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Hobby Lobby, for now, avoids millions in fines for refusing to comply with Obamacare

Mason City Hobby Lobby Store
Mason City Hobby Lobby Store

Hobby Lobby continues to battle the Federal Government over implementing America’s new health care policy, sometimes called “Obamacare”, and may have found a loophole to avoid $1.3 million in daily fines for not complying.

Hobby Lobby announced a day after a December Supreme Court ruling that went against it that it “is not their intention, as a company, to pay for abortion-inducing drugs” that Obamacare mandates and that it would continue the legal battle.

“Hobby Lobby discovered a way to shift the plan year for its employee health insurance, thus postponing the effective date of the mandate for several months,” a lawyer for the company said on Friday.  “Hobby Lobby does not provide coverage for abortion-inducing drugs in its healthcare plan. Hobby Lobby will continue to vigorously defend its religious liberty and oppose the mandate and any penalties.”

After President Barrack Obama won re-election, his new health care plan was all but certain to become law.  However, not everyone is in favor of the government forcing individuals and companies to purchase health care nor all the provisions in the law.

Hobby Lobby CEO David Green said in a November statement that “a new government health care mandate says that our family business MUST provide what I believe are abortion-causing drugs as part of our health insurance.”

Green said that with “great reluctance, we filed a lawsuit, represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, asking a federal court to stop this mandate before it hurts our business.”

CNN reported on Friday that “Churches and houses of worship are exempt from the regulation and a narrow exemption was added for nonprofit religious employers whose employees ‘primarily share its religious tenets’ and who ‘primarily serve persons who share its religious tenets.'”

Hobby Lobby has seen some support from the general public, with a special shopping day known as “Standing with Hobby Lobby Day” being observed across the country on January 5th.

NIT readers have shown mixed support for Hobby Lobby’s cause.

One NIT reader wrote “I’m sorry, but why does hobby lobby think that they are above the law. The Affordable Health Care Act has already passed the scrutiny of the Supreme Court, so live with it.”

Another NIT reader wrote “I believe in separation of church and state in our country. I also believe of freedom from religion in this country. But I also believe that a private employer should not be required to pay for something that is against his beliefs.”


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People should be allowed to use what they want. The pill, abortion, morning after pill, abortion pill, condoms. They are all out there to either stop a life from starting, or to end one after it has begun. Sorta like the last school shooting, ending a life after it has begun. Just a thought.

Just wondering if Hobby Lobby is also concerned with a little blue pill called Viagra…if HL is going to proclaim religion, then having sex is only for procreation, not to have your “jollies”….just saying.

Taken from Mayo Clinic site:
Morning-after pills do not end a pregnancy that has implanted. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, morning-after pills may act by one or more of the following actions: delaying or preventing ovulation, blocking fertilization, or keeping a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. However, recent evidence strongly suggests that Plan B One-Step and Next Choice do not inhibit implantation. It’s not clear if the same is true for Ella.

Keep in mind that the morning-after pill isn’t the same as mifepristone (Mifeprex), also known as RU-486 or the abortion pill. Mifeprex terminates an established pregnancy — one in which the fertilized egg has attached to the uterine wall and has already begun to develop.

HENSE the “morning after pill does NOT cause abortions. People really should use the internet to reasearch before they open mouths and make fools of themselves. Instead of relying on church lady gossip mongers for your info.

Thank you for this. You & “sickastupd” have educated a lot of people on here. (Or at least tried.)

All this controversary over who should pay for healthcare, condemning companies who want to pay what they want….did you all wonder why healthcare is tied to a business in the first place? If everyone had to buy their own insurance, they could go from job to job and wouldn’t have to stay employed where they are unhappy just because they don’t want to lose their ins. Also did you ever stop to think that all this clamoring over having Obamacare as the law, that Obama himself, the entire government and all their families don’t want Obamacare. They have better coverage we are paying for them Obama was asked point blank the other day if he was going to let loose of his insurance and go with Obamacare like the rest of us are being forced to do? He wouldn’t answer. HE WOULD NOT ANSWER!!!! He, Pelosi, Reid all those government people are opting out. You and me, why we are so lucky to be able to be forced into insurance they won’t accept for themselves. Think about it. Keep the government out of my life. We are free to do as we want, within reason and these freedoms are slowly being eroded. If Obamacare isn’t good enough for our government people, then it’s not good enough for us either.

I also went back and reread the original story about HL’s decision to sue the government. The founder of HL says “The government cannot force you to follow laws that go against your fundamental religious belief.”
That is an interesting precept. Does one have the right to disobey any law that man creates if he or she believes it goes against God’s laws? If so, why have laws in the first place? Why not say that religion provides basic laws to follow and those should be followed. No man made law is justified unless it aligns with God’s law. That opens up a whole new can of worms. The Bible says ‘an eye for an eye” so if someone does something to me, then I can respond in the same way I was violated. If someone steals from me, I can steal from them?
This problem has troubled human beings from the time of the Greeks. Read Sophocles play “Antigone” if you want verification. In that play he argues that man’s law does not stand up to God’s law. So, what do we do?

This article of yours is over a year old. I do not believe Congress will also get their ins. through Obamacare. No way Jose. The Government does not hold the answer. They are the cause of the problem. Let us be. Free Enterprise is the answer.

January 13, 2013 at 2:12 pm
No, they don’t have to PAY for someone else’s LEGAL rights!

They do if the government says they do! They can’t decide which laws to abide by or not for religious reasons.
It would be like denying min. wage for “religious reasons”. It would be illegal.
So YES they DO have to pay if it’s the LAW!

Joao De Carmo:

Morning-after pills can prevent pregnancy because conception typically doesn’t occur immediately after sex. Instead, it may happen up to several days later. During the time between sex and conception, sperm travel through the fallopian tubes until they potentially reach an egg. As a result, using emergency contraception soon after unprotected sex isn’t too late to prevent pregnancy.

Morning-after pills do not end a pregnancy that has implanted.

“A third way the morning after pill works, according to the Planned Parenthood, is not definitive. Should an egg be released and fertilized during unprotected sex, the morning after pill would prevent the pregnancy by thinning the uterine lining. With the lining of the uterus thinned, it prevents the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.”

Didn’t read all the way did you. Now if you could prove that the third method did occur, then Hobby Lobby wouldn’t object to it as it would no longer be an aborificant.

It prevents the fertilized egg from implanting – and becoming a pregnancy – like I said! Are you being deliberately dense?

The height of selfishness is the willful killing of a sperm and egg that has joined together to form new life.

Why would anybody in there right mind want to kill anything. And to think two people worked hard at creating the new life.

On another note, all the coffee folks just don’t care that Hobby Lobby wants no part of the new Obamacare. They love Hobby Lobby no matter what.

The best part of this whole Hobby Lobby news is, Hobby Lobby is booming and getting all kinds of free publicity. The few naysayers blogging on here and bad mouthing Hobby Lobby are doing nothing but putting money in HL’s pocket.

Whether or not abortion is right or wrong is moot. The point is whether or not ONE business owner can choose which insurance regulations to follow or not follow. NO COMPANY should be allowed to do that for any reason. There are ways for HL to opt out. If they stay they HAVE TO follow laws. Period end of story.
Who cares how much money they make. Won’t effect me.

The truth of all this is that no one really knows when life begins, since everyone (or almost everyone) has their own definition of what life is. I suppose the main issue here is whether or not you can live with your own conscience. And whether or not that agrees the prevailing law is immaterial, as long as we understand that the law, at this time, is the final word.

Proud Catholic insults Protestants by claiming we belong to “pretender Christian denominations”. Don’t insult my religion, and I won’t call you a mackeral snapper.

I think that Catholic “pot” is smoking “pot”. lol What’s really funny is that Catholosism is probably the most made up religion. You phart’re out. Phart again….you’re back in. in out in out.geesh. no wondeer their men are confused about their sex life.

This is just another way to avoid paying health insurance plain and simple. Let them offer employees a policy that follow their beliefs…won’t happen.

Totally agree. Can you imagine the chaos if every company thought they could offer a health insurance plan that was crafted according to their own beliefs? Religion has absolutely no place in this. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not against religion. I’m just against religion being able to dictate beliefs that are against our constitution.

memyselfandi is nothing more than a airhead and liar. reading his/her comments are hypocritical.

I also see a lot of people commenting on here that seem to think they should be in charge of everyone’s lives, including the owners of Hobby Lobby.

You sound like a lazy bunch of belly-acher’s that don’t want to work, get something for nothing, and control everyone lives.

you should phart….you’d feel better.

Katie says “I hate paying for welfare as much as the next person. But I want people to use birth control instead of abortions. To my knowledge Hobby Lobby has never objected to paying for that. So why don’t their employees just use it?”

HL is AGAINST BC because they think the morning after pill causes abortions. So they are objecting to paying for bc. But yet they’ll pay taxes for welfare recipents to take bc free. Hypocrites.

The day after pill does NOT cause abortion. Katie knows this. Hobby Lobby knows this. It’s their way of getting out of providing this part of their employee’s wages – health insurance.

Sorry the own of Hobby Lobby belives that life begins at conception, not at implantation to the uterine wall. Thus the “morning after” pill does in fact ( to his beliefs) cause an abortion.

NO IT DOESN’T! What is it going to take for it to soak in????


HL is using this to get out of offering health insurance! It’s hypocritical and just plain ugly.

“NO IT DOESN’T! What is it going to take for it to soak in????


You are confusing the “morning after” pill confused witht “the pill” One prevents ovulation and must be taken daily. The other is taken the “morning after” intercourse in case that no other birthcontrol is taken. Hence its name “morning after”.

I’m far from confused! Look it up! The morning after pill does not work if fertilization has already occurred! LEARN SOMETHING.

Hobby Lobby should just stop offering health insurance for its employees. Easy and legal out for a “can of worms” situation.

True but that’s not as good for bringing in business as doing this protest might bring in. They’re gambling there’s more religious fanatics than non. Even adverse adverising is good as long as it’s FREE. This is a business move. Has nodda to do with HL owners religious rights. HL is as bad as ChickAFil is. Using religion to scam the public.

You are like every other conspiracy theorist. You impute reasons people doing things on the basis of your imagination.

proud catholic, I know MANY Catholics. All the male Catholics I know have cheated on their mate more than once or twice. Most Catholics have a tendancy to make up their own rules. Then go to confession to spill their guts so they can be hypocrits again the rest of the week.
The Christians I know are humble non boastful people with integrity.

How would you know if they’re Christian or Catholic? And true Christians don’t go to the bar on Sat. night and confession on Sunday.
I can name more than one or two Catholic married men that have cheated on their wives. Cheaters come in all colors sizes, religions,sexes etc.. The only true honest person is the athiest. They don’t have to prove anything to anybody except themselves and family.

LVS thank you for grasping my point. I’m for religious freedom. But we can’t allow any religion to hand pick what laws they want to follow or not follow. There are too many religions in America to even think about pacifying all. Our FF had it right when they said “no one religion” would be established in America. And no laws gov. religion. And visa versa.
Allowing one to disobey laws would be like spoiling one child and beating down the other.

I work at Hobby Lobby and my religiion says I should have Tuesday off to practice my religion. So according to HL’s thinking….they can’t fire me if I refuse to work Tues. because of my religious practices. Right HL backers? My religion says money is dirty so I can’t work the register because of my beliefs. Right? Sounds silly hah? (of course it’s not true. I’m not a religious nut) Well all you HL backers think that would be ok because it involves my religious rights. And you think religious beliefs are above governmental legislation that effects all citizens. And they would have to hire me in the 1st place because their oewn belief system says they have to. See how that turns on you. That’s why our FF made it a law that religion doesn’t dictate laws in this country.

Did you learn that pathetic hateful speech in church? Lucky for you your religion lets you be blasphamous 6 days a week and on Sunday while you’re asleep in the pew all is forgiven. Well isn’t that speeeeeecial?

ok, say you are right, which you are NOT but say you are, when does the fetus become a real LIVE person? When do they first get a soul or are you still waiting for yours?

Life and your soul are created at conception when the sperm and the egg are joined and become one.

The miracle of life is truly and awesome.

It is murder no matter how you try and justify killing an unborn child. Hiding behind the word fetus is just that, hiding.


speaking of a cancerous tumor. You didn’t tell me when the BABY first gets a soul. I don’t know about you, when you were first concidered a human or when or if you first got your soul but when my daughter was pregnant I saw the videos of my grandson in her womb moving and sucking his thumb and kicking, that sounds like life to me.

Wow, I feel sorry for you. I feel more sorry for your family if you have any if you have children thank goodness you let them live. I hope they get up every morning and say gees Dad thanks for letting me live.

Go to “Whiner’s Den” and read the post by Katie that tells of the woman with 18 kids who wants someone else to be responsible for them. Do you think she’s the only one in this country who has more kids than she can afford? Does she sound like someone who’s willing to use birth control OR can afford to pay for her own abortions? Of course she should be using some type of birth control. It’s absolutely wrong that she obviously isn’t. I think we can all agree on that. So, what do you want to do? You can’t legally sterilize her (although I tend to think this should be legal in some extreme cases). Religious beliefs aside, we can pay a few hundred dollars out of our taxes for an abortion, or we can pay thousands & thousands out of our taxes to SUPPORT those children, possibly for the rest of their lives. Conservatives want it both ways. They claim their religious beliefs make them against abortion, but their “financial” beliefs make them against welfare. Choose which one you want to pay for because they’re both here to stay.

Are people on here aware of how health insurance benefits got started in the first place? Back in the 40’s, there was a wage freeze by the government. No one could give raises. So businesses that wanted to retain or reward employees had to get creative. They started giving them health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, and other perks in order to keep them and reward them. They were not REQUIRED to do this, the idiotic employers brought this on themselves. They were their own worst enemies. I feel the propagation of health insurance also started driving up the cost of health care. I was born in the late 40’s and I have my birth bill. I cost about $75.00.

Eventually, employees began to expect health insurance. Health insurance was NEVER a requirement and now our government is trying to make it one. It is going to shift our entire economy towards inflation because way too many businesses cannot afford to provide it to employees. Their price schedules are not set up to do so and they will have to raise their service and retail prices in order to pay for insurance or the fines. If they choose instead to reduce everyone to part-time, it will increase their expenses because they will have to pay more in unemployment taxes because fewer people will go over the $7,000 limit for FUTA and the 26,000 limit for State. More people on the payroll means more paperwork and more reporting time. This is creating a nightmare for small businesses in America who cannot afford to cover their employees. It also creates a big problem for their customers who will be paying higher prices in the next year or two. Be aware and be prepared!

Well employers will just have to take some of their milllion dollars yearly profit and PAY INSURANCE for their employees. Maybe if the tightasses woyuld pay a decent wage the employee could buy his own. Blame it on the insurance companies that charge premiums larger than a house payment. They are the evil doers in this. NOT our government. Obama is trying to help the “working man/woman” and you naysayers are making it impossible for working peoople to pay for their own healthcare. So tell us YOUR solution. If ya got one.
I was born in the 40’s and have worked in healthcare and for peanuts. And been without insurance. None of it was a picnic. Now my kids and grandkids have an opportunity to have healthcare without losing their homes over it and your kind wants to set them back 40 yrs.. All for what? RELIGION? Ridiculous.

@memyself-I have a friend that told me his BC/BS premium just went up to over $700 a month for just him and his wife. He is a Independent Businessman so he is not in a poole. I know my brother has $2500 deductible so he can afford a $600 premium. This is just crazy. How can people possible afford this on the wages that are paid in this area? Insurance is the main reason for increased cost. Look at the cost of having a tooth pulled or a crown put on. Most people just can’t afford to go to a dentist anymore.

@MMI: I’m not talking about millionaire businessmen who WON’T pay health insurance! I’m talking about small businessmen who CAN’T afford to pay health insurance for all their employees at their current service rates. I’m talking about plumbers, electricians, contractors, car repair places, small restaurants, just drive down the streets and look at all the independent businessmen and they are going to be struggling to pay for it. It’s hard enough to pay for their own, let alone pay for employees’. You have no idea how hard this is going to hit them. You must think every businessman is a millionaire and has steady cash flow all the time. That’s not the way it works! Don’t assume every business is rolling in clover. Have you ever run one? I think not.

That doesn’t bother or scare me as much as people thinking THEIR religion RULES. In America legislation is NOT decided by ONE religion or any religion. Rightly so! People backing HL are taking focus off the real issue. Affordable healthcare for ALL Americans.

@LVS, Not mess with bullies? lol! Who’s afraid of a bully? Not me. I LOVE putting bullies in their place. On their dumb azzez. I don’t fear guns nor want to take any away from people with brains. But it sure doesn’t take a gun to take care of a bully. Just brains. Something bullies lack.

The truth is that for “religious reasons” HL supports cheap child labor from third world countries around the globe. Few if any of their products are made in the USA. They pay kiddies just pennies a day then charge you big bucks. This is NOT about Obamacare or religion, its about corporate greed and deception. Buy America and support other retailers.

I would love to buy nothing but American-made products. In fact, I try to do that. But hardly anything is manufactured in this country anymore. This needs to change!

i bought a plastic shovel for my granddaughter for Christmas and was shocked to see that it was actually “Made in the USA’..

So if you don’t agree with HL then don’t shop there. That’s your right. Just my opinion are you serious? You ask HL if they will help pay more welfare for babies born because of YOUR refusal to prevent it. REALLY? I believe there are many ways to stop becoming PG. Get a book and read up on it. You may be surprised to see there are ways other than abortion. One would be keep your legs together.

And we ALL know how well birth control (or abstinence) works when you don’t practice either one, don’t we? What are you going to do, Midwest, force-feed birth control pills? Sterilize those that refuse to take them? Hand out condoms to all the guys (who won’t use them anyway)? What’s your solution?

Keep your legs together? LOL! Ty telling that to the MARRIED WORKING POOR couples that work at HL. Oh wait never mind the poor part…some poster claims they make $13/hr. to start. Another LOL!

I didn’t get married so I could keep my legs together. And neither did my husband. I don’t want my tubes tied. My choice. Maybe you’d like to keep your legs together. (sounds like with good reason too. they’re probably froze shut)

We should all boycott Hobby Lobby there is no reason for people to go without healthcare in this country. There are laws requiring insurance on your car so whats the difference and how is the health care law wrong. People need to wake up and understand big business is just trying to dictate how this country is ran and they don’t give a damn about people’s lives.

We should be boycotting them because they are anti-Amereican. For trying to use “religion” to make “legislate insurance laws”. And for charging too much for cheap made ugly Chinese crap.

Here’s a novel idea, pay your own way or keep your legs crossed!


“People need to wake up and understand big business is just trying to dictate how this country is ran (sic) and they don’t give a damn about people’s lives.”

Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? I laughed out loud when I read it. Hobby Lobby is trying to save human lives by refusing to support abortion because they truly believe that abortion is murder. And you sit here and say they don’t care about human lives.

You sound like a selfish person who only cares about ME ME ME and whose unfettered, irresponsible sex life is far more important than an unborn child’s. Our society and parents need to focus on birth control, responsibility, or adoption as options instead of abortion!

I hate paying for welfare as much as the next person. But I want people to use birth control instead of abortions. To my knowledge Hobby Lobby has never objected to paying for that. So why don’t their employees just use it?

If you ever want to move to Arizona I have some ocean front proprty thee I’ll sell ya. Cheap.
HL is not trying to save lives. HL is trying to use personal religous beliefs to skirt paying ins. for it’s employees.
Do you think it’s ok for a company to not pay ins. while other companies have to? What if a bunch of companies with a bunch of different religions said they won’t pay. Those athiest companies would be outta luck hah? Would that be fair?

I have a question for Hobby Lobby supporters. What was HL’s stance before the ACA was implemented? Did they counsel their employees about health care? Did they support anti-abortion causes before ACA? Did they hire employees based on their stance on abortion issues? Just asking……

You have to pay for your own car insurance!

But you don’t have to drive. We all have to pay for health care one way or another.

We all have to pay for health insurance one way or another is bullshit. Everyone should pay for their own health and health insurance if they want it. You are using government and tyranny to get something for nothing.

You people have been drinking to much of the cool-aid.

You are using government for your lazy, foolish, selfish reasons. What it boils down to is, you are to dam lazy to provide for yourself.

What is wrong with you people?

Why are you letting the Government tell you what you can and can not do? This is tyranny.

The Government should have no say in health insurance, abortion, or birth control pills of any kind. We are losing freedom at an alarming rate!

And you people want to find fault with Hobby Lobby because they are standing up for freedom?

This country appears doomed. Too many people have lost their will. Attack your neighbor and take their money using the Government.

No wonder the Government is out to take away guns. They know there is still a large group of people that will not stand still for this oppression and tyranny.

Are we headed for a Civil War?


A yes-the Blissfull one is at it again. How does it feel to be so damn ignorant and cowardly. When there are no guns to protect you, you had better learn not to mess with the bully’s because we won’t be there to protect you. You should go to a country that you would like. How about Egypt? You wouldn’t last 5 minutes there big mouth. Ignorance is Bliss and that is why you are such a Happy Guy.

LVS, why do you conservatives insist that liberals are trying to take all your guns away? No one is saying that. No one wants to repeal the 2nd amendment, certainly not I. It’s only the assault-type weapons that we disagree with. Who needs them? What’s the purpose? They were used in Columbine, Aurora & Newtown. Do you not agree that lives could have been saved if the perpetrators hadn’t had magazines that hold 30 rounds or more?

And how did this go from a discussion on Hobby Lobby refusing to provide health insurance to a pro-gun rant again?

I also see that name-calling has reared its ugly head again. Please stop that.

@Justmyopinion-My post was in response to the idiotic post by the Blissful Happy Guy.

LVS I must be doing something right. I can sure get under your skin. You just can’t stand it that I speak the truth and use real facts to back it up. Not the make believe facts that you use in your pathetic little world. Grow up and get some education. Your ignorance shows more and more with every post you make.

@Happy Guy-In your make believe world you think you are educated. In my world you have not even started school yet. As far as education, I can assure you that I have much more than a truck driver. It is a good thing you are so Blissful (Ignorant) so you don’t know how stupid you and your left wing, communist post really are. Hickey would be ashamed of you.

Freedom? LOL Freedom to do what? Go against legislative process that’s been used in America for over 200 yrs.? HL is the one creating the problem. Just like the other Bible thumping overbearing nutcases have tried to do for over 200 yrs.. Thankfully there are still citizens that protect the Constitution that protects EVERYBODY’s rights. Not just the religious fanatics.

Time for a boycott. I just unsubscribed from their emails this morning. I won’t be stepping foot inside their store again.

Let me ask this, Hobby Lobby. Are you prepared to join ALL of us in providing more welfare for babies who are born due to YOUR refusal to prevent it? Yeah, I know. You have plenty of money to support more taxes for more welfare. Maybe the rest of us DON’T.

I’d be forming a protest outside their store if it weren’t so dang cold out!

shows you non dedication to your cause. ^^^^^^^

Also, memyself, this greedy corporation is closed on Sunday because of their religious beliefs. Think of how much money they could make on Sunday. What a greedy corporation. This matches their stance on birth control, not insurance, just one piece of it.

sorry, *your dedication

this is sad for so many reasons.. do people realize any company can use the “abortion” card to refuse to pay health care for everyone?

meanwhile people who need it are left high and dry if you believe so strongly in your ideals HL might i suggest you close all your stores since im sure devil worshipers and women who have had an abortion or two have been in your holy store.

what about the parents with kids who cant keep shots up to date or provide proper care for growing children? i guess they dont matter as much as handful of people who may get abortions. insanity

You are wrong. Nobody is left high and dry. Anybody with ambition can do anything they want.

You also don’t see realize that abortion, while legally a choice, is still killing a baby that that had the potential to be your neighbor or anything they wanted to be.

You just speak of killing like it’s normal. You make killing like the insane people did killing those children in that school and people in that theater sound like it is ok to do.

You are just as nuts as they are.

“You also don’t see realize that abortion, while legally a choice…”

Exactly. It’s legal, so live with it.

Stop making this about abortion. It’s NOT. It’s about a company trying to control insurance legislation with religion. GET IT? It’s NOT about WELFARE either. IT’s not about women’s sex lives. REPEAT! Read aloud to yourself this line.” It’s about Hobby Lobby USING religion to deny health benefits to their employees. THAT is ANTI_CONSTITUTIONAL” geeeesh. Get your head out of the Bible and read a civic’s book. You might learn something new about American government and Separation of Church and State. You can thank LIBERALS for keeping things in order for over 200 yrs..

People like you are the problem in this country. You think YOUR assumptions are correct and you pass judgement on others and are spiteful based solely on your assumptions. You can’t admit when you’re wrong. You want YOUR religious beliefs to control ALL citizens. Guess what…..they don’t. Get used to it. Live your own life and stop making other’s lives and beliefs your life’s ambition.

Hobby Lobby is not trying to get out of providing all health insurance – just abortion coverage. They already provide all other coverage. I don’t see how people can say that their refusing to provide abortion coverage is an attempt to refuse all health coverage. That is a gross overreaction.

Can I get you another cup of tea? HL is trying to CONTROL their employees personal lives. Are you for that? It’s a slippery slope. If we allow ONE company to control meds DRS. order per the company owners personal religious beliefs; what will they try to control next? WHO you marry? Who you DATE? What meds you take? What you eat? The line was drawn in the sand 200 yrs. ago. GREEDY overbearing religious fanatics are still trying to step over it. If HL owner doesn’t want his wife to have an abortion that’s his choice. HL has no right to decide employees personal LEGAL rights.

No, they don’t have to PAY for someone else’s LEGAL rights!

@memyselfandi-Excellent post. It is something that really makes you think as I had not thought about this subject in that way.

@memyselfandi-using your logic makes sense. If HL can refuse to pay for health insurance for abortions other company’s will try to avoid paying for health care for heart surgery or maybe even cancer because it cost to much and really they could try to say if someone was sick with a potential deadly illness it was God’s will. Where I do not approve of the government forcing Obamacare on us I can certainly see where you are coming from.

Katie, I’m surprised that you’re repeating this lie. I gave you a very detailed explanation regarding the day after pill, including the fact that it does nothing to alter a pregnancy, yet here you are again spreading this untruth.

The day or week after pill merely stops ovulation. If the egg is already fertilized, the pill is ineffective. Therefore, to continue to say that HL doesn’t want to cover abortions is an outright lie on your part. You know better.

It appears to me that you don’t want the facts – you just want to judge others and spread hatred and lies. Nice.

Common sense means nothing to HL types. They think they own the world and everyone’s life.

Being forced to “live with it” doesn’t make it good or right.

Just the opposite, it makes life bad!!

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