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Op-ed: If you need a diamond, read this (by Peter Children)

I want to share something with everyone who reads what I write; to some it will be a revelation, to others it will not be.

What I want you to all know is that I am on the Jeweler’s Board of Trade and have been listed there since 1999. I sell certified diamonds along with any other form of jewelry you may want.  I actually have been selling diamonds since the early 70’s.  Many of you who live here have bought your diamonds from me.

I have never advertised that fact, it wasn’t a secret but it was mostly word of mouth.  I would like to say now that if you are planning a wedding and are in need of a diamond, and you mostly agree with want I write about on this site, I will acquire your stone for $200.00 over invoice cost.  If on the other hand you do not agree with my views, your cost then would be $210.00 over invoice cost.  These are all certified diamonds conflict free.  I can also supply any mounting you may want; all I need is a picture of it.

If you use my service I guarantee you will save enough on the diamond to completely pay for the gown or more.  Same price ($200.00) no matter how large a diamond you may want. You could use your savings to move up to a larger diamond….you decide.

Contact:   Please include your phone number.


Peter J. Children

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Soooo…Peter put up the money to cover expenses for Matt’s online rag !?!?!! Or else, why would Matt, being what he thinks is a real journalist, allow someone to use the Opinion page to sell things.

Peter’s mind is clearly on its last leg….but evidentally he has Matt in his back pocket or else why would Matt ever do something this embarrassing, much less stupid.

If you want a DIAMOND, just look at the Park Inn Hotel. Real journalistic sources, like for example the Chicago Tribune, the BBC, and now some thing called the National in Abu Dhabi have written articles in appreciation of this “Diamond” that Mason City is lucky enough to have.

Go crawl back underneath rocks you haters…you are not smart enough to see the value in it. But luckily, real people in Chicago, and overseas, understand value.

Great, here we go, fat Beermeyer and Tonsil Turncoat have done it again… Those fat, egotistical, airheads have forced yet another 99%er into shameful advertising under the guise of an OP-ED. Or wait, was it the kids that WERE ON MY LAWN? Damned kids!!! Either way, I think it’s Malt-O-Meal time and I need my nap! What Mother???? The Jepordy is on????? OH, no!!!! It’s deuteronomy, mamma, the answer is What is deuteronomy!!!!

So this is how you get paid!!! Follow the money and you will always get your answers!!! Great, debateable, timely, local topics (OK, most are), mixed with some really bad analogies, conspiracy theories, and outright lies. Let’s not forget the name calling! They support your fables well! Minus some real or suggestive ideas… and there you have it another PC Op-ed!!!

Now can I get a quote on a single, solitary, 1/2 carat diamond on the high end of cut, quality, and clarity? I will then take it to your competitor and see if they can match or beat it!!! I am betting they can!

Are you still trading cars for phony stones? Go back on your meds

I never heard of prices that low, is this for real?

Of course its real; you get G.I.A. certification papers with each stone. In any business mark up is determined by overhead (fixed). Look around you, what do you think it cost Stadheim to open their doors each day? (1) return on investment. (2) Labor, (3) Insurance. (4) Advertising. (5) Property Taxes.

Look at Riddles with much of the same but throw in high per square foot Mall rent. No difference with Fred Meyer’s and Grundwalf-Kiger. When you walk up to that counter…you are going to pay for all of that overhead.

sure sounds like advertising to me. i did not expect this of you peter.

Do you think maybe I am a priest and I have taken the vow of chastely. I am trying to save people money who are in need in this tough economy. Did I break the law maybe? Where can you buy a certified diamond for two hundred over invoice cost? Good luck. Do you even know what a diamond cost….or a wedding dress for that matter. Is this what happens wnen you try and do favors? Do you think I could get rich on this? Think again.

I only intend it as a favor to all those who read my opinions. I have sold diamonds for over 30 years at the best prices anywhere.

Please tell me how this qualifies as an op-ed piece? Sure seems like advertising to me.

What’s wrong with getting some business off all the publicity Mr. Children gets on this site. After all, he obviously spends a good deal of time writing his op-ed’s. I have no problem with it at all, in fact I have written down his e-mail address and plan to contact him to buy a diamond for our up coming 50th wedding anniversary.

Thanks Pete

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