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If i remember correctly Kristys got a big old crack and Bob was a brick layer so maybe she thinks he can fill that crack with some good ole cement. Just wondering how did all this peyton place start in the first place?

My name is Kimberly Bresnahan and my husbands name is David. We will not hide. We are great friends of Bobby. He is an amazing person. We have not known him for a long time, but he is the hardest worker and an amazing person. If you doubt this, drive out to North Carolina and see what he and his son Tyler have done there. They have planted 3000 trees. So in closing Kristy Arzburger you stay away from him. The mother of Tylers child is my best friend. And Swazyes grandmother is also my best friend. Unlike you Kristy I do not hide in the shadows. If any harm comes to me and my family which also includes my dogs.
I am waiting and watching for you. You will be an camera. You mess with me and you mess with the law and it is only my opinion, but i
think they are tired of you. Disclaimer this is only my opinion. Rot in hell K. Arzburger.

You might want to see a dr. I think your paranoia has gotten a little out of control. I hope she sues you for defamation.

@Anonymous-I don’t believe she can sue Gracie 123 as she is entitled to her opinion and as she stated twice, it is her opinion. Just like this is mine.

She states that, “kristy goes crazy and blackmails them” in her previous post that is not an opion it stated as if it were a varfiable fact. So yes it is defamation

@Anonymous-read the line-disclaimer, this is my opinion. No chance suing here.

Oddly enough, you can’t have a loudly voiced “opinion” that there is a fire is a crowded theater either.

@Anonymous-I believe it is tied into our freedom of speech and has been approved by the Supreme Court on more than one occasion.

Sounds like a threat and slander. Maybe you’ll be needing a good lawyer to save you from losing your house and azz in a lawsuit. What makes you think Bob can’t handle his own affairs? Maybe he LIKES it. And you’re jealous cuz you’re not gettin it. hmmm?

I believe you are also stalking if you’re using a camera to record Kristy’s movements for no reason other than to satisfy your porno fantacies.

Does Bob know you’re stabbing him in the back and that you’re 2 faced? You claim to care about himn but you’re broadcasting his personal love life with a married woman (if it’s true) on a public internet sight. If he told you she’s blackmaling him, do you think he’d want you broadcasting that info that he probably told you in confidence? With friends like you who needs enemies.
Maybe I should give him a call and tell him you’ve gone public.

Where’s Jerry VanJizzmal?! He’ll clean this mess up and that right quick!!!

Well folks out there,yes my husband and myself spend time with Bobby. He is a very good person with a great heart. His only downhall is that for some reason he can,t get away for the very horrible Kristy Arzburger. When he meets someone else Kristy goes crazy and blackmails them Maybe someone knows Something about her. How about her husband??? She drives Bobby crazy with her lies. This is a good man trying to recover from the death of his lovely wife Sherry.

I should have mentioned that I verified the story with the Times of London.

Wow. It is amazing how many out there know what Kristy Arzburger is all about. Look at all the posts. She is a poor excuse for an attorney. Hold strong Bobby, we are on your side. She does blackmail . She is rotten to the core and I hope she rots in hell. My husband feels the same.

Well, if your husband feels that way it must be true. Why didn’t you tell us his feelings earlier?


Rot in Hell? I thought people burned in Hell.
“sniff sniff”. YUP! Your sht does too stink.

I can hardly believe the saga going on in the house on North Carolina Street. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, open your eyes and see the man only wants a hole to hibernate in.

Where at on North Carolina Ave? Right by LD’s where the newer houses are or further North where the houses are run down or yards junked up?

Need a job? Go to North Dakota to the oil fields, but take a house with you!

I should have added that it’s a good place to go look for a man, too. They’re pretty lonely up there.

Are you looking for a Man Katie, or was that just a suggestion? LOL Just having fun with you! 🙂

No thanks. I’ll keep the one I’ve had for 30+ years. 😉

Lonely? With all those drunk horney Indian sqaws looking for a good ol’boy to scalp??

Someone sabotaged 2700 of the 10,000 centrifuges in Iran on January 24th, blowing them up. I had not read or heard anything about this on the news yet, but I have been busy HAVING A LIFE the last 2 weeks. LOL

@Katie-sound like a good start to me. To bad they didn’t get the rest. In my opinion, those people will do us harm given the chance.

I can only hope this report is true. However wnd is an Independent conservative news website with an emphasis on aggressive investigative reporting and gossip. Founded by Joseph and Elizabeth Farah. The part that bothers me the gossip. But again…I hope it is true.

@happyguy, if what you say is true about WMD, even if it was gossip wouldn’t they still investigate it?

It’s being covered, happy guy!

It’s just not the type of thing to stir people into craziness, so the main media is ignoring it.

sickastupd thanks for the link. Sounds like something did happen over there. It is always nice to have at least 2 souces to confirm something. Thanks to Katie for bringing this to our attention. It will be a very bad day for the free world if Iran should ever be able to produce a nuclear weapon.

The stuxnet worm that damages centrifuges and the recent explosion are two completely different stories. The explosion seems to have originated in the lights in the ceiling of the centrifuge room. You need to reed both stories.

Thanks for the tip LVS. I got the old nephew was in jail in jamaca last week please send money. This came as a email.

You go Bob on N Carolina! While these 2 women battle for your love on this web page, I would continue seeing the 3rd women from England. She is so pretty and has class, which they seem to lack. Its funny they dont know about her yet!!! LOL

@Ispy I agree!!!! I feel sorry for the widows family.
They not only lost their mother, they lost their father to K Arzburger and to all the other desperate women, in the past 3 years. She has been spotted around town,with her husband. While poor Bob on NC waits, for her to come around. Poor Bob has to feel like dog——Is there no decent women left in Mason City. He needs a women who will love him and respect his children and grandchldren. And make that home, a place where the daisies will bloom again.

well hell give him a call, dazzle him dazey.

Quite a ways down, I see these guys talking about some body name Jerry VanJizmal. Who is this – I’ve never heard of him? Thanks

Heard about the gossip on here, so I had to check this out. I agree, K. Arzbuerger is a unethical woman/attorney. She cheats on her hubby with a grieving man on North Carolina and also black mails him when he starts seeing another woman. She thinks she is sneaky by parking in this man’s garage to hide from her husband who probably doesn’t have a clue due his drug problem. She wants the best of both worlds. Who would hire this drunk driving, cheating, lying, controlling, blackmailing, attorney??? Wow! What a woman!!

I live on North Carolina, where on this street are you talking about? Maybe I need to be like Mrs. Kravatz on the old Bewitched show and spy on my neighbors. Seems like I’m missing out on some juicy gossip!

And you know all these pertinent facts how?
Grieving man???? Are you talking about the greenhose lady? Didn’t that lady die about 3-4 yrs ago. Time to moooooove on.

Her husband could hire her if he ever got busted due to that drug problem you mentioned. Maybe he should switch to Viagra. (maybe then she’d have a reason to stay home. :))I hear insurance covers it.

Did anyone else other tan us get scam calls on their cell phones this weekend. I received several texts that started with “Hey” or “Hey P.” when I sent back that they had the wrong number they started trying to start a conversation and told me to go to Yahoo to a specific account. When I told them to hold please while I called the police they disappeared. My wife had several calls with one with a girl crying “I’m pregnant”. My wife being like most women just said “So” and they hung up. On the other ones she said she was calling the police and they disappeared. I think they are calling cell phone numbers at random to see who will talk to them to start the scam. Be careful.

I am so sick and tired of the City’s stop lights in this town !!!They Turn Red when No other cars are in the area. I am so tempted to start running these……Haven’t Yet.Also make the turning arrows a bit longer, like the ones on Pierce and 122. Why cant the City Adjust these ? Anyone Have an answer ?

@Hebee-I have said for years that the city has designed the streets to stop traffic, not to let it flow and I really think that is true. We had one city administrator who said that at one time. It has always been this way. At least as long as I can remember.

stop light on 6th SW and Monroe is the worse. I have seen so many people run it because they think it is broke. I even called the police to report it and they said they’d look into it that was months ago! No change.

I will say that going north and south on 65 around the mall, you only stop at one light. I can actually go strait through without sopping after one green light. Not so much on 122 east/west. If you get stopped by one you get stopped by all. Turns a 10 minute trip to CL into 20. Should be able to figure it out!

you are right, if they can time them on the loop, both north and southbound, they should be able to do it along 122. It is a huge problem!

They want you to stop at the light, they are programed that way to make you stop and shop in this shit hole town. They are programed differently downtown cause they even know theres nothing there to stop for and look at or shop in.

I saw 2 cars go through the red by advanced auto today. The light stays green long enough for 3 cars at the most.

GET THE FACTS… David Green, Tina Green, fairboard member. which ever one you are. We have emailed each other about the flea market in the past. so you have had my concerns and comments/suggestions for a while. you stated …

get the facts
January 26, 2013 at 9:36 pm
bottom line: if people don’t attend..the event can’t happen
Which really means… if the events center doesnt advertise then the people CANT ATTEND. failure due to lack of advertising

get the facts Reply
January 26, 2013 at 9:24 pm
the flea market people set the rates not the GM of the events center.
WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? admission to the flea market has always been free and you should know that. why are you deliberately lying? the fairboard sets the price of the 8’x10′ vending space and also the amount of table rent. The flea market people, as you say, do NOT set any of those prices. especially a $6.50 admission charge as you stated. YOU ARE DELIBERATELY TRYING TO SABATOGE THE FLEA MARKET

I apologise to David Green or his family if he is not get the facts. If not, then he should correct statements by some. If you are, then you should know better.

only two of five original members still in the group and people want to go and spend $ are gullible.

I’m selling tickets to Patsy Cline if people are THIS stupid…oh and my daughter is playing Mrs Cline’s role.

ask Martina McBride about the Surf experience. She left furious. Why, the temperature inside the building, the fact that the stage was tiny and was misinformed of it’s size, and her lighting had to be left outside in the parking lot due to the Surf’s screw up. She ended up cutting her performance short and swore she’d NEVER COME BACK..

Talk about “wow!” Your comments are completely FALSE and slanderous. Unlike Mr. “Anonymous” here, the SURF BALLROOM would like to set the record straight. Your comments regarding the Martina McBride show couldn’t be more incorrect. She performed to a sold out crowd – came back for TWO encores – and played WELL beyond her contracted time. They left incredibly happy with the show, the venue AND the staff and not surprisingly, a number of our staff were invited as their guests to the Winstock show several weeks later. There was no screw up with their lighting OR stage size, the equipment needed for our show was in the back of the truck and needed to be unpacked to get to it.

We’re expecting a quick sellout for Chicago. If you don’t want a ticket, don’t buy one. We’re certain that there are plenty of people who can appreciate the value of our $55 ticket price.

I! What a hater. “Chicago and the Surf” sounds like a certain wannabe concert promoter whose events arent of interest to anyone. Tearing down someone elses concerts doesn’t make yours anymore attractive–just makes me even less likely to try one of your “premium stage concerts”.

I dont care which promoter reads this. someone please bring back THINK FLOYD USA to north iowa. they havnt been in iowa for about 2 years and not in north iowa for even longer than that. check em out!/thinkfloydusaofficial
Mitch is gone now so contact Cheryl PLEASE

@ Surf Management: Pay no attention to what some people on here say. There are people who post on here who bash everyone and everything just to stir up trouble. It is because they are jealous of successful businesses and can’t stand to see anyone make money and pay taxes that fund their welfare checks. That’s just how it is on this website. Ignore them.

yes mr higgins had too much on his plate with working at KIMT and owning his own business..his replacement is a great guy

If they wouldn’t charge $6.50 to get in at the flea market, maybe people would go. $6.50 to look at a bunch of junk — ridiculous !

the flea market people set the rates not the GM of the events center

WE have talking about this before. THE FLEA MARKET IS FREE. ALWAYS HAS BEEN. if you were charges 6.50 then you were NOT at the flea market. the fairgrounds has enough buildings for more than one event each weekend. You must have been to the North Iowa Golf/Deckers/Moorman/Wayne’s Ski-Cycling-Fittness- BLOWOUT SALE/Olson Bldg
WhenFri, February 8, 8am – 8pm
I copied and pasted the above from the north iowa events center calander of events.
I believe this event did charge. other events that you see advertised on tv with blow out prices are simply a traveling buisness that does charge an admission to get in. Sorry to say but you either dont know what your talking about or simply want to create controversy. AGAIN THE NORTH IOWA FLEA MARKET HAS NEVER CHARGED ADMISSION. a former antique show did. gun show did. Blow out sale did. but never the flea market. make sure you are in the correct building. the flea market next weekend will be in the KINNEY building where BINGO use to be.
Also the fairboard sets the pricing of the dealer spaces. the dealers do not set that price nor any admission charge, which does not exist.

I drive in Chicago a lot and it’s always four cars turning after the light changes.

Does anyone out there get mad when your sitting at a red light while the cars are turning and when their light goes red they keep on turning and you have to sit there till they are done? It really chaps my ass. Now when that happens I step on the gas and blow my horn

I get more upset at all the people who don’t use signal lights. It really burns me when I see someone with a cell phone up to their ear, which means they can’t use that hand to turn on their signal light. Apparently, they think we can read their mind. The other culprits are the ones who finally turn on their signal just as they’re starting to make the turn. Exasperating!

some recent comments about the north iowa events center made me wonder just how busy they are each month. below is a link to the event site.
A comment was made that it was more profitable to book something other than the flea market. I will be one of the first to say that YES the flea market has not been that successful. but the dealers are not to blame.

Back to the events calander. The flea market has been in 3 different buildings over the past years. one of those is divided into two sections. that makes 4 different areas that the flea market could be held in with ease. only counting the buildings that could hold the flea market. 4 options per weekend and 4 weeks a month makes 16 options for booking an event. remember… only using the buildings suitable for the flea market. Now look at the calander of events for january 2013. only 1 of those 16 areas have been booked. looking at Febuary only 2 plus the flea market out of 16 have been booked. March shows 7 bookings out of 16 available. Anybody that knows anything will tell you that the winter months are the most successful for the flea market. yet the events center is basicly empty. NO option of booking a better event. this is why that was a poor excuse. what ever happened to bingo that use to be held every weekend? Gun shows, dog shows, and any other regular events that are not there anymore. this is not all because of David Green, but it IS due to the poor management.
Also for Tina Green. there has only been one manager at the fairgrounds for quite a few years, so that complaint about David being the only one doing the work also doeant fly. Yes there have been fairboard members attending some of the events. the Flea market comes to mind again. The member Im thinking of simply got in peoples way, made it harder to do buisness, and made a fool of himself.
And finally my name is NOT Kyle,Max, or Romona

I mentioned the dealers. But I NEVER said it was their fault. What I said is “there may have been traffic but people weren’t buying. And that the times dealers had more business and sold more was when there were gun shows booked the same weekend.” Katie Elson will attest to that as SHE is the one who told me also. To book a show costs dealers a good chunk of change. Booking fee, tables, electricity,lodging,food etc.. Not all dealers live in MC. So to make it worthwhile they need to have customers buying. If it’s not profitable they won’t book. Has nothing to do with bad management. imo. Is it so important that flea markets be held? Who’s complaining? Besides you. Lastly, if you were referring to my comments RE dealers I don’t like my words twisted. thanx.

bottom line: if people don’t attend..the event can’t happen

anonymous and get the facts… some of what you said may be true with a few exceptions.
anonymous… I never intended to blame you for saying the dealers were at fault. I was only trying to say the dealers do the best they can with what they are given. I did not intend to say that comment came from you. Yes Katie is right, and I Will also say she was the best manager that we dealt with. However your comment.. “So to make it worthwhile they need to have customers buying. If it’s not profitable they won’t book. Has nothing to do with bad management.” is only half true. the first half “they need to have customers buying” is 100% true. it takes both good dealers and good buyers to be sucessful. if no customers, then the dealers wont come back and if no dealers then no customers will come back. simple. and it takes a looong time to build up a good show with both good customers and dealers. here is where I have a problem with your statement, and the very reason I started debating this issue. Management has not advertised the flea market correctly for many years. this is one of the reasons I say “poor management”. And I feel it is the main reason for poor turnouts at the show for many years. if the customers dont see any advertising they wont come. if the customers dont come then the dealers wont come back. its been trickling down like that for many years. When I first commented about a week ago on this subject, I asked Matt if he had recieved any advertising for the flea market comming up the first weekend of Febuary? and if it was FREE. he stated that YES IT WAS FREE AND NO HE HAD NOT BEEN CONTACTED. which brings us back to my statement “poor management” and not advertising to bring in good customers. Also a sign of poor management is booking a flea market the same weekend as other better shows in the area. (everyone goes to the better show) So YES management is to blame for the poor turnouts. And is the very reason I and other dealers are upset with the north iowa fairgrounds. I have been a dealer for over 25 years. doing shows from Minnesota to Missouri, nebraska to ohio. sold to people from almost every state as well as England, Austrailia, Germany, Sweeden and possably others. so I do know what im talking about, and how shows work and DONT work. I use to do the Mason City flea market in the winter when I had nothing else to do. I never did a show there while Wanda was in charge. so I may be wrong as Just the facts said. And now that I think about it Katie had at least one other woman with her at one time. So IM WRONG THERE. However the poor advertising has been an issue with the dealers for many many years. If you know Katie she will back me up on this. this started out as a question to Matt, and an advertisment for the flea market in my own way. I ask everyone reading this. have you seen any advertisment for the north iowa flea market Febuary 1st-3rd 2013? NOT including here on NIT or the north iowa events center site. please answer yes and where, or no. then you will see what im talking about.

Lastly if anyone was paying attention I used the term “good” customers and dealers alot. this was for a reason. a good show cannot depend on the locals for all their buisness. The same ole people looking at the same ole stuff just doesnt work. as proven in mason city. thus a need for advertising farther out to bring in new blood. there are many places on the internet to advertise for free. also some of the local advertiser papers cover many counties for a small cost. whenever i do a show, I advertise on craigslist with items I have and for the show. I know for a fact this brings in customers. and didnt cost me a dime, just my time.

hey 50 ..again and again and again your WRONG..Mrs Kruse had a group of FIVE women working that office.The flea market is a joke so give it up. Some of the other shows you bring up had terrible attendance so they had to be cut..DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE OPENING YOUR MOUTH 50.

PS Mrs Kruse offended so many people while in office that fences galore needed to be mended. Tina Green is correct/your wrong.

Get the facts: sorry for getting your name wrong above. As for Wanda and her crew I may be wrong.
Yes the flea market has turned into a joke. this is part of the reason I am commenting here. It is not the dealers fault. I am not saying you or anyone else said we were. I just get defensive when people badmouth the flea market and I feel the blame needs to be said. meaning the lack of advertising for one. which is managements fault. (Management could include David Green or former managers, any fairboard members or staff,or the flea market managers) Since the events center does not advertise, or give the event manager a budget to advertise. we have a joke for a flea market. So Wanda is not the only reason fences need to be mended. David Green has taken on a job with alot of BS behind it. If he is the only one doing everything. SO WHAT.. its still his job. He should have known this comming in. if there WERE so many people working at the north iowa events center it only supports my claim that someone should have had the time to advertise. They didnt advertise so it leads to failure for the flea market and other events at the fairgrounds as you stated above. “The flea market is a joke so give it up. Some of the other shows you bring up had terrible attendance so they had to be cut”. Terrible attendance is due to the lack of advertising. So whos to blame? cant come if they dont know when it is. Im defensive because you call the flea market a joke. Sorry to say it but your right. but Im saying its not the dealers fault. and to prove my point, look for advertising for the flea market (except NIT or the north iowa events calander). Can you find any outside Mason City before I originally posted? if you answer with anything at all, please answer the last question.

I was quite upset today after a trip to my local Hy-vee. The couple in front of me was using their WIC coupons and food stamp card. Of course with the food stamp card they were buying pop and junk. The gal had on expensive Ugg boots, and he had on a pricey pair of Nike’s. And both of them had I-phones. I just did my taxes and am paying more to Uncle Sam just so people like this can continue robbing the system. Ridiculous!!!

First of all, anyone on food stamps should avoid Hy-Vee if grocery prices are a concern. I do shop at Hy-Vee, but it is not my first choice.

I went into Hy-Vee East a few weeks ago, and the employee attitudes were so much more friendly. The employees were helpful, compared to the West location. I don’t think the West location is as concerned about their reputation. One of the college age kids stocking the fruit had his pants barely hanging on. He was sloppy and not friendly.

really, i find them very friendly at the west hy vee

i see this all the time. in my opinion, the food stamp program is and always has been a waste of taxpayers money. i would rather see the money go to the schools and give all the kids free breakfast and lunch.

So you’d be wiling to give hungry innocent little children at least 2 meals /day. Precious……

As a person who is on food stamps, I find this irritating. I work pretty much full time hours, no health benefits and get paid less than 9.00/hr for an overnight shift plus go to school. With rent, utilities, gas, and unplanned expenses, it is close to impossible to have any money left aside for food. I work and pay taxes, so there is no shame in receiving food stamps when really, it is my money that comes out of my check.

it’s my money too. Good luck getting ahead, it’s not easy.

Don’t let their attitudes bother you. You’re trying to improve yourself. And your opinion of you is the only one that matters.

@anonymous-we had the same type of situation across the street from us. They were on food stamps and having party’s and drinking beer all the time. Both smoked cigarettes and my wife said she never saw their girl with the same clothes on twice. Neither one worked. We watch our money and pay our taxes too so it is pretty irritating to us. I have no problem helping people who are down on their luck or sick but in the 6 months they lived there we never once saw them even go out to look for a job. They stayed in the house watching T.V. all day and never came out until evening. Of course they didn’t mow the grass or shovel the sidewalk as that is work.

Seems to me you were a nosey busy body all day/night. You seem to know their schedule pretty well. How did you ever find the time to work?

LVS is retired and in a wheelchair.

and self appointed inspector/judge of all things (except spelling).

@anonymous – And you are the self appointed proof reader. Don’t you have anything else to do like maybe work and pay taxes. Especially S.S. so I can spend yours before you get a chance to.

@Katie-=how did you know I am sometimes in a wheelchair? Not that it matters very much. I get around pretty well except for steps. They are hard.

@LVS: You mentioned the wheelchair once.

@anonymous-By the way you dummy, I use Google auto/correct in all my posts. So if you think there is something mis-spelled it is probably you.

And-Bright Lady Katie-but I knew that.

I’m curious. Other than a strained neck muscle from craning out the window how does their life effect yours?

@anymouthy-How does it concern me? Are you serious. They are over there living in a house paid for by HUD, eating and drinking beer all the time while on food stamps, using the new cell phones, having their utilities subsidized, and not paying taxes meanwhile tearing up and not maintaining the property which lowers the value of my house and certainly sucks up our tax money with all the government give aways and you want to know how it effects me. What a idiot you are.

@anymouthy- now to continue-My wife and I worked well over 50 years, never once drew one penny of government handouts, paid our taxes, bought our home and paid for our own phones and insurance. When we couldn’t pay we went without. We were taught that if you wanted something you had to work for it and we did. You people want to make working for a living something nasty. Of course I resent people who live off the system that we pay for.

LVS…you really need to learn how to lighten up. You are taking life and things around you way to seriously. Go out, have some fun. Do something you enjoy. Life is way to short to worry about evrey little thing that goes on that you don’t agree with. I wouldn’t be suprised if you started talking to your neighbor’s that you might like them. Might enjoy visiting with them. Start with a friendly wave and hello when you see them. Who knows? You might make a freind!! Don’t just sit at your window peeking out on their comings and goings.

@Happy Guy-don’t comment on something you know nothing about in a feeble attempt to humiliate me. They were evicted for not paying their share of the HUD payment over 2 months ago. That is after seeing the water department turn off their water and the cable company shut off their cable for non payment. They were deadbeats and that is that. I do not associate with deadbeats and do not want to be their friend.

LVS I was not trying to humiliate you. I find it upsetting that some people seem to think that they are better than others. I also find it sad to read rants posted by very angry people such as yourself. Life is way to short to be that angry all the time.

He doesn’t understand that he embarrasses himself! His constant uneducated hysterical angry name calling is my daily entertainment! I love how worked up he gets! It must be extra pleasant to live near him. I wonder what the neighbor kids call him?

@Happy Guy-well thank you for the friendly post. Just for your information I get along fine with all my neighbors and always have. We love kids and love watching them play (that’s what happens when you get older). People where we live know their kids are safe when I am around as I would never allow a kid to get hurt if I could help it. Back when I was younger everyone came over here to get their cars fixed or borrow tools (before some low life stole them). I actually wave to people all the time as I love being outside when the weather is nice. That is where I see things, from my porch, not out the window. Thank you again for being decent.

Last night I pulled the blankets up over my head and pretended I was a potato.

Me 2!I pretended I was an egg. If we could find someone who played mayo…..we could make a salad! LOL!

Mmmmmm . . . tater salad . . . I’M IN – I’ll be the mayo!!!

Well who do they think they are eating and wearing decent clothes. Don’t they know people on food stamps should only eat Romain and wear raggedy worn out dirty clothes. Let’s call the food stamp police.

Wearing 100.00 shoes and carrying a coach purse and having hair colored that cost 50.00 on up is not decent it is wrong. If you can afford that kind of stuff then they don’t need food stamps and I will tell you I have seen these people take friends and family to the store and buy them groceries and then get the cash from them so they can buy cigs. and your so called decent stuff and there kids end up eating mac and cheese or peanut butter sandwiches because they don’t have any food stamps left to feed their kids how sad.

How do you know that they didn’t buy their clothing at a thrift store? Back when Shirley’s Attic was around you could get a few really great deals on some really nice clothing…..stuff that you would have to pay a fortune for at the mall or retail store! And do you know that a gross income of over $3,000 per month will get you at least $200 in food stamps?! How do you know that they didn’t work and just received food stamps to make those ends meet? Nothing is worse than those who judge and assume they are better than others because they are not on food stamps or something!! Good for you…..glad you grew up in the days where life was alot simpler than it is now…..where greed wasn’t the goal of most and people actually respected each other and worked hard for their money….blah, blah, blah….people who complain about this generation are at fault just the same since they are the ones that helped raise this generation! I work hard for my money and have a college degree but I don’t make a whole lot….Yet I make sure my kids and I are dressed nicely and yes we may wear name brand clothes but I shop wisely and do go to the thrift store at times! And guess what?? I get food stamps too!! I pay for it just the same as you and others do….but only I think I should be able to utilize something when I need it since by the time I retire and try to collect my hard earned money I paid into Social Security it will already be used up by you and others in your generation!

BAM!!! and SNAP!!! I totally agree with you on most everything you said. In some way, most everyone gets some kind of perks. tax breaks, financial aid, or an elected office to create laws that benefit themselves. Not everyone on aid is milking the system. people should not criticize everyone for problems caused by a certain few. should all police be called “worthless pigs” because a few get into trouble?
should all politicians be called “people, who have never worked a day in their life”.
should all teachers have to listen to the phrase “those who can, while those who cant do.. teach”?
Well just maybe, people who work hard, and live within their means still qualify for assistance. this doesnt mean they are low life, lazy, laying around living off others.
back in the 70s when JOHN DEERE in waterloo was on lay off or a strike. the employees got food stamps. John deere was by far the highest paying buisness around. ya think thats right? what about people that get unemployment benefits. THOSE BASTARDS!!!! dont like it when it hits home. do ya

Michelley81: sorry for ranting . didnt mean any ill will to you

Decker Sports is opening a new location in Des Moines…

Here it is two weeks later when I asked the question who will challenge Bookmeyer for mayor and I have yet to see one name. All I got was four smart ass answers.

This just proves my point. Instead of someone stepping up to the plate, you people would rather re-elect the guy just so you have something to bitch about.

I pray every day and I mean every day that man does not get back i!!!!! I don’t run because I do not the have money or the chamber and dr behind me like he does and don’t tell me that doesn’t matter because it does!!!!

who in their right mind would announce their candidacy on NIT? Think about it Cheter. this isn’t the place to do that.

Why not?

Hog, I’m delighted I could maske you laugh as apposed to making you cry. Crying makes you old.

50 miles south it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out he’s a rider. When my generation used it it was “right on”. You say tomato I say tamato. Who cares. The point is about gossiping. (did I spell that right? Can YOU find spell check?) I was just reminding the hog that he can be talked about too. Doubt he cares tho. And I actualy don’t either. Have a nice ride.

With all the blahblahblah about Kristi it’s no surprise kids act like bullies. They get it from their bully parents. And I’m not Kristi. I don’tknow her nor care who she sleeps with.

If Bob is a client of Kristi’s wouldn’t that be a violation of her ethics code as a lawyer?

IF the poster was telling the truth. Are you going to rely on the word of an anonymous poster regarding someone else’s personal life? I wouldn’t.

Yes, yes I will!

Neighbors are all seeing and saying the samethings as the people on here…so yes I will believe. Ride on!

It’s “Right on” not “ride on”. LOL! Keep taking the word of a gossiper I’m sure you’ll “ride” far in the world. But keep in mind your life is up for grabs too.

Meaning your personal life could be Facebook fodder next too. Gossipers aren’t perticular. They run anyone down.

sorry for butting in North Carolina HOG but
anonymous should go back to school and learn something. Not knowing N C HOG, I would assume he rides a Harley. and the term HOG stands for Harley Owners Group. So, since HE was the author of the post and knows what he’s talking about. He is correct in saying what he did. “RIDE ON” anonymous now looks stupid to some. hows that foot taste?

@50 Miles South..I couldn’t have said it any better myself, so thank you. I had a good laugh at the expense of anonymous. What was even funnier than his so called “correction” of ride on, was his incorrect spelling of “particular”.

went to chicago pizza tonight good good pizza people give it a try looks like they could use the business they could spend 15 min and remove 1/2 the junk from the dinning room clean up a bit & im sure your sales will grow, people give it a try its good !!!!

Never had their pizza, I can’t get past the gyros.

Where is chicago pizza? I’m ready to try.

They got beer?

You may want to lay off the beer if you can’t use google to find the place.

Found it, it’s in Chicago !!!

Little Chicago is 1/2 a block west of the post office.

Hey ( Kristy) also known as anonymous. Your are a very bad person. Leave Bob alone and stop cheating on your husband. You are a horrible human being. Your ethics as an attorney are subject to review.

You, you care that’s who

@stalkerspotter, John doesn’t appear to be the one stalking slamming Kristi. He just happened to notice how much other bloodhounds are sniffing her butt for evidence.

January 18, 2013 at 9:59 pm
i pooped dummy- your retired or retarded?

Hey this is a web site not twitter.

Hey Anonymous it appears you rise early to come to the defense of the possibly corrupt attorney K. Arzburger. She has not taken anyones boyfriend. She simply cheats on her very wealthy husband. Look at the facts. She should not be allowed to practice law. She is not worthy of the the law and the great constitution of our great country. She is a poor excuse of representation of all most of us believe in.

Maybe she and husband get off on swinging. You might check in the mirror for brown stuff on your nose.

I don’t see what time I post hast to do with anything or what kristis relationship to her husband has to do with her law practice. If you don’t think she’s a good lawer don’t hire her if you have a suit against her file it otherwise all your doing is defaming someones character for your own amusement

Hey sick, the great thing about this site is you can say “Shit” & talk Shit about anything or anybody and shit on them and get away with it. LOL!

That’s some true shit right there! 😀

see told ya so. got one out of the bushes already. (pardon the pun) Maybe baby that ain’t true.

KIMT News sux. They give more Minn. news than local or Iowa news. Today at noon they reported on a fight at a school in N Minneapolis. That’s news and who in N I cares? And Minn. people DON’T watch Iowa news. Some people in Rochester don’t even know where Clear Lake. I had to tell them! I’m sick of hearing what went on in Minn. as far N as Minneapolis. A Lea news wouldn’t be so bad if it was a story worth reporting. But come on! Do we really need to know about a fight at school in Minneapolis?! Must be slow news days in our area. And they usually report things I read in GG two days earlier.

They report on the MN news because ‘as the guy on Youtube said about Iowa in describing all 50 states in 3 minutes’, “56,000 square miles …of boring.” True THAT!

There’s not a lot of murder and mayham in Iowa but I find plenty to do outside. Fish, gamble at DJo’s, drink beer, fish, gamble, drink beer, fish, gamble, drink beer.

I get shit done while you people post crap on here….enough said

How can you be doing that when you’re here reading? What’s your point and should we care? feel fee to get your shit done before you respond. We all got time to wait. We’re retired. 🙂

@anon: HAHA! And we didn’t even have to do any SHIT to read her CRAP!

i pooped dummy- your retired or retarded?

I hear the Cerro Gordo County District Attorney has gave Alan Cannon a plea bargain deal for his attempted murder of the girl that turned him in for raping her.

Are his plea bargains with sex offenders not enough, what crime will he draw the line on and represent the victims and not worry about his case load

Not sticking up for anyone in this case but sometimes plea bargains are offered if it’s too iffy for the prosecution to win so bargaining can be better than taking a chance on losing. The prosecution only gets one chance. I haven’t read or heard anything on a plea bargain in this case.

There seems to be others who are interested in Kristy Arzburger. She is a bad person who thinks she is above the law. She is an attorney and it is her job to be above the law and represent others in the best interest of the law. She should not be practicing law because she disregards the law. Tell her to stay away from the very kind man on North Carolina. His wife passed and she takes advantage of him. If you doubt me look into her record. She should be disbarred.

Aw did she steal your boyfriend

Hi Kristy!

@john Does it tingle in your “special place” when you think you have spotted Kristy posting anonymously?

Here’s something that will get your dander up. We (taxpayers) paid for this $222,000.00 bathroom renovation for Bush’s Interior secretary in 2007. Notice how long it took for the facts to come out, and this was only after MUCH pressure to release the figures.–politics.html

Now don’t go confusing the Conservatives with facts. They’ll just blame Obama and say he was in Congress when the money was appropriated so it’s his fault.

senator obama was the one that talked bush into the tax cuts and the budget, he even addmitted it himself on camera, he said I was the only adult there and now he blames everything on bush.

maybe, how about some facts to back that statement up? I’d love to see it.

maybe, you have GOT to stop drinking and posting!

@Happy Guy-why would you want facts? You and STUPD wouldn’t understand them anyway. You would just put your socialist, liberal slant on any facts given to you after you found someone to read them to you and then you would have to find someone to explain them to you. You are Blissful and therefore IGNORANT.

What do I do before go to lunch? Well, I click on NIT first, then when I get back from lunch it might be loaded.
p. s. I can get loaded faster !!!

you must get an hour lunch!

Yeah, I said MIGHT be !!

We live in a small city why does someone like Kristy Arzburger gets away with her illegal acts when she is an attorney. I simply do not understand why this goes on and on. Where is the justice. What does that say about who we are as a fair and just community.

You should start a mob with all the other haters on here and get vigilante style justice on her or you could stop being so butt hurt about it

They’re prob. guys that lost the case and have to pay child support.

We need Jerry VanJizzmal back in office. Now that guy got things done!!!

VanJizzmal was da BOMB!!! Where did he end up anyway??

I heard VanJizzmal is doing something in Montana now and vowed never to come back. Can’t say as I blame him after what they put him through. Too bad too. He as a straight shooter and Pickford had no right make those accusations. If you’re reading this, good luck Jerry – we miss you back here!!

You guys aren’t going to like hearing this but Van Jizzmal (ol’ jizz we used to call him), was a crook. In fact if he hadn’t left, he was looking at a pretty big investigation, a lawsuit and most likely prison time. And MC is WAY better off without him. His figures on the Berm Trail Specs were way off and that was no accident!

Yup, he did a lot of good things but let his title go to his head and almost lost it (his head) in the process.

Please stay where you are Jerry.

VanJizzmal was not as horrible as everyone’s making it seem. His Berm Trail specs may have been misleading, but they definitely were NOT incorrect! I’ve actually heard that he’s planning on leaving Montana and coming back to town. I, for one, think that’s a good thing. He will definitely improve things around here. (And if I may add, that man knows how to cook a mean steak!)

Hi, bob pickford here. jerry is a good guy-i don’t think anyone disagrees with that. he made some bad decisions. I had a fiduciary responsibility to point those findings to the oversight committee. They weren’t accusations, they were substantiated facts. vanjizzmal was a friend of mine and i took no pleasure in putting the cross hairs on his back. anyhow, it’s water under the bridge. I don’t wish jerry any illwill but we all have to do what we’re paid to do. (his steaks WERE fantastic tho!!!)

Is this the same guy that had a construction company on the east side?

Yup, VanJizzmal Enterprises.

As everyone knows Jerry is a piece of work thats for sure. Anyone standing up for him must not know him very well. The only thing I miss about him was his great steaks!

She gets away with it because she plays dirty. She uses bullying and abuse tactics to get her victims to bow to her. I’m sure she has something on every cop that’s pulled her over, and every judge she appears in front of. If you’ve ever been in a court room with her, you’d see the hatred in everyone’s eyes. She wates the court’s time, abuses the court system, and takes advantage of people. The only reason she’s still in business is because she intimidates people. The public should know she doesn’t even do her own leg work. She has an office full of idiots who can’t even type a grammatically correct sentence. I hear she used to be a good, ethical attorney, but that may have been some time ago.

She has an office full of employees that do all of her work for her and take a lot of sh*t from her day after day, as well as some pretty horrible clients. Leave the blame on the person the blame should be on.

If my boss was unethical, expected me to do her dirty work, take her sh*t, and deal with douche bags, I wouldn’t be an employee there very long. I’d turn her into the Iowa Bar Association. You can’t tell me her employees don’t know she disregards the law. They’re just as bad as she is.

Matt, I cannot log in. I tried this morning and my password didn’t work, so I went to the link for lost passwords. There I changed my password and I still can’t read the stories. Can you help? Thanks.

Me, too. I paid my subscription over a month ago and still can’t log on. Help!

Matt-I see the GLOB has a ad for a Web Designer in today’s paper. From what I have seen it is to late. It is a shame that all the people that work there mighty lose their jobs because of poor management. They must be in need of money. They called me yesterday to tell me my account was past due. When I called them to ask why because it isn’t due until next week they really couldn’t tell me why they called. If you could get the obits on here I would drop the GLOB.

Matt, I have a story idea for you. At lunch today, I went to the 8th grade annex to drop off something for my child. I’ve never had the opportunity to tour the annex as when they have had open houses, I’ve been at events with my kids. I was able to walk right in to hallways of the annex and into the office without having to go through any security measures. I know the elementaries and Lincoln all have locked doors after a certain time. Just curious with the events happening lately, what security measures are in place for the 8th grade annex?

In addition to the annex, it would be interesting to know what plans all schools in the area have in place in case of a disaster. From what I have heard and seen, most don’t have a plan even though the administrators will say they do. It would be more accurate I think if the staff were asked if they knew what to do.

Found out yesterday that it is common knowledge amoung the students that many of the side and back doors to the high school are also left unlocked all day. I’m not trying to cause trouble but I think alot of people have the mentality that “it won’t happen here” but unfortunately it could happen here just as much as anywhere else. I just want my kids safe.

Saw Kristy yesterday at the courthouse in her Escalade — she was driving.

The last time I stopped and was going to the flea market at the fairgrounds — it was $6.00 just to get in — didn’t go.

The flea market at the north iowa fairgrounds are free to attend. there use to be an antique show at the fairgrounds promoted by an auctioneer from the area that would have been an admission fee. also gun shows, once again, used to be at the fairgrounds. they too had an admission charge. toy show and the local buisness fair or whatever they called it, also had an admission charge. If you were at the fairgrounds during the week of the fair then there may have been an admission charge. however as for the FLEA MARKET itself there has NEVER been an admission charge. my assumption is that you attended one of these promotions that I mentioned.

HEY MATT: got some questions for ya!! I understand classified ads are free in NIT . I understand that an antique flea market is scheduled for the north Iowa events center (fairgrounds) in conjunction with Buddy Holly weekend at clear lake. set for the first weekend of Febuary. Does this qualify for free advertising? Has David Green contacted you about advertising this show on NIT? If not. WHY? one would think that if they want to have successful events at the fairgrounds they would take advantage of as much advertising as possible. It is not my job to do the advertising. Has David Green contacted you for free advertising yet? I know he is aware of NIT from the article posted about how successful he has been.

Hey 50,

Do you have any idea how busy the Events Center office is with Mr. Green being a ONE MAN OPERATION?

Do you have any idea how many events/up coming events and contract renewals he deals with,with NO HELP?

You seem to complain a lot, have you offered Mr. Green your volunteered time?

..people like 50 here make me shake my head, 1st to complain/last to lift a finger…

Tina… this is part of David Greens job discription. If he cant do his job then get the hell out. Its a known fact by some, that he, and the fairboard, would rather NOT have the flea market at the fairgrounds. “it would cost too much to heat the building in the winter time”. thankfully another person at a board meeting called him out on that excuse. Since they have to heat the building anyway to prevent damage. I will also let you know that I HAVE done alot work (in the past) for some shows at the fairgrounds. I, like many many others, now have a very bad taste in our mouth because of happenings at the fairgrounds. Think of it this way Tina. can you find any other advertising on the net, in a paper, or flier, pertaining the flea market at the north iowa fairgrounds event center Febuary 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2013.? Or are you hearing about it first here on NIT because of me? also because of my comments we hopfully have cleared up a misconception that there is a charge for the flea market. I grant you one thing Tina, I have done one hell of alot more for the flea market than you think, or maybe even yourself.

I thought they stopped having the flea markets at the fairground. Could you post some of the dates of the future ones, please? I enjoying going out to them. Thank you.

thank you citizen for inquiring about the flea market. YES, the flea market was canceled by David Green untill further notice. however recently the managers of the flea market convinced the fairboard to have another flea market the same weekend as the Buddy Holley winter reunion in clear lake. the first weekend of Febuary. Also I understand that they will schedule another flea market the same weeknd as the north iowa toy show on the fairgrounds which will be April 12-14 2013. toy show is only sunday the 14th. NO admission to the flea market but there will be an admission charge to the toy show. you can expect more toys from at least one vendor at the flea market that weekend. as for any more scheduled dates, I am not aware of any more at this time. thank you for letting ME help you out with these questions. As I have stated before it is not really my responsability to be the spokesman for the fairgrounds. but if I can help out in this matter, I will try.

@50 miles south – Thank you for the information. I have marked them on my calendar.

The flea market is a joke and a money loser. Cheers to Mr. Green for getting rid of it for the most part.

50’s comments are way off base so I know his knowledge of the events center is very limited.

The flea markets were probably shut down for a couple reasons. One being the dealers couldn’t make money. I’ve booked there & spoken to other dealers. People roaming in and out of the building raises the utility bill more than if it were empty. The only time dealers had success was during gun shows. Obviouly there was more need & profit for other functions than flea markets. If they can’t get enough dealers to sign up they make more money from booking fees from other events.

Im glad to debate this subject with anyone who cares. If anonymous, or anyone here has been to the flea market then you may know me. the market didnt get canceled because the vendors didnt make much money. rather the fairgrounds didnt make that much money. Also the fairgrounds DOES NOT HAVE EVERY BUILDING ON EVERY WEEKEND BOOKED FULL. so that excused doesnt work. I totally understand if space was limited but it isnt. yes the gun shows (that are no longer there) as well as Buddy Holly weekend, toy show and when other events are also scheduled at the fairgrounds have been the best weekends. there are many reasons why the flea markets are not that sucessful. the main reason is from poor management. It takes a special person to know and understand what it takes for a show like this to work. And no offence, but if you have to ask what im talking about, then you are not that person. No advertising,(as I have proven here) or wrong type of advertising. Poorly scheduled dates. inconsistant dates. scheduling a flea market the same time as other larger shows in the area. the better vendors and customers will drive 100 miles or more to a better show rather than 5 miles to the mason city flea market. trust me on this one. Ive seen a mason city customer in the center of nebraska. it takes both good vendors and good customers to make a good show. And if both are from a 30 mile radious, your going to fail. simply not enough variety. the main complaint from dealers was the lack of advertising. theres that word again… advertising. about 6 years ago or so the vendors paid for their own advertising for a while to show the fairboard the benefit that would come from advertising. the crouds picked up and dealers made more money. But the fairgrounds still would not advertise. All they know are numbers and not what it takes to be successful.

And lastly for staven. If I am so off base please explain what I am off base about. Or is this David Greens wife again with another nickname. YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS where have you seen the Febuary 1st-3rd flea market advertised.

Globe: A joke, nobody reads other then Sunday issue which has twice as much ads then story line.
Globe online is a disaster.

Three Eagles radio: corner on the market,prices way to high for market share,over managed.

North Iowa Today: typical of the future of advertising. In growth mode. Hopefully internet ads don’t fragment there market share like radio has.

Billboards: too expensive

Logo’s NIACC newspaper: Right for target clients.

Shopper: are they still around?

Many retailers have targeted smaller town radio stations were the rates are better. Plus on line ads sources that seem to be the future.The KLSS type radio ads are a dying breed due to price.

What do you think?

you have my sympathy.

I think you need to learn the difference between the word “then” and “than”.

No one listens to terrestrial radio.

I think word of mouth is the best or worst advertising. Always has been always will be.

When I had my own business, I had it for years and never spent a dime on advertising, it was all word of mouth and I was very busy.

January 14, 2013 at 11:15 am They would “IF” more building were available and Mercy would stop buying up all the retail spaces for office use.

Yeah who do they think they are expanding in order to take care of 50-60,000 NI citizens efficiently.. fum duckers.

your’s called BUILDING NEW ON THE NORTH END dumb nuts. The city needs north end improvements and Mercy has the money.

Those are privatly owned buildings. It’s not up to the city to pay for privatley owned buildings. And the city did try to help them a couple years ago. Of course to no avail. Point is Mercy isn’t responsable.
MC is full of numb nuts.

Will someone out there who has the smarts please find out about the unethical attorney Kristi Arzberger. She has made a farce of the law we all live by.

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