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Chicago where the criminal has more rights then the lawful.

There’s no damn way I’d live in that rat hole Chicago and not be packing. Heck, for what little time, if any, that perps get for using a gun in a crime? I’d take my chances on ending some half-wit thug wannabe that tried to take what’s mine.

MAYBE because BIDEN WON’T…We Patriotic Americans should Close OUR Southern Border OURSELVES? By ANY Means Necessary!

America Slowly Gave UP it’s Parental Rights….Years Ago. America got LAZY & has ALLOWED the Education System to Raise Our Children. That’s the ONLY Way it happened; this didn’t just happen overnight.

BIDEN..The American People KNOW We had Energy Independence Until YOU, We didn’t have Inflation Until YOU. We didn’t have High Food Prices Until YOU, We Weren’t Buying Russian OIL Until YOU, Ukraine wasn’t in a WAR Until YOU, W

SO Lynching is NOW a Hate Crime, So Glad the Biden Admin is Concentrating On ALL the REAL Problems America has. Is this Because of what happened to Smollett? As a White Man & IF I Hang a White Man is that STILL A Hate Crime? WHY isn’t Shooting Someone?

WHOM Among Us hasn’t wanted to GO Will Smith On EVERY POS Woke Democrat the Entire Biden Family & Toss in Harris?

Can you just imagine how Trump would be to blame for the war and everything else if he were in power

Obama doesnā€™t even feel the need to be ā€˜the man behind the curtainā€™ anymore. That says a lot about the Democratic Party, doesnā€™t it?

Treat women with respect! All you single men this is why you can’t even GET yourself a woman. Pathetic.

You’d know you married one unless you’re lying

maybe transgender

Respect is a two way street

Instead of arguing with her using logic,

ā€¢ Tickle her
ā€¢ Kiss her on the forehead
ā€¢ Pick her up, swing her around
ā€¢ Change the topic to what you want to talk about.

She is like a child. If it’s she.

does brad wilier ever get convicted for anything? he’s been picked up numerous times for alcohol related charges, and it’s always the 1st offense.

you should ask his lawyer.

According to DEA Administrator Anne Milgram, who appeared on ABCā€™s ā€œNightlineā€ on Tuesday, itā€™s Red China thatā€™s shipping masses of drugs and chemicals to the Mexican drug cartels.

Fentanyl overdoses become No. 1 cause of death among US adults between the ages of 18 and 45.

Hunter Biden got 32 million from his China dealingsā€¦..let the druggie pay for his own securityā€¦..better yet, lock him in jail where he belongsā€¦heā€™ll be secure.

And a lot cheaper for the tax payers…he would be hoarse from yelling l am not suicidal, like his buddy Jussie


You bow to him, l will not

This preplanned farce is just another in a Growing long list of hoaxes created, planned by the democrats and willing to guess that Princess Pelosi was behind it all. Why else have the FBI not allowed over 14,000 hours of surveillance videos to be seen, what are they hiding, what are they possibly trying to cover up ? We need divine intervention to stop all this corruption and evil.

Its disgraceful what they are and have been doing to the people they put in jail. Why canā€™t somebody do something? The Pelosi gang is breaking the laws and nothing is done or ā€œsaidā€ to them. Itā€™s another Russia, Russia, fiasco.

I smell wrongful imprisonment lawsuits coming.

I smell a bot.

pull your head out of your ass!!!

AOC is just a petulant child trying to appease the other petulant children. Canceling student loans is completely moronic. Cancel the medical bills of cancer patients if you really want to do something honorable. If youā€™re going to cancel student loans, then cancel mortgage loans, car loans, business loans or any loan that someone agreed to pay back.

Pay for your own loans. You signed for them, they are your responsibility. AOC needs to be primaried out.

Why don’t we just cancel out all debt and let everyone in America have a fresh and equal start? The only thing that would prove after a year is there is no way to make everyone equal!

And would have to do it all over again in a few years

The White House confirmed Wednesday that illegal immigrants are being provided with electronic devices, notably cell phones, in an effort for the Biden administration to “track” and “check in” with them as they await immigration court proceedings.

Good idea

Dumb Ass!

Don’t forget all the other demowit houses that favor open borders
Drop off a bus load of ILLEGALS on their front door steps too
Then from here on out everytime a bus is filled drop them off in a sanctuary city.

Iowa finishes in last place among US states in economic growth. Way to go Kim! You have us leading the pack.

Cite your source.

Gonna move or help to improve it?

Just by existing I help improve it. But I will probably also move as are most of the intelligent people.

You omitted the part which put Iowa at 12th best in GDP growth from 2018-2021.

My I suggest that you move to Kalifornia.

Kovid Kim is using all our moneyfor her booze! #voteherout

You are STOOPID! You better move to Goofyfornia

I am going to wait until I see your obit in the paper before I move. Pissing on your grave is worth the wait.

Giving them more time to figure out how they’re going to tax the hard working Americans to pay for the elimination of the student loan debt.

Biden is in China’s pocket. Putin has no respect for Biden. Our armed forces are no linger able to protect us.We are in trouble as a country.

We have been in trouble since 2016

We’re really going to be stretched thin when China sides with Russia.

The “New World Order” Joe Biden has been touting for decades, and again celebrated this month, is a dangerous vision of “global governance” in which individual liberty and national sovereignty are eroded.

Biden has never once uttered the words “New World Order.” That phrase was created in the 90s by Trump’s pro-wrestling buddy McMahon.

Biden is FAR Smarter, or Maybe Dr Jill IS in selecting Kamala as VP. THINK Anyone REALLY wants to Impose the 25th Amendment to have a Harris Presidency?

Men are men and women are women. That’s like saying a neutered male dog is now a female and a spayed female is now a male. Just because surgery has been done doesn’t change the original sex of the organism.

Only biological females should be participating in women’s sports!

How sad is it that we even have terms like “biological female” and “biological male”? I want my sane world back!

The Earth is the insane asylum of the universe and it has been for a long, long time.

Keeps getting worse

Plenty of “biological men” aren’t men at all. Like the ones who keep whining about “biological women.”

Critical Race Theory, is the systematic indoctrination of America’s children, and citizens – preaching and exclusively teaching them, to judge people based on the color of their skin, or their inherited ethnic genetics.

What all of us need to realize is that we know about CRT, but theyā€™ll just rename it and try to shame anyone courageous enough to stand up to their bullying remarks.

CRT is something the right goes ballistic over because they want their base to believe it is being taught in our schools. It isn’t.

Ha Ha Ha

Ha ha

These people who have supported open borders, the influx of killing drugs, rebellion and murder in our cities, and have called us all racists. Now, they are deciding who can express an opinion and call anyone who disagrees with them IMMORAL and a Putin puppet?

Is Joe leaving? Replaced by,,,,,,,Hillary, Wait for it, ā€œKammieā€ is ill equipped for the job; here we go, Hillary & Kammie. walking hand & hand in the Oval Office in their pants suits, shake me, Iā€™m having an awake nightmare!!!

The bot begins.

Sounds like Schifty talkin about Russia, Russia, Russia

Twelve staffers have jumped ship from the Harris office. Is the kitchen too hot, or is the ship sinking.

It appears that more swamp rats are abandoning the ship of state to escape that fishy smell emanating from the White House.

At least they are quitting rather than going to jail like the last administration’s

How about some news on the Durham investigation, yes, no, maybe, good, bad, or ugly…

The American people need to be reimbursed for the sham Mueller investigation! What a disgrace, Itā€™s the Demonrats who pushed the fake impeachment that need to be removed from office.

We need to be reimbursed from the sham trump presidency. How much money did he cost us?

Not much compared to O’Biden

The yard in Mason city has become a joke. Pitching machines don’t work and haven’t been fixed. Baseballs are junk and if you have a membership you can’t use it because they set up leagues, clinics and the have teams book the facility so it is almost impossible to use. Save your money it is not a very good deal.

Jen Pissaki is leaving the white house, it’s getting too hot in the kitchen.

She is hot!!!! DIBS!

Biden has canceled $17 billion in student loan debt, without scoring a political win, at the expense of the American taxpayer, who’s already struggling with the high cost of everything.

Believe it was delayed until August….still dumb

Say it isn’t so, Daily Mail: Kamala Harris goes MASKLESS surrounded by kids continuing to wear them. Do as I say, not as I do….

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