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Candidate for President Nikki Haley says frozen embryos are people, and that states can secede from the union

SOUTH CAROLINA - Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is drawing way back on her Southern heritage roots with revelations that states can legally leave the union, and that frozen embryos are people.

SOUTH CAROLINA – Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is drawing way back on her Southern heritage roots with revelations that states can legally leave the union, and that frozen embryos are people.

South Carolina is the birthplace of the Civil War, something Nikki Haley might possibly know. Her state was the first to secede way back in December of 1860, sparking bloodshed and death across the United States homeland as other slave states followed suit. She’s proud of that “Southern heritage,” as are so many others. She has said the Confederate flag symbolized “service, sacrifice and heritage.” Perhaps she harkens back to when slaves were counted in Southern states as three-fifths of a person each.

Now in an eerily similar fashion, Haley (pictured above via ABC) is saying that she believes that frozen embryos should be considered people, according to numerous reports of her recent interview. Her remarks came after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled as she believes. If this new ruling actually catches on, folks could freeze embryos and perhaps write these “children” off on their taxes. Or count them in a census in some way, as slaves once were. She is staunchly anti-abortion.

Earlier, Haley also said that states can leave the union if they choose to do so.

“If that whole state says, ‘We don’t want to be part of America anymore,’ I mean, that’s their decision to make,” Haley said. The blowback on her Confederate-loving views was swift and harsh, as she was schooled by lawyers, politicians, news outlets and scholars that this is not actually legal at all.

Haley continues to march forward on her campaign to be the Republican candidate for president this November. Many say she is raking in contributions and positioning herself as an offramp for the GOP when or if Donald Trump is sent to prison in one of his 91 felony court cases.

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She will not get the Republican vote and will then switch to Democrat

Ha ha ha. You once again sorely underestimate republicans. They will do anything to get into office and if dumping donny will advance that goal, then bye bye bye.

SMH. Where has the republican party gone?

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