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Concern shown for dog locked in Mason City storage unit

Storage shed where dog is locked up
Storage shed where dog is locked up

MASON CITY – Early Monday morning, Pamela Johann, manager of a local miniwarehouse facility, called the Mason City Police Department to report that a dog had been locked in one of the storage units.

The Mason City Police and Animal Control responded to the call.

“They made sure that the dog was getting air, but couldn’t tell if it had food and water,” said Johann.

In storage shed #71, a dog could still be heard barking at 4:00 pm Monday afternoon. “I have went out and talked to the dog. It’s been barking and scratching at the inside of the door,” Johann went on to explain. “I’ve been trying to call the owners all day and I’ve left a note on the door, but I haven’t been able to get a hold of them. They have been long time renters and have always made their payments.”

“I don’t work until the afternoon tomorrow, but I’ll be coming in early to see if it it still here. If it is, I will cut the lock. I will have animal control here to watch over things,” said Johann. “I can’t believe someone would leave their pet in a storage. If it is still here, further action will be taken.”

If the dog is still in the storage tomorrow morning, NIT will be there for an update.


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Holy hell! Why wouldn’t the police or animal control do anything?!!!! That’s neglect to turn your back on that! What do we have animal control for anyway? Does anyone know? There’s a neglected dog in town that they won’t do anything about & now this, plus they won’t pick up an animal unless it’s confined. What are we a volunteer citizen animal cop so that they don’t have to do diddly squat? The owners need a citation & court date for neglect/abandonment. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen…besides the horrible emaciated, neglected & abused dog that I keep calling in about & they do NOTHING!!!! I even thought the dog was dead once because it wasn’t moving & an officer stopped, the dog turned it’s head slowly & he’s like “Not dead.” got in his car & left. WTF.

I’m sorry but this is B.S. if it was a child locked in a storage unit the locks would have been cut of. An animal should be no different. Poor dog

Diane, we used to leave or 5 year old dog home alone all day when my wife and I worked. We never left our 5 year old children home alone all day. There is a big difference between a dog and a child

@DR Dunn-you can’t win against these people who let their emotions rule their brains. A animal is not a person, period. End of story.

There’s a DIFFERENCE from being locked up in a STORAGE UNIT FOR 30hrs VS leaving your dog home while you work, or go shopping. There’s only one idiot that I have seen on here that leaves they’re dog home while they work for 11 hrs WITHOUT coming home at least on their break and letting the dog out.
NOONE is saying you can’t leave your dog home alone.

Next time this comes up, call the State Veterinarian if animal control won’t act, to find out what you can and can’t legally do. Dr. David Schmitt is in charge of animal welfare and knows the regulations. 515-281-8601.

I literally heard one of the girls from NIT beg the manager to cut the lock. She wouldn’t.

I would have been reluctant to do so without knowing for sure that I had the law on my side by having an officer of the law, the Humane Society, or a veterinarian there. You also would have to be prepared for whatever type of dog was on the other side. What if it were a nasty attack dog? Also, you would have to be prepared to contain the dog and prevent escape. Was it a garage door or a walk-through door? It is more difficult to prevent escape from an overhead door. You would be responsible if the dog got away from you. There are all kinds of contingencies to be prepared for and it would be best for a professional dog handler to be present when that door is opened – either animal control, the Humane Society, or a veterinarian, or all three. The dog’s surroundings inside should be evaluated and perhaps photographed by a professional to see if it had been let out adequately, if it had adequate food and water, climate control, etc., then examined to see if it needed any veterinary care. There are also strict laws about how impounded animals can be transported in our State. So you have to cross your t’s and dot your i’s. Thus, that call to the State Veterinarian would help clear things up if no one locally wants to act when you think s/he should. You can get more help or find out why you have to back off.

Sounds like a lot of bullshit to go through to let a dog out of a storage unit don’t you think? Fact is the dog shouldnt of been in there to begin with. The animal control should of cut that lock the first day she was there. She did not. Is she not trained for the vicious? She should be. No she allowed the dog to be in that storage for 30 hrs. Its a felony in iowa for abuse and neglect/ abandoned animals is it not? The Last I checked it was. Its a shame that there’s some people who would turn away from this. Thanks to the people who had the common sense to know the difference between right and wrong and to at least cause a stir . Again, great job nit never stop being they’re voice

I don’t disagree that Animal Control should have done more. I was only addressing the situation where the manager refused to cut the lock when the two NIT reporters were there, and only that situation. She was neither authorized or qualified to open that door once Animal Control refused to do it. You completely missed my point.

NO, I didn’t miss your point. I know what you’re saying.
First off,
The dog owner WAS behind on her unit payments which gave the manager every right to break that lock.
The manager read the storage unit contract to the NIT reporters (I know this because I was there and listened to her on speakerphone) being behind on her payments gave way for the manager to break that lock.
Animal control refused to come to the storage unit until NIT left. SO, For that dogs best interest NIT decided to leave. THAT IS A FACT!
In my opinion that ACO should be striped of her duties.

My only goal in life is be as a good a person as my dog thinks I am.

Pamela Johann….what the hell is the matter with you? You would wait till the next day to see if the owners came?? Your about as smart as the dog owners. You care more about that all mighty dollar for your shitty as unit than a poor defenseless animal! Shame on you! We need animal cops here in Mason City or do it the old fashion way…start taking care of matters over the law

God damn “voice” you really are an idiot! Lmfao I hope u dont have pets or kids for that matter. Leaving a dog in a storage unit for even a minute is ridiculous. How would you like to be put in a completely dark 4×4 room with no windows????!!! Dont even comment on here if your gonna be ignorant!

God damn “voice” you really are an idiot! Lmfao I hooe u dont have pets or kids for that matter. Leaving a dog in a storage unit for even a minute is ridiculous. How would you like to be put in a completely dark 4×4 room with no windows????!!! Dont even comment on here if your gonna be ignorant!

YES voice that is neglect you idiot.

“Watcha gunna do when NIT comes for YOU”

NIT was lied to by The Manager AND Animal control. Animal control ALLOWED the owner to leave with the dog and had no intention of giving a citation to the dog owner.
My question to the animal control officer’
Why do you hide and convince others to lie for you every time NIT gets involved? Why did you allow that dog to sit in that storage for over 24hrs?
You have no business working around animals.

LAST UPDATE: Pam Johann, Manager of Atlas Miniwarehouses, has called and confirmed that the dog is now out of the storage shed. Apparently the owner came and got it. The lock is still secured on the door.

Just because the dog is quiet, doesn’t mean it’s gone. Who knows for sure??

WOOF !!!!!

UPDATE: At 2:35, NIT went by the storage, and it was silent. An attempt to call the owner of Atlas Miniwarehouse and NIACC PappaJohns, Jamie T. Zanios, was unsuccessful. NIT left a message asking Mr. Zanios what his policy is about animals being in his storage.

UPDATE: At 1:30 pm, almost thirty hours after the initial report of a dog being stored in a windowless storage unit, the dog is still there. There have been more attempts to get a hold of the owner and more calls to Animal Control. The Manager is checking into things and talking to her boss. Animal Control and the manager will get together later to talk. “Between the two of us, one of us will get in there,” said the manager.

Question to you all on how you would feel about this….

Right now my dog is home alone. He is in his kennel. I put him in there at 5:30 when I went to work. I probably won’t get home until 4:00 today to let him out. What if he starts barking and someone walking by hears him and sees no cars in the driveway and knocks on the door and no one answers the door? Is someone going to call Animal Control?? Should I expect Animal Control to bust down my door? Do they have the right to do that? Is what I did with my dog neglect? IS he being neglected? When you rent a storage shed or garage it becomes your personal property just like my home is to me now. So really what is different? You are all getting bent out of shape for what reason? You’re running on emotions with no facts to back it up. You have no idea if that dog is being neglected or not. I agree with what LVS said…”Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true.”

That’s a very wise comment…

Right now you are all wanting to shoot first and ask questions later. Shame on YOU….

Here’s the thing…you don’t know if this dog has food or water in that storage facility or if someone comes at night to let it out. You don’t know the same thing about my dog. I don’t know the same thing about YOURS…

Only an idiot jumps to conclusions, don’t be that person. You won’t have to feel like a fool later.

Maybe its time to decide to give your dog a loving home then. Don’t you think your dog deserves more attention than what you obviously cant give . For 11 hours the dog isnt permitted to a potty break? Do you hold your self for 11 hrs? I think not. I bet you even get about 3 breaks during your work hrs. Give r take. You should be ashamed of yourself also. You have no business owning any animal. Do your dog a favor and give your dog up to someone who has time. Remember, we all have our busy life styles , friends or whatever but our pets only have us. Remember that !

My dog does have a loving home. Did I tell you if someone let him out during the day or not? No i didn’t….you made an assumption. You can have your opinion all you want but it doesn’t make it right. I will not be ashamed of myself as I know what I give my dog and what I don’t. You have no clue…you only have your opinion and assumptions. That was my point to my post…you are all making assumptions and that makes an ass out of you as you just proved.

You have no idea what you THINK you know OR what you are talking YOU remember THAT.

You’re an idiot. Go back and read your previous post. Besides, your dog getslet out even after 11hrs the dog in the storage does not. You need to stop talking because your the one msking an ass out of yourself.

*making* I thought I better correct that.

how do you know the dog is getting let out??

You’re the idiot AND a dumbass. You don’t know if the dog in the storage shed is getting let out or not even tho you said..” Besides, your dog getslet out even after 11hrs the dog in the storage does not.”

Really? How do you know that? Enlighten me O omnipotent fortune teller…Did your crystal ball tell you that? Wonder why it didn’t tell you that you’re a dumbass like most people that would rather assume everything than take the time to learn the facts. You are a lazy ass that just wants to run around and SAVE THE WORLD so you can look good to yourself but you got no idea from what you want to save it from and you don’t want to take the time and do the work to find out what the real problem is and fix it right. All the while what the world really needs to be saved from is people JUST LIKE YOU!! You MUST be a Liberal! Assume everything and take knee-jerk actions and only make the problem worse. Good job….proud of ya. Not…

Comment all you want from here on out…but you’re still a dumbass.

I’d rather assume and help the dog rather than wait and find a dead dog. You can always apologize if you’re wrong.

so you are a person that says if “I smell smoke there must be a raging fire?!” & bust someone’s door down & they have a fireplace? oops sorry folks my bad…I’m an asshole…

“I’d rather assume”….”You can always apologize if you’re wrong.”

Wars have begun that very same way….

Still proud of ya! 😀

Hey “My Voice” why don’t you tell your animal control friend to get off HER lazy ass and cut that lock? That lock should of been cut YESTERDAY you fool!

So you really think a dog staying in a storage unit is an ok thing???? SERIOUSLY!???!! There are many “safer” and more responsible options than leaving a pet in a storage unit! My dogs are crated in my house while I am at work. If I needed to be gone longer than normal, I would come up with a plan B such as having someone stop over to take care of my dogs needs, or I would find a reputable boarding facility. To leave a dog in a storage facility is not being responsible!!! People like you who think that is ok should not have pets!!!

To Pamela the manager…time to change the rental agreement to “NO LIVING CREATURES” to be stored in storage units…

Why are all you people ranting about the animal control officer? I believe her job description lists “driving around town in a daze and spending half her day in east park, parked in a parking spot listening to the radio”. When you are born a loser, you really can’t help what you do or how you act. She is what she is.

I second that emotion, I’ve seen it way to many times. You can tell she does her job by the amount of animal fines in the paper. It would be interesting to know how many miles she puts on the vehicle that she drives all over town, and for what. Ever since she won her lawsuit she has the city over a barrel,and they’re afraid of her…

What kind of an idiot locks a dog in a storage shed? There is no excuse for that whatsoever! Lets lock the owner in there and see how they like it. I don’t care if they pay their rent on time or what they do, they shouldn’t have a dog if that is the way they are going to treat it. I would have cut the lock the first time I found the dog in there.

Then go cut it regard


At 7:00 am, we went by and the dog was still in the storage. As of 10:00, a witness called to say the dog could still be heard barking. NIT was told that we’d be informed when more decisions were made.

First thing…I would say it is irresponsible of the owner but it is a catch 22…we don’t know what the story is behind “closed storage doors” what if they (said dog owners) went away & their “pet-sitter” said they would watch their dog & not knowing that the sitter put the dog in the unit?? or of the owner of said dog went away & the sitter couldn’t have pets in their apt. or rental house?? & are checking on the dog every day?? WOULD YOU ALL FEEL THE SAME IT IF THE DOG WAS IN A HOUSE IN A KENNEL & SOMEONE WAS CHECKING ON THE DOG IN THE MORNING & AFTERNOON?? WE JUST DON’T KNOW THE WHOLE STORY?

The poor dog should have been helped. Next? can’t find a babysitter, just put your daughter or son in storage…IT HAS AIR!!!

Animal control had better have a search warrant before cutting that lock and the manager as well. If they are paying their rent then it falls under the same rules as renting a house. Other than the dog was barking there was no reason to believe it was being mistreated. No different than a dog barking in someones house. Now, that being said, there are possibly reasons why the dog is in there. It is probably protecting something and it would interesting to find out what. USMC is right about that.

If the animal is in danger they do not need a search warrant!

They had better be able to prove it is in danger. That is why animal control didn’t do anything. Grow up. Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true.

I am sure you will find someway to attack me for this lvs. But I think you are right about the search warrant. I personally think who ever owns the dog and rents the shed should be punished but I’m not sure locking a dog in a storage shed is a crime in itself provided it is watered and fed.

@DR Dunn-That was my point exactly. They can let all the emotion they have rule their thoughts and actions but, if no laws are broken there is not much that can be done about it. Now, all that being said, I would not leave one of my dogs in a storage shed overnight. But, then again, I don’t know their circumstances. Maybe they had no other place to keep the dog for some reason. These people were ready to hand the dogs owners without finding out the facts and to blame law enforcement when there were no laws broken is wrong.

Are you serious? They don’t need a dam search warrant this is considered NEGLECT LVS. You just don’t put a dog or any animal in a freakin storage unit!!

A paddlelock and security fence and cameras are used to protect storage sheds, not a dog. If something is in there that needs a dogs protection, it shouldn’t be there in the first place.

Don’t blame the manager blame ANIMAL CONTROL. Its HER dam job to protect the welfare of the animals but once AGAIN she FAILED. SHE should of took action and cut the lock. SHAME ON YOU animal control!

How could Animal Control sleep last night knowing that the dog was still there and that she could have got it out and taken it to the shelter/vet?

You are correct Peter cut the got damn lock, you might be surprised what else is in that storage shed

I agree

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