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Is “Republican Jesus” accurate?


Accurate? Or just liberals spreading a false characterization of Republicans?

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I think LeftMC is doing an excellent job defining the gist of this argument. I would add that it’s not that I don’t keep my mind open to the possibility none, some or all parts of any doctrine espoused throughout history could be true or untrue…it’s that I don’t want anyone forcing me to believe it, nor do I want any States recognizing that it is true. The Constitution is genius in that manner, but freedom of thought shouldn’t be considered an exception to the rule.

Scientists think our DNA could still be viable up to one million years after our death. I, for one, would like a do-over. Sorry to say, I made a lot of bad decisions and have lots of regrets regarding my 50+ years. I’ve never harmed anyone, however, and I try not to dwell on those mistakes. I’m enjoying life and am making the most of the years I have left. Some people live by the Ten Commandments. I tend to live more by the Golden Rule.

The Golden Rule is also biblical.

So are the following rules. Make sure you’re a good Christian and follow them all to the letter of the bible. 1. No eating hooved animals (Leviticus 11:14) 2. No mixing of fabrics in your clothes, make sure it’s all one fiber. (Leviticus 19:19) 3. Don’t Cut Your Hair (leviticus 19:27) 4. Never shave your beard (Leviticus 19:27) You know because picking and choosing the parts of the bible you follow means you’re going to hell.

Thank you, Maybe. I’d forgotten that. It’s a good rule.

Seems like the ‘golden rule’ today is do others before they do you !!

What was that saying?

The greatest trick Satin ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

Satin exists. It exists on our bed sheets and pajamas. It’s Satan that doesn’t exist.

Thanks for the correction. Boy do I have egg on my face. Where was Ms. Spellcheck when I needed her.

Well, I have had a good laugh over it.

Merry Chrismas!!!

@watchdog-You know the more they deny god and religion the more they are afraid where they will end up when they leave this world. LeftMC must be terribly afraid and has probably done something very bad. Of course the have no pride and no values.

I have nothing to fear because that’s what awaits me when I die, nothing. It’s going to be just like before I was born. Nothingness. And I don’t need some mythical god threatening me with hell to be a good person LVS. Religion is responsible for infinitely more death and suffering in the world than atheism. Merry Christmas!

@Left-yep, you are scared to death. The more people claim to not believe in a afterlife the more afraid they are of dying no matter what they say. Just think how stupid you are going to feel when you wake up in hell just because you shot your mouth off about something you can’t possibly prove. It takes a pretty stupid person to think that everything in this world just happened.

Just how stupid are you going to feel LVS when you die and find you’ve been believing a lie all along. I’d argue that it takes a pretty stupid person to believe the countless myths in the bible. But hey, if you want to believe in a man in the sky it’s your choice. You’re wasting your life away waiting for death while atheists are doing the opposite.

I’m not an atheist, and I’m not a believer in established religion. I don’t pray to Buddha, and I don’t pray to jesus or God, but I keep my senses sharp, always probing my internal consciousness pushing it outwards to expand it;as much as possible- to hopefully glimpse the higher truth, and if that means God lives in the sky or on another plane, then I hope to perceive it. That’s what Yoga, fasting, and meditation are about, and it’s why I don’t condemn drug users, nor kiss hands.

@Left MC-The more you make excuses the more it shows how terribly afraid you are. You are lying to yourself because of that fear. You must have done something really horrible to be so afraid.

OK LVS you keep praying to republican jesus while you wait for death. I’ll keep living and enjoying the life I was given. The key to heaven is to not be a miserable bastard…remember that LVS.

good luck

@Left MC-If what you say is true you are going to hell for sure. You have to be the most miserable, afraid person I have ever heard of. It must be terrible to live a life like yours. I really feel bad for someone as limited in their thinking as you are. When you wake up dead and your feet are burning from the heat remember what you have been told.

You believe all of the crazy BS in the bible and I’m the one with the simple mind? LOL good one LVS. I don’t need the promise of heaven or the threat of hell to be a good and happy person. I am very thankful for my one trip that is life and am using it until it’s fullest. You guys keep believing your fairy tales and wasting your lives away waiting for the heaven that doesn’t exist.

@LeftMC-Actually, I put very little belief in the bible. I consider most of it as a book written by men to control other men. Although there are parts of it based on common sense from the ancient past that have very little to do with today. Now, there are rules to lie by that make sense. And, all that being said, I do believe that someone or something created all this. It doesn’t matter what you call the creator. Only a fool thinks all this just happened. And, I believe there is a afterlife.

cont.-You see I have been pronounced dead twice and I know what I saw and there is something waiting. I think everything in the universe is recycled and used again and again. We know very little about this universe and nothing is carved in stone. I am not afraid but then I have nothing to fear. Someone like you has every right to be in denial when you have done something very bad. The one thing I do is respect other people’s opinions on religions.

Why exactly are you so convinced that I’ve done something terrible? Millions of people are atheists and manage not to go around murdering simply because they are intrinsically good. If people need the threat of hell to be a good person then they are of weak mind and stature. I’d be more likely to believe that we are the result of some alien experiment than a magic man floating in the sky. I agree as well, people can believe what they like. Just don’t try to push it on me.

@LeftMC-Mostly because you are so much in denial and in my experience the more people deny religion the more they are afraid of something. They may not know what it is, but, deep down they are afraid.

The only person I know in Mason City who went into cardiac arrest on the operating table but was revived and subsequently sued Mercy Hospital for close to a million dollars is NIT’s own Peter John Children. When I asked him if anything was out there, he said “It was completely black…no consciousness…just dead”. One guy on a bus I met “died” in an accident and he said same thing : nothingness/blackness. But another guy said he saw his deceased brother but i don’t think he died

When I was 18 I was electrocuted and died, for a minute and I don’t remember seeing anything but that doesn’t mean a thing.

What we have here is the height of stupidity. There is no such thing as a “conservative” bible.

This is nothing more than liberals slandering Jesus Christ. It has nothing to do with Republicans.

What a bunch of lost souls.

I have witnessed many laws passed by Republicans that help the needy. Best said like this:

A liberal will give you a fish so you can eat for the day, then starve.

A conservative will teach you how to fish to eat forever.

But there is such a thing as a conservative interpretation of the bible, and that conservative interpretation often goes against the teachings of jesus. How about you cite some of these “laws” you mention, or do you just say that to make yourself feel good?


You interpret the bible. Pretty quick to point the finger here. Sounds hypocritical to me.

I’m still waiting for you to cite those laws you mentioned.

What we have here is leftmc trying to start a fight. You are right about him/her being a lost soul. It knows that the best way to piss people off is to attack their religion so thats what it is doing.

Actually what we have here are a bunch of conservatives who realize the picture of conservative jesus is on point and avoiding said fight.
Let’s use the easiest example. Conservatives use leviticus to justify their homophobia, when clearly jesus wants you to love and help everyone. You disregard the teachings of jesus in order to feel better about discrimination.
And religion is easy to attack because it’s ridiculous and the cause of unfathomable death, suffering, and hatred in the world.

When’s the last time you saw a Republican trying to teach someone how to fish? That’s pure bullshit. What the Republicans really do is control the manufacturing of the rod and reels, the nets, buy up the lakes and rivers, dump chemicals into the ponds, and streams, arrest people for fishing, and funnel people into small stocked ponds with farm grown fish which they control and profit off of. That’s how a Republican teaches someone to fish.

The conservative will teach you how to fish, but as far as owning a pole, buying a license, bait, and the other things needed to keep you in fish, those things you will have to find a way to obtain. Conservatives will not provide the means we will just tell you how (because we are always right)

The 1st amendment gives us the freedom to say anything we wish, as long as it goes along with the liberals point of view. A christian can get into trouble by stating his views but an atheist or muslom( spelled it that way on purpose) are congratulated for saying what they believe.

You can say what you want, state your views on the topics mentioned in the picture above. The point is that they pretty much go against the teachings of Jesus. The point you made about sloth has nothing to do with Jesus, which is what the picture in this article is talking about. The repubs are anti-christ 🙂

Satan really has you blinded, there are problems with both parties but at least the republicans do NOT condone murder, abortion.

Satan has no power over me because he’s not real. Just go ahead and admit that if Jesus suddenly appeared today he would disagree that the Republican party is the party of “values”. I agree both parties go against the teachings of Jesus, it’s just laughable to me that the republicans love to align themselves with Christianity so often.

No, you see Republicans only care about UNBORN children, and adult white males. The moment that child leaves the womb both it and the mother are ON THEIR OWN, as far as the Repubs would have it. Just the way Jesus would have it.

Right, that’s cool with the GOP. You see they don’t care about the child in that situation because it’s already born. That’s the key here. Once the child leaves the womb, the Republicans believe that it should receive no help from the government in any shape or form. Just like Jesus says to.

Well those seem to be the view points that are supported by many Republicans, while they simultaneously align themselves with the conservative Christians. So yes, I’d say it’s pretty accurate.

you can interpret the bible anyway you want to make your own point. The bible says that slothfulness is a sin, those that are able to work but refuse to should not eat.

The republicans are the pros at interpreting the Bible to fit their needs. Just ignore those teachings of Jesus all together.

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