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Kim Reynolds points to school superintendents who are “frustrated with AEAs” and “excited for reforms”

DES MOINES - The office of Governor Kim Reynolds is pointing to two Northern Iowa school superintendents who have had enough of the current use of Area Education Agencies (AEAs) and are eager for reforms.

DES MOINES – The office of Governor Kim Reynolds is pointing to two Northern Iowa school superintendents who have had enough of the current use of Area Education Agencies (AEAs) and are eager for reforms.

Kim Reynolds and the GOP-dominated Iowa Legislature are pushing major changes to AEAs, which offer vital services to Iowans. As proof of the need for this overhaul, her office on Friday offered a “key quote” from a Des Moines Register opinion article apparently written by David Smith, Superintendent of Schools in Spirit Lake, and Todd Abrahamson, Superintendent of Schools in Okoboji:

“As superintendents, it comes down to this: Move the money that is allocated on districts’ behalf to the school districts and let districts choose how the dollars are spent, in alignment with district goals and needs.”

The article is titled, “We superintendents have been frustrated with AEAs, and we’re excited for reforms” and was published in the Des Moines Register.  Reynolds’ office offered more passages from the op-ed:

“Many school superintendents across the state have expressed frustration with the AEAs for years. Reform is long overdue and there are many positives that will result. Most importantly, it will afford districts the opportunity to determine how the allocated dollars for their district are spent and ensure the money is spent on services that match their student and district needs. Most districts do not fully utilize the services their dollars are spent on, nor do many districts have any idea where the thousands of dollars allocated on their behalf are spent. Oversight holds the system accountable, increases transparency and improves student outcomes.


“We believe school districts are prepared to receive their media and education services dollars in the 2024-25 school year. We propose waiting until the following year to move special education funds to school districts. The additional planning time will benefit both our schools and the AEAs, and give the AEAs time to earn our business.

Iowa Capitol

“These bills give districts, who know their needs and potential partners the best, several options including: Continue working with AEAs for all services, or opt into AEA services for areas where they most effectively meet your needs and the flexibility to work with other agencies to better meet your district needs. If districts want to keep their AEA services intact, they may do so. Closing AEAs was never included in any proposal. However, for those of us who believe we can create a significantly deeper impact on our students, we will have the funding available to make it happen. Many of us have already talked about partnering on a small scale. We can hire our own people, coordinate with area districts and partner with people connected to our district. These people who have relationships with our staff and students will dedicate themselves to our district and work tirelessly to improve student outcomes.

“Reform is a win-win for everyone, and we recently shared these thoughts with Governor Reynolds when she met with superintendents in our region to discuss her proposal and hear our feedback. We appreciate her willingness to listen to our ideas and take them into consideration. We are telling our legislators the same now as they work to find common ground and pass a bill that helps our students succeed.


“Now is an important time to share our side of the story: Many school superintendents across the state believe reforming the AEA system will lead to positive change. We need an efficient and effective system that can be created by giving districts control of the money allocated on their behalf so they can make the most impactful decisions with their funding. We also realize the importance of increasing teacher pay for the attraction and retention of great people to the profession of education.”

The bill is still working its way through the Legislature.

A different view:Hands off the AEAs. We aren’t seeing proof of an Iowa special education crisis.

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Yeah, right. This b*tch is the highest paid escort in the midwest. Bruce RATstetter OWNS her, and pimps her out to whoever he chooses.

Two superintendents out of 250+ -less than 2% of superintendents. Boy, Kim that certainly is a mandate from our districts. She is an idiot.

Local control?? Republicans?? That’s blasphemy!

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