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Donald Trump charged with 4 new felonies for attempt to stay in office after 2020 election

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Special Counsel Jack Smith presented a case to a Grand Jury regarding former President Donald Trump's illegal attempt to stay in office after he soundly lost the 2020 election, and that panel of common citizens has brought four felony charges in this case.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Special Counsel Jack Smith presented a case to a Grand Jury regarding former President Donald Trump’s illegal attempt to stay in office after he soundly lost the 2020 election, and that panel of common citizens has brought four felony charges in this case.

Reportedly, Trump must appear before a judge in Washington, D.C., at 4 PM on August 3.




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Donald Trump is running for President in the 2024 election, after an announcement earlier this year. He is leading all other Republican contenders by a wide margin.

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if it was you or I drinking the koolaide, we’d be locked up til court time.

Too bad none of the trumpanzees will read the indictment much less believe what the cult leader has done.

They have to be able to read first but they prefer to not do any research and only believe what he tells them. Sad for them that they believe he is above the law and send him hard earned money that they will in the future regret.

Just think how stupid you are going to be after he beats this and becomes President

LOL dream on, d*ckhead.

Oh look, another Clown In Chief

Larry, i am going to screen shot your response and send it to you when he doesn’t beat this and doesn’t become President.

No I believe it is the other way around. Read the document. He has nothing to stand on and all his lies are being backed up as lies by his own people.

People are only punished if they are Republican. If Joe and Hunter were Republicans they’d have been indicted years ago.

With a jury full of Democrats they will convict a ham sandwich. Trump has no chance.

Perhaps he should opt for a trial by judge then to avoid all the Democrats. However, I don’t think all the prospective jurors will be Democrats, and if they are, he needs to hire better lawyers. So, send him more money.

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