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Steve King visits Mason City

by Matt Marquardt –

MASON CITY – U.S. Representative Steve King visited Mason City Tuesday morning.  He held a town hall meeting at the Park Inn Hotel, sponsored by Dr. Gary Blodgett, a former state representative for the Mason City area from 1993 to 2001.

Not including media and what appeared to be handlers and hotel staff, there was about 25 people in attendance.  According to one source, that number decreased by one after a Mason City police officer escorted one man out for calling King a “liar” and a “bigot.”

The source also reported that as the plain clothes officer whisked the man out of the room, Dr. Blodgett told the man to “Pull your pants up!”

(PHOTO: Rep. Steve King addresses North Iowans at the Park Inn Hotel in Mason City, Iowa on May 22, 2012.)

Steve King, a Republican, is running against Christie Vilsack for the newly-created 4th District Congressional seat, which is essentially the upper northwest quarter of Iowa.

A few quotes from Rep. King Tuesday morning:

– “The ghost of John Maynard Keynes lives in the brain of Barrack Obama”

– “My neighbors that are Democrats are generally reasonable people that balance their checkbooks and sometimes they are traditional Democrats and in their mind they really are Republicans or Independents”

– “We need a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution”

– “Repeal Obamacare”

– “I believe the founding fathers got it right.  I don’t think it’s (the Constitution) a living and breathing document.  There’s no guarantee if that’s the case.”


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Freedom of Speech only applies to Repubs and teabaggers… Dr. Blockhead or whoever needs to check his (pants, that is); I think he’s due for a change. As for Steve King, the heckler couldn’t have been more accurate. He’s a liar, a bigot, and a racist. If you believe this heehaw’s drival there’s some swampland in Florida and I can give it to ya real cheap… GO CHRISTIE!!! VILSACK FOR CONGRESS!!! Do some real checking. She’s not the liar here…

Low turn out because Blodgett was part of it !!

I was just on an autodial conference call by the Vilsack camp. They were asking people on the call to ask questions. They were all pre-screened and my questions were never taken. Steve King has the guts to go out and talk to people and not have a screener taking his calls. Steve has also been a regular guest on several local Iowa radio stations, his views are open and well know to those who want to be informed.

On this call I attened today with Vilsack, she lied about King saying he wanted to end Social Security and medicare. That is not the truth, King supports reformes to both programs as presented in the Ryan budget plan. (Did you hear that? The Republicans have a budget plan.) The Dems have not presented a budged in 3 years. Does your family live like that?

Did he talk about everything the republicans have done to keep health care costs down or how they are helping people get coverage that have been laid off from work. Well how about all the republicans that lowered the deficet when they held the senate, house and presidency. Thats because they never have! Republicans cut taxes then spend too much, Democrats tax then spend to much. If the tea party was backing Independents instead of the same old corrupt system I would back them. This is no different then the contract with America in 1993 and look how well that worked!

Its interesting how the tea party can disrupt democrats when they have meetings but the police prevent the same thing from happening when its a republican.

pretty sad when you have to pay people listen to you, is it not?

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