’ actions what a real follower is all about.

Well at the democratic national party I do remember them taking a vote to eliminate God from the entire party, ISIS would kill those that disagreed with them. Big difference. Plus the democrats are endorsing the black lives matter terrorist organization not to mention the murder of unwanted children.

@bodacious-I do not believe all Democrats are godless. I know to many good people who are Democrats and are very religious. Unfortunately, the people who are currently running the Democratic Party are turning their back on church and God. Your party has been hyjacked it seems. Now, the Republicans are just the reverse. They just can’t seem to get off the old peeves like gay marriage and abortion. I would support abortion under certain conditions (birth control is not one of them) and gay rights is the law.

I sincerely hope that a nice “girl friend” is her cell mate and that Kimmy becomes a convert. Now that would be justice!

She has more balls than Whiskey Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders OHHH ! I forgot jeb SCHRUB ! Would’nt print what Micheal says about bozo balls.

And Hitlery and Deflategate walk –

The Bible says marriage between man & woman. Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve. Just sayin…my belief & opinion.

The county clerk is elected to uphold the government law, if it against her belief she should resign…simple.
Good Decision today by the US District Judge.
Now her options are either comply with the law or resign.

I heard on the news tonight that the people working under her will give marriage licenses to all people! she had told them not to! sounds like they don’t want to be in jail! LOL 🙂 If she is a “devout” Christian she would not judge others!!!!!

well pal you are a bit confused. The judicial system interprets the law. The constitution of the usa kinda supersedes the state laws of the backward hillbillies in Kentucky. The judge is doing his job.

Anyone that say’s “The judge has ruled, it is now the law of the land,” is just plain wrong, a judge can not make law. Read the constitution.

John, if you are referring to my statement, the judge didn’t make the law. He rules on people accused of breaking the law that is already in place. Some one had to charge this woman before the judge could rule on it. She was told she had to comply or she would be held in contempt of court. She refused and she was given her day in court where she apparently didn’t give the judge satisfactory reasons for failing to follow the law.

the law in Kentucky say’s marriage is between one man and one woman. The court can’t change that law, only the state legislators can change law. The court can not do that. (This is still standing law in Iowa as well I might add. DOMA) The court system can not make law, it it up to congress. This is judicial overstep and this judge needs to be impeached as well as the judges in Iowa.

Kentucky also had an Anti-miscegenation law up until 1967 that prohibited inter-racial marriage.
It would still be there were it not overturned by the Loving vs Virginia case decided by the US Supreme court.
So John, you want to go back to those days as well?

What rock have you been living under. The SUPREME COURT of AMERICA says NOW SAME SEX MARRIAGE IS LEGAL IN AMERICA. duuh. Where were you a couple mos. ago when that was decided and made into law? I’m pretty sure the SC decision trumps anything you’re blabbering about….

gods word is law. not some old men in suits, gays are sinners and god will punish them when they meet him.

If God will punish them, then let him (or her). You just need to step aside. This woman isn’t in jail for refusing the marriage license, she is in jail for breaking the law.

the hard part is the verse that says, render unto caesar that which is caesars and unto God that which is God’s. Now most people say this has to do with money which it does but does it also pertain to the law, I don’t know.

Good point David. I think it applies to both money and the law. If God is supreme, then it is all his to determine.

Jesus told his disciples to go and spread the word of God but in Rome it was against the law so paul and Silas ended up in jail but you see how that ended up.

Anonymous, apparently you didn’t understand my statement. The constitution say’s the court system can not write law, only congress can. There is also a separation of powers in federal cases and state cases. In order to change the law in Kentucky and Iowa is for the state to re-write the law. The court can’t do that, they can only interpret the law.

If I remember right a couple years ago the people of Iowa voted against same sex marriage but 3 judges overruled it.

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