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4 Must-Try Exercises for a Well-Rounded Fit Routine

Looking to step up your fitness routine this year?

Many beginners see exercise as a tedious way to feel good, with little emphasis on fitness or health. But, the easiest way to feel amazing is to try new fitness or exercise regimens.

There are so many tried and tested exercises that make you feel better every day. Once you arrive at the destination (your fit self), it’ll be worth it.

Here are 4 tried and tested exercises for beginners that you incorporate into your fit routine.

  1. Core-Strengthening Planks

Planks are a simple but effective exercise for enhancing your fit routine. Start by lying flat on your stomach on a comfortable surface. Place your hands directly under your shoulders and slowly lift your body off the ground.

Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Keep your abs tight and hold this position for as long as possible. Try to increase your hold time gradually each day.

Planks strengthen your core, which is essential for overall fitness. They improve your posture and balance and can even help reduce back pain.

  1. Cardio-Boosting Jump Rope

Jump rope is an exercise that brings back memories of childhood fun. Keep in mind, though, that it’s also a serious workout that can take your fitness regimen to another level.

It’s simple to get started, too. All you need is a jump rope! Stand with feet together and the rope behind you, then swing it over your head and jump just high enough to let it slip under your feet.

Keep your jumps low and turn the rope with your wrists, not your arms. This exercise gets your heart rate up quickly, making it a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness. Plus, it’s a full-body workout that can help tone your arms and legs.

  1. Balance-Improving Pilates

Pilates is a fantastic exercise that focuses on controlled movements. It helps improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance.

It’s a mind-body workout that emphasizes core strength, correct alignment, and muscle balance. Start with basic Pilates exercises like the hundred, the roll-up, or leg circles. You’ll need a soft surface or a mat, and you can follow along with online tutorials or join a local class.

If you want to take it a step further, you can be a Pilates instructor, too. All you need is an ASFA certification. Look it up online to know more. 

  1. Flexibility-Enhancing Yoga

Yoga is a wonderful addition to any well-rounded fitness routine. It’s not just about flexibility. It’s also strength, balance, and mental focus.

Start with basic poses, such as the downward dog, warrior pose, or tree pose. To do yoga, you just need a mat and some comfortable clothes. Find a quiet space, and follow along with a video or app.

You can also join a class to learn from a teacher. Yoga helps you become more aware of your body and your breath. It’s a peaceful way to end a workout or to start your day.

Start Your Fit Routine Now

Starting a fit routine is one of the best decisions you can make for your physical and mental well-being. Don’t wait any longer; take that first step and commit to incorporating exercise into your daily routine.

So, let’s get started and say yes to a happier and healthier life! Your future self will thank you. 

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