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3 Safe and Effective Methods for Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax is a natural substance created by glands in the ear canal. It plays an important protective role by lubricating the ear canal, trapping dirt and repelling water. However, too much ear wax buildup can lead to problems like earache, ringing in the ears, dizziness and even temporary hearing loss. Removing excess ear wax safely and effectively is therefore important for maintaining good ear health. Here are some tried and tested methods for removing ear wax safely:

1. Visiting a Pharmacist for Ear Wax Removal

One of the safest and most effective options for ear wax removal is to visit your local pharmacist. Pharmacists are trained healthcare professionals who can examine your ears and provide advice on the best method for ear wax removal Oxford. Many pharmacies offer wax removal from ears, such as the Wheatley Pharmacy ear wax removal service, where the pharmacist will use specialist instruments to gently suck out the buildup. This is often more effective than trying to remove it yourself at home.

The benefits of having your ear wax removed by a pharmacist include:

  • The pharmacist can safely remove wax deep inside the ear canal with specialised equipment. This is very difficult to do yourself at home.
  • Microsuction removes wax quickly and effectively. Methods like ear drops tend to be slower.
  • The pharmacist can examine inside the ear afterwards to ensure all wax has gone.

Many pharmacies in Oxford and other areas across the UK offer ear wax removal, so search for “pharmacy ear wax removal Oxford” to find one near you. Prices vary but are often between ÂŁ20-ÂŁ30 for a 15-20 minute appointment.

2. Using Ear Drops

Another gentle method for removing ear wax is to use chemical ear drops or olive oil to soften the wax. Products can be purchased over the counter from pharmacies in the UK. To use ear drops:

  • Always read instructions carefully before using any ear drops.
  • Usually, you will need to use the drops 2-3 times per day for 3-5 days before trying to remove the softened wax.
  • Lay with the affected ear facing up and use a dropper to place several drops into the ear canal.
  • Stay lying down for a few minutes so the drops can soak into the wax. Avoid getting water in the ears whilst using drops.
  • After a few days, the wax should be softened enough to either rinse out with a bulb syringe or remove with cotton buds. Take care not to push wax deeper into the ear canal.

3. Using a Bulb Syringe

Bulb syringes can be purchased from pharmacies and used at home to flush out softened ear wax. To use:

  • Fill the bulb with warm water (tempered to body temperature).
  • Tilt head sideways with affected ear facing up. Gently pull ear back to straighten the ear canal.
  • Place tip of syringe into ear canal without pushing too far in.
  • Gently squeeze bulb to flush water into ear. Keep head tilted to allow wax to drain out.
  • Repeat flushing until water runs clear.

Allowing trained professionals like pharmacists to remove stubborn ear wax is the safest approach. However, for mild buildup, ear drops combined with gentle rinsing at home can also be effective if instructions are carefully followed. Avoid inserting cotton buds or other objects deep into the ear canal, as this risks damaging the delicate skin inside the ear.

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