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Minnesota Senator Al Franken to resign after accusations of misconduct from women

Al Franken

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Minnesota Senator Al Franken will resign after accusations of misconduct from women.

Franzen gave a speech Thursday on the Senate floor, which can be read below. In November, Franken issued an apology for groping a sleeping woman and laughing about it. Other women have since come forward.

Franken’s speech:

A couple of months ago, I felt that we had entered an important moment in the history of this country. We were finally beginning to listen to women about the ways in which men’s actions affect them. That moment was long overdue. I was excited for that conversation, and hopeful that it would result in real change that made life better for women all across the country and in every part of our society.

Then, the conversation turned to me. Over the last few weeks, a number of women have come forward to talk about how they felt my actions had affected them. I was shocked. I was upset. But in responding to their claims, I also wanted to be respectful of that broader conversation, because all women deserve to be heard, and their experiences taken seriously.

I think that was the right thing to do. I also think it gave some people the false impression that I was admitting to doing things that, in fact, I haven’t done. Some of the allegations against me are simply not true. Others, I remember very differently.

I said at the outset that the Ethics Committee was the right venue for these allegations to be heard, and investigated, and evaluated on their merits. That I was prepared to cooperate fully. And that I was confident in the outcome.

You know, an important part of the conversation we’ve been having the last few months has been about how men abuse their power and privilege to hurt women.

I am proud that, during my time in the Senate, I have used my power to be a champion for women – and that I have earned a reputation as someone who respects the women I work alongside every day. I know there’s been a very different picture of me painted over the last few weeks. But I know who I really am.

Serving in the United States Senate has been the great honor of my life. I know in my heart that nothing I have done as a Senator – nothing – has brought dishonor on this institution. And I am confident that the Ethics Committee would agree.

Nevertheless, today I am announcing that, in the coming weeks, I will be resigning as a member of the United States Senate.

I, of all people, am aware that there is some irony in the fact that I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office, and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the Senate with the full support of his party.

But this decision is not about me. It’s about the people of Minnesota. And it’s become clear that I can’t both pursue the Ethics Committee process and, at the same time, remain an effective Senator for them.

Let me be clear. I may be resigning my seat, but I am not giving up my voice. I will continue to stand up for the things I believe in as a citizen, and as an activist.

But Minnesotans deserve a Senator who can focus with all her energy on addressing the challenges they face every day.

There is a big part of me that will always regret having to walk away from this job with so much work left to be done. But I have faith that the work will continue, because I have faith in the people who have helped me do it.

I have faith in the dedicated, funny, selfless young men and women on my staff. They have so much more to contribute to our country. And I hope that, as disappointed as they may feel today, everyone who has ever worked for me knows how much I admire and respect them.

I have faith in my colleagues, especially my senior Senator, Amy Klobuchar. I would not have been able to do this job without her guidance and wisdom. And I have faith – or, at least, hope – that members of this Senate will find the political courage necessary to keep asking the tough questions, hold this administration accountable, and stand up for the truth.

I have faith in the activists who organized to help me win my first campaign and who have kept on organizing to help fight for the people who needed us: kids facing bullying, seniors worried about the price of prescription drugs, Native Americans who have been overlooked for far too long, working people who have been taking it on the chin for a generation – everyone in the middle class and everyone aspiring to join it.

I have faith in the proud legacy of progressive advocacy that I have had the privilege to be a part of. I think I’ve probably repeated these words ten thousand times over the years, Paul Wellstone’s famous quote: “The future belongs to those who are passionate and work hard.” It is still true. It will always be true.

And, most of all, I have faith in Minnesota. A big part of this job is going around the state and listening to what people need from Washington. But, more often than not, when I’m home, I’m blown away by how much Minnesota has to offer the entire country and the entire world. The people I have had the honor of representing are brilliant, and creative, and hard-working. And whoever holds this seat next will inherit the challenge I’ve enjoyed for the last eight and a half years: being as good as the people you serve.

This has been a tough few weeks for me. But I am a very, very lucky man. I have a beautiful, healthy family that I love, and that loves me very much. I am going to be just fine.

I’d just like to end with one last thing.

I did not grow up wanting to be a politician. I came to this relatively late in life. I had to learn a lot on the fly. It wasn’t easy. And it wasn’t always fun.

I’m not just talking about today. This is a hard thing to do with your life. There are a lot of long hours and late nights and hard lessons, and there is no guarantee that all your work and sacrifice will ever pay off. I won my first election by 312 votes – it could have easily gone the other way. And even when you win, progress is far from inevitable. Paul Wellstone spent his whole life working for mental health parity, and it didn’t pass into law until six years after he died.

This year, a lot of people who didn’t grow up imagining they’d ever get involved in politics have done just that. They’ve gone to their first protest march, or made their first call to a member of Congress, or maybe even taken the leap and put their name on a ballot for the first time.

It can be such a rush, to look around at a room full of people ready to fight alongside you, to feel that energy, to imagine that better things are possible. But you, too, will experience setbacks and defeats and disappointments. There will be days when you will wonder whether it’s worth it.

What I want you to know is that, even today, even on the worst day of my political life, I feel like it’s all been worth it. “Politics,” Paul Wellstone told us, “is about the improvement of people’s lives.” I know that the work I’ve been able to do has improved people’s lives. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

For a decade now, every time I would get tired, or discouraged, or frustrated, I would think about the people I was doing this for, and it would get me back up on my feet. I know the same will be true for everyone who decides to pursue a politics that is about improving people’s lives. And I hope you know that I will be right there fighting alongside you, every step of the way.

With that, M. President, I yield the floor.

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Hey Bodie WHEN is Franken going to resign?

He has. How is the Alabama senate race going?

When did he do it? I must’ve missed it. The speech he gave said “…In the coming weeks.” Alabama Senate race: I believer the lib won.

You liberals keep trying to associate using your position of power to overpower a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body with President Trump saying women come on to celebrities and let you fondle them. President Trump bragged about the fact that “they” LET YOU DO IT!

I played in a band and have many “groupies” come on to us. It’s pretty common. Truthfully band members consider it a perk as an entertaining musician. Be it right or wrong these ladies do want to date you and come on petty strong and are wiling to “put out”. This is exactly what Celebrity Trump was bragging about.

There is a big difference between what Trump was bragging about doing on tape with the boys and what Al Franken, John Conyers, and some Republicans were “doing” to women that were vulnerable

Big difference here folks!

Thank you sir! Your comment was a welcome blast of honesty in a world full of two-faced, lying, virtue-signalling phonies.

Wow, what a load of nonsense you just issued. Leeann Tweeden is seen onstage multiple times slapping butts, grinding her butt against a performer, and wrapping her leg around Robin Williams as if to hump him. She’s a total phony hack job and a hypocrite. What they did to Al Franken is reprehensible. The Democrats truly are the Dummycrats. They keep digging their own graves. Here’s a copy of the Al Franken accuser slapping Robin Williams on the butt:

Another one of Roy Moore loses all her credibility after admitting she forged the yearbook entry.

That itself is a lie. She said she put the date and place next to his signature and salutation.

Huh? Since when isn’t it a lie when you write a false statement about someone in your yearbook to do that person harm? Quit trying to defend the indefensible!

There was no false statement added you moron. She added the date and place it occurred.

You are the moron here! A lie is a lie! What the hell is wrong with you?

Old teach is trying to convince herself that there was something wrong here. If the signature was not his then everything else is suspect. And, it is not a crime to write in someone’s yearbook. Only snowflakes think it is.

Nothing is wrong with me. The signature is genuine, the place and date added later. As for writing in a yearbook, how many high school girls yearbooks did you write in when you were in your 30s?

She tampered with the entry so how are we to believe anything she says. Why did she need to put a date or place there. And let an independent forensic expert examine it.

Franken was right to resign but you far right wing nuts say that Roy Moore should continue on because nothing has been proven. 4 or 5 of Franken’s accusers are anonymous. That doesn’t mean what they allege is a lie, but if you look at Roy Moore, all of his accusers came out publicly. Same with the women who accused Trump of sexual misdeeds. So guys, who do you believe? Why are you so quick to call Franken out for his behavior but won’t do the same for Trump and Moore?

Roy Moore’s accusers have no credibility as they waited until 4 weeks before a major election to make their accusations. It they would have said something a year ago or a month after the election I would give them their due. But not now, not the way they used it for political reasons. That destroys all their standing with me!

Also, if after the election should Moore be elected we still have a process to hold him accountable and throw him out of office. That is the way the system should work. He is INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY!!! No one should be accused and tried and convicted by a sick media. Anyone piling on Moore before he is PROVEN guilty is just as sick as the media and holds no sway with me.

Again President Trump has not committed and sexual deeds he only TALKED about sexual deeds with willing participants!! There is a big difference.

“I moved on her like a bitch….. I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Sadly what Trump said is the truth! Thanks for printing his braggadocios talk. That is exactly what I am pointing out. It may sound uncouth but that goes on all the time,

Again, that is much different than using your position as a boss, cop, or powerful elected official etc., and use that as a force to overpower a woman and take advantage of her. That is criminal.

Watchdog-You are debating with the queen of snowflakes.

How is this not sexual assault? He says he takes advantage of them because he is “a star”. “They let you do it” This is taking advantage of the power you have. You really shouldn’t be defending this statement. It just shows he is a predator.

Who did he assault? A locker in a locker room? Where are your names. When these people come out of nowhere after years and years you just have to ask if they are making it up just to get attention. It is well known you liberals would make up anything to get at Trump. CNN and ABC do it every single day.

What fantasy universe do you live in, anyway? I have news for you people get all kinds of things that you and I won’t ever get, and that’s the way it’s always going to matter what fat, millionaire hypocrits Rosie O’Donnell and Michael Moore have told you.

So, if a 14 year old throws herself at you and you were rich, taking advantage of her isn’t sexually assaulting her? You are a sick person.

Hey bodacious, FYI 14 year old girls are NOT all innocent victims either. Many 14 year old girls are manipulative and very sexual. You love to manipulate the facts and bend them to your false narrative!

So you would eh? Pervert.

Bodacious you do come across as a pervert. Freudian slip. You act as if you have some deep seated perversion buried inside the way you approach this subject. Get help!

You make the point, sadly these kind of women like to be treated this way.

bodacious you do realize you have no credibility here. You keep making stuff up about sexual assault and women or girls that want you to come on to them. Are you really that stupid or don’t you get it?

It just simply means that Franken didn’t have the balls to defend himself from made up accusations. That tells me he was guilty as sin. He was, is and always will be a clown.

Besides being a pervert, his arrogance did him in. I am not sorry he is gone. He was a horrible Senator. Minnesota deserves better!

Ok republicans now it’s your turn! Who should we start with? How about the biggest rapist of them all! Donald “grab them by the pussy” trump. Mr. Rape a 13 year old girl! Your turn!

Don’s daughter can grab my hammer anytime, no complaints !!

Another sexist, criminal, funny guy Democrat gone.

Too bad that the Republicans that have been accused of the same thing are not man enough to resign, instead they would rather drag your Republican Party through the mud and you guys allow it to happen by still supporting them. That makes you part of the problem also

Why should they resign over false allegations. This is a country of laws and no one (Including Franken) should be forced to resign over allegations. He resigned because he must have felt guilty, not because it was proven.

has anyone listened to his speech in its entirety? I am confused, he says, women need to speak out, stand up and tell there story. AND in the next breath its, they are not telling the truth and I (he) remembers everything differently. I am confused, then he says two of the GOP are in office still for doing the same thing…. i am so confused. Why is it so hard to admit your wrong/guilty when you are caught. I don’t care WHO it is.

“AND in the next breath its, they are not telling the truth and I (he) remembers everything differently.”

You misheard it. He did not say it quite as you have typed it. Listen again.

I hear yeah, would get more respective just admits he was wrong. I also think this would be a good question to ask our president, he cannot admit that he has done wrong either!

That is because he hasn’t done anything wrong. All he did was make a comment in a locker room. Did you libs ever hear of the first amendment.

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