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Federal request for voter information turned down by Iowa and other states

DES MOINES – A request from President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity for sensitive data on Iowa voters like social security numbers and much more has been turned down by the Secretary of State.

Iowa’s Secretary of State Paul Pate said in a statement “My office received a letter from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Integrity late Wednesday and has not yet responded to it. There is a formal process for requesting a list of registered voters, as specified in the Iowa Code. We will follow that process if a request is made that complies with Iowa law. The official list request form is available on the Iowa Secretary of State’s website, Some voter registration information is a matter of public record. However, providing personal voter information, such as Social Security numbers, is forbidden under Iowa Code. We will only share information that is publicly available and complies with Iowa Code. I am attending a national meeting of Secretaries of State next week, where the Commission’s letter will likely be discussed.”

President Trump

The Commission’s mission, allegedly, is to root out voter fraud, which the President has repeatedly claimed is rampant in the United States.

The Mayor of Washington, D.C. also denied a request fro the commission, saying
“Its request for voter information, such as social security numbers, serves no legitimate purpose and only raises questions on its intent.”

Last week, Vice President Mike Pence held an organizational call with members of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. The Vice President reiterated President Trump’s charge to the commission with producing a set of recommendations to increase the American people’s confidence in the integrity of our election systems.

“The integrity of the vote is a foundation of our democracy; this bipartisan commission will review ways to strengthen that integrity in order to protect and preserve the principle of one person, one vote,” the Vice President told commission members.

The commission set July 19 as its first meeting, which will take place in Washington, D.C.

Vice Chair of the Commission and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach told members a letter will be sent to the 50 states and District of Columbia on behalf of the Commission requesting publicly-available data from state voter rolls and feedback on how to improve election integrity. The letter has prompted a number of responses from the states and D.C.

Among the questions about voters the letter asked for, including social security numbers, was voter names, birth dates, addresses, party affiliation, military service status, and criminal history.

The New York Times reports that some states are denying the commission’s request for voter data.

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Trump won the election..let it go !

Investigate the sanctuary counties in Iowa First ! Their corrupt to the hair line. Happy 4th of July -GOD bless America and I will sleep good for the next 8 years knowing Trump will be the president of the USA.

As the CNN -Dilbert democraps would say – HONESTY is NOT the best policy.

What a crock of crap. You have a right to vote in the privacy of a voting booth. This is absolutely unethical.

If Iowa refuses the audit then it has something DARK to hide! Think MAYBE? Ha ha ha ha – Trumped again evil doers.

Paul Pate could be a NWO – er – puppet -pawn – soro’s errand boy- Gee I would hate to think that lying Hal. Naw! His group is pure anti Trump and anti American.

HAL is a lieing demorat – by the way dimms – the federal government ALREADY has your SS# – that is if your here legally – think about it before you answer – Bingo – all their doing is a cross reference and if your halfway honest what’s the big deal ? Voter fraud in 2008 Obananna 5,000,000 votes – Not releasing this information is criminal and the people behind it (Hillerys new world order demorats should be put in prison. ANTI AMERICAN to promote voter FRAUD. By the way who told you Iowa elected officials and public servants are always honest?

It really makes you wonder what they are trying to hide.

You mean like Trump hiding his tax returns?
Or hiding his Russian connection?

Or like Trump hiding his affairs with other women?

You mean Clinton, only you are to stupid to know it.

You don’t address Trump’s hiding his tax returns or his associations with Russia. Instead, you go back 20 years and bring Bill Clinton into the picture as if that is an excuse for Trump’s deceptions. When are you guys going to stop making excuses for this man? He is a boor and has no business being President of the Untied States. Unfortunately, we are stuck with him for another 3 1/2 years. After that, I am pretty sure you guys will ask the church to canonize him. Saint Donald, patron saint of the gullible.

Haven’t you heard that Trump’s Russia connection was nothing more than fake news. Really fake news that is zo bad that the FBI paid $50,000.00 for a phony report from a private firm that has zero facts and zero credibility. Trump came out on top on that issue.

Trumps taxes mean nothing and is much to do about political BS.

Trumps personal life with women are his business just like Clinton’s was. Just more BS to put down the messenger.

Trump wants to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Don’t you?

Watchdog, the FBI never paid that $50,000. More disingenuous BS from you far-right people.
Trump won’t release his tax returns because he is a liar
Here is a link to where Trump promised to release his returns:
Lying is the only thing that Trump is good at.

Trump does not have America’s interests at heart, he is just a snake-oil salesman and you fools are buying into it.

Rick, don’t confuse Watchdog with real facts. He is a bona fide member of the NIT Gang of Five who believe everything Trump says and does is for their benefit. If they don’t like the facts presented, they will label it fake news and call you names. They also read as gospel the far right web sites and look at Alan Jones as the only man besides our President who speaks truth.

bodie, you are so silly.

Paul Pate is dumber than a box of rocks. While Iowa Code prohibits releasing social security numbers to the PUBLIC makes sense, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is NOT the PUBLIC.

The Federal Government already has every American’s social security number. The purpose of the commission is to do a thorough check of who voted and whether or not they are “legal” citizens of the United States.

Once again we find out Paul Pate is yet another obstructionist and clearly doesn’t want to cooperate with with the Election Commission who are representing our best interests. Rather than help find a solution he puts up a wall of resistance.

Damm sure won’t be voting for him! Ever!!!

Why do I get the feeling that if the Obama administration had asked for the exact same thing you’d be singing a different tune?

Can you imagine the reaction if Obama had tried to do this?
Conservative heads all over the country would have exploded.
Trump is held to a different standard that is if you consider no standard at all different.
They have set the bar so low for him, it is under the swamp.

Well, there was the Iowa woman who voted for Trump twice.

Nope, the same rules would apply to Obama or whoever. This Election Commission is long overdue. Elections have been tampered with for decades. Why is it that only Democrats OPPOSE election fraud?

I can only conclude that is the Democrats that are the guilty parties that don’t want to examine and fix a flawed voting system in America.

In truth voting would be easily administered by making everyone that votes PROVE they are citizens of the US, have not had their voting rights removed, and DIP YOUR FINGER IN THE INK!

You fellers sure wouldn’t want that though, huh?

Never mind that every study every done on voter fraud shows that it’s almost nonexistent.
What little fraud there is is mostly by Republicans

Woman in Iowa who voted twice, Terri Lynn Rote and she voted for Trump.
Man in Texas who voted twice. Phillip Cook was arrested on Election Day after voting twice for Trump.
Audrey Cook is a Republican election judge in Illinois. Her husband died before he completed his absentee ballot, so she filled it out for him… for Trump.

So much for your studies that say voter fraud is nonexistent. Why Hal, they should have had you do the “study”. Thanks for the laugh.

Watchdog , it is too bad that critical thinking skills are not in your realm of reality.
You ignored the factual cases of Republican fraud with your BS response, but then that is so typical of you.
I get a kick out of you Trumpanzees that always resort to the term “fake news” whenever it does not mesh with your narrow-minded views and blind obedience to Trump.

You are correct, that is because the Obama administration was trust worthy

Recently illegals were sentenced for selling stolen identities. Those allowed illegals to vote as well as get jobs and guns. Illegals very likely voted. After all they had a lot depending on the election.

Even more news:

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