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Op-ed: Carl Grover is a hero

by Peter Children –

Carl Grover
Carl Grover

My hat is off to Carl Grover, my hat and everything else I have. Never have it read such beautifully constructed prose. Simple yet powerful, the innocence of honestly along with the humbleness of this man held me transfixed as my eyes eagerly moved from one sentence to the next with each declaration more telling than the first. This is what writing is all about, this is what it is meant to be……

To say Mr. Grover hit the mark, or knocked the ball out of the park would be an understatement….this man ripped the cover right off the ball. And it still gets better, this rocket was fired from behind enemy lines, it came from 300 North Washington Avenue…headquarters of the opposition, the fact that ink was introduced to paper in this incident was shocking in itself. This is a paper that has set “letters to the editor” off to the side that proved to be critical of Bookmeyer.

Mr. Grover’s roadmap of Max Weaver’s accomplishments was again clearly laid out and easy to follow. If you have lived here long enough to recognize what was said, you can only come to the conclusion that Max’s footprints are all over this community….and each step was pointed in the right direction.

I personally want to thank Carl Grover for the wonderful words he put forth, words that spoke volumes and helped erase whatever doubt may have once existed. My hat is off to you sir.

Peter J. Children



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Max gets endorsement from Carl Grover. Big deal. I bet that carries a lot of weight!!

Mr. Pildren, are you calling me fat? 😉

@ Dougherty supporter, LMAO yes greedy Urdahl and his 5 cent pop cans! Jay would not give you the steam off his piss. I keep hoping he gets caught some day with his hand in the cookie jar, he does not deserve to be in the courthouse. He is a penny pinching moocher, never would of got in if old Doc didn’t punch his ticket. You can’t be for the working man and be in Gary Blodgett’s pocket. It is either or.

I smell a rat, Lehigh. A couple of them from the same family. You are right, doc put Urdahl in keeps him there. Sorry, your friend Dougherty plays the same game. He stayed in last year because Gary flooded Phil’s district with all those letters to Republitards, they said don’t vote for Watts he will raise your taxes. Chris would of beat him but for that. We know Crookmayor got Toddy Boy to get the ball rolling with Minert, at the country club. Then Eric gets the council to bail out the Harley with our money a couple weeks after that. Another thing, you can be for Dougherty all you want. But your friend Phil was in on that illegal lunch Blodgett bought him and Urdahl when they decided to go against Jodi Draper. The article was here on NIT, see for yourself. So am I the only one that says these Clear Lake Republitards need to keep out of our politics? And stay out.

You kidding? Skipper endorses Bookmeyer ALL YEAR long!

And during election ANYone running as a candidate.

We all know that how is it you don’t?

Interesting endorsement. If Skipper had endorsed anyone the Nit Diiehards would have exploded. The column is more words than anyone else could write and submit so no one could do the same for any council person or anyone else running for mayor. Carl is pro union but writes well. A truly great example of true freedom of the press.

Good job Carl, just wondering though, are you still writing for the globe….

As far as I know 🙂

Reggie you’re special, bring your wife and the mayor and we’ll all have lunch….I’ll buy

My wife said “He’s creepy and I wouldn’t be seen dead with him”. Her words not mine. Sorry Peter I guess the date is a no go. By the way I think you are “special” too.

Anyway we can read Carl’s statement without the globe shutting it down for money? It covers the page.

NIT readers only can’t read it?!

I love the artical. I am so glad you wrote something positive and truthful. I have. A lot of respect for you.

Sure wish I could read Mr. Grover’s endorsement without the Globe jumping in wanting me to pay to read it.

This was quite unexpected but thank you Mr. Children and thanks to all of you for your kind words. You’ve nearly left me speechless. 🙂

Without question Carl is an eloquent and thoughtful contributor to the Globe. I appreciate his contributions and always look forward to his observations. Given his pro union persuasion, one that I share, it is not surprising that he would endorse Max. Bookie and crew have been less than supportive of the working class, lunch bucket Joe.

I have had a feeling all along that Howard Query and the Globe may be softening some on Mason City politics. I will reserve final judgement until the election season is over.

We must remember the Globe Gazette needs Mason City to grow also. They are not stupid, they know like we all do the horrible history of the Bookmeyer years. Mason City is clearly not better off.

The current group of buddies holding elected office is the worst I have ever witnessed at City Hall today.

I know Max Weaver knows what it going to take to lead Mason City into a future that has OPPORTUNITY for all the people in Mason City.

It truly would be a new day with hope for a brighter economic future for both Business and Working People if Max takes the helm as Mayor.

Watch dog

If thre is any softing it is a result of calls to Davenport the corporate offices

Nice article Carl, I’m really surprised that the Glob published it.

Thanks to email and Facebook they had to. Could you see the subject line “Globe would not print this column from Carl”

Who would not read it

Surprising criticism of the Globe coming from you JB. Besides Todd you are one of the most frequent guests who comments and blogs at their site. Why bite the hand that gives print to your ego?

The Globe has Toddy Boy write for them because his right wing nonsense appeals to the prejudices and ignorance of the hicks who read at the level of his writing, which is about third grade. I feel like I must wash my hands after reading his Op-Ed propaganda. It is a source of shame that people log on that site and argue with him, because he is a moron who probably would be imprisoned were it not for the family that spoiled him to the core. Young Blodgett says he no longer uses drugs but what he writes leads educated readers to doubt. Next time you see anything with his name on it, skip it. Don’t feed his ego by getting roped in to his Republican tripe.

So your saying I am a hick just because I like Blodgett’s write up’s. You sound like a big old Niacc nothing yes well I got 8 grades past grade 3 that is right so what about that. Ok smarty keep it up you go around with your insult’s make me want to puke yes.

@Retired-then I must ask, why do YOU read it?

@ LVS: Because one of my neighbors swears by everything this arrogant nut case writes. I only read his senseless, fascistic columns so I may dissect his poppycock and try to prove to my ignorant neighbor the absurdity of reading Toddy Boy’s juvenile prattle.

Niacc you know so many big words how about you get the Globb to print a column you write like they do for the one’s wrote by Blodgett. Look’s like old LVS got you good.

@ Retired your free to think what ever you want but why make a issue of Todd’s passed drug problem, this is wrong. At least Todd admits his problem he don’t lie or blame nobody but himself. I am a proud recovering drug addict my own self, 197 days into a new way of life. Drug free and clean. You sound like a very negative person, that is not how I roll too bad for you who ever you are.

Hey retarded, I mean retired, leave Blodget alone. Todd is a hoot! Ran into him last year over to Hardees he kept us laughing the whole time.

About time!!! Max has had an up hill battle with the group at the Globe for years! Do they treat you well?

Takes some kind of wonderful to step forward and not be AFRAID. To do the RIGHT thing. For the RIGHT person.

Mr. Grover You will be rewarded for your courage. It does take courage when I’m sure Skipper rags you about it every day. Can’t you knock some sense into Skipper?

None the less everyone is pleased you came forward and never doubted your own feelings and let it be known!

Thank you and Max for Mayor!

Thank you Carl. I knew you were a smart guy and you proved in once again.

I agree, Carl Grover did write an excellent article. To me, an endorsement from Carl Grover, says something. It tells me that you have earned your stripes and that is exactly what Max Weaver has done. Grover is correct, Max has guts and as stated before; “sometimes guts is enough.” I also agree…. Max, might very well turn out to be the best mayor Mason City has ever had.

On the other hand, you could learn a lot by emulating the writing style of Mr. Grover. People might even start to take you seriously then too. Notice….not once did he swear, call anyone a nasty name, question their heritage, nor did he claim to have slept with anyone’s wife or even mention anyone’s balls for that matter. And to top it all off, you could just sense that Mr. Grover’s comments were sincere. Yes, Peter, you could learn many things from this gentleman, for your sake, I hope you do. You too will be a better person for it.

If you go back and do your research, you will find that the subject of women was never once brought up by me in anything I wrote….ever. Somehow people want to associate, me with the opposit gender. Let’s stay on subject here, this is about Carl, not me.

“Reggie….are you
married? Did I sleep with your wife. What’s your problem with me? Just plain old jealously. I get that a lot. Suck it up Reggie” Yes Peter, yes you brought it up.

I knew he had brought it up before and so does he. If he lives to be 80, he will never be a 1/10th of the writer that Carl Grover is. He can read that, read it again, then re-read it, hop on one leg, then the other, then read it again.

I am sure Peter agrees with you, did you read what he said about Carl?

Wait…….I’m still hopping on one leg. I’m headed to the phone booth for a candidate forum with Quinn.

@Reggie (Red) I remember that too, and I totally disagree with Peter bringing your wife or anyone else’s wife into that type of discussion. It is un-needed and uncalled for.

Thank you Carl. Even though a never have meet you before. Thank you for standing up!

I also want to say thanks to Carl for his endorsement, and to Peter for his comments. Thank you both.

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