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*Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has made enforcing our nation’s immigration laws one of his top priorities, and recent polling shows that both he and pro-enforcement policies are extremely popular across practically every demographic in the state. However, requiring the use of the federal E-Verify system by every employer to ensure a legal workforce has been dealt a setback. Recently, Florida Senate President Bill Galvano (R-Bradenton) announced his opposition to E-Verify. Galvano’s opposition is borne from pandering to big business interests, protecting their supply of cheap illegal labor, especially in agriculture, tourism, and construction.

*President Trump truly cares , loves the USA and it shows in every move he makes! This other dimwit, only cared about himself and what he could steal, financially from hardworking TAXPAYERS! Obama will always be known as the WORST President ever!!!!!!! He belongs in jail with all his TREASONOUS crimes!

*The way TRUMP handled this week’s embassy attack versus the way Democrat Obama handled the Benghazi attack COULDN’T BE MORE DIFFERENT! All Americans should keep this in mind when voting for president this coming November …

**This guy Uncle Joe Biden is so SO SOOO stupid!!!
1.) He gets on TV and admits committing a crime.
2.) Then denies it, and accuses his opponent of doing what he admitted to doing..
3.) Then accuses his opponent of redirecting, when someone brings up his video taped confession..
4.) Says he won’t comply with a subpoena, drawing critics to ask what he’s hiding, only to reverse
and agree to appear which almost guarantees disgrace and possible jail time.

*Read Andrew McCarthy’s new book “Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency.” I think it is the road map AG Barr is following! Mr. Obama is quite a piece of work, worse than even I ever guessed!

*All this information has been known for the onset of the Russia probe. Obama at the helm. It’s playing out that Obama and his Administration, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the Democrats, the now FIRED heads of the FBI and DOJ, and now the CIA was the most corrupt administration in US History. Only political party colluding and engaging in corruption with foreign countries was the Democrats. Now let’s get the Durham investigation report out into the public and let’s start seeing indictments, firings, and accountability.

The problem is the Democrats that vote Democrat don’t believe they will do what they say they will do! I know some Democrats that vote Democrat because they refuse to see how different the Democratic Party is from the 1950’s

Democrats keep telling you over and over again, they will take our guns and they will raise taxes!! How dumb do you have to be to vote for someone who tells you this ?

Gun control is about people control. Imagine how the dems would treat us if we couldn’t defend ourselves. Look how they treat us now even though we’re armed to the teeth.

First step, secure the compound and then ensure all US citizens are safe. Second step, unleash hell on Iranian military installations, government facilities and all known nuclear facilities in Iran. We have to send a message that this constant support for terrorism and unrest will incur significant pain. They declared war on us in the late 70’s. For some reason we have not responded in kind. It is long past time we show them what war really means.


It’s Commander IN Chief, moron.

*And this is how a President is supposed to act! The old one would be packing a Boeing with cash instead!

**If Iran is responsible for orchestrating the attack that killed Americans a few days ago, as well as the siege of the US Embassy in Iraq on Tuesday, a strong U.S. response is likely headed their way. And it should be. Attacks on our embassies and our citizens cannot be tolerated.

**Moderates in Des Moines have stabbed gun owners in the back for three year in a row, refusing the pass Constitutional Carry after we flipped the Iowa Senate for them! 2020 is an election year, make sure they know what you expect of them.

**The whole world heard Biden threaten Ukraine by withholding a billion and a half dollars of aid unless they FIRE the prosecutor that was investigating his son, Hunter Biden. That Pete, is NOT construed in any way shape or form. It is truth and should make your blood boil when the elite political class is corrupt!

**Trump is the first President in our lifetime that has the American People’s back. Surely you can see how corrupt our Government has become. Faulting someone who abides by the law is something many folks can’t grasp. Trump will go into history as a man with the courage and vision to stand for the values that made this country. And please remember that the “immigrants” of today come to use and and tear down not build and belong!!!

*So someone should take away the guns of Biden’s secret service because it’s irrational for them to carry and protect him when he is against them.

*The Trojan Horse style of Bill making is long standing. Sneaking unrelated items into a single Bill has assured passage of many controversial laws. The practice been criticized, evaluated, discussed hundreds of times and nothing changes. It’s The Establishment that has to go. They have been in office so long they have begun to decay. Bury their remains in 2020. That is our best hope.

The Republicans made the rules and perfected that technique.

**How have so many politicians become millionaires after getting into office in Washington? That’s why they are putting up such a fight. A bunch of crooked people.

Trump was not only completely broke, but billions in debt to Russia and Ukraine, which is why they made him President of the US, so he could loot the national treasury to pay them back.

**Time that all these people that have become MILLIONAIRES be investigated DEMOCRATS AND Republicans need clean slate in both parties.

**Schitt must be out of his freaking mind the Democrats are the ones trying to control the election we just know the Trumps going to be elected by popular vote

**This is the biggest single development in the Durham Investigation to date. We were told according to public reports that Admiral Rogers met several times with John Durham and that we now know that Admiral Rogers, who is the central figure in uncovering the illegal electronic spying done by the Obama Administration, prior to the Carter Page FISA warrant. The spying that went on from 2012 to 2016, involving FBI contractors illegally accessing NSA data.Mr. Rogers discovered that, reported it to the FISA Court, all of that spying was stopped and has led to this crescendo of illegal activity by Comey, Clapper and Brennan. It led into the so-called ‘Crossfire Hurricane investigation to cover up that previous spying that had been going on. Mike Rogers I have described as the Rosetta Stone of this investigation. This is the single most important development in this. I have been suggesting for a long time that ultimately Rogers would be the key to any criminal investigation. That is coming true. What we now know will happen is that I can be fairly comfortable in suggesting there will be a substantial criminal conspiracy indictment involving a lot of people with the electronic spying that was done.” On April 26, 2017, an unsealed FISA Court Ruling unveiled a number of criminal activities that Barack Obama’s FBI and DOJ participated in during his time in office. The report to date received little attention. Now interest is brewing due to the recent actions of Congress and the report that is expected to be released in the upcoming weeks. The FISA Court Ruling shows widespread abuse of the FISA mandate. According to the report, Obama’s FBI and DOJ performed searches on Americans that were against their 4th Amendment rights. This went on for years. One paragraph in the report states that 85% of the Section 704 and 705(b) FISA searches made during this time were non-compliant with applicable laws and therefore criminal.

**TICK TOCK TICK TOCK……The FISA Court Ruling shows widespread abuse of the FISA mandate. According to the report, Obama’s FBI and DOJ performed searches on Americans that were against their 4th Amendment rights. This went on for years. One paragraph in the report states that 85% of the Section 704 and 705(b) FISA searches made during this time were non-compliant with applicable laws and therefore criminal.

Now that we have a 35 million dollar ice rink, what happens to the old barn? Who pays the upkeep and utilities?


..pretty hockey arena but as a multipurpose arena, huge FAIL,ugly inside, this was a hockey arena from day 1. Even the hired position was all about hockey.

100% why I shopped 100% on line for xmas.

OMG overkill on the mall REC offices, glad MC has tons of money.

Mason City Council moves forward on dam project, hotel skywalk, paving program, new gym, new swimming pool, new engineers building and more….remember your taxes when they were reasonable?

Hockey Arena was 16m not 35m. The project estimates at 35m

Clear Lake makes smart decisions, MC dumb as_ ones.

Horse barn now. Last season of ice .

Barry (Obama) once said in a lecture the people need to be told what to believe because they can’t do it for themselves. From what I’ve read in these comments the media has sure proved him right. It’s a shame there’s so many sheep . As for the comment on being in a cult, if believing in the constitution and the rites of an America then yea I’m in a cult and proudly voting for Trump 2020

He never said that. He said that some people don’t seem to want to think for themselves, so they let Fox news do it for them.

Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, said Tuesday he would be willing to testify at Trump’s Senate impeachment trial, telling reporters that he would “love to try the case” and that he has learned of “vast” corruption involving Democrats and Ukraine.

Trump’s mafia butt-boy Giuliani will tell whatever lie Trump tells him to, as soon as he wipes his mouth and gets off his knees.

You sound jealous

*he is jealous, he’s never held that high of a position.

Those of us who can see the good President Trump and Vice President Pence have done for our country will stand by them. It isn’t a matter of being a “Trump Lover” but rather having straight up common sense for our Constitution, right to life, and the right to live without becoming a socialist country.Trump/Pence 2020!!!!

Those of you who can see any good they’ve done need to put down the booze and the meth.

He’s going to win again. So all you Democraps can move to Canada. The real Americans are sick of your shit

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has made enforcing our nation’s immigration laws one of his top priorities, and recent polling shows that both he and pro-enforcement policies are extremely popular across practically every demographic in the state. However, requiring the use of the federal E-Verify system by every employer to ensure a legal workforce has been dealt a setback. Recently, Florida Senate President Bill Galvano (R-Bradenton) announced his opposition to E-Verify. Galvano’s opposition is borne from pandering to big business interests, protecting their supply of cheap illegal labor, especially in agriculture, tourism, and construction.

President Trump truly cares , loves the USA and it shows in every move he makes! This other dimwit, only cared about himself and what he could steal, financially from hardworking TAXPAYERS! Obama will always be known as the WORST President ever!!!!!!! He belongs in jail with all his TREASONOUS crimes!

The way TRUMP handled this week’s embassy attack versus the way Democrat Obama handled the Benghazi attack COULDN’T BE MORE DIFFERENT! All Americans should keep this in mind when voting for president this coming November …

*Trump is the first President in our lifetime that has the American People’s back. Surely you can see how corrupt our Government has become. Faulting someone who abides by the law is something many folks can’t grasp. Trump will go into history as a man with the courage and vision to stand for the values that made this country. And please remember that the “immigrants” of today come to use and and tear down not build and belong!!!

*The whole world heard Biden threaten Ukraine by withholding a billion and a half dollars of aid unless they FIRE the prosecutor that was investigating his son, Hunter Biden. That Pete, is NOT construed in any way shape or form. It is truth and should make your blood boil when the elite political class is corrupt!

*Moderates in Des Moines have stabbed gun owners in the back for three year in a row, refusing the pass Constitutional Carry after we flipped the Iowa Senate for them! 2020 is an election year, make sure they know what you expect of them.

*If Iran is responsible for orchestrating the attack that killed Americans a few days ago, as well as the siege of the US Embassy in Iraq on Tuesday, a strong U.S. response is likely headed their way. And it should be. Attacks on our embassies and our citizens cannot be tolerated.

And this is how a President is supposed to act! The old one would be packing a Boeing with cash instead!

You do realize our embassy there is under attack right? Now the old president did nothing when that happened on his watch and let people die, but there’s a new sheriff in town….


that happened on his watch and let people die, but there’s a new sheriff in town….

The correct title is Commander IN Chief, moron.

All this information has been known for the onset of the Russia probe. Obama at the helm. It’s playing out that Obama and his Administration, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the Democrats, the now FIRED heads of the FBI and DOJ, and now the CIA was the most corrupt administration in US History. Only political party colluding and engaging in corruption with foreign countries was the Democrats. Now let’s get the Durham investigation report out into the public and let’s start seeing indictments, firings, and accountability.

Read Andrew McCarthy’s new book “Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency.” I think it is the road map AG Barr is following! Mr. Obama is quite a piece of work, worse than even I ever guessed!

The book isn’t new, it’s been around for a while. Here is a quote from McCarthy in 2016 before the election regarding impeaching Hillary Clinton if she won the election:
“The test of fitness for an office of public trust is whether an official is trustworthy, not whether she is convictable in a criminal court,” he wrote, explaining that high crimes and misdemeanors for impeachment “need not be violations of the penal code.” So, McCarthy believes that impeachment doesn’t have to be a criminal act, or at least he believes that if it were Clinton. He is a typical right wing shill. He was calling for Clinton’s impeachment if she won the election. Now, he feels differently. I wonder why.Another hypocrite in the Republican party, imagine that.

Although the most appropriate penalty for treason is death, I prefer that when many of the Democratic are tried during Trump’s second term we spare their lives, & makes them serve life in prison; a real prison. I don’t mean hard labor. That would allow them to die too quickly, they couldn’t handle actual work. But a real jail cell, like what a real prisoner sits in. Four walls, bars on one, with a barred door. Until they die in that cell. Just so it is a lesson to them that they are regular people, just like you & me, no better, no worse. AND that they will serve as a warning to others that if you try & cheat the American people by using the government to do so, this is how you will spend the rest of your life.

Good morning bot. I guess then trump will be dying in a prison cell too as he is using the presidency to enrich himself and his pals.

*This guy Uncle Joe Biden is so SO SOOO stupid!!!
1.) He gets on TV and admits committing a crime.
2.) Then denies it, and accuses his opponent of doing what he admitted to doing..
3.) Then accuses his opponent of redirecting, when someone brings up his video taped confession..
4.) Says he won’t comply with a subpoena, drawing critics to ask what he’s hiding, only to reverse
and agree to appear which almost guarantees disgrace and possible jail time.

Morning Trumptard, you dumbass POS..

This guy Uncle Joe Biden is so SO SOOO stupid!!!
1.) He gets on TV and admits committing a crime.
2.) Then denies it, and accuses his opponent of doing what he admitted to doing..
3.) Then accuses his opponent of redirecting, when someone brings up his video taped confession..
4.) Says he won’t comply with a subpoena, drawing critics to ask what he’s hiding, only to reverse
and agree to appear which almost guarantees disgrace and possible jail time.

Trump and his toady Kellyanne Gremlin commit actual crimes, on camera, every day! Then say they’re not crimes, and when they find out different, try to deny it! Who do you think you’re fooling?

Please enlighten me with the crimes.


The correct title is Commander IN Chief, moron.

If Iran is responsible for orchestrating the attack that killed Americans a few days ago, as well as the siege of the US Embassy in Iraq on Tuesday, a strong U.S. response is likely headed their way. And it should be. Attacks on our embassies and our citizens cannot be tolerated.

Moderates in Des Moines have stabbed gun owners in the back for three year in a row, refusing the pass Constitutional Carry after we flipped the Iowa Senate for them! 2020 is an election year, make sure they know what you expect of them.

The whole world heard Biden threaten Ukraine by withholding a billion and a half dollars of aid unless they FIRE the prosecutor that was investigating his son, Hunter Biden. That Pete, is NOT construed in any way shape or form. It is truth and should make your blood boil when the elite political class is corrupt!

Trump is the first President in our lifetime that has the American People’s back. Surely you can see how corrupt our Government has become. Faulting someone who abides by the law is something many folks can’t grasp. Trump will go into history as a man with the courage and vision to stand for the values that made this country. And please remember that the “immigrants” of today come to use and and tear down not build and belong!!!


They’re not, and the fact that you’re telling that lie tell us everything we need to know about you.

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