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Senator Charles Grassley says working Iowans spend their extra money on “booze or women or movies”

Charles Grassley

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a puzzling statement to the Des Moines Register, Iowa Senator Charles Grassley said rich investors deserve tax breaks ahead of working people who “spend every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”

Senator Chuck Grassley explained his vote on a massive Republican tax cut plan that was approved this weekend in the Senate, telling the Des Moines Register, “I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing, as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”

Reportedly, very few Iowans would benefit from a cut to the estate tax, which taxes the transfer of wealth from a deceased person to other people.

In response to Grassley’s statement, a left-leaning political group called Progress Iowa released a statement, calling on Senator Chuck Grassley to apologize:

“Senator Grassley owes an apology to his hardworking constituents and to every working family in America. The estate tax only applies to families with more than $5.5 million in inheritance. It is the height of elitism to suggest that people who aren’t multimillionaires have wasted their money. Senator Grassley has been an elected official since the Eisenhower administration, and has had almost 60 years to help build the middle class. Instead, he’s done his darndest to stunt the dreams of American workers while tilting the scales for the extremely wealthy. His vote for the Republican tax plan in the darkness of night is just the latest example. Senator Grassley is out of touch with Iowa workers and owes all of us an apology.”

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You do know that Chucks oversite committee as of just now was able to pinpoint this rouge FBI agent who is Anti Trump and Pro Clinton and that is why no charges against Clinton – Nice try demorats – he may be old but much smarter than you think in the way of the DC Demorat swamp. Watch Fox News – it’s a whole new world for you fake news people.

LOL ROUGE FBI agent. Whats next, a lipstick FBI agent? Republicrooks invented fake news, its called Fox news.

Between taxes and government regulations that force things to cost more, the working man, in Iowa, has nothing left to invest and damn little to enjoy on booze, women and movies. Chuck, your remark is the dumbest thing you’ve ever said!

I bought a bottle of crown, took my wife to dinner and a movie! Guess that’s how I spend my extra money. We bad!

Trump and the Republicans did a great job of convincing blue collar America that the brown people were the real problem. It’s little sound bytes like this one that show the true nature of their con job. The Republicans don’t want to make blue collar America great again, they want to keep giving your money to their billionaire donors. Wake up.

Poster child for Term Limits…Vote his butt OUT!!!

After coming home from a hard day of work, I happened to have read your stupid, dumb ass comment. All Iowans who have read this, remember at election time. I suggest Grassley, you take your big money and free health care and retire. Then think about all the working Iowans who supported you all these years that are struggling.

After coming home from a hard day of work and reading your stupid comment, you can bet I will do everything I can to make sure this message gets out come re-election time. After this you should retire and get your big money and free health care and think about all who cannot afford insurance.

When billionaires get more money it’s likely to be invested. When the average Joe gets more money they spend it, stimulating the economy. When the lower and middle classes have more money in their pockets, the economy does better. It does not trickle down.

Before everybody calls for Chuck’s head, if you read his statement in full context and think about it, it’s not really that far out there. How many people do you actually know, that spend money that they shouldn’t spend on frivolous, silly things? If you can’t think of anybody, you’re not trying.

I really dont spend a lot on movies but the other two, well……

After paying all my bills, how much booze or women or movies will $5.00 get me.

He was obviously talking about Democrats. The party of drunks and stupid.

Your boy makes a stupid comment and you try to blame it on the Democrats! You are an embarrassment to the Republican Party just like Grassley is. The only thing is you are an idiot also!

Oh Chuck , maybe you should ease up on the bottle, Saying dumb crap won,t get you to far

Honestly, I always liked Grassley, but is seems his age is catching up with him. What a stupid comment.

We spent 17 million to cover up what they have done ! Se we have spent some on women !!

Progress Iowa is a Far Left, Communist Organization. Pay no attention to anything they comment about. It is always a lie in one way or another.

Lies? Would you like to see it in Chuck’s own words? How stupid can you be? Oh, I forgot, you’re one of the NIT Gang of 4.


I would have to agree with you about them being a far left organization, way too far left even for me, but for you to say that Grassley’s comment is a lie?? Are you joking? If not then you are so far right that anything you say doesn’t make sense either.

After a good movie was on my way to the booze store and ran into a couple hookers on the corner. Now I’m broke. lol

I sent him a email once complaining about something and his reply was when he retires he will only get $187,000 a yr and paid health insurance. what a asshole

Yes he is

Somehow, I doubt that you printed out that email response to prove it to us skeptics.

These elite piece of trash.Time to pull the plug on his ass.Iowans need too wise up.The Donald is rubbing off on him.Republicans keep it up and there will be no Republicans in 10 years.Donald Trump,Mitch,Chuck and many others are going to get railed over this when they come home for holidays.Trump is the WORST president we will have in History we just won’t be around by then.Talk about kicking debts to future citizens.Most the Jobs you see are leftovers from Obama years of work.Just matters what side your on the 1% or the other 99%.Wise up Rise up and make Big changes in 2018/2020.This is the USA not a reality show Donald Trump.Never will say he is wrong,his the type of person that believes his own lies.when he doesn’t like what he hears he plays deaf and puts his thumb up.What a douche bag.I’ll bet he has never been in a fist fight,just loud mouth without daddys $ he would sit home by self with no friends.This is our President

Nice post Bodie,

Not me pal. I don’t spell my name that way. It is bodacious.

Where are the conservative trumpeters now? How goes it guys?

Maybe you should go back and read what he really said. You can read can’t you Teach? If you can’t understand it we can get a 3rd grader to explain it to you. This B.S. of only printing what you want to hear is a dumb liberal trick.

LVS, I read perfectly well. It is what he said and he did it in an interview with a newspaper. He later said people didn’t understand what he said but I think we all understand what he said and what he meant. Except you and the other members of the gang of 4.

This shows how far Grassley is from his “aw-shucks, watch me mow my lawn” persona when he runs for election. Shame on us if we continue to elect him and “keep America white” Steve King.

You ready to vote this schmuck out? Do it. Get rid of this human trash.

If he wants to run again he will be re-elected. Just like King will.

And if Brandstad wants to run again, Iowans will vote that dumbarse back into office too. Are Iowans really this stupid or are our elections horribly corrupted?

Grassley has sold out to the Super Rich. Gone are the days when he drove to the Pentagon looking for those $700 hammers. We have the best Congress money can buy!

has he been following me?

Chuck, you are so far from reality that it’s pathetic, time for you to go.

So what does Grassley spend his money on ?

YOU and the horse you rode in on Assley!

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