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What is a plant growth regulator?

The agricultural community has shown recent interest in plant growth products. The appeal is due to the clear benefits they offer during planting and foliar application. Plant growth products like PGRs are the hormones that influence how plants grow and develop. 

There are five general classes of PGRs: auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, and abscisic acid. Each hormone affects plants differently, from how seeds germinate to how plants grow and develop. Plant effects may vary depending on the type of PGR used and its application frequency. 

You can apply PGRs throughout the growing season, but there are specific points when using PGRs is most beneficial. For instance, using regulators before emergence allow seeds to receive an added boost for a stronger start, protecting their survival when environmental conditions are unfavorable. If you want to apply PGRs like primo maxx to your crop nutrition routine, continue reading for additional information on all things plant growth regulators. 

What is a plant growth regulator? 

A plant growth regulator (PGR) is a chemical product that alters how plants grow to produce outcomes like:

  • Increased branching
  • Slowing shoot growth
  • Modified fruit maturity
  • Faster grass growth 

Are all PGRs the same? 

The purpose of a plant growth regulator is to regulate how plants respond. It is essential to understand how the product you’re using works, as not all PGRs are the same. The term is general and refers to a product that utilizes plant hormones to obtain specific outcomes. Make sure you know what the anticipated effect is before you make your purchase. 

Why would I want a PGR? 

You may purchase a plant growth regulator product for various reasons related to the growth and development of your plants. You can read up on PGRs you’re interested in to see if the effects meet your intentions for your plants. Some people use PGRs for root development, to ensure that plants develop longer stems, or for plant senescence. If you’re low on time, you can also find PGRs that make it easier to care for your plants by reducing their need for water intake.  

How will PGRs affect my lawn? 

You can find a plant growth regulator for grass that will allow you to complete half the amount of mowing you usually do, as well as promote lateral growth so your lawn becomes denser with less upkeep. Ensure that the regulators you purchase will not only deliver the desired effects but that they are the right products for your grass type. Some products work only for warm or cool-season grass, but others work for all types. You can identify all the information you need on the product label. 

Find the right products for your plants. 

Whether you’re looking for a convenient way to care for your lawn or to see desired effects in your plants, there are products that will do the trick. Verify that the products you’re looking at will achieve the desired results so you can determine you’ve found the right PGRs for your plants.

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