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Law enforcement groups urge tougher background checks on all gun buyers

By Richard Simon, Los Angeles Times –

WASHINGTON — Despite the tough political climate for federal gun-control legislation, a coalition of law enforcement groups on Thursday called for background checks for all gun buyers and a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines in the wake of the Aurora, Colo., shooting.

“After looking at what happened in Aurora, Colo., who could be in favor of these high-capacity magazines?” asked Hubert Williams, president of the Police Foundation and chair of the National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence.

They issued their plea as the House of Representatives condemned the mass shooting and expressed condolences to the families and friends of the 12 people killed and wishes for the recovery of the 58 wounded. The Rev. Jesse Jackson, visiting Aurora Thursday, called for renewal of the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.

“We cannot be ….hiding behind the Second Amendment to justify weapons that the writers of the Constitution never imagined,” Jackson said in an interview. Asked about the resistance in Congress to gun-control legislation, he cited the difficulty in passing civil rights legislation. “You have to be persistent. It was tough, but we were right.”

President Barack Obama on Wednesday vowed to “leave no stone unturned” in seeking ways to curb the challenge of violence in American cities, although he did not call for any new gun-control legislation. He said he nonetheless believes that even gun owners would agree “that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals” and that “we should do everything possible to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons.”

His spokesman said Thursday the White House was focused on enforcing laws on the books and broader efforts to stop violence.

“I think you’re aware of the fact that there is a stalemate in Congress on a broad range of issues, and this would include this one,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said. “The assault weapons ban is an issue that the president has supported the reinstatement of since its expiration in 2004. But given the stalemate in Congress, our focus is on the steps that we can take to make sure criminals and others who should not have those guns — make sure that they cannot obtain them.”

Kristen Rand, legislative director of the Violence Policy Center, said the president is “moving — or crawling — in the right direction.”

On Capitol Hill, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, added, “I think what’s appropriate at this point is to look at all the laws that we already have on the books and to make sure that they’re working as they were intended to work and are they being enforced the way they were intended to be enforced.”

But James Johnson, the Baltimore County, Md., police chief, joined other law enforcement officers at the National Press Club to declare that a high-capacity magazine, like one used in the Aurora shooting, “simply has no place in civilian hands.”

“It is ridiculous to argue that hunters or civilians who own weapons for self-defense need a 100-round drum magazine,” he said. “As we have seen, people don’t stand a chance against this kind of firepower.”

While the weapons and bullets used by suspected Aurora gunman James E. Holmes were legally purchased, Williams said that expanding background checks to cover all gun purchasers is needed. “We know that background checks do work and do prevent other dangerous people from acquiring firearms,” he said.

“Expanding background checks would affect only people prohibited from buying guns and would have no impact on law-abiding citizens’ ability to buy or sell guns to other law-abiding citizens,” he added.

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“Chicago and Washington DC have the strictest gun control in the country. As in THEY ARE BANNED there…remember that?”

In 2010, the case of Chicago .v McDonald removed the hand gun ownership ban in the City of Chicago and Oak Park. And D.C. v. Heller did the same in the District of Columbia. While some places make it difficult, you may still own one.

I shall not disagree that possession (make note I did not say ownership) of guns by criminals has not been deterred by the old laws. Nor has that changed with the new laws in place, some of which are being legally challenged.

There has to be a happy medium I feel, between the indiscriminate use of, and proper ownership of guns. Legally, I do not see it as an excessive burden to register and acquire permits or ID’s. Would it stop the common person from owning a firearm? No. It would however give those who try to protect us a way of controlling the risk of who carries them.

As with all laws, the penalty for their violation is meant to curb the further anti-social behaviors. It appears so far, this has not been the case.

You’re right Observer. I should have worded that differently. I believe it’s the issue of CCW. You may “own” one in your home. And although I’m not 100% sure, I think there is some stipulations to that. Like it must be locked up and unloaded. If this is true, i hope the criminal would wait a minute to get it out and load it. OR, for that matter, call 911 and wait until a police officer arrives. Like I said, I’m not sure on the logistics of all that. But I appreciate your comment. I too agree that something could be done to keep guns out of the hands of the PEOPLE that shouldn’t have them. I can also agree that one doesn’t need a 100 round drum for their assault rifle. I don’t agree however, that a ban on assault rifles themselves is going to solve anything.

Shock and AWE! WHY IS EVERYONE SO AMIST OVER ONE SHOOTING??? Sure it is tragic (don’t take me wrong) but follow this, CHICAGO/Cook Co. 1 of the TOUGHEST places to get a gun LEGALLY, AND DON’T FORGET New York City and Washington D.C.
Since January 2012 over 200 known murders by guns in CHICAGO ALONE,and stats from Washington DC and New York City are found on crime websites also so I ask all you posting to ask yourself this– WHY, with the MOST STRICTEST GUN LAWS are there these cities with most murders and shootings?
IMO I don’t care how many strict laws there are, honest people will jump through the hoops to protect themselves & crazy & criminal people will steal, lie, manufacture anything to hurt others no matter the laws say. ARM yourself good people, hesitate not when evil is near, fear is only a state of mind.

It’s like I’ve been saying ALL ALONG. But all the paraniod gun haters seem to think that sricter laws will fix the problem. They just want to feel good while being ignorant. They are uneducated and out of touch with reality. Hmm, much like Obama but that is a different subject.

I would venture to guess that most of these people bought their guns legally somewhere else. Over the internet or guns shows. There are way to many guns on the streets and by everyone arming themselves this will only cause more innocent people to die. Keep your legitimate hunting guns, guns not designed to kill people, go have fun with them. The rest should only be in the possession of the military and law enforcement. Hand guns, assault weapons equates innocent people being killed. PERIOD

Damn, you are SO right all the time Happyguy!
I’m glad you know so much about this.

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. >From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control.
From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938
and from 1939 to 1945,
a total of 13 million Jews and others
who were unable to defend themselves
were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935.
From 1948 to 1952,
20 million political dissidents,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated

Guatemala established gun control in 1964.
From 1964 to 1981,
100,000 Mayan Indians,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.
—- ————- ————-

Uganda established gun control in 1970.
From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956.
From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

Chicago and Washington DC have the strictest gun control in the country. As in THEY ARE BANNED there…remember that?

Hmm, well chicago has a VIOLENT crime .16 PER 100. In the WHOLE US it is .05 PER 1000. Wow. Your chances of becoming a vicitm there are 1 in 94. It has an overall crime index of 6. Sheoot! 6! The safest is 100. Damn near rock bottom ZERO Happyguy.

Let’s look at Washington DC. Well HELL! I didn’t realize THIS…it gets a 6 too!!! Yahooo! You get a 1 in 75 chance of becoming a vicitm there. Right there in the President’s back yard fellers!

The data speaks for itself Happyguy. You can’t argue with data. Your arguement holds as much water as a strainer. You take away guns. Good people can’t protect themselves and the bad guys still have them. If you think it’ll be different than it already is in Chicago and D.C., you should try drinking less cause you are obviously drunk. It’s the only way i can figure you can sit there and argue against raw data.

This data shows that hand guns, assault weapons DO NOT equate to innocent people being killed. FACT……and oh ya, PERIOD.

To put this into perspective for all of you. Next time you go to church or the grocery store, look around. 1 to 2 of you would be DEAD. That’s pretty staggering to me.

Let’s TRY to stay on topic…can we? As far as Peter L. goes. I have this to say….how many of you….BE HONEST…(this goes for you too Buzz) have prayed to your creator to help get you out of a jam and promised if he did, you’d NEVER do it again. Only to end up down the road…DOING IT AGAIN. Hmm. And you all want to call Peter a liar? What makess YOU holier than thou? I done this very thing. I’m a liar. So are YOU.

I agree! Stop the insults already! It’s obvious that Peter L. is still with us, so let him speak. I love the way you tell everyone to ignore him and then you can’t even do that yourself.

FINALLY! Thank you. Someone else shows some good sense. Let’s get on with it now!

You might want to re-read what I wrote. I ASKED the disappearing man if the “L” stood for liar, I did not call him a liar. If you think he’s a liar then that is your opinion and you are welcome to it.

You called him a lot worse things than “liar”. Go back and read your own posts!

All I’M asking is that we stop being so hypocritical #1, and #2 focus on the topic of discussion instead of Peter L. Are you capable of EITHER one? Contribute to the topic if you please. Is that too much to ask? You start off that way, then Peter adds his opinion, which he has EVERY right to do, then you get side tracked on Peter and get all righteous like you have NEVER done something when you said you weren’t going to. Stop acting like you walk on water and your shit don’t stink. We’ve ALL done the same thing in one way or another so why make it such a big f-n deal when Peter does it? Let’s not worry about what someone else is doing and worry about what WE are doing. Didn’t your mom ever teach you that? Now, I thank you for your opinion on this. I’d LIKE to hear more about it and less about Peter L. Thank you.

Look man, obviously he rubbed your rhubarb wrong somewhere down the line. I’ll guarandamntee you did the same thing to him. Here’s the thing see, this isn’t grade school. So what I’m wondering if you (since you swung first here) are capable of “manning up” and letting it go. You don’t want to act like that Neanderthal Biff Tannen every time he comments do you? Cause that’s what I think of. “I told you to never come in here McFly”. Can anyone else here it? Geez, give it a break. Now, I’d like to invite you to join the rest of the adults here having a conversation. You in? Keep in mind…you DON’T have to agree with him.

“HEAR” it. Beat you to it Klinkh or captain read 2X post once or whatever you want to be known as.

Ya, I have mine too.

“I’m searching for a way to get out of North Iowa…believe me. As soon as I get the resources to purchase land somewhere far, far away…I’m doing it.”

And then the little nut-spin boy ran away with the circus again and again and again…..

Keep on posting like you said you wouldn’t.

It’s called Good luck with Waco II.

Here’s my problem. Most of everything this wacko did was already against the law. So, let the skies of ultimate wisdom open up with a big crack of thunder and tell me why more laws are going to help? Tell me how this is possible? Hmm, the laws we have didn’t seem to have much of an affect…so let’s try it again? Only THIS time…let’s really believe it will work…then we can feel good about doing something about it.

Insanity: Doing the same shit over and over again expecting different results. (borrowed from Einstein).

We ARE insane. AND Hypocritical.

Why don’t we enforce the laws already on the books. And stop handing out suspended or deferred sentences to violent criminals. BUT, regardless you’re still going to have the occasional out of the blue, never seen it coming, could never have prevented it sort of wacko like this guy. Destroy every gun on the planet and someone like this is STILL gonna kill a bunch of people using a different method. Why? Cause HE WANTS TO. And here’s a true but scary thought that no one wants to admit too….there isn’t shit any of us can do to prevent it entirely. But hey, we’ll feel good for awhile being totally ignorant. Ingorance is bliss.

Great advice bro. Let us know when your opinion counts.

Let us know when yours counts on Peter’s. 🙂 Thanks….champ.

It doesn’t. He hasn’t realized that his opinion is merely read and not respected. He is out for attention more than he is action. We can try ignoring him in hopes that he will go away, but he always seems to come back. He needs the attention.

Here’s where you really start: You ban convicted people with a history of violence and illegal drug usage from owning guns. You enforce the laws you already have in place. Some people with mental illness are seriously delusional…and they are fairly obvious and obnoxious. ON the other hand…there are a shitload of people who are law abiding citizens that do not deserved to be punished with more gun control as a result of the actions of others. Focus in on the true problem makers…and stop looking for people to string up who don’t need to be hung.

“President Barack Obama on Wednesday vowed to “leave no stone unturned” in seeking ways to curb the challenge of violence in American cities, although he did not call for any new gun-control legislation.” Its odd how he forgot to mention anything about his behind the scenes work with his shill Hillary Clinton and the United Nations small arms treaty.

Pee Eater….sorry, I forgot you think everything goes better with a bowl of dope. Besides, I posted an opinion not theory.

Does the “L” in Peter L. stand for liar? Since you had that nut-spin a while back I thought you were never coming back to NIT. As usual it took longer for you to type out your little rant than you stayed away. But, what’s new….

Oh, by the way, you are doing it again.

Again please tell me how the laws are stopping criminals from acquiring weapons? Last I heard they don’t follow the law. So how about actually work on the illegal gun market and leave the legal gun owners alone. Unless you’re just looking for an easy target to pick on so that it looks like you’re doing something. We may not be such an easy target, we vote.

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