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Op-ed: Bookmeyer’s legacy written on side of beer truck (by Peter Children)

Once more the ghost of illusion has risen from the grave where it was buried….I thought.  The civic center has once again hit the news, that along with the mention of an $80,0000.00 feasibility study for something everyone living here already knows will not work.  If this is about Bookmeyer’s legacy, his legacy is already been written on the side of a beer truck; and nothing will erase it.  You want to know why? Because he himself wrote it there in big letters that are easy to read.

Now they have re-named this hooker to fool you; it is now called “The Sports and Entertainment Center,” let me tell you something. If you take a hooker and clean her up, put her into a pair of penny loafers and a pleated skirt with a barrett in her hair….she’s still a hooker only dressed differently.

Sixty five thousand to move a desk in city hall, eighty thousand more for a feasibility study….did we have a “stacked” panel recently who gave it a yes vote?  If Bookmeyer’s wife would sign committal papers all of this would slow down.

Well once again I blame this train wreck on those who didn’t vote.  Now we got a entire council who is in lock step with ineptness; blind to reality, driven by special interest and willing to commit this city into a long term debt they cannot pay.

Look West to the All Events Center, once also known as The North Iowa Fair.  That is exactly where this city is headed until the next election where once more no one will vote.  Now there is a lawsuit file against the Fair Board, an action that could turn into a prime time drama played out in the courts that will eclipse anything on television.

We will end up spending enough money on useless studies as the result of too many hangovers that could have been used to build a alcohol recovery unit that could actually help some people who need it.

By the look of it we have a North end section of this city where it is becoming unsafe to venture outside at night; why should that be? Ido not believe in a police state form of control but stronger measures need to be put in place to bring this area under control. Spend the eighty thousand on that area in overtime for law enforcement to maintain a more constant vigilance. Give the money to hire more people to help clean up the neighborhoods.  No none of that will happen, instead it will go down the drain in one of the many urinals Bookmeyer frequents.

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I never thought i would get to a point where i didn’t want to live in Mason City or its surrounding areas but as the years trudge on it starts to become more and more clear that the feasibility of this town continues to deplete with each unreasonable decision the council makes. The center is a joke, we all know this. It makes about as much sense as building a dodgeball court for the blind. We need to find ways of getting manufacturing jobs back into the town, as well as offering something that makes the people who grow up here stay here. I think it would be a good idea for the Council to offer a reimbursement system for those who attend college at NIACC and remain here for X amount of years to contribute to the workforce, but i don’t know where they will work. I can’t think of anywhere off the top of my head that would be worthwhile to stay here for. Mason City is becoming more and more of a dead end town. I look forward to moving away and that breaks my heart. I love this place and most of the people in it but we are rotting from the inside out. Bring in some decent jobs, get the voters to hit the ballot boxes to get some of these crooks out of office. Make this place a vibrant teeming city again that people enjoy not only living in from childhood but to move to. The sports arena isn’t the answer, its not even a good debate. Jobs, opportunity, a city council that has the welfare of its constituents at its core and we can be great again.

You can’t just put everything to a public vote unless it has public funds behind it — and a certain amount at that. No, let the council people DO THEIR JOBS and get the public’s input like they are SUPPOSED to do and quit saying, “Maybe we should have a vote!” Cripes, next they’ll want the public to vote on approving the minutes to the meeting or giving tickets on loud mufflers. The public will have its say when there’s referendum for money — big time.

So what’s his legacy? “Grab Some Buds” or “Drink Responsibly”?

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed while even today in the globe several council members were quoted saying we want public input but I believe only Lee has said to bring it to a vote of the public. The report itself was bias mentioning in several areas that funding in a certain manner would require a vote and we already had a survey with over 900 comments and of that over 70 percent were against this boat anchor. But still the golden children are pressing on. This is a group where common sense is over ruled by an overstuffed little fireplug of a dictator whose opinion of himself far outreaches his abilities. Listen to the people and GIVE IT UP.

you all need to think about every thing the city and are council including the great mayor has done for the people of mason city. first where are all the jobs that they were suppose to creat. All i see is companys leaving and nothing new coming to town. All the council and mayor wants is to line the pockets of the city and there so call big business in mason city. They all are looking out for themselfs, what about the people that pay there wages. fire them all get a grade school student they could do better or the same as these jokers are doing.

No new hockey center ! That would just be another tax payers nightmare of a burden !

I gewt so damn tired of hearing we need it for the kids. I have heard it all of my life and that is longer than I want to admit. The kids (except for the few)who play hockey don’ and won’t care about this and that is why it will fail. We have the YMCA for kids and they are scrambling for members. We have a roller rink that can’t get enough kids to support it. We have Music Man Square that had to be bailed out last year. We used to have playgrounds for kids when I was small that were put on by the Park and Recreation but they don’t do that anymore so the kids run wild destroying property. Everything they have tried for the kids have failed. The dances were taken over by the toughs so the good kids wouldn’t go. Be have shows at NIAC, the Surf and we used to at the fairgrounds. They are for the kids or could be but they won’t go.

The reason The Y is scrambling for members is because it caters to the wealthy in Mason City when the bulk of people are middle or lower class. $10 for a day pass to go play basketball with some friends? It is a joke. Yes they offer low income stuff but middle class families don’t want to take hand outs or welfare. We just want the price to be reasonable so wecan send our children

And even if we do get financial assistance it still cost to much and its revoked the second you earn more than you reported.

And the backdoor has opened with Trout now saying the report will not cost as much. The methods offered to fund the project all revolve around draining the tif fund. TIF is used to help keep the general fund in balance. So if TIF is drained your taxes will have to increase to offset the loss to the general fund and then when it fails as 9 out of 10 have you will be hit again with taxes to support this boat anchor. Between the cities reckless spending and the school system never having enough who will be able to afford to live here. The thing they both have in common is the lame statement that ITS FOR THE CHILDREN.

Did you notice once the slightest shred of opposition appeared, the cost of the study fell like a rock. How can you tust these people. Trout waws in possesson ofthat informatin all along, he was just testing the water. God help us from these people

Sorry about the typos

So why test read AFTER you post?

your going to be in touble with Peter L if you dont stop with all the typos. everyone on here knows that he is so damn smart. cause he said so.

I have learned that every time that someone says to think of the children, they are up to something evil.

I’m not sure what a beer truck has to do with your post except once again you are trying to smear the Mayor. I agree the event center probably is NOT the thing to do now or maybe ever BUT Peter I ask you, WHAT is the thing to do to keep young people in town?You will say good high paying jobs but how do we get them? Offer some suggestions PLEASE!!!!

Stop wasting TIF funds on businesses that are already here (Harley). Stop subsidising competitors across the road within the same Tif district (Red Power). Is Stellar recieving TIF funds to come to Mason City? Actually have information on the North Iowa Coridor EDC website that is usefull, demographics, psychographics, Census data. reorganize and integrate local higher education facilities into the process of creating a high tech North Iowa. Get rid of the 6 figure salaried people that are not paying their way in the area creating jobs. Replace a learning facility president that has a drug problem (embarassment) in her home.

$80,000 Dollars to fund a study for trends of the future and how Mason City and North Iowa can position for JOBS. Oooh, wait, Our council is *&^%ing that money down a rat hole for a second cost study that’s not needed UNTIL they fullfill their JOBS CREATION mantra. VOTE

Study might or might not be needed but Sherlock you would probably be the first one to cry foul if a study was not done. Of course if the study doesn’t agree with your opinion you will say its biased and/or skewed. TIF funds for Harley is exactly what the city should be doing to help EXISTING businesses not just new ones.Has the city opened up a can of worms, maybe but the city must fight to keep what we have AND get new ones also.Bringing up the NIACC presidents problem with her child is pretty bush league.Anyone who has children does the best they can.Sometimes its still not enough!!!!

Reggie, Stop, stop, LMAO. I can’t take it. Stop while you’re behind. Trap set, and you stepped in it. YOU ASKED for a plan. I can’t help you if you’re not smart enough to understand the big picture. You seem to be the one getting upset when YOUR VIEWS are criticised.

It doesn’t take much intellegence to figure out the proper sequence of events. Wait for the state legislature to establish new laws or not, before proceding with a 30 million dollar hoooky rink.

Prosperity brings prosperity. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Facts and logic, leave your personal beliefs aside for a moment. What are the facts, Reggie. Take a long look at the driving forces shaping our society. Do you see the huge disconnect between the local/national uber rich and the local/national “who’s left.

How does waisting TIf funds on a project that would have occured without assistance help the common man in Mason City? It’s wellfare to the Wealthy. I believe Stellar has come to Mason City with no TIF assistance. Correct me if I am wrong.

Save resources for a project that REALLY makes a difference. Like a Valent type project. A Pet Hooky project that has a 40% chance of profitability? Don’t be foolish. (Again)

And, your response about parents….Is usually the type of thing inadequit parents say about such things. Birds of a feather, flock together. IT’S NOT EASSY, but I can tell the Really, REALLY GOOD parents, by their children. THAT’s WHO I want representing the community. The VERY best! The Doers. Red flags deserve to be looked into. It is an important position and reflects on our community. I say what others think! For others reading this, I over generalize at times and do realise that is dangerous. Take it for what it’s worth.(-;

I’m not a nice person, Reg. Show me results or get on down the road. PROSPEROUS JOB creation for all not just the chosen few. VOTE!

I guess we will just have to disagree on how to use TIF money.You say we should create a high tech North Iowa.On the surface that sounds good.BUT without jobs /companies here first the educated would just move away to find jobs.Chicken v. Egg dilemma .I am NOT for the civic/events center. Not the right time or the right design.Sherlock I think you are a black and white type of person. NO gray in your thought process.So in your mind if a child is good the parents were good BUT if the child strays off the path OBVIOUSLY the parents are bad.I grew up when it was OK to beat kids.Some of the parents were almost sadistic but the kids appeared normal and grew up to be productive adults BUT what scars do they have?Its sometimes good to simplify things but not always.

Yes Jamie and we will have unicorns on every corner and double rainbows emerging from beermeyers behind.

I read the feasibility report. Some disturbing things were it mentioned several times and gave examples on how to keep it from being voted on by the public. It also stated how 9 out of 10 examined needed constant taxpayer support. But one thing that really stood out was at the end it stated that they should move on properties aquired by parties anticipating it being built. So it would seem some were privied on information on the location long ago. This whole backdoor project smells like day old beer. If you want to read it contact your council person and ask for a copy.

If it is the same report I read….It was conducted by a company that managers Centers, ie. conflict of interest. The company had a name change or some kind of “transition”. It’s been a while since I read it. Wasn’t it conducted about the time of the peek in the economy? There were red flags showing up through out the report.

It doesn’t matter if you call it a civic center or a sports center it is still nothing but a big money loser. The leaders of this community talk about privatizing services but they turn around and want the tax-payers to build something like this. If this is such a great idea and the center can stand on its own two feet why aren’t private investors lining up at city hall to build it. The mayor and anyone else with half a brain knows this will not make money and it will not even break even just look around at all the other communities with something similar, they don’t make money. This is my plan as a citizen of Mason City we will give anyone who wants to privatly build this thing the land and thats it. I would be willing to bet we have no takers.

Mr Lee will not be bullied. He has his own mind and can think for himself

I agree!

How fast will the use of the multi million Music Man Square dwindle?
How about NIACC’s nice facility?
The Fairgrounds?
Sure, it would be nice, but so would more jobs and lower taxes.
Build another building?? Will the exixting buildings cash flow?
There are only so many people than can afford to go out.

Everything you said is true.

living out in the country with a long driveway and no neighbors is starting to sound better. isnt it?

The use of TIF funds from the newly consolidated TIF areas within Mason City will shift the tax burden to rural residents of Cerro Gordo County.

And, quite possibly reduce fundiing to the school district, depending on TIF reform and Commercial tax reform.

Two out of the new three council members were hand picked by the major so now he has 5 on his drunken side. I feel bad for Mr Lee. He has big shoulders but can he carry a big stick and walk tall?

He’s right there with the rest of them. Are you his wife.

I have to agree with Peter on the Civic Center. I will say it over and over again to anyone that ask me about this the public needs to vote on this!!! To spend this kind of money and not let the TAX PAYERS have a say is WRONG. Their excuse for not having a special vote is it will cost around $10,000, they say we can’t afford it but will spend $80,000 on a study. It will be very interesting with the new council members if they will stand behind what they said, that with something this big the people should have a vote.

Please keep in mind some numbers. I believe something like 200 hocky kids were mentioned to be locally available to help pay for the facility.

I mean, the parents, step-parents, grand-parents on both sides as well as the step-grand parents that will be paying the fees to play, practice, and watch the matches.

(Is hocky a game or a match? Does that tell you how I would vote?)

Anyway, a well organized campaign to vote for this wrongfull expenditure could be passed if every effort is not made to register and VOTE against it.

Final the city is moving forward and not backwords anymore like Peter always wants. We are not living in the 50’s or 60’s anymore. Lets build something for the next generation and stop living in the past. This event center could make it if the right people run it and bring in stuff that people are will come and see.

Jamey….and just who do you think the right people would be? Maybe the fair board? Who? There just isn’t enough people living here to make it work. Look around in 9 out of ten communities that have built these facilities they have failed to turn a profit.

We have to draw people into the area from around here and afar. Look at country feast in WI, the people it draws from afar. That town lives for that one event. Look at Ragbria, people from all over the world come to it. Yes I agree this will be a big uphill battle, but it can be done. We need to have something that attracts 20 year olds to 50 year olds. Bring in entertainment that appeals to them. As far as the right people running the place I’m not sure of the exact people but there are organizations out there that could help us find the right people. Believe it or not I do agree with some of your articles but this one I feel we could agree to disagree.
I have lived in Mason City most of my live and have two young children. As of right now, I see nothing for them here or would keep them in the area, which is to bad but I would not want them to work at a 9 or 10 dollar job with no benefits and that is all I feel most of the area offers. As far as the event center I feel we have to try something, I come down to which came first the chicken or the egg. Hopefully it could be the beginning for some change around here. It can be done, look at Osage and Valent BioSciences Company that they are bringing in and I feel that there event center will turn around when all the jobs are created up there. Time will tell.

Jamey – They said MM Square was built for future generations. 95% of the current school-age generation have no interest or care anything about “The Music Man” (until they release the newly enhanced Blu-ray with CG enhanced TROUBLE).

This is another lets divide the city, when you should be downsizing and merging like the economy demands.Not speading out and causing more expenses.

Sure, build it, and watch it deteriorate itself and the fairgrounds more.

Most business people would see this as a chance to salvage one bad investment (current status of fairgrounds) by putting capitol (a fully functional events center) into it to draw more events and activities.

I’m not stuck on where to build the event center, the fair ground could be the spot. They have a ice arena already, maybe a barn could be built to show the horses and then the battle over the arena for ice time and horse time could stop and both would improve. (You could have year round ice.) Also when the Globe started the BBQ Bash in the park why couldn’t they have tied that with the North Iowa Fair and both could have won. The fair grounds have there own issues to work out and they need to let there pride go and try to ask for help from others groups that would use the grounds also. It is better to share the apple pie then fight over it and spill it all.

You got one part right. “build something for the next generation,” because they are the ones who will be saddled with the debt to pay it off.
Long after it goes bankrupt and is shutdown.

BUILD JOBS and the rest will fall into place.


Please enlighten me on how you’ve come up with your assessment on why our schools didn’t need to be revamped? Have you done anything more than drive by? I have been out of the Mason City school system for almost ten years, and things are very dire back then.

Larry never mentioned the schools.

Larry I meat to say “I” never mentioned the schools.

Peter- I know you never mentioned schools. I did and I said I said I was going off topic and it was another subject. The schools wanting more money (as usual) will become a hot topic fairly soon. The civic center should be killed now. Even the new one in Osage is not making it. They are asking for money from anywhere they can get it. Why spend 80K on a study for something that is wanted by a few. Have a vote on it for 10K. It’s cheaper that way.

I am not sure how a school can become dire unless you were at an inner-city school in the 1960’s. I rather doubt people in Mason City understand the concept of “dire”.

The question becomes, why did those in charge of the District allow things to get that bad, if they were at all? Same as the Library, lack of maintenance and follow through. Sweep it under the rug until the costs soar into the millions.

Having graduated from a school built in 1926, conditions were never “dire”. And that building is still a school today, turning out classes year after year that have a 90% college graduation rate.

Major clue, it is not the building, but the level of commitment of students, parents, and Staff which determines outcome.

WOW Peter,

Well said but as I recall Max was thew one who originally strted the conversation on the Civic Center. I totally agree we can not afford nor do most of us want this.(hockey lovers excluded). Now we have the school system wanting more money after spending millions on un-needed new schools. The state cut their funding because they thougt they could get by with less, so they immediately want a new levy to make up the difference. That is crap. Less students equal less money needed and less teachers who don’t do their job. But that is a different subject.

You are soooo right. They keep slapping up more buildings while enrollment falls.
Now they want more money to take care of fewer students??

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