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6 Ways Motorcycle Riders Can Protect Their Rights on the Street

Motorcycles are extremely enjoyable to operate, nonetheless, and from whichever angle you consider it, they are less safe than cars. To some people that is an interesting part; going through the edge and risking things. While this could be among the reasons that make it interesting to ride a motorcycle, you should note that safety comes first. 

For some obvious reasons, motorcycles cannot include the safety features given to cars. First of all, there is no surrounding structure to alleviate the impact forces; the motorcycle and the rider take all the hit. Similarly, motorcycles do not have seatbelts; therefore there is a higher chance that the rider will be tossed off the bike in case of an accident. Also, the issue of traveling on two wheels is enough for itself. Motorcycles just do not provide the kind of stability that cars do.

However, if one pays attention to safety, riding a motorcycle does not have to be the closest thing to playing Russian roulette. Of course, there are many activities that both motorcyclists and drivers of cars can perform that will help to avoid accidents.

Always Have a Lawyer on Your Side

So, we said that accidents can be prevented in many ways, but the fact is that they still happen. To feel safe and secure on the road, as well as to have peace of mind, it is important to know that if something happens, you have someone to rely on – and who is a better support in such cases than a lawyer? So, no matter if you had a motorcycle accident in San Diego today or anywhere else, a lawyer is just one call away. An experienced attorney is indeed aware of the procedure and can fight for your rights. They are your legal protectors, directing you concerning what to do when you are involved in an insurance claim and may end up in court. Also, they stand by your side for you to receive fair treatise and the right amount of compensation that you deserve for the harm or losses you have incurred. So, when the way forward appears to be foggy, a legal advisor can help provide appreciation and comfort.

Let the Helmet Protect Your Head

This is not only the law! But the biggest thing you can do to protect yourself is to wear a helmet. This is because motorcycle accidents are often linked to head injuries, and head injuries are the leading cause of death.

You also need to ensure that you are using the right type of helmet to wear. Unfortunately, many places are selling cheap helmets that look nice but they are not the best option for protection. It is recommended to always purchase a helmet that is approved and tested to offer at least a certain level of protection.

However, ensure that the helmet you are using is properly adjusted on your head. It should not be too tight that it will cause discomfort or too loose that it will easily slip. It shouldn’t hinder your sight but should be large enough to cover a large portion of your head. For more protection go for a full-face helmet which has protection on all sides of the head. A basic shield can at least shield your face from insects, pebbles, and rain; however, a full-face helmet has an extension that covers your chin, so that the face doesn’t touch the ground.

Make Sure Your Passenger Knows the Basics

One of the joys of riding a bike is having someone with you. It is perhaps quite romantic to have a passenger with their arms around you when you are cruising down the highway. Still, the passenger also plays a role in contributing to the safety of the two of you.

Ensure that any person you take with you on your motorbike is safe. Like you, they should wear proper shoes and protective clothing and gear. Also, make sure that your travel buddy doesn’t disturb you and make them aware of the feeling of stopping and turning on a bike so that they don’t get scared. If you are transporting a small child, you need to check the laws of your state as to whether you are allowed to or not. Most states have some age restrictions that one has to meet to ride on the back of a bike.

Weather Plays a Role

The problem with bikes, however, is that they aren’t as stable as cars, and as such, riding a bike in the rain is considerably dangerous compared to driving a car in the rain. You only have two wheels, and this means that you only have half the traction of a car. Also, since there are no windshield wipers, you are left with limited visibility. Last but not least, it is painful riding through the rain.

Before you embark on a ride, be sure to check on the weather conditions. In case of a warning of rain, snow, or ice, it is safer not to take the bike out. If you must ride in the rain, this should be done not immediately when the rain begins to fall. This is because when it first starts raining, the water splashes oil and other atoms on the road making it slippery. After some time, the rain will wash away the oil and sludge produced from the oil. So, let the rain wash the road for you. Then, when you are on your way, ensure you are very careful. Drive carefully, keep a good distance between vehicles and if it starts raining, pull over and wait for the weather to clear.

You Should Go Within Your Abilities

Riding a bike is a talent, and as with any talent, it must be acquired, so one needs to practice. Of course, you don’t necessarily need to be an expert rider; however, it will take some time to hone the skills for such. To ensure that you do not endanger yourself, it is recommended that you only ride at a level that you are comfortable with. Your friends who have been riding longer might be able to ride very fast, cut through traffic, or handle curves well, but you shouldn’t do that. It is better to spend some time learning and practicing the skills and only ride where you can manage the skills you have developed. 

Most motorcycle dealerships provide further training where one can ride with more confidence and learn more advanced techniques. If you like motorcycle sports it will not be a problem to find a racing school. These schools are not just entertaining but also ensure safety while practicing so that the individual is less risky while on the road.

Do Yourself a Favor and Take a Motorcycle Safety Course

Most states require that you undergo a motorcycle test to get a motorcycle license. In many states, you also have to go through motorcycle safety training – it is like the driver’s training but on a motorcycle. However, even if your state doesn’t have a law mandating the completion of a motorcycle safety course, it is recommended that you do so. You will learn about laws of traffic safety regarding motorcycles in your state, ways to act in case of an emergency on a motorcycle and practice your new knowledge and skills during a controlled exercise. The instructors will also share some advice with you on motorcycle care and how to avoid danger. To sum it all up, enrolling in a motorcycle safety course is very beneficial because it helps you to know how to ride safely and confidently on the road.

Therefore, what motorcycling can give you in terms of adrenaline and enjoyment, few other sports can. However, precautions are a must. So, with the mentioned few tips, you can enjoy all the benefits of the road and your engine. Now, take your essentials and enjoy the ride!

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