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Further– they don’t do background checks on these people. I have seen many of them and wouldn’t trust them to walk my dog! You wait– when things go missing in City Hall, or the computers get hacked or personal information from HR gets out there… This is just a disaster waiting to happen… It’s too bad that everything is a done deal and us citizens have no way to stop all the bullshit…..

I see that the Council is going to take up the issue of privatizing the janitorial services to City Hall. Midwest Janitorial Services will be awarded the contract to save about $ 2,000, Wow!!! not You wait, I had this outfit for residential cleaning and they stole 2 expensive rings from me. I went after them and thank God the idiot who did the cleaning still had his pocket.. they were in the back a my jewelry drawer in a box. He said he wanted to be sure he did not vacuum them–What

It’s a nice day today LVS. How about getting out of the house for awhile, eh?

Well thank you SUCKS. I was outside working in the yard all morning and went to the grocery store and ran some errands this afternoon. Going out to eat tonight. You have a great weekend.

A couple of motorcycles just drove by my house, loud pipes!!! Please stop the madness…….LOL

@anonymous-There is a guy who rides by here towing a wooden beer barrel behind his bike making a lot of noise. I sent him to Clear Lake. LOL.

The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament.

How is the Southbridge Mall even open still? Was just in there today and it was a ghost town. I maybe saw 2 or 3 other customers in there. So many stores are just empty! How is this place still open?

Does anyone have any information regarding the Tyler Sisco resignation at NIACC?

What’s interesting that every place that’s really tough on cannabis is losing population and those areas that are more tolerant are gaining population. And this is universal throughout the country.


Could someone at KIMT lookup where Mason City is. Mason city in not located in Minnesota.3 of 4 stories they do is about Minnesota.Even the first weather they do is Albert Lea.We have 2 local stations from Minnesota we don’t need a third.So many of the stories they could do about general issues they go to Albert Lea.

That is a great observation and I concur. It is all about “market share” and advertising dollars. There is more money to be made in S. Minnesota so thats why KIMT promotes this BS about Iowa/Minnesota together. Follow the money honey. More peeps more bucks north of the border.

This is why I have stopped watching KIMT totally.

@maybe-I agree, we have almost stopped watching KIMT altogether. They hardly say anything about local news and their weekends SUCK. They seem to think the world stops just because they have two days off. Either that or they don’t have the money to run weekend news. We get more Iowa news from channel 6 out of Austin than we do from KIMT.

I called KIMT one time to ask why they rarely report on Mason City and N. Iowa. The guy sounded offended and stated that 60% of their viewers are from Minnesota… Well, I say, so what– the studio is here and if they did more local reporting I would bet that they would have more viewers in a short time.

I agree that KAAL has more stories pertaining to MC. They have it together up there…

Only rally old people still watch TV. Most get everything online

That’s the sort of thing I was finding as well, that Snopes isn’t connected with Soros and that the attacks were baseless.

I really don’t want this to happen at all. Since the experts all said it will I am hoping that they have been conned too, I am all for that.

On FATCA, I had no problem finding sites that explained the law and the ramifications. Snopes even did a page on it.

As far as the economy collapsing,Maybe, I’d really appreciate it if you could state a date by which this will happen because of FATCA so that we can see that day go past and declare you correct or incorrect.

Here’s a link to the Snopes page I mentioned:

Their take on it is that it appears to be a scam to get one to buy the solution to the demise of life as we know it. If there will be a total meltdown of America, how will there be a financial market solution to make? Seems dubious but I’m open to hear the claims.

Using snopes as a point of reference doesn’t hold any water for me because it is financed by soros who is probably the root of the collapse. All the experts have said between july 1st and December 1st.

MATT this is starting to frikken piss me off, I write something and hit post and then nothing. What I have been trying to say in the last 5 postings that just disappeared if I don’t want it to happen so I am hoping that someone can prove me wrong without using snopes, snopes wouldn’t know the truth if they created it.

What’s that old rule of thumb for journalism? If a headline is a question, the answer is most likely no.

Still wondering what date this is all going to be done one way or another. Goes into effect July 1, so, what, Aug 1, Sept 1… When will we be in the clear?

I can’t find any valid support for the idea that Soros is actually involved with

Is this all just a bunch of alarmism on top of alarmism for the sake of selling something?

any time after july 1st is what I saw.

I talked to some people who went to East Park on Memorial Day afternoon and they said the park was almost deserted. They also said the carnival was crap. A lot of the rides didn’t even work so they were discounting tickets. Another great job by the Chamber of Commerce.

@grandma-I didn’t go myself. My neighbors did and some relatives went. They said it was waste of time. I know a lot of people who went last year said they would never go again. The toughs took it over and the decent people won’t go there. Damn IMPORTS.

@LVS…In some ways your right we noticed a lot of not so classy people at the park. Many of which felt the need to harass the wild life. I saw so many teenagers throwing rocks and sticks at the geese and their babies…Moments like this make it hard to want to go down there. I of course said something to the rude kids but I doubt my words held any meaning. —Hoping things improve.

What can be expected of the offspring of nihilistic, self serving, tv watching, non-community minded, earthless whore parents? Answer: Children who abuse wildlife, and fail to grasp the intricate web of life they live within. When the Bible teaches these morons they are masters of the “beasts of the earth”, the earthless whores are going to take out their frustrations on the smallest, defenseless ones they can find. Parents neglect and abuse kids=kids abuse and neglect wildlife.

Calling people whores. I guess that’s cool here on NIT. Stay classy!

peter, it always sounds like you are running for office

I remember bandfest weekend as one of the funnest weekends we got to have as kids. Now its a HUGE disappointment. The parade was fantastic but the carnival was a big joke. Multiple rides were half assembled but not up and running. The ones that were looked beat up and on their last leg. I really wouldn’t feel comfortable sending my kids on the more crazier rides like the zipper. It seems to get smaller and more pathetic each year. Fortunately the lake carnival is more fun in july.

I for one found the entire Bandfest weekend to be FANTASTIC!!!! The campgrounds were full and enjoyed by all in my group. The music in the park was outstanding..if you did not come down to the park you really missed out this year. Also, our kids took advantage of wristband day then hit the pool! Parade best in years… I say all around great if you tried to be a part of all the festivities!

Your right the campground was full of life and the musical entertainment was nice. I think the weekends events were over all good BUT the carnival was a serious let down. My kids expected a little more and were sad to see certain rides down and the same 3 games at every turn. We will continue to go down there each year to check it out…there are enjoyable parts to the weekend. Hopefully though in the future things improve in the areas that fell short.

Matt: I heard today at coffee with a old friend that Mr Mayor Drury gave a city worker a bonus this year but was not able to budget money to fix a snowplow. It concerned me as It seems he has not had a good history of spending tax money. Would you be willing to investigate before the Election?

It couldn’t happen… The Mayor doesn’t write the checks. But, glad you heard it 3rd hand anyway.

I happened to notice that yesterday, not too many people were applauding Our “wonderful” mayor Bookie. Not too many waves either. And what the heck???? He’s huge!!!! So much for Blue Zones for him. He can’t even practice what he preaches!

I really feel the need to defend, because I’m “huge”, the idea that a big guy can still be intent on becoming more healthy and understanding the benefits to our society if we all try to be more healthy.

So, I’m not posting this to defend Bookie, but I don’t think fat jokes and pokes help move the debate forward.

Would I feel differently if I were in shape? Maybe, but I’m not and I know it. Having someone else point it out doesn’t make it easier nor advance civil discussion.

I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I am not a small person either. Although I do try. My point wasn’t to make fun of bigger people, my point was that Bookmeyer has pushed blue zones and he smokes, drinks, and is overweight also. I just don’t like my tax dollars wasted on this program.

Perhaps you should try to get your money’s worth by being more supportive? I do understand that you weren’t trying to offend anyone, but when you attack someone with which you angry by using something that also describes so many others, you are not making things better, IMO. At least I don’t think you are. If you don’t like the blues zone project, then attack that. Attacking a trait is funny for a moment but can injure so many.

@Mediator-You need to understand that the mayor has been known to drink way to much and smoke way to much and then he is trying to promote the Blue Zone which is nothing more than a payoff to his friends again using our tax money to do it. He has zero respect of the majority of the people in town except they have given up trying to change anything. Most people living here have so much apathy they just don’t care. If you are promoting a lifestyle you should live it.

I liked your comment about Bookmeyer and you are correct. You need to understand that mediator is running for office and he wants to be shown as a person who is thoughtful and caring. Right now he is prospecting for voters and this site is a good place to campaign free of charge. He hopes. My family will not be voting for him though.

LVS: I do understand why Booky was called on hypocrisy. I agree that if you are promoting a lifestyle, you should be trying to live it. I also know how hard it is to make changes and that it’s a process.

I don’t agree that the Blues Zone initiative is a bad idea. If it was used as a political payback, that’s wrong, but the idea has merit.

I just wish I could get myself to live up to my own ideals for healthy living. I’m eating Arby’s as I write this… so much to change.

Remember all of our heroes this weekend. Thank you to those that served this nation and to their families for their sacrifices. Remember those that built our nation with hard work and determination. Remember those that worked especially hard so that our generation would have it better. Remember, too, that we owe a debt that can only be repaid by doing what we can to make our world a better, safer place. Honor those we remember by doing something nice for others.

Do you know why the trees in Minnesota lean to the South?


I would like to extend a special thank you to all veterans, past and present, on this memorial day weekend. I am grateful for the service and sacrifices you have given to this country to protect the rights and freedom that my family and I enjoy every day. Again a big thank you and God bless to all veterans.

As a combat veteran,I appreciate that Iowaviking5.
It means a lot!

Memorial Day for me, means to honor those that gave their all and never made it home.

Rest in peace Jim Wall, my brother in arms, I have never forgotten you my friend.
Even after over 40 years, you are with me in my heart.

Jim Wall was 2 months shy of his 21st birthday when he was killed in a firefight in the Mekong Delta.

@Iowa Viking-Great post. The veterans deserve our respect and gratitude.

The Clear Lake City Council and the entire law enforcement establishment in Clear Lake is despicable to allow the near constant loud ruckus from loud rumbly motorcycles and other vehicles without proper exhaust systems. It’s a perversion of decency, law and order, and speaks volumes how America is headed down the toilet drain. Wars, Mass Shootings, Loud Barbarians…it’s nearly over for the USA. Will there be a righteous group of Paladins to fight off these dark forces?

Mayor Nelson Crabb, City Councilmen Jim Boehnke, Tony Nelson, Gary Hugi, Mike Callanan, Dana Brant, all ought to be deeply ashamed.

It is summer. Get used to it because you will hear it for the next several months. Besides, you said you had moved to the country.

I’m a believer in laws and order, and justice. So for every loud, illegal exhaust system out there, one bag of marijuana ought to be allowed to circulate freely, with users not busted, and police looking the other way. It’s only fair. You trade this for that. If it remains one sided as it is, then I will continue complaining about it for eternity until legislators and local authorities rectify the situation, or they end all drug busts. Favoritism over enforcement of laws isn’t option

Once again Pete, same old thing. It’s summer, you live in a tourist community. Get used to it. I Hate the booming speakers in the kids cars, drives me crazy! But I don’t sit and dwell on it, and complain on this site. Here’s suggestion, find something else to do with your time, you might find that if you ignore it, you might be a happier person.

That’s fine, but let’s be willing to throw away all laws then, because if you disregard one, you may as well disregard them all. One law I’d like to see immediately disregarded is seat belt laws for adult passengers with no children in the car. Simple possession for marijuana is the next one cops should forget about. Musical groups playing loudly at house parties….bands practicing in public places loudly. Yeah there’s a lot of laws cops should look the other way…don’t you agree?

IN fact, I’d love to see a group of teenagers or young adults load up a hay rack full of musical equipment: loud amps, guitars, drums, basses and a generator and pull the hay rack throughout Mason City and Clear Lake playing super loud heavy metal music…AC/DC, Metallica, Judas Priest, Motley Crue, and speed metal death rocker music with throaty “devil voice”. That’d be awesome. They could drive up and down the neighborhoods and downtowns playing from 8am until 11pm every day.

It’d also be neat if someone with a truck, and super loud speakers aiming in all directions outside the truck, would blast the sound of machine gun fire, and rockets and mortar blasts exploding. The truck or trucks actually, could drive up and down the streets all day long, blasting those sounds into homes and yards. I like those sounds…why not right? It’s a matter of personal preference right? Loud pipes are cool, but I like machine gun fire even better.

The sound of gunfire might just happen sooner than later.

Care to elaborate, or would you rather just keep it as a veiled threat?

America is a murderous, rabied, sickened country, full of depraved lunatics, and sex offenders. How does it feel to be a murderer Maybe? Do you feel tough? Killing someone is easy, being courteous, respectful and kind to people is the difficult part. You and your ilk are lower than animals.

Just stay out of church Maybe, the hypocrisy is too much for anyone to bear. If Holy Water could boil, it should if you enter.

I have been researching this for the last couple months and am now almost convinced it is going to happen. Do a search on H.R. 2847 and how it effects the international reserve currency and what would happen if the US dollar was dropped as the reserve currency.

Good for you, you’re taking the high road. Had to make sure you weren’t defending the goons and threatening me in the process. If you can withstand my barrage and keep your points, maybe you really didn’t double entendre me and meant it as a broader indication of the social times to come. I overheard an older Harley rider rebuke his son’s loud Harley in mcdonalds this morn. People are getting sick of it. To me the loud pickup trucks are worse because they have zero credible reasons.

What are you talking about and why is it that anything anybody says you think is about you? Did you check out that page I posted?

Peter, Have a couple of dares for you. I dare you to walk up to any veteran and tell them how you hate America. My father was a vet, and I am very offended at you constantly criticizing the country that he fought for. Here’s another, if you are so bothered by the loud tailpipes, instead of ranting on here, why not rant to the owners of the bikes. I think if you are constantly slamming this country on here, Matt should delete the comments. They are very offensive to me and others!

One more thing Peter. If you don’t like America……get the heck out! Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

Matt, I am trying to help people here but it seems as if nobody wants the help. I talked to some friends and told each one separately to go to their own financial advisor and ask them about the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, each one was told the same thing, that this new law will eventually cause the US currency to be dropped as the world reserve currency which in turn within a month or so to cause the collapse of the US economy. FATCA goes into effect July 1st of this year.

FATCA was passed by a democratically controlled house and senate in 2010 and signed by Obama the same year. No economy, no banks, no jobs; experts figure over 90% of the businesses will be closed by the end of the year. I don’t expect anybody to believe me, do your own research to prove me wrong. Trust me I WANT to be wrong so prove me wrong.

@maybe-I have red the same thing and I really hope this just more conspiracy. I read them all the time. I guess the really issue isn’t if it happens, it is there is absolutely nothing we can do about it at this stage. I guess I have a difficult time thinking that even Democrats would delibertly destroy the economy and the country. They have as much to lose as everyone else. I hope you are wrong but thank you for trying. My guns are loaded if necessary.

Typo=I meant “read” of course.

I have some friends out in Ca and I talked to them about it and to ask their advisors. So I talked to 4 different people in different areas with different advisors and they all had the same answer. Plus this web page that I just found an hour ago. I am by no means a fan of George soros, matter of fact I think he is the ENEMY but if he is jumping ship then I have to take a second look.

Matt. I am not saying I like everything about this country and the things going on in it. Our veterans have fought and died for this country. I am not happy about the state that the country is in on many levels. But our officials are “elected”. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with some respect to those officials. I don’t like all of them by any means, and feel that they may not being doing their job to the best of the people that put them in office. And I too am entitled to my…

opinion. I also supported you in your campaign. Not everyone did. That is their right! You don’t seem to like anyone bucking anything Peter says. Why is that? Do you honestly think his views are realistic? Do you think it’s ok to constantly come on here slamming anything and everyone that doesn’t believe the way he does. Peter seems to have the attitude that if you don’t believe the way he does, then you are wrong. And why on earth do you agree with everything he says???

Peter constantly puts people and society down. Peter quotes “America is a murderous, rabied, sickened country, full of depraved lunatics, and sex offenders. . You and your ilk are lower than animals”. Is this not putting people down???? Please feel free to elaborate on why these comments are acceptable?

I am not speaking for matt but for myself. I disagree with almost everything peter says but according to the constitution he has the right to say anything he wants.

Be careful Maybe….you and I both might be lumped into Pete’s “ilk”.

Here are some more “nice” quotes from Peter.

therefore you don’t get your loud pipes, or you shouldn’t be able to if the cops weren’t such conformed, redneck pieces of SH**.

You’re a bunch of nasty old racist white guys who hang out at McDonald’s and bitch . GO TO ELMWOOD would ya

. You don’t come onto a website with a name “tonsofun” which translates to tons-of-fun with a big round face and expect people not to mention your weight. it’s the elephant in the room (pun partially…

I spent 12 years in the military, I’ve been called a whole lot worse. Sticks and stones peter, doesn’t bother me at all.

You assume every decision made by the political leaders in America are wholly approved by the people, they are not. War is contentious issue, but your dad knows that- Chicken hawks don’t. Cultural abnormalities and perversions do not constitute status quo, as much as the loud crowd believes and wishes were so. America goes thru childish phases and behaves badly. In time the wild childs are corrected. I don’t hate America I’m trying to save it. But if necessary I would start anew.

Maybe has gone off on a financial crisis tangent as justification for armed resistance. He’s ignoring my loud noises complaint. I misinterpreted his statement as a threat against me, and I pounced. When threatened, I condemn perpetrators of violence and destruction–politically justified or not, congressional approved or not. Culturally I think Midwest Iowa is down the tubes. men and boys make their exhausts loud, which is pathetic. Summarizing all of it with wars, disgusts me. Fine’

Peter you are delusional, I am not going off on a tangent. I DON’T want armed resistance. I want everything to get better. You remind me of that old man that is convinced the sky is falling, it’s all about you and these stupid loud pipes. I am trying to warn people that things are not what it seems and we need to prepare just in case. If I am wrong then nothing is lost but if I am right then the whole world will change and you will finally be rid of your loud pipes, FOREVER.

@maybe-what was it the President Ragan said? I think it was the worst enemy the American people have is the Federal Government. They lie about everything. The current administration is by far the worst I have ever seen and that is saying something as the all manipulate us, or try to. I think all governments are that way. The problem is the people in government at=re all power hungry people. Or most of them are. Term limits would solve some of that.

@Philly-It is a great ideal but I seriously doubt that it will ever fly. A lot of people (second and third generation) have gotten used to living off the government and they are not going to change. And, you are forgetting human nature.

@maybe-People who are not mentally challenged understand what you are trying to do here and appreciate your efforts. The others don’t matter.

I saw a video yesterday that upset me. I am not a conspiracy theorist, if someone says something I research it over and over till I prove it wrong or right. I saw a video that scared me, for 12 years I was an active duty soldier but it goes deeper than that, I will be a soldier till the day I die. I don’t like to be lied to and if the government told me it was ok I took that as gospel. With hundreds of eye witnesses who actually saw the planes go into the towers, the video I saw was faked.

It was all computers. I saw things because of what happened, I did things because of what happened. A soldiers motto, prepare for war, pray for peace. If we went to war because of a wag the dog scenario, I would not be very happy but with all those witnesses how can it be faked.

If people begin planning communities the correct way, immediately, things may be able to be turned around. All social services money needs to invest in people small scale farming. One or two humans per acre. Gardens, water wells, canning. Learning how life works. Teach them skills that will equip them to survive and thrive. Welfare would end within 25-50 years.

I know where you got your idea of the small scale farming, it was in a book. In theory it would work but if you think of the context it was used in the book, it was only for short term. Plus it was used in the USSR, communism. Is that what you had in mind?

No Maybe, I’m saying that for the amount of money spent on HUD rental subsidies, Food Stamps, WIC, ADC,SSI, SSDI, unemployment etc, if we just poured that into buying people land, and teaching them to farm small scale organic, the problems we have now wouldn’t exist, at least not at the level they do. America is so damn afraid of the S or C words they continue to waste billions trying to uphold a flawed system. In theory the “charity” was supposed to trickle down. It doesn’t work.

The perfect system is a Socialist, Capitalist, and Communist blend that equally apportions the basics, grants access to public lands for public use, and allows inventors and capitalist room to shine, without taking away from the basic needs and rights of others. Pure Capitalism is Bullshit…actually bullshit is better, because it contains nutrients for the soil. Every human should have 1 acre of land, and for any more, you work for it. Placing yourself on paper as superior has to end.

Have you ever read the book Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy? He takes current events, mixed in with real time solutions and writes a fiction book. In this book the ussr just lost their biggest oil refinery, they planned on attacking Kuwait for their oil but in order to save recourses so they can have enough for the military they took all the land and cut it up in 5 acre increments and passed them out, with the smaller farms the farmers could do more by hand instead of using machinery.

These smaller farms were more productive and they were able to feed the entire country using very little in resourses. It worked for a while, but cannot be sustained. I know you will say that was in a book but if you knew anything about Clancy you would know that he did his research and if he put it in his book then in theory it would work.

F’ yer damn Texas Tea Black Russian Oil. WE don’t need it…Arab oil neither. We have vegetable oil which burns mighty fine, and for the rest we have batteries, capacitors, wind farms and solar panels. Let me repeat this: WE DON’T NEED FOREIGN OIL. It’s been a massive exercise in hypnosis, which you subsequently fought and were injured for.

I know that you don’t understand. I went to war because I was ordered to, when I saw the people over there, naked, hungry, living in their own filth; that’s why I was there. You can say I was there because of the oil and that would be wrong. Maybe that’s why the government wanted us there but I was there to help the people. I was injured while helping them, no greater love does a man have than to give his life for a stranger, or friend.

You can spout off all you want about why you think I was there and it doesn’t matter. We all know why we were there and we can sleep at night, well sometimes. Unless you were there then all you have is your opinion which doesn’t mean much to me but you do have the right to voice your opinion.

@Philly-I try to keep from doing this but, Communism and Socialism do not work and here is why. People get lazy or they get pissed off when the work and they see other people doing nothing and living off their efforts. Besides, no one can stop human greed and power seekers. That is why Russia and China are turning more capitalist every day. That is also why North Korea is poverty stricken except for their leaders.

Notice I said “a blend”. There’s nothing to stop someone from producing their good idea, but it cannot be at the expense of social security. The land is the peoples and they are dispersing welfare funds in a misguided band aid way. I’d rather people were taught the fundamentals and had the land to live on rather than BLM drilling logging or mining. We can have it all if we want.

I love falling asleep to the sound of a loud muffler…if only I could bet a jack break in there somewhere…(cue snoring sounds)


3 more states allow medical cannabis. WAIT A MINUTE!

1. I thought cannabis had no medical use and why it’s schedule 1.

2. I thought we had Marinol? Some poster here commented over and over again that we already had Marinol.

Why do people keep lying about this stuff?

Guess I’m out of touch. What’s Marinol?

Another important story is NONIT “not on north Iowa today”. MN makes medical cannabis legal.

Marijuana is legal here in Seattle. We have half the violent crime of Minneapolis, way better jobs, Amazon, Boeing, Starbucks, Google, Microsoft, Weyerhauser, on and on and on property values are through the roof, educated cosmopolitan people, great nightlife, awesome downtown unlike Mpls and Stp which ruined their downtowns with skyways and that sick mall you have. Minnesota is stuck on the failed policies of yesteryear, the state is mired in the dark ages. Legalize marijuana and maybe some of…

OH== TYPO– I mean ONE– smelly poop fest…

I called Jitters and they told me that they are not closing… Just wanted to dispel a rumor!

There is no reserving of public spots by placing your items there. If you get there before they do, simply move their items out of your way.

For anyone who is in need of a tarp or slightly used blanket, all of the items left by citizens along the parade loot are on public property and therefore considered abandoned goods. Feel free to go down and take whatever you want!

Someone told me that some of the parade route was a candy free zone. Is this true?

@bad pontiac-yep, no candy in front of KIMT and there are no dogs allowed down town I believe from Friday through Sunday.

Good reminder to readers LVS. My dog and I went to the parade last year and a police officer, who was decent about it, informed me that no dogs were allowed along the route. I walked the dog home and then, because it was cold and rainy, I stayed home too and watched the parade from my ez chair. He explained that the pooch was a potential public safety concern.

The leaders in this town are more of a safety concern than any dog.

BTW. I wonder how many times Barney Fife gives a warning to the thugs who parade around a dog on a log chain in our fair city for a similar “potential public safety concern. infraction. Not often, not ever I bet.

I understand the thought. But I think it would be a real problem with all the children and other dogs with the thousands of people we get during the band fest. I think it is good to err on the side of caution. It is a big liability issue and the owner of a dog would have to pay if it bites someone and then yikes– their insurance rates would go sky high. Also, it’s bad enough with the horses pooping all over the streets… Add dogs and u have on smelly poop fest… YUKKKK!

Here’s how I see the county supervisor race in Cerro Gordo county:

Mike Grandon will win the democratic primary handily. And why shouldn’t he? He served as the county treasurer for 36 years and has an unblemished record. He’s my choice to win the final election. He’s the BEST candidate.

Gary Blodgett will win the republican primary. Gary isn’t running, you say? Oh yes he is. He’s just running under the name of Casey Callanan. If you vote for Casey you’ve sold out to Gary…

Casey Callanan I’m sure is a perfectly fine, and normal Iowa Human Being. His father Mike Callanan, who is the current At Large City Council Member appears as a very caring and reasonable human being. I’ve listened to him speak at the meetings many times. Slow, methodical and grateful to be in Clear Lake. The problem is the father moves at a snail’s pace, is resistant to change, one-sided on his approach, and favors friends and families over the entire body politic. Like Father…Like?

I thought the jackass’s represented Robin Anderson and the republican party.

This one goes out to all the Francis Lauer Youth runaways.


I was noticing comments on whether or not Supt. Anita Michich owns property in Cerro Gordo County. Neither her or her husband show up on the property search for this county. I have not checked other counties, or if it is in trust with another name. But, I think this is important. She is payed by our dollars and running ours schools into the ground. And, if she is paying no taxes towards the schools– that is just wrong!!!! Matt, can u investigate this a bit..Thanks.

She rents here in Mason City and I might be wrong, but I think her husband still lives in Des Moines.

That may be so, but it is fundamentally wrong on so many levels… This needs to be a story. She pays no taxes to the school district in which she gets paid by tax payer dollars….. And, whines about no money for the district….. Wrong Wrong Wrong….

The rent that renters pay completely covers property taxes. The landlord doesn’t pay that out of pocket.

Sure property taxes are paid on the property where she lives. But I think it’s the whole idea that she hasn’t made a commitment to Mason City by not having her own home that bothers people. She certainly could afford it. And it wouldn’t even have to be a house, there’s condos and town houses she could buy so she’s not responsible for lawn care, snow, etc. As far as I’m concerned, I would love to see Anita pack it up and leave.

I understand what u are saying, but this is my perspective.

With her salary and that of her husband Paul, they could afford to live in a home from $ 400 to 700K. Property taxes on a home of that caliber– would range from approximately, $ 4600 to almost $ 7,000 per year. To me it is the principle of the thing. She is crying about needing money for the district at the taxpayers expense and she is not paying her fair share It is just not right Her time here x the taxes could fund a…

I just saw the most outstanding statue uptown but it was put in the wrong location. It was a lone mule(jackass) but it needs about 7 more and put in front of the city hall to represent all the jackasses we have running our town. NOW THATS REAL FUNNY

^^ Crack me up!! good one! ^^

@Matt-Very fitting.

This community reminds me of ancient Rome– Nero was fiddling while Rome was burning!!!! Eric Bookmeyer has been fiddling for years, as is his proletariat. The town is crumbling around them and they don’t seem to even know about it…

Those who did not get out and vote last Fall are to blame for this mess. We must have to burn to the ground before people will get off their duffs and take a few minutes out of their day to vote. Maybe there will still be a grassroots effort soon! God help…

Matt, I was looking for a story this morning on Nick Trask being named the MCHS boys’ basketball coach. Figured that would spark some healthy banter!

@caffeine-I have heard the same thing. I also heard the Chinese Food store was going to close. That will leave the pretzel shop and Birdsels for food. There are 19 empty stores there right now and this will make 21.

The whispers around the mall are that Jitters, Hasey Asian Fast Food, Birdsall’s, Larson Red Zone Sports, Bookworld, and Jonathans are close to having to shut down. Further whispers are that the Subway in the mall is looking to relocate out of the mall. Even more whispers claim that if the mall losses so many tenants than Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Works would be forced to remove their stores due to their corporate rules mandating they be in a mall with a certain % of stores full.

Honestly I think that Bookie wants the mall to fail. Then he can talk his cronie council members, along with his elitist “friends” to try to use the mall for his arena he’s been wanting. Some people go out to the west side of town to shop and there’s not much there. And more and more people are going out of town to shop. The last time I went to Medford I saw quite a few people from Mason City there.

Haven’t been to West Des Moines. That will be my next shopping trip. I can’t stand Walmart. I won’t buy clothes there. And as far as groceries, I either shop Fareway or Hy-Vee. The fuel savers are a big draw for me to go to Hy-Vee.

Walmart sucks!!!

Matt, you don’t like gravel dust?

@anon-I have heard that Victoria’s Secret has a company policy that if a mall falls below 75% occupancy they move out and because Bath and Body is a sister company they will move out too. The mall is below 70% now. What does that tell you?

Say while I’m on, does ANYONE know where the activities for this weekend’s Band Fest are printed? Our local Chamber and Globe would be wise to print a little further ahead next time to inform the public so they can make plans to attend.
We had some out of towners looking to attend the evening bands and asked what they were. No one seems to know yet.
Maybe I’ll look in the Des Moines Register and see if they have.

OK Matt-Maybe this will help get some action against the people that are controlling our city. Keep up the good work. The haters will be along shortly.

Matt, welcome back!!
It would be nice to see BETTER coverage than the Globe gives the area. You are all we have.

I could be wrong….but didn’t Mrs. Urdahl have a job at the court house at one time?

I’m considering buying a subscription to NIT, however I have concerns about having my IP banned for making comments. Is this concern well founded?

I’ve been notified from people who’ve been banned. What is NIT’s policy on this. I’d hate to spend the money and then be banned for taking LVS to task.

Interesting bit of trivia on this Sunday, looks like LVS was mentioned in the Bible.

2nd Peter Chapter 2 Verse 16

“But he was rebuked for his own transgression, a dumb ass spake with man’s voice..”

I know at least a half dozen people who’ve said they’d never purchase a subscription as long as LVS is allowed to run roughshod on every comment-or he disagrees with.

Conservative Heads EXPLODE After Pope Talks about Peace, Equality.

I heard something about Francis Lauer. That some of the kids haven’t been able to shower for a few days because there are no toiletry items available, and that they haven’t had hot water. I heard that they rely on donations for soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Isn’t this facility run through either state or federal funding? My understanding is that the kids there have had issues with the law, drugs, truancy….and other problems.

But to not have necessary items for them to be clean and to not have functioning bathrooms is uncalled for. Felons in prisons have what they need, but a facility for kids doesn’t have necessities????? What’s going on? Maybe this is something NIT should look into.

This is no surprise if it is true. The Executive Director could care less. She is cold, divisive, no empathy, and way overpaid. Perhaps she could spare some soap and toiletries.. God knows she can afford it!!

I thought marijuana had no medical use. Now I see epileptic sufferers are going to be able to use it in Iowa. Why have they been lying to us about it?

Sheriff Pals doesn’t believe anyone should use it epileptic or not. Why have been taking Pals advice when he’s not even a medical professional?

I thought there was Marinol. Why can’t they just use Marinol for $3000 a month? Who’s been lying to us all time?

@Liberty-Big difference between smoking the crap until you are brain dead and taking it in pill form or the oil. That is all that will be allowed and then only with a prescription. Get your facts straight before you spout off.

Why doesn’t oil or pills which are much more concentrated not kill brain cells? Do you have any idea or are you just spewing your normal BS this morning?

@Liberty-It is being used to lesson the affects from disease just like other drugs and can only be used under a doctors direction and then only for specific disease. I can read and understand what I read. Can you?

How is getting brain damage protecting them from a disease?

LVS learn to spell before criticizing others.

I guess you must be getting to them if all they can come up with is your bad spelling.

Why would Epileptics use cannabis if it causes brain damage LVS?

@Anonymous-Didn’t you undertstand what I said? Was it to complicated for you? If the spelling bother’s you (and it doesn’t me) then don’t read it. You are not my teacher or my mother.

^The sound of crickets chirping. That’s the sound you hear when LVS can’t answer a question.

@DICk-well head,I didn’t answer because your question is stupid and I don’t debate with dumb A####.

I’m calling BS. You didn’t answer because you would have contradicted what you’ve previously said. So, all you can do is call me names.

Philly-I don’t drink and I don’t smoke. Not cigarettes and certainly not mind altering drugs lot pot. Look what happened to you after using all those drugs. You were born stupid and then after the drugs became a moron. You just never learn to keep your mouth shut do you?

Did anyone read about dogchase in country involving Yunek and Polking and them being chased by mean dog.Should of known that would happen Yunek is lawyer trying to flex his power and get his dog deemed dangerous.Didn’t work though.Maybe city slickers should go out to country club instead.Probably same crowd that thinks they are to good to stop for signs and obey city speed limits.

There was a post removed last week about the Cerro Gordo County Deputy Assessor Xxxx Xxxxxxxx having an affair on the taxpayor’s dime with the Guthrie County Assessor Xxxxxxx “Xxxxx” Xxxxxxx. I am outraged by Mrs. Xxxxxxxx’ lack of professionalism and misuse of my hard-earned taxes. I hope she is being investigated for her actions and will be held accountable. She should be ashamed of herself. Best of luck to her soon-to-be ex-husband!

Helping to protect our rights, for the sheeple.

According to the solicitation

Sorry, the site didn’t show up.

Yes I will Matt just hoping to get some Vets to come and help me fight the YMCA, they get a lot of government grants I understand, any help from you would be greatly appreciated.

If there are any vets,disabled vets, retired vets that would like to go to the ymca and do a little protest as they give reduced/free membership to BG lark and Prairie Ridge troubled people let me know as I want to get a group and go see what we can do. We chose to serve our country and they chose to get in trouble and f**k their life up and guess who’s getting f**ked now!! Please only serious people respond.

The reason vets issues are considered contentious is because the decision to use lethal force against foreign powers has been morally disputed in the last 50 years, and for amp the last 250 years. I’ve said 3 factions should vote to go to war: the people, the congress, and the military themselves. By doing so, there would be less dispute and subsequently better treatment of vets post conflict. Bush squeaked by in his 2000 election, so his wars remain unpopular to this day.

@2old2fat-Best of luck to you. I have a real problem with our tax dollars going to subsidize criminals like those at BeeGee’s

I thought the Minnesota NORML Executive Director did a good job calling for legalization on KIMT just now. Asking police and the Governor for their opinion on this makes no sense whatsoever. It shouldn’t be up to them…but to public opinion, legislators, and scientific evidence.

Let’s to da hop…and smoke pot. Check out our cover…

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