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Clear Lake Chamber stops recycling program, calls it “unsustainable”

CLEAR LAKE – A long-standing program in Clear Lake that turned cans and bottles into cash for the popular fireworks show has come to an end.

The Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce said this week that they will stop “its long-standing program of recycling of bottles and cans for the community of Clear Lake.”

According to the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce:

One Vision, formerly known as Opportunity Village, helped the Chamber as a partner in recycling for years. The Village supplied the labor and location to do the actual recycling and also collected the cans and bottles. One Vision is now going in a different direction, with personnel reassigned, and lost a considerable amount of money in recycling last year.

The Chamber tried to look for other partners, and were not successful. So the Chamber decided to end its participation in the community recycling program.

Tim Coffey, Chamber President and CEO said, “Right now, it’s not sustainable. If we find the right reliable partners, we could resurrect the program again, but it is hard to match the dedication and work that One Vision did when they partnered with us for many years. The bottom line is the state legislature needs to increase the redemption fee to make recycling worth pursuing and to cover costs.”

The Chamber used its portion of funds from recycling to help pay for the 4th of July fireworks for the community.

Grocery stores are mandated by law to accept up to 120 bottles and cans per individual per day to recycle.

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Drop the deposit and go to curbside recycling.

Let’s see ! The huge 757 jet (weather control- ya ya) flying overhead sprays deadly chemicals 0n me? 2 the farmer spraying deadly herbicides into the air i’m breathing ? The pollution in 750 Iowa’s waterways that eating the fish could kill me? 4 breathing the toxic fumes from the corporate CAFOs (more than a few foreign owned/controlled or a few empty beer cans laying in the weeded ditch along side the hidden meth making articles – Could you give me a few moments to google this because I am a snowflake/liberal and cannot think for myself. Where’s Will Rogers when you need him ?

does someone need to supply you with the necessary equipment to put yourself out of your misery? snowflakes will melt from global warming and we can’t wait for you to dissappear

I truly feel sorry for this guy. He needs help and I hope he gets it and then gets a life. Crazy thing is he seems to be the voice of the republicans and Trump supporters on this site. You all must be proud to have this guy as your spokesperson.

It could be a lot worse. He could be a Democrat, then he would be lying all the time.

Yea! Increase the redemption fee to $1.00 per can – That should solve the 20 billions shortfall in the public servant retirement fund. Or just make sun tea for 10 cents a gallon – good ! hot or cold and only takes 30 minutes –

Returning cans/bottles has become a pain in the azz – almost need and appointment at the recycle center – stores are 1 at a time – does this 120 can law pertain to conveince stores -I don’t think Caseys takes cans/ bottles – if they do it’s not like years ago when you seen coke/or pepsi trucks picking them up – something just don’t add up – more than a few people are just throwing them away – NOT worth the PAIN. Of couse the state could care less as long as they get 5 cents per can and pay no refund – Is this a game? Get a decent place to return them /with set daily hours / Yea – never happen.

then I hope you two will be out picking up the cans that are thrown in the ditches by all those urban environmentalists. tired of your garbage littering the roads and highways

Anonymous, in case you don’t get out in the country very often, little has changed with the deposit law. Recycling would be easier and even the slobs that litter will be more apt to recycle. No business wants mess with them anymore, HyVee being the last one town to mess with them at all, unless you count the recycling center that’s only open part-time and doesn’t know how to count.

“The bottom line is the state legislature needs to increase the redemption fee to make recycling worth pursuing and to cover costs.”

No, They Need to Repeal This Outdated Law. Major Hassle For All Iowans. Even Minnesota Is Smart Enough not To Try This.

Cans Can Still Be Recycled without This Program. Alter buys aluminum for cash.

Totally agree that the bottle bill law is way outdated and needs to go away. This law came about before the majority of cities had curbside recycling. We still need to recycle these cans and bottles but no need to drag them back to the store where we buy our groceries.
The law needs to go away and we can recycle the cans and bottles with the rest of the cardboard, paper, glass and tin cans that most of us are recycling now.

Agree 100%. Archaic program that is obsolete with today’s recycling programs.

Push back from the liberals. How are the “po’ people” going to make a living to get their cigs and booze if they can’t get the cash after picking up cans and bottles?

My big concern is the lady pushing the cart around the Hy-Vee East parking lot talking to strangers asking if they have any cans in their vehicles she can have. What will she do, what will she do???

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