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Shameful shenanigans at NIACC dorms brought to halt by police

NIACC Residence Hall
NIACC Residence Hall

MASON CITY – Five persons were arrested and charged with crimes after an injured person at the Mercy Emergency Room reported he had been assaulted at the NIACC dormitories.

According to police, officers responded to a report at the Mercy Emergency Room on October 20th at 2:52 AM. A male subject at the ER reported he had been assaulted by a subject at the NIACC dorms earlier that evening.

Police proceeded to conduct an investigation at the dorms, involving up to six Mason City police officers and at least one Cerro Gordo county sheriff’s deputy. After the investigation, the following people were charged:

– Jonathan Timothy Khamisi Stegall, age 21 of Mason City (also showing an Iowa City address): Disorderly Conduct, 5th Degree Criminal Mischief, Criminal Trespass
– Baylee Nicole Lindberg, age 17 of Forest City: Unlawful Consumption
– Gabriella Marie Majerczyk, age 17 of Mason City: Unlawful Consumption
– Mycheal Demond Goodson, age 19 of Mason City: Unlawful Consumption
– Jordyn Paige Taylor, age 17 of Garner: Unlawful Consumption

Police said the three juvenile females were arrested and turned over to their parents. “Goodson was cited and released and Stegall went to jail,” an officer told NIT.

Cerro Gordo County assisted and issued a Social Host citation to Tysen James Hansen, age 19 of Mason City. Hansen was cited and released.

Stegall, Jonathan Timothy Khamisi

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OMG! There are so many things wrong with the conversation above that I can’t begin to start. I fear for the City of Mason City if Matt is elected. A license to be a jerk.

….and when you were young, I bet you called them “coloreds.” Gawd.

I wonder where those parents thought their kids were at that time of the morning? Or maybe they really didn’t care. Sometimes in those families, responsibility isn’t in their vocabulary.

@Quinn-Just because you wish to hide the truth doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

What in the world am I trying to hide?

The truth of what they really are.

What century is this again?

@Quinn-If you want to live in fantasy land, that’s your choice. I happen to choose to reside in the real world.

The level of the cesspool reporting just hit a new low. Matt you are not the universal protector of the community. To attack a board member and the NIACC board is pretty poor. When you have had Internet problems did we call you out and demand to know exactly why that happened, how much it cost and why it took so long to fix. Your tolerance level is consuming you. If you continue to micromanage commentary I wonder just how badly you will micromanage the city.

Matt-I know that NIT is not a legal advisor, but if one of those juvenile females would have been assaulted or raped, could niacc have been held to some responsibility and perhaps sued? Something for the niacc board to consider in lieu of possible future incidences.

Yes niacc could be sued…..big time

A good question might be is Stegall a NIACC student? Whose room was the party in? Were all the arrested parties in the room or were they outside the room? None of these people listed were charged with assault. Was someone charged with assault? The majority of NIACC students are adults – that is they are 18 or older.
Most colleges don’t police their students the way colleges used to police them. And most college students party whether it be with alcohol or drugs. The college dorms are a low cost alternative to renting off campus. Part of that low cost is probably due to less policing of the dorms.Have any of you ever been to the NIACC dorms? They are small and dingy. Efficiency apartments at best. Walk down a hall and it seems like you are in a penitentiary. No air conditioning, no air flow. Windows are about 2 feet wide. They need new dorms. How do you figure that we are paying for them?

@bodacious-The students who choose to live in the dorms do so at their own discretion. If they are not happy there, let them move somewhere else. They are responsible for their own actions. You say they are adults. Then let them take adult responsibility for themselves and accept their own choices.

@bodacious – Are we supposed to buy them a car to get around also? And how about books for their classes, and clothes so they have something to wear? Where does our responsibility for taking care of them end, and their responsibility for taking care of themselves begin?

I don’t have a problem with them taking responsibility for their actions. I never said I didn’t. Fine them – they broke the law. I am not so sure living in the dorms is at their own discretion. Did you read the part that said it was a low cost alternative to living off campus? For many of the NIACC students, it is a necessity. They don’t have cars, they can’t afford the high rents charged by the slum landlords in MC and they are hoping to avoid the massive loans that students at 4 year colleges often have. By spending less at NIACC, they hope to reduce their total outlay for college. That, to me, is taking responsibility rather than taking out loans they cannot pay back.
I went to NIACC for two years. Saved lots of money and got a quality education. I will defend those who go there and went there. Not everyone has mommy and daddy paying their way. Some people are self-sufficient and I don’t like it when someone casts an entire group because of what a few people do.

@bod-Not sure if living at the dorms is at their own discretion? Did anyone force them to live there? I think not. If they aren’t happy at the dorms, let them find a college that meets their finely tuned concept of college life. You mention that you went to 2 years at NIACC. May I suggest that you go back and take a logical reasoning and conceptual judgment class? One should look at the facts from an objective rather than subjective viewpoint.

Anonymous, not sure if you can comprehend what you read. You seem to be the one who is subjective in his/her judgements. Don’t you understand that sometimes discretion has nothing to do with where you go to school or anywhere else for that matter. Sometimes, it is a financial necessity to find the most affordable place to attend. As far as your statement about “finely tuned concept…”, what are you talking about?

@bod-You say that discretion has nothing to do with it and that financial necessity is paramount. It’s still their choice to go to college, and if that’s the only school they can afford, and they choose to attend it, they have no place to complain. And as to the finely tuned concept, if they aren’t happy with niacc, and feel they need more luxurious accommodations, then let them go someplace else. What you seem either unable or unwilling to understand is that attending a college is a choice, and along with that choice is cost of books, lodging, getting to class, performing to expectations in those classes etc. Or to put it more succinctly, if they wanted to attend college, and were not happy with the dorms, then they could have chosen not to attend. Simple. Basic. Objective.

Wow. I’m amazed. You are something.

@bod-Thank you. I really appreciate that. I realize that my logic is not irrefutable, but by keeping an open mind and utilizing the ques/answer style of dialogue in ascertaining the validity of an issue, and responding with objective based responses, one can usually get to the root cause of a problem or seemingly difficult situation. The key to true understanding is the removal of all emotion and use the facts as a foundation.

I can tell you have an open mind by your comments to Quinn above.

@bod-Again, thank you. It’s nice to know the qualities of life I strive for are able to be recognized by people. Whether we like something or not should never hamper our striving for fairness or truth. The fact that I might not like a person or a race would not prevent me from helping in event of an accident or in a time of need. Prejudice is allowable, discrimination, never.

I shouldn’t even comment on you hiding behind what you seem to believe is intellectualism to voice your racism. But, you seem to believe that if you think it so, it is ok. “Whether we like something or not should never hamper our striving for fairness or truth.” While I might agree with your statement, you take it to the extreme and there is no fairness in racism. That bigoted slant on right and wrong will never be right no matter how much you try to rationalize it.

@bod-It’s quite evident that you are unable to look at things objectively and are allowing your personal feelings to intrude into what should be a logical progression of accurately assessing the subject we are discussing. Also, you are beginning to bore me. Good bye.

Robin and her pals want to be just like big city America. New York, Chicago, San Francisco. Well, pretty soon Mason City will be more like them. We’ll have our own ghetto on the east side, called NIACC.

This merely a scratch on the surface of really goes on in those dorms. There is more dope in those dorms than in all the pharmacies in this city. They refuse to bring in a drug dog, if they did half of their enrollment would be gone.

Matt…instead of publicly questioning John Rowe on this why not publicly question all the board members? Also I would publicly question the parents of the 17 year girls who were arrested…why are they out partying at the niacc dorms?…where is your parental guidance?

Otherwise this story is nothing more than a bunch of kids getting drunk and mouthy and one beating the other one up. This ever happen at the U of I matt? The story is not about the leadership of niacc or the board members.

The dorms aren’t on lock down. As with all places there are ways if you really want to get in. Like the previous poster says, this is much more about young people being young people and an altercation taking place rather than some institutional failing. And the point about U of I is very relevant – you are making it out like niacc is some terrible place for letting this happen when in reality universities across the state deal with incidents like this. Ask how many times UNI dorms are busted for underage drinking, fights at u of I etc.

“mountain out of a molehill” Matt.

@Anonymous-You feel five people arrested, one sent to the ER, and three of those arrested juvenile females to be a mountain out of a molehill??? Gee, I wonder what you think is serious? And by the by, I certainly hope you aren’t a parent.

First of all Matt I am a supporter of your political campaign and views I believe you have the best of Mason City’s interests at heart. On this subject though I beg to differ. The niacc board doesn’t have a heck of a lot to do with the day to day operations of the dorms or anything else. They try to set policy that hopefully works for the best. I brought up the U of I because that is where you and I went to school (different years I being much older than you), but this incident happens all over colleges all over the country, I was using the U of I as a example because you and I both know that drinking happens in dorm rooms and when people drink things like this happen.

The blame should lay on the people who monitor the dorms, and as I said the 17 year old girls parents. But all in all these things happen on campuses all over the usa, and we should not take a story like this as a barometer of people not doing their jobs or being as you said asleep at the wheel, or niacc being a den of nothing more than drug and booze abuse, and as I said if you question John Rowe publicly you need to question all the board members publicly.

John Rowe along with every board member is responsible for everything that goes on at that school. These are the people who set policy, they are a governing board, they can hire and fire.

That school has been infested with every known drug for years. That board knew it and looked the other way.

Looks like football may be coming back to NIACC

Stegall – another outstanding niacc prodigy. Just add him to the list of future welfare recipients that this city will be bankrolling for the rest of his life.

They bring these thugs in from all over on our money and then wonder what is happening. It is easy to see what is happening.

What’s going out there that we don’t know about? Probably kids out there scared to death in their living quarters.

What’s going ON……..

Yes, and with our money!

And just think, they’re building more dorms.

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