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I cant wait for the new currency to come out.



Lets see joe and corn pop – civil court different than government court/sham. – the jury will give the man 24 million and maybe some of the cabal will disappear – but then would would work at the ccp/cnn and nit/ccp organizations ?

commie pikes as usual

Take your dress off and go to bed, eddie.

WTF is corn pop? Put down the meth!

Jo Jo’s imaginary friend. l see you don’t listen to his babbling broadcasts either…

Kind of like trump making up sources for all the ‘information’ he received? Or trump calling into radio shows pretending to be someone else? Or trump saying he knew more about everything than anybody else?

Touch a nerve, did we?

CornPop wasn’t a friend and there is ample evidence he did exist.

Define ‘woman’? Easy. Woman = better than a man

You should be a justice, or are you black. Black donkeys are mules.

You must be a male donkey.
Also known as a jackass.

Can’t wait for the Biden’s family self destruction to be shown nationally

You are an idiot Bob, get your lips off of Trump’s ass.

I see the DNC pundit just erased my comment about Trumps 24 million dollar lawsuit against the Hillery machine. We know what you are – turn coat pos.

Trump’s lawsuit will be as successful as Trump Steaks. Here is a thought for you – A Republican-led U.S. Senate committee concluded Russia used Paul Manafort, a former chairman of Trump’s campaign, and Wikileaks to boost his chances in 2016.

And Hunter coerced many countries to help the Big Guy
win an election.

Deflection again.

Of course he did. He was probably there too.

Did Clarence Thomas know what his wife was doing….. you know what I’m talking about.

Of course he did. He is as corrupt as trump.

Did Kelly Conway know what her husband was doing?????
He is a POS commy

She is doing what she was doing before Trump was elected. Running her own right leaning political analysis firm. And a cable news analyst. This time for Fox News.

A little different situation, bonzo. Clarence is a SCOTUS justice. Kelly was a bauble for Trump’s ego.

It’s the principle, lib

trumpettes don’t have principles.

2 minutes to fill a gas tank, 20 minutes to charge a battery. Oh yeah that’ll work.

EMP burst will put an end to these electric puppies…

He may be only 20 years old…then l agree

More like 50 minutes and that is if you are using a level 3 charger. Can you imagine how many charging stations they will need at convenience stores in the future to keep customers happy? Electric cars are a good thing coming. Especially for vehicles on a local delivery route or local driving to work. But we need to figure out a new expanded electrical distribution system, Alliant or Mid-American can’t supply enough current for everyone to charge at the same time. And if your house only has a 100 amp electrical service, your electric car depending on the charge level of your battery could demand 40 amps of it leaving you only 60 left to cook dinner, while doing that you only have 30 amps left, oops daughter just plughed in and turned on an electric hair dryer and the clothes dryer happens to be running. Your lights just went off because you main breaker just tripped. At that point you’ll need to charge your car later on that night.
It will take some lifestyle changes to be sure. Meanwhile save up for a new electrical panel. And hope your power supplier can keep up with all the demand.

Dear Reddy, you must not follow technology. We improve our technology every day. Within a few years technology will have created chargers that re-charge in minutes. Batteries will last longer and there will be no need for gasoline-powered cars.

Let me know when that is ready

So how are low income people supposed to pay for an electric car? Don’t say they buy a used one. By the time those get back on the lot the batteries will be shot and they could be looking at paying $5000 just to replace them. IF they can get them. A “starter car” for your kid? Can you afford to pay big money for a good used electric car? A decent used car anymore these days around $7500 to $10K. A good electric used car about double. Next lets talk cold temperatures. The efficiency of electric batteries go down in the cold. And remember you are using more things in the car to keep comfortable. Electric heater, seat warmers,windshield and mirror defrosters, not to mention the infotainment center, and the basic operation body and electric drive modules. All use lots of power. Power you need to keep the car driving down the road. The city of Duluth pulled something the Mason City city council would only dream of. Duluth spent big money on an electric bus and found they could not use it in the winter. Batteries and cold weather do not mix. When an electric car runs out of power its not as simple as finding a gas can. And who is going to fix eletric cars in North Iowa? Probably the car dealerships at least at first. Just ask Ford Mustang MachE owners about their warraty repair experiences. Many even had to pay over sticker for the priviledge of owning one. I really think though many of these problems could be worked out and many folks could own and enjoy them. But the year 2035 is going to be too soon. And if they are mandated. You could be down to only 1 car!

Kwik Star will build another 100 stations in Cerro Gordo county for that.

Well when a highly educated person cannot define woman…. Then in my opinion she isn’t educated at all!!!! How would she ever be able to interpret law????? Crazy!!!

Blackburn asked a stupid question and more than likely she wanted Jackson to answer it in a way that would offend some. It was a lead in to more attacks and Jackson didn’t take the bait.

The left would of brutalized her if she answered truthfully, not biologically

What are you talking about?

The question asked? what are you reading?

Blackburn’s tiny brain has long ago been calcified in a thick toxic coating of Aqua Net.

Sen L. Graham You POS sounding ALL Tuff at the SCOTUS Hearing. WHY Have YOU Voted YES On Every other Lower Court ALT LEFT POS Judge Biden has Nominated? …STFU

Looked like he left when he was done complaining, did they talk to him after he left?

Korean War China Supplied Nork Korea 100k’s of Troops & Materials & the Russians Supplied MIG 15’s the State of the Art Top Fighter & even SOME Pilots that actually Fought against OUR Pilots. That Was OK…Vietnam, China & Numerous Soviet Bloc Countries Supplied Guns Ammo etc. while Russia Provided Mig17’s & 21’s, SA2 SAM’S & the Radar to Guide them..That was Ok also. NOW The West CAN’T Supply MIGS to Ukraine using THEIR Own Pilots….WTF

Shame!! There was a Time when People like Walter Cronkite was the MOST Trusted Man in America on how He reported the News. He was a Democrat but NEVER Sold Out to HIS Party to Report the News or would Spike a Story. Even CNN during Gulf War 1 had Credibility on its reporting of IT but Not Any More. BIG Tech was the First to Shutdown a Credible News Company to Protect Hunter Biden as did the REST of the Now Democrat Propaganda Networks. They ALL Circled the Wagons & Went & Found 51 SO Called Experts, ALL Democrats from Previous Presidential Admins Confirming from WHO Knows what The SO Called Proof of Russian Disinformation. Now NONE of those 51 are Now Talking or Explaining WHAT Was that Intel to CLAIM that these LIES they TOLD?..NO Accountability, Responsibility, NO SHAME from ANY Of Them & HOW They Interfered with OUR Election Process in doing SO!

clue us in oh wise ass on the that cartoon

If it was the 50’s 60’s there wouldn’t be the nit left leaning propaganda bullshit site. You know the one that dislikes republicans/conservatives, but will exploit them for personnel gain $$$$$$$.

When are you going to learn to spell? It is ‘personal gain’ not “personnel gain”. Or is it you can’t remember that because of your brain injury?

cha ching $$$$$$$$

Just fine but I see you are still a whiny little snowflake.

Which means there are 42% of Americans who are dumbasses.

Maybe black or of a different opinion


No one is surprised!!
The Demtards only wanted a female of color!!
Experience not needed!!

Hmmm… Biden HAD to have a Black Woman VP, & We’ve SEEN how THAT’S Worked OUT! NOW nominates a Black Woman SCOTUS Judge Who Apparently since SHE’S Not a Biologist can’t explain or doesn’t KNOW what a Woman IS even after having 2 Kids of Her Own. SMH!

What makes him a racist? because he has an opinion on the person

Jackson is more qualified than the last 2 judges appointed by trump. And she didn’t break down and cry when people asked tough questions and questioned her character. If you remember Barrett’s testimony, she deflected often when asked about her views.

He-man frat-boy a**hole Brett Kavanaugh is the first and only SCOTUS nominee to cry and throw a tantrum during confirmation hearings.

Did you know that confirmation hearings were not used for a long while in our history? The nomination of a Jewish man was the first time they were held.

Mostly Democratic

13 of the 17 judges since 1969 appointed to the SCOTUS have been appointed by Republicans. So “cooked up” by Democrats is bs like everything else you say.

What happened to Truth Social?

It was a complete failure, like Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump Casino, etc.

Senility at the top, stupidity second runner up and an old drunk in third place….if it wasn’t so pathetic, it would make a great cartoon!


When you understand “Presidential Administration” is the PC way of saying “Crime Syndicate” then the picture starts to focus.

No comments today?

How many suns are there in th LALA land that you live in? You’ve been standing out under them way too long.

Joe Biden has been in Washington longer than my kids have been alive and all he has to show for it is failure.

lets circle back on that.

Women Swimmer’s of the World…MAN UP!…LOL

They can stick that gender crap where the sun doesn’t shine.


Believe l heard this morning on the TV noise in the background, Russians and other Europeans were flying into Mexico…wonder why?

Closer to you?

l gave them your GPS LOCATION


McCarthy is a snake and can’t be trusted. He talks and does nothing. TRUMP NEEDS TO STOP BACKING HIM.

Adam Shifty is everything bad about AMERICA..The reason the world is so F up right now is because of shifty and his marxist movement.

Adam Schiff for brains lied for 3 years about Russian collusion, and repeatedly said he had evidence; ALL A LIE!

It’s Imperative for the Good of OUR Nation that ALL Masking MUST Be Voluntary! This will allow Fellow Americans from a Block Away that if Your Wearing One, YOUR Beyond STUPID!!! & Should be Avoided.

Joe Biden is not a president. Doesn’t even know where he’s at, let alone what to do. Democratic Party is leading us down the path to destruction.

Heaven forbid the big guy or his minions answer questions that the American people have a right to know about the viability of their president to deal with hostile world actors and the security of the nation he was elected to lead.

Love the way you respond to your own posts, bot. Keep deluding the minority who believes your crap. They are beyond help.

You were brainwashed a long time ago…so he doesn’t talk to you lib

Are you saying that 81 million voters could be wrong?

It takes them 2 minutes in deliberation to send billions to Uk . It Takes Over a year in deliberation to give the American people help, stimulus, For pandemic that killed many more . Whats up with that anyway?

Biden asking other countries for help with more oil after shutting down his own pipeline makes him look like a fool. Let’s Go Brandon.

Never before has corruption delved so deep as demonstrated by President Trump’s critics.

Hey bot, Biden didn’t shut down any pipe line.

Stopped it from being completed and put restrictions on all oil production

Hey bot, he didn’t stop it from being completed. It has been in operation for over 10 years. He stopped a new section from being built as he should have. He rescinded most of his early shutdowns about a month later.

Hey junior bot, 79 million voters know the truth, but nice spin anyway.

What isn’t true?

All of it. Liberals are never tell the truth.

great comeback. You must be proud of yourself.

Just because you put a clown in the castle doesn’t make him king. It turns the castle into a circus.

3 ring no doubt

Illegals showing up everywhere in our country..where is the law!!!!!

You mean like Melanija Knavs?
AKA as Melania Trump.

She worked illegally in the US in the 90’s.
“she had been paid for 10 modeling jobs she had done before she had obtained her H1-B work visa and was still living in the U.S. using her visitor visa.”

Foreigners are not allowed to use a visitor visa to work for pay in the United States for America.

She violated the law, throw the old slut out.

That explains why we have all the free loaders coming across the border..

Nothing can explain why you are such as dumbass.

Have you seen its parents? That explains a lot.

If Melania Trump had as many different dicks sticking out of her as she had stuck in her, she would look like a porcupine.

Still better than old iron sides Hillary, who wishes she had all the quills Bill extended

Jealous are we?

NY Times Lo & Behold NOW Claims the Hunter Laptop IS Real…Where’s ALL the Calls for a Congressional Investigation?….Impeachment Hearings? Maybe AFTER the GOP takes back the House & Senate IS the Way to Go.

We subscribe to the NY Times. I can find no recent article about the purported lap top. Can you provide me with a link?

CNN,MSNBC,ABC, NBC, maybe Fox news or Newsmax

In other words, you can’t. You are a bot. Why should I expect anything other than lies?

I tried to post several sites/links, but this far left nit organization will not let them download.

Got the articles. Guess you are correct. Oh well, what can one do? Old news.

It’s good to admit when you are wrong, just keep doing it, it will make you a better person. Also, don’t believe everything you hear/see on any mainstream media sites.

At least I can admit when I am wrong which is more than a lot of people on this site.

You wouldn’t know what to do with a copy of the NY Times. If you would search for the article you will find several news sites with the proof you deny.

3,000 U.S. troops are deploying to Eastern Europe in response to the escalating situation along the Ukraine border.

IF Ukraine Survives, How SOON will the Biden family & Members of Congress Be Swooping In to Cash In On Rebuilding Ukraine?

Lia Thomas is a great swimmer and a great champion. You go girl!

Happy she has more between her legs than you?

But not going to be reported by main stream fake news

This has to be Biden’s fault.

Just exactly what have they done for the American tax payer, and try to be specific. No smoke and mirrors.

BREAKING NEWS: Local watering hole and eatery was on fire last night. LD’S

Maybe there’s a journalistic reporter on this site that will be able to post an update on what actually happened. Inquiring minds would like to know!!!

Hint Hint


Who cares?

Think the Army will be Forced to Rename ALL its Helicopters…The Apache, Blackhawk, Iroquois, Chinook?

They will if the cancel culture finds out it. I’m sure their rectums will be hurt or maybe their vaginas.

some have both or want both

I find TMZ Amusing watching Young Wokester’s Mind Twisting & Turning to Understand how Hollywood Celebrity Lifestyles are Normal. Last Night was NO Exception as the conversation drifted into a Couple Brothers relationship, when a 40ish Wokester mentioned Cain & Able. A 20 Something Wokester asked WHO are They? The 40ish answered Adam & Eve’s Son’s. NOT to be out done another 20 something in Astonished Disbelief…Adam & Eve had KIDS!?….Explains a LOT why America IS in this Shape.

Probably your kids.

Sorry no kids,,,too woke and selfish

GOP=Gang Of Putin.

Livin in your head too?

You like to give head??? Sorry tRumptard, I’m married and very happy!

so long as he takes his teeth out

And how is your queer husband?

It was your wife last night?

I’m letting trump live in my head rent free, and I’ve never been so miserable, what should I do?

Let Joe in and get a migrane

Are you saying that 81 million were wrong?

You love to give your daddy tRump head!

I agree, option #1.

Not as well as your woman gives everyone

You should open your mouth and put a gun in it and pull the trigger. That will get rid of orange man!

Biden Thinks Putin Is A War Criminal, (He Thinks)!!!!

Putin is a war criminal, comrade. Just like you.

That comment went waaaay over your head didn’t it, that figures!!!!

Nah, it didn’t but mine went way over yours.

How much more tragic will Biden have to get before he is dragged out of office kicking and screaming.

If he is to reach the trump level tragic, it may never happen because that is a long way down.

WE Expected the ALT Left Media to be ALL IN ON Putin’s Fault LIES over the Gas Prices & Inflation BUT NOW Tic Tok Idiots. How many of them are EVEN Voting Age for Christ Sake?

Even more news:

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