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Could the Juvenile Court Office in Mason City have any more worthless officers in it? They are a joke! No wonder kids are so brazen. These guys are afraid to do anything about their crimes.

Interesting blog. Do you have any verifiable facts to back it up?

Many verifiable facts, but I will not put them on display here. Let it just suffice to say, I’m sure the youthful offenders are much more satisfied “customers” of the Juvenile Court in Mason City than those of us seeking justice and accountability. I was very unhappy with the JCO I dealt with. He was unprofessional, smug, and overall ineffective.

By not putting forth facts, you throw a shadow on your credibility. In other words, if you don’t have the courage to back up your mouth, keep it shut.

@a citizen-It sure sounds like an opinion to me. Opinions don’t need facts.

@Citizen…Just because I choose to not disclose the specifics of the “interactions” with your office, does not diminish my credibility. If you were a true professonal, you would have already realized and understood this is my right. It has nothing to do with being courageous. I’m sure you receive training as a representative of the juvenile court about the confidentiality of cases.

Your tactics and telling me to keep my mouth shut only underscore my previous blog of your unprofessional, smug and overall ineffective performance. Thank you for proving my point!

@ a citizen…You make me laugh. You may or may not be an employee of the Mason City Juvenile Court office, but it’s apparent you have an interest in it in one way or another. Now, if you are so courageous, put YOUR money where your mouth is. Why are you so defensive of an agency that you are not employed at?

The interactions I had with a JCO at that office were pathetic. The only reason I can think of as to why he was basically on the offender’s side, was that he is afraid of the population he serves. That’s probably why he hides behind a facade of being “courageous”. In reality he’s timid and afraid to enforce any type of consequences on these youth. On second thought, you are probably an employee of that office. They certainly seemed to have a lot of time sitting around talking and doing nothing constructive.

@Parent-what A Citizen is doing here is an attempt to discredit your post by asking for facts. Some people just have trouble understanding what a blog is and can’t deal with personal opinions and observations. Even though asking for facts is a type of opinion in itself.

You’re a parent and you’re blaming others for kids being brazen…..when do the parents take responsibility for their kids being brazen. If my kid acted brazen I acted brazener. Try that. Maybe you wouldn’t have to deal with Juvinile authorities. If a kid acts up it’s for 2 reasons. Bad parenting or psychological problems.

@Parent – Loved your post. First, because you choose not to disclose those interactions, it does lessen your credibility. Second, put your imagination to bed for awhile. I am not part of any juvenile system, I am just “a citizen”. (@LVS – That was pretty good, wasn’t it? Throwing that “a citizen” in there at the end. See, I do have a sense of humor.)

@A Citizen-yes, that was a good one.

@LVS – An opinion or an observation should have something to base itself on. “I feel this way because …” or “I believe this because …”. Opinions and observations are like rumors. They need substance to be real. If someone hands me a firearm and says, “It’s not loaded”. I always check the chamber myself. What someone else thinks or belives to be real can get people killed.

I have had to deal with Matt at the JCS a couple of times. My daughter was attacked by a young girl that’s been in and out of the juvenile court system numerous times. The police did nothing about this incident. But when I called Matt, he sent the girl to Waterloo for a weekend for what she did to my daughter. I have had to call him about this same girl a few other times and have nothing but good things to say about him. I guess my only complaint is that this girl is still in the school system and bothering and bullying kids daily.

So the Juvenile Court Officer sent this girl away for a weekend even though she is/was a repeat customer of Juvenile Court Services??? And, she is still bullying other kids??? Doesn’t sound like you got any great service to me. Not surprised, because I didn’t either.

Does Three Eagle Communication have a North Iowa monopoly over the radio markets?

I don’t think they are really a monopoly when North Iowa Broadcasting owns KSMA Kiss Country and 103.7 The Fox. But yes, they own too many stations. In fact they shouldn’t own any. They are an ill run company on the brink of bankruptcy. They have very few DJ’s and they are all on all of their stations. No live radio, everything is recorded. They pay their employees next to nothing while upper management lives pretty well taking as much for themselves as possible. Thank goodness for Sirus and I-pods!

brink of bankruptcy? really? With only two other stations completing it seems they at least have cornered the market unfairly, which means “name your rates”

Three Eagles have been cutting people. They can’t afford to pay the help. What does that tell you? North Iowa Broadcasting has hired on extra help and been able to pay their bills and also purchase new vehicles for their stations. Corporate Farmer and the few clients that Three Eagles have left aren’t going to keep their stations on the air forever.

Martin you should really take a rudimentary class on business. should you

Mr. D. Nelson,

For seven years now we have had the privileged of looking at your deteriorating building on the corner of State/Kentucky in Mason City get worse. No renter.
This corner is such a prominent spot and your building looks trashy at best. Broken pipe flooded it and caused wall/floor damage. Fix it please and get a business in there. Every Band Festival thousands have to pass your piece of junk building.

HAHA! Willing business’s to come to mason city! Let me know how that works out for you.

They would “IF” more building were available and Mercy would stop buying up all the retail spaces for office use.

Really? Please name just a few.

just to name one, a man named David from a few posts below this one.

Where was david’s existing business? Oh yeah he never said.

I am not going to say what our business is, but I will say that the street scape almost put us out of business, one of the lucky few that managed to survive unlike the 7 that didn’t survive.

So your business was already in Mason City. Thank you for clearing that up.


Why or how are you staying open?
Skeleton crew. 1/2 store in use.

I hope you don’t expect an answer.

We tried to rent parts of the building for our store and they wanted almost 4500.00 for it a month, that could be why is it half empty.

David,…just wait and the whole building might be available.

traffic flow isn’t what we were looking for and for right now we decided not to move locations.


the building that is located to the south of Wooz’s Car Wash is a hazard. The roof is terrible. The white painted brick is blowing out on it’s exterior. The water pipes broke inside and flooded the floor at one time, which I heard was spraying the electrical panel. Is this building still owned by Mr. Jolas? WHERE IS THE CITY BUILDING CODE OFFICE when it come to inspection of some of these dangerous buildings and the bulldozers to knock it down before someone walking by gets hurt?

This building looks terrible. Wake up Mason City.

Sounds like you have WAAAAAAY too much time on your hands. You should volunteer somewhere.

He/she could utilize that free time spent cruising MC to fix up the buildings on N Fed. N of 12th. Some real scarey Halloweeny looking ones up there. lol!

mason city looks terrible.north and south ends.

Shame on Mason City attorney Kristy Arzberger for illegally using a handicapped parking permit (as reported in the globe). How low can she go? It is really horrible to be so lazy and ignoring of the law. Her actions are unethical.

@gracie-she probably did it because there is no parking downtown unless you use handicapped.

No excuse.

With as much money as she has extracted from men with her bullying tactics in divorce cases, I am surprised she doesn’t have enough money to buy her own permanent parking spot. #notafan

Have you ever met her? No surprise ..she is lazy as a lawyer too

Matt When is someone going to look in to Kristy Arzberger. How did she get around drinking and driving over the legal limit and now thinking she is again above the law. Ask her why she spends alot of time on North Carolina. She races into the garage. She has a opener for the door. Maybe someone should tell her husband. Oh well, he knows.

Matt, any idea to whom one would report an unscrupulous lawyer?

just read something very funny in the Globe megistrate court. Our law biding attorney from manly got a ticket for parking in a handicap parking spot without a permit. She got what she deserved . What a LOSER !!!!

I couldn’t believe she didn’t get it dismissed!!

I thought she lived in Plymouth. Not that it matters that much. You can tell she has a lot of respect for the law but I guess that laws are just for us common folk.

I can’t believe someone would call someone a loser and cannot tell the difference between the word “biding” and the word “abiding”.

Hi Kristy! ^^^

These are the people that got Obama reelected ensuring their checks would keep coming.

OMG. This young woman has 18 kids and wants someone to be held accountable!

@Katie – She should probably contact sickastupd who blogs on here. She is so pro-government handout that I am sure she knows of some organization that will be willing to shell out some free tax money to pay for the choices the lady made to have all those kids. After all, it’s not about responsibility, it’s about how much the govt. owes you for the choices you make.

@Citizen: Great comment about sickastupid. LOL I’m sure he’d love to pay her way.

When did I say I was pro-government handout? I’m anti-stupid uninformed citizens. Big difference.

And the media that did this story is on her side asking “why is there no help?”

Send the kids to foster care where they can find crime free “parents” that can take care of them. Parents meaning a husband and wife. She should go to the vet and get fixed.

Do you realize how much money the tax payers shell out for each child that gets sent to foster care?

The children are in a no win situation here. They stay in a situation where there biological parents who have bought into the entitlement culture or they are removed from those parents, who are still there parents, and place in foster care. They won’t be placed together because what foster home can take so many children at one time? And if parental rights are revoked and the children are allowed to be adopted by others, again they won’t be adopted together.

This is one of the gravest crimes Obama and his ilk are perpetrating upon the American people. The greater the “need” the more money in hand outs people can get. So they are motivated to have more children than they can afford to care for and to keep those children uneducated and the more diagnosis they can get the more money will be given to them. But then the child turns 18 and the money dries up so they have to have their own children to get their own handouts and the cycle repeats.

We are witnessing the zoo-ification of America. A society where the government becomes our keeper and we behave ourselves as long as our keeper gives us food, clothing and shelter.

But what happens if we stop behaving ourselves and stop performing as our keepers want?

Correction: 15 kids. 12 living with her. And it was she AND her boyfriend that had them. Last I checked it takes 2. He’s as responsible as she is for creating & supporting them. (if he ever gets out of prison…)
And Ricks airplane accident was NOT in Clear Lake.

Where was Rick’s accident? I have forgotten.

To the people who ridicule and insult those who read and believe in the bible: I don’t believe in the bible. But there are those that do. They read, believe, and live their lives according to its precepts. It makes them happy. It gives them a comfort zone. And as long as they don’t try to push their beliefs off on others, what does it hurt? There is enough hate and evil in this world right now that if a person can find some happiness, more power to them.

I believe in everything you said. especially this quote. “And as long as they don’t try to push their beliefs off on others, what does it hurt?” there in lies the problem. they do try and push their beliefs off on others through sunday morning tv shows. swearing on the bible, ect. im not sure if you were complaining about us talking about the bible or not. But if religious people have the right to believe in the bible and talk about the bible openly and freely weather on tv or in the public, then we have just as much right to talk about it however we want here on NIT. assuming, I said assuming, you dont like us talking about the bible as we have been. then you are the type of person that I have a problem with, trying to squash OUR right to religion, or lack of it

@50 miles south – Wrong assumption. LOL Please read my entry again, especially the first line. I said those who ridicule and insult those who believe in the bible. I have no trouble with open dialogue, as long as it’s courteous and takes into consideration that there may be a difference of opinion. Thank you for the response. I appreciate it. Courteous and your thoughts were completely spelled out without throwing stones. I liked it.

I don’t have a problem with people reading Bible or following their beliefs. Just don’t look down your nose at those who don’t agree with your beliefs.. And don’t make “civil” laws based on your beliefs. That’s the beauty of America. CHOICE.

wrong. Christianity is stronger then ever.

America was founded upon religious principal. It became one of the best, most desirable countries to live in based upon those principals. The founding fathers believed in religious freedom but make no mistake, they believed in religion.

Now people want to force people to disavow those very principals upon which the nation was founded and then wonder why it is in decline.

Funny thing is all those people complaining about how we aren’t more like some European country rarely, if ever, actually move themselves to that country. Instead they demand that we change to suit them. Here’s an idea,if your version of how a country should be already exists somewhere else…GO THERE. Quit demanding the rest of us give up everything we hold dear to make you feel more comfortable.

With all the bitching I read about Eric Bookmeyer and the terrible job he is doing as mayor, how he just has to go, I have yet to hear the name or names of anyone who is going to oppose him come election time.

Hey, i’ll throw my hat in. Oh wait i’m not fat enough!

I don’t know about anybody else but I would have a hard time voting for someone names poop, mayor poop huh.

I’m not all full of ##it like this mayor.

Still I would change your name. I understand you probably don’t fit in the category of you are what you eat but still.

The gun nut that was going off the deep end with Piers Morgan is the reason we need some form of assault type weapon control. That guy was insane.

here is a link to a vidio of Pier’s interview. After having an extensive dialogue with maybe a few days ago this could be maybe’s true identity.

before you jump down my throat it should read…here is a link to the video

@Ananymous-I watched the video and must say if you take out the emotion and listen to the guy he is giving a lot of statistics that are true except you people don’t want to hear the truth. You want to use emotional comments like gun nuts when this guy just might be the one to save you or your family’s lives some day. I am starting to come to the conclusion that those people screaming for gun control are just cowards and are afraid of guns. They will be much worse off without the guns because bully’s love cowards.

The word, “semi automatic” is also a term I keep hearing. My shotgun is an automatic, I shoot a shell and the gun reloads itself. No different than the shooter in Newtown. A revolver is an an automatic as well, you shoot one round and it is ready to shoot another. Revolvers have been around since the horse and buggy days. The word assault rifle could be labeled as a BB gun, a 22 caliber rifle, they are all semi automatic. Learn something about guns people.

@John – An automatic weapon is one that will fire as long as you have the trigger squeezed. It fires, ejects, reloads, and fires again. A semi-auto fires once each time you squeeze the trigger. A good example of a semi-auto and non semi-auto would be a double action vs a single action revolver. Double action-fires every time you squeeze the trigger. Single action-have to manually cock the weapon prior to firing. Pump shotguns and bolt action rifles are also non semi-auto weapons.

How exactly was he crazy, Its called emotion people. hes pasionate about gun laws because he knows what will happen if they take them, do some research and you will see that taking our guns leads to the goverment doing as the please. ITs the second amendment and our constitution isnt debatable. if obama dosnt like it then get out of office, united states is becoming a dictatorship because of idiots like you. ill keep my guns you go ahead and turn yours in and see were your at when the shit hits the fan, and trust me its coming. sooner than you think

“The truth of the matter is you have no chance against the full might of the United States Armed forces. Ironically, it’s the same people who insist we can’t cut military spending ever that have helped ensure our country’s army is the mightiest. So no, ds, even your massive AK-47 stockpile will not do shit when the Marines knock on your door. To pretend otherwise is to live in a fantasy world. Oh wait. These are mostly Republicans we’re talking about. That explains that, doesn’t it?”

And you keep believing that the US Military will forget its oath to defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.

I took the oath to defend the constitution of the united states and I never forgot that oath. I garantee you that the majority of our armed forces will fight to defend it. The problem is the UN small arms treaty states the globalist army has 6 years to disarm the people of the nation that signs this treaty. That would be UN troops and obama signed this treaty at 0700 november 7th, the day after he was reelected. We WILL be invaded and our government will invite this army in with open arms.

Happyguy just said something that struck a nerve, military spending cuts. How effective would our military be against an invading army if their spending was cut to the bone and the equiptment falling apart because there are no replacement parts?

So heard on the street that a certain attorney who has gone through drug and booze rehab is back at his ole tricks again. To bad for his family after all the stress he has put his family through he continues to act in a criminal way. Once a user always a USER!

I heard on the street that people who spread gossip generally don’t have enough going on to fill up their own lives and have inadequate genitalia.

Actually you have it wrong sir or madam. Instead of saying who, where I heard my information I stated, “heard on the street”. Pretty common term from reporters and journalists from Wall Street to Main Street, just a phrase.
An person defending an low life drug addict attorney is also as bad as the person who kills babies during pregnancy. Remember we must all answer to a higher power and will be judged one day not by the ebbs and flows of daily life but what kind of person we are to the lord, our family and the neighbors. You should read the bible and maybe gain some understanding.

I don’t read fiction.

The bible isn’t entirely fiction. Some of it is poorly interpreted history, written by men and women who could not scientifically describe the technological phenomena happening around them.

“Technological”? You may want to look that word up.

Not to worry. If you don’t like what you read in the bible just change it like the religious people have been doing forever. The Catholic church has done it several times when they were not getting enough donations. That is how purgatory happened.

Katie and LVS you have just earned points in my book. finally someone actually comes out and says the truth about the bible. unlike me… some may think you worship the DEVIL now.

@50 miles-I didn’t say I didn’t believe in a higher power because I do. Something had to make all this. I just can’t make myself believe that all the stuff in the bible is accurate. The Bible to me is a book written by men to control other men and has been changed to fit circumstances so many times it is fiction to me. Do I believe in the 10 commandments, YES, I do because we need rules to live by. Even with them we kill eachother and steal. I am a realist and know that a lot of other people do not agree with me. My wife is one.

Because it has been translated, altered, and “interpreted” so many times, the bible is no more than a poorly photocopied chain letter.

LVS: #1 that something is called evolution. and it takes millions of years to produce, not in 1 weeks time.

#2 I agree with everything else you said. everyone also needs to remember that the bible was compiled over MANY years by people who were basicly NON educated.

#3 The 10 commandments, as seen in the bible, are good rules to live by even if your an athiest like me

#4 my ex and kids side with your wife. they may be brainwashed into thinking they MUST believe everything in the bible because they are told to. tell your wife I said “blind following the blind” unless it may start a fight. meaning todays people listening and believing what uneducated (ignorant)people thousands of years ago thought to be true. do people today still think the world is flat? that the sun revolves around the earth? that blood flows freely in the body rather than blood vessels?

#5 I also am aware that everyone has the right to believe in what they want, and just because I am an athiest does not mean that I worship the devil. HOWEVER, everyone must remember that I do NOT appreciate people sayng “praise the lord” all the time, just like religious people dont appreciate someone saying “PRAISE SATIN”. I think religous people sometimes forget other peoples right to religion in those situations. this… however is an open forum

Rebuke SATIN! True redemption lies with polyester 🙂

@50 miles-It does not hurt me or bother me that she is religious and it is important to her. I am not a athiest as I do believe in a higher power, and if they want to call him god then that is OK with me. I just do not agree with all the dogma that surrounds religion and consider most of it as a way to raise revenue. Maybe it is that I was raised in Old style Methodist and never missed a Sunday (or most Wednesdays) until I was 19 years old. It was forced on me and I didn’t like that. I think I am a Christian, but there are people who would debate that as well. I live my life and don’t ask anyone else to believe the same way. I guess that makes me different from the churches.

@50 miles south: Does being an “athiest” mean you don’t believe in God OR the dictionary?

I believe that there truly were sons of god and sons of man back in biblical times. I believe the shadow of whatever came upon Mary was her being artificially inseminated with alien sperm so Jesus was half alien and half human. He was a son of god and a son of man. About forty years ago I read a book called “God Drives a Flying Saucer” and everything finally clicked into place for me. All the mysteries of the bible were explained by technology linked to more recent UFO reports. I am outraged that our governments are withholding the truth from us about what has been occurring for the last 70 years or more. We all have a right to know that we are not alone in this universe. They are afraid of the fanatical chauvinistic religious factions and their reactions.

Katie, you’re just being funny, right?

@Katie-I too have seen those reports. You must be careful in this as some of these jerks will use it against you. It certainly is something to think about. And if we were visited they would never let it be known. To much money involved. But as I said before, all this didn’t just happen. Someone or something made it happen. If people want to call it God it is OK with me.

My only question is this: Katie, are you a Scientologist? I certainly believe that we’re probably not the only planet in our universe that’s home to some type of life form, but this is the first time I’ve heard Jesus referred to as “half alien”. Sorry, but that’s a new one for me.

No. I’m not a Scientologist. Their beliefs are based on a piece of fiction written by their goofy founder. I say what I believe based on what is written in the bible. It said the shadow of the holy spirit came over Mary and she became with child. It truly was immaculate conception. So therefore it was either artificial insemination or in vitro insemination. And it states that Jesus was son of man and son of god. What else could that mean. Those people had no way to describe spacemen other than as people who could fly in the sky, so they gave them wings in pictures. And what do you think Jacob’s ladder led up to? Why in the heck would there be a ladder leading up into the sky? And do you really think Jonah spent 3 days in a whale and survived? No. He was in a spacecraft that could go into water and stay submerged. There are all kinds of reports of that happening in literature and in pictures throughout history. The manna from heaven came from spaceships that kept the people alive. The same substance fell from a UFO on a sports stadium years ago witnessed by many. The arc of the covenant was a radio receiver. The burning bush was a type of spaceship. The pillar of fire by night and smoke by day was also a spaceship. Spaceships and technology are everywhere in the bible. I read lots of books analyzing all this and was totally amazed how so many things were explained – even Jesus’ ascension into heaven. Can you say, “Beam me up, Scotty?” These explanations are much more rational and acceptable to many than the fairy tale that was crammed down my throat as a kid. I find nuts, bolts, and science much more palatable than fantasy.

Katie. I have never thought about it with that much detail. while I have always thought it was stupid to think we are the only living beings in the universe. I can understand why the leaders of the world do not want this information known. who knows what kind of problems would come about from the fear of being attacked. we are much better off not knowing the truth. To me, i can see why people think some of the stories in the bible have an alien content. however about Mary getting pregnant. a shadow came over her? ever hear stories like, going away for a few months, it was date rape, it was the toilet seat, someone left the baby on my doorstep? just maybe even back then they didnt want it known that Mary had sex. much more believable story than imaculate conception.

The bible is adamant that Jesus’ was a virgin birth. Artificial insemination is the only way that could have happened. Mary was likely chosen for her genetic makeup and for some reason, they chose to get the much older and barren Elizabeth pregnant to bribe Mary to let them inseminate her without too much protesting. They liked Mary also because she was remaining virginal and they would not have to worry about Joseph impregnating her instead of their scheme working. They needed a betrothed virgin because unmarried women were likely not accepted by society. Interestingly, there is a medieval painting called The Annunciation, which this announcement to Mary is called, that has a spaceship in the sky. Here is part of Luke 1:

To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came in to her, and said, Hail, you that are highly favored, the Lord is with you: blessed are you among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said to her, Fear not, Mary: for you have found favor with God. And, behold, you shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give to him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary to the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said to her, The Holy Ghost shall come on you, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, your cousin Elisabeth, she has also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible. And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word. And the angel departed from her.

Very interesting, Katie. Can you recommend a good book that explains this in an easy-to-understand way? I mean something other than the Bible. I already know there’s an afterlife, having been with two different people before they died and as they were dying. But I’m really curious about this “alien” thing. I consider myself very open-minded and would like to explore this further.

Well, I haven’t read any books for years. For one thing, watch Ancient Aliens on the History Channels. It is often on Friday nights and at various other times in the evenings. The commentators are little over-exuberant at times for me, but it is very interesting and you will see researchers whose books would be worth reading. Philip Coppens is very interesting and I would like to read his books. He just died of cancer at too young an age in December. There is one book I have been wanting to read called Technology of the Gods by David Childress. I mentioned God Drives a Flying Saucer by R. L. Dione, but it is an old book, 1973, and it was not an easy read. However, that was the book that opened my eyes and explained so much of the bible. The very first book I read was Erich Van Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods. It was a fascinating read and inspired me to read more. It’s an old book as well from the early 70’s. The thing that bothers me about Van Daniken is that he faked a piece of pottery to fit his theory. He lost a lot of credibility as a fraud because of that stupid stunt. However, I still believe most of his work stands as valuable and validated by others. These books are all available on Amazon, used and cheap. Happy exploring!

@ Just my opinion: I was just reading some book reviews on Amazon and came across this highly-rated author and book:

Ok. Thanks!

I see it’s available on Kindle. I’ll be purchasing and downloading it today. Sounds very intriguing!

Katie, I’m only 6% (per Kindle) into this book, but you will definitely want to read it. It’s right up your alley. I recommend it. It’s blowing me away! According to the book, the Sumerians (from the region of southern Iraq) knew all about our solar system 6,000 years ago. We have proof of this from drawings they made. Each new discovery our modern-day scientists make is actually just reaffirmation of what was discovered thousands of years ago. I can’t wait to see how the author ties this into the Bible. I may become a new believer!

@JMO: I did purchase the book on Kindle and am looking forward to reading it while I’m on vacation in the near future. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. It opens up an entire new way of looking at our world and history, doesn’t it. Physicists say there is no reason why these “alien” visitors can’t be time travelers from our own planet from our future who have come back to tweak things to alter their own future. Even more interesting to ponder. I wish they would come back now and straighten out a few more things for US!!! LOL

50 miles,once again speaks before knowing what he’s saying…

the bible was written by common lower class men inspired by the holy spirit, not themselves.

The reason: So some educated men at that time couldn’t influence the words the Holy Spirit demanded to be written. Choose humble men and they will not intercede the writings.

anyone know if the twins winter caravan is coming through this year? I must have missed anything about it on igloo. twins have M.C. on a prelim. schedule from 12-17 but that’s the last ive found mentioning the two together

another shooting in Aurora, Co. 4 dead.

why were you not there to defend them with your gun Happy?

Or to stand in front of them protecting them from the guns that kill.

For you people that want to ban guns, here are the stats by State, Homicide per 1,000. D.C. has the highest rate in the country. They have the most strict gun ban law in the country. Check the facts folks, we live pretty safe here in Iowa, those that have guns protect those that do not have guns. Look at the facts and don’t listen to the talking points.

I should have stated per 100,000. There were more vehicle deaths than deaths by guns in Iowa in a big way. Should we ban cars?

Use what little common sense you have Johnny. State by state or city by city laws are ineffective. As long as you can buy it legally in one place and freely transport it to another gun laws won’t work. That is one reason we need federal laws Johnny boy.

“There were more vehicle deaths than deaths by guns in Iowa in a big way. Should we ban cars?” Lets ban cars and heart attacks and cancer and what ever else kills people. Your car arguement is as stupid of an arguement as mine about cancer and heart attacks is.

Hey happy, if the criminals don’t obey the state laws what makes you think they will obey federal laws? You talk about using common sense.

@John-here is some information for you that the liberals won’t want you to know. The average number of people shot in a mass shooting event when the shooter is stopped by law enforcement is 14. The number when stopped by civilians is 2.5. The reason is simple. The armed civilians are there when it started. The liberals don’t want a conversation on gun control, they want to give us a lecture. The liberals just love to muddy the water with B.S.

LVS you have posted that bs before. And I asked you then for your proof and you couldn’t defend it. As I said before you would have to be a mind reader to prove that. Your 2.5 is made up NRA lovers fiction. You can’t prove it.

Oh -it is true and what really get you is that you can not disprove it. You like to make up all kinds of crap and then ask fir proof when other people post their beliefs. I am not proving anything to you so you can bend it and distort the truth. If you don’t like my posts don’t read them and do not expect me to answer you anymore. I am done debating with dummy’s. Now if that hurts your feelings, all I can say is the truth hurts doesn’t it?

@John-see, I told you the liberals would not like it and would do their best to discredit it. However, I think people are starting to understand how they twist and distort things to get their way. Look at how the Great Pretender Obama works.

@John-Did you see the link provided by JoaoDeCarmo on Law enforcement Services. Didn’t hear a word from the liberals on how they were wrong AGAIN. All these people know how to do is spread misinformation to try to discredit people and I for one am tired of listening to their crap.

Knives kill over twice the number of people killed by ‘assault’ rifles and shotguns combined.

We should call Dianne Feinstein.

I have a great idea to raise some funds for the City of Mason City. Has anyone ever noticed the number of people that park in the fire zones at the Tobacco Outlets in Southport and the west side location? Apparently it’s ok for Tobacco users to park in fire zones but not people that want to go to Sears, Hy-Vee, or the tanning salon.

Put a meter person out there to write $10 parking tickets all day and you could bring in around $2,000 a day on an 8 hour shift between both locations.

it is not just smokers who park in fire lanes. i have people park in the fire lane all the time in front of my store, and i don’t sell tobacco. some even park on my sidewalk.

Even more chances for revenue!

whiner, should of been police officer then,get a life worry about some real issues in this town.

“little strokes fell great oaks” are you smart enough to know where that comes from?

I just emailed Howard Query and told him that I would gladly subscribe to the globe online if they would tell the truth. (Especially regarding Bill Schickel and the mayor/MCHRC). It probably won’t do any good but if everyone would write him maybe he will do something.

See is he will run an article on his relatives wanted for crimes in our city.

QUERY, MATTHEW VANCE 6 – 0 190 BLU AGCR020844 5000.00 10/09/2012 S171 5015
QUERY, MATTHEW VANCE 6 – 0 190 BLU AGCR020522 2000.00

with recent and historical air traffic events in mind, i think if i ever fly it will be out of minnesota or des moines so i can skip the whole ventura/clear lake area. it seems to be bad luck for anything in the air.

The Dwyer Flying Service and Mercy Air Med crashes were only 53 years apart. Why risk it now?

You forgot Rick Brush, who was permanently injured when his plane crashed back in the 80’s. I believe that happened at Clear Lake.

I am wondering if Mason City really needs a city administrator or if we should go back to strong mayor form of government. When the city decided to go with an administrator we had more industry then we do now so why shouldn’t we look at down sizing this large salary.

No we don’t need a city administrator. We need an EDC person again. We need another EDC representative like Dan Culhane used to be. He did alot of good things for Mason City.

Examlpes of Mr. Culhane’s successes please. I didn’t live in the area at the time and would like to have a baseline to compare our more recent ED folks (assuming someone can tell me what Greg Gilman did besides …..)

No city admin needed. Ex it out.

Getting rid of a City Administrator would mean that Bookmeyer would throw his weight (his waistline seems to be growing) around even more. Be carefull what you wish for.

MR. FOAD, I agree with you!!! If bookmeyer was a strong Mayor I can’t begin to think what this town would come to. He already has been given to much power the way it is the council lets him do what he wants because they want to be part to the good old boys club. Your right be careful what you wish for.

Would you please look into talking to the funeral homes around Mason City to see if they would send you the Obit’s as well. The Globe charges you to look at them now.


Just Google “Globe Gazette obituaries” and you can read them there. Works for me.

It’s no longer available that way. They terminated the contract with according to the website.

Once again… Thank you Matt for listening!

Since this incident I have been looking closely at intersections and have seen vehicles so far forward their rear tires were in the crosswalks. There needs to be respect shown on both ends.

A homeowner in Florida shot & wounded a naked man who had broken into his home and was choking his Rottweiler. Then the man tried to bite the homeowner, officers, and medical personnel.

Had an interesting observation at the corner of 19th SE and south federal yesterday. Two young men and a girl were walking thru the south crosswalk and had to go around a woman in a suv who was stopped halfway thru the walk. One of the young men spit on the hood of her vehicle. Maybe not the best reaction but we should all observe the stop lines and stay out of the cross walks.

I would have ran them over.

Like the time I saw a runner go right into traffic ‘i gots the right of way’ and get mad enough at someone (who was making a left turn and couldn’t see the runner coming from their right) to slap the hood of their car.

and you would be going to jail.

Anonymouse: Are you that tough guy on the internet I have been hearing about?

^ totally worth it

^^ yes, yes i am

Is there anything to do this evening in Mason City for elementary/middle school age kids?

Am wondering why a city snow mover was cleaning the Historic Park Inn parking lot today?

Can’t really call it an alley since it is permitted parking only.

The sidewalks outside the Park Inn are their responsibility, but every other part of the plaza is still legally Federal Avenue, and the city has to move that snow just like on the rest of the street.

The sidewalks along the east, south and west sides of the plaza are the responsibility of the property owner. The City moves te snow from the center of the plaza where the street used to be. The alley is still a public alley so the city needs to move the snow. The HPI parking stalls are owned by the City but restricted to HPI guests. No idea if City is removing snow from the parking stalls.

A city snow plow has cleared out my neighbor’s driveway on more than one occasion, by taking his time and back blading it.

As I recall, many, many years ago (the late 70’s?) the same type of thing happened at the Northwestern Cement Plant (Holcim). Out of state non-union workers were brought in for a project when Local Union Iron Workers were available to do the work.

can you say…SCAB labor?

You are correct happyguy! Like WalMart, anyone can produce something cheaper than the next guy, just have to cheapen’ it up somehow. Out of town scab labor means less wages, less benefits if any, no safety program, no local ties. The wages get spent elsewhere instead of locally.

It’s called free market. If you’re not willing to be competitive, you shouldn’t be in business.

We have NO need for unions anymore. They will all die soon. RIGHT TO WORK is coming EVERYWHERE.

To the owners of little chicago. You missed out on ANOTHER sale as your sign said you were open and the doors were locked. You will never know about these missed opportunities as people like me will take our money elsewhere. Good luck running your business with locked doors and sporadic hours.

A quick thought. Holcim, IMI, Wellborn, Alexander battery, DMC, Tonka coolers, Firestone tire, AMPI, Kingland financial, ICS, and Ruan gone. Add countless small retailers. Downsizing by Mercy and Curries. Will do a quick guess of some 2000 jobs lost. It might help explain the growing crime in what’s left of our city.

Couldn’t agree more when people have jobs and are working crime rates go down. We need to rethink how we spend our tax dollars on fighting crime lets put some of that money into projects that put people to work.

And Curtis 1000. But look on the bright side, we have Wal-Mart……

@Ananymious-excellent point. I have been saying that for years. But we could invest all that money in the Park Inn and the downtown with very few people put to work over it. Makes no sense to me. We need to get rid of the bunch we have running our city and put in someone that will work for the working people of our town.

Ruan’s still around… they’re operating out of Clear Lake now, instead of Mason City… and now non-union.

My prediction, Holcim will re-open within a year (if the economy improves) and will be non-union operated.

@ Trucker Dave-Holcim will NEVER open again. They have built a plant down South where they work for $9.00. The equipment and facility have deteriorated to the point that they can not be saved. If anything, they will sell the land. They had to keep it for 5 years to avoid paying a lot of taxes. That time is now up.

The blame is on the drug culture in America and economy in America. Jobs are disappearing everywhere. Then there’s the transplants on Section8. More drug culture.

Hey matt,

got an idea for you how about a story on the addresses with the most police calls in Mason City? or maybe some sort of database that compiles the addresses based on the police reports?

I would say 800 block north federal by a family protected by the Human Rights Commision.

…matt…and maybe a list of new businesses that have come to mason city over the past two years,describing what they do and urging mason city to support them..

Hi Matt, hey I was wondering if you are planning to put obits on your site? I hope so, I used to read them on the Globe, not now, They want $6.95 monthly, I will not pay the globe anything. just wondering. Also, is there something wrong with your site? It takes so long to load? Just wondering.

You don’t have to pay money to read the online GLOBE GAZZETTE. I read it online everyday. FREE! Obits and all. News, opinions page, ads, store wkly ads. Celebrations etc. Pay if you want but it’s not neccessary if you want obits.

Okay, now I’ve seen it all. Today’s Globe Gazette home page has an ad featuring a photo of a young woman wearing boxing gloves. The woman’s breasts are ready to pop out of her tank top and you can see parts of her nipples. Just how low is the Globe willing to stoop? Unbelievable!

I went back and checked again and the ad was gone, but believe me, it was there earlier and will probably show up again. Ridiculous!

matt is right..this globe can’t even keep up with breaking news let alone ad production..

I was going to do that the second time but the ad was gone. I’ll make sure to do that the next time I see an ad like that. I’ve seen some strange stuff on their home page!

Reggie I think everyone honestly does feel a little better around Christmas. Hopefully it will last into the New Year.

Is it just me or are people in Mason City becoming more polite.I have been let into car lines and let pass through when I turn by more people than ever before.Maybe people are paying it forward. Merry X-mas to all!!!!!!

Are you SURE your in Mason City when this happens because this just dont sound right. lol 🙂

Hey Matt – Google The laboring man – It’s on Punchline – Wow!

How can Beermeyer own such an expensive house when he doesn’t even work? And, regarding the Blue Zone, he is so overweight and drinks like a fish — he is no example for healthy.

His poor wife carrys him while he sits on his big fat wide ass

is he married? The house shows under two names.

Last I heard he was but maybe she got tired of his ways.

Here is an answer as to why criminals are not sent to prison here in Iowa when they go to court. They are full. Oakdale medical classification is the first point of entry into the prison system here and it is overbooked by 400 inmates right now. Every other Prison is overbooked as well. I am just saying, we don’t have enough room for the prisoners right now. NIT might want to run a story on this. Here are the numbers by location:

Institution Current
Count Capacity Med/Seg
Anamosa 980 911 175
Luster Heights 83 88 0
Clarinda 779 750 24
Lodge 134 225 0
Fort Dodge 1,174 1,162 75
Mitchellville 583 455 49
Oakdale 954 585 108
Forensic Psychiatric Hospital 16 0 50
Fort Madison 580 588 19
JBU 186 152 0
CCU 203 160 40
Mount Pleasant 812 774 44
Women’s Unit 93 100 4
Newton-Medium 797 762 49
Minimum 338 252 0
Rockwell City 481 245 18

4 more prisons or more realistic marijuana laws like Colorado or Washington.

Mason Cityy would be a good place for a new prison and it would bring in alot of jobs.

Cerro gordo county jail is at 38% capacity.

@MaryJane & Anonymous, we can convict them here on pot charges and evict them to Colorado, no return to sender. The law here in Iowa stands and so does the federal law against pot, the entry level drug of choice.

@Maybe, Good point. The County jail in each county in to hold people awaiting trial or serving sentence for minor charges. Cerro Gordo County could cut a deal with the state of Iowa to house some perps, It could be a money making proposition for the county.

What in the hell is wrong with this site? Anyone else notice that it seems to be down more and more lately?

@My Voice-I think the site is being hacked by people who want to destroy Matt. Maybe you can guess who doesn’t like him. Whoever they are they have I.T. resources to draw on. I was blocked for a full day after being able to get on the day before. I contacted Matt and sent him my I.P. and he corrected the problem This is the 2nd time it has happened and it has been slow at others. There is a guy in Clear Lake that might just be involved as he has a ax to grind with N.I.T. Of course there are several locals who could be involved.

Hmm. I didn’t realize we had smart enough hackers in these parts. Well, I know it’s not anyone in our local government, they sure as hell aren’t smart enough to hack so much as an etch-a-sketch. Tournquist didn’t even realize the meetings were already on Youtube, Bookmeyer…well, just look at him, and Solberg was stupid enough to ask if we could copyright public meetings. A real smart bunch they are.

I can tell you that at a local college they have a computer class that teaches it’s students how to hack websites.

This is hilarious!!!! Check out the comic about Judge Weiland on North Iowa Mugshots that was posted earlier today (12-23-12) on FACEBOOK.

That Scott Chapin dude on your Crime page or whatever has been in jail longer than 7 days… Why is that?

Maybe because he has not been bailed out and is awaiting court for “serious domestic assault?” That would be my best guess.

Another way to begin to solve the problems in Mason City- is for Brent Trout to move on. He has been here too long and is a puppet of Bookmeyer. Familiarity breeds contempt. Seems like he has been here longer than all his predecesors combined. He is a Sheep and not a Shepherd… maybe 2013 will be a banner year– get rid of Bookmeyer, Tornquist, Hickey, Solberg, Trout… a good housecleaning. It will take a grassroots effort and hard work to get this done!!! But it sure would be worth the effort….

According to the line right above comment here, I am logged in. When I tried to read a story about the compensation board giving a 2% raise, I was told I need to be a subscriber. I am. I paid my money. Why can’t I view the story?

not a problem. thanks

Another question, Matt…

When I signed up for my subscription I used a different user name than what I use on here. Dumb move on my part. Is it possible for me to change my user name to “Just My Opinion”, since I plan to continue to post under that name? Also, the password you assigned me is a killer. I can never remember it. I looked for a place to change this but didn’t see it.


Happens to me from time to time as well, but I just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click, “log in,” and I am good to go.

I nearly hit a bicyclist head on tonight in Mason City. He was going the wrong way on a 4-lane street! What the heck is wrong with people? He had a tiny headlight that I barely saw at the last second.

they were doing what walkers are told to do. which is walk into the traffic so you can see them comming. doesnt matter if they were comming or going. If you almost hit them then for some reason you didnt see them.

To my knowledge, that isn’t the legal way to ride a bike in traffic. He was in the middle of my lane, coming toward me. He had a really small headlight that I only saw when it wobbled a bit. It was in a relatively dark area south of the pits. But there are other lights and it didn’t stand out from the environment until it moved a little. He didn’t even stop peddling or move over. I had to swerve.

@Katie-Bikes are supposed to obey the rules of the road just like cars. So, if he was in your lane he was breaking the law. Not that it would have helped much if you had hit him. Everyone would have been all over you for hitting him. Those idiots are everywhere in town. Every drunk that loses his license is riding a bike and they are still drunk.

After November 15th bikes should be banned until spring. One hates to add yet another law onto the books, but it seems unless you bring about some sort of consequence to the stupid behavior, eventually someone will get hurt or killed.

Lights should be affixed to the bike, and greater than 2W for the front, and blinking in the rear. ANSI III type reflective stripes should also be required for safety.

Why should “law abiding citizens” be penalized for the actions of idiot bikers? Cars should be banned too. Too many drunks on the road.

i ask everyone you reads this site today to simply write….amen… after this post

Tonight at 6pm. Bow your head. Lite your candle. Shed a tear. So many lives lost/so many children.

Our country weeps for you Newtown!

Anyone on yorkshire place suite (10?) Missing a surround sound?) I was’at a residence on 12th ne and to veiw a xmas, gift., Supossedly from Best Buy . However , the label on the box item was in showed dfferent name and address. Smells like it,s hot. No best buy sticker on the box either. Just postal label.

Stopped into the Old Franks’ and now the Quarry to see how it looks. Glad the Quarry took it over and it was busy.

Have you drank two glasses of wine today, and had no more then two servings of meat this week? If you can say no, then you are not following the Blue Zone ideals. Quick drink up!! EVERYDAY!!

It now looks like some democrats are climbing on the band wagon.

If you know of a local attorney that engaged in illegal activity and it was brushed under the rug by law enforcement, friends and a local law firm what would be the best route to check on the investigation?

Please explain your question.

I guess I am talking about a person who is and or was using and possible trafficing a illegal substances while practicing law. Would that be grounds for possible for criminal prosecution?

looks like scout wants a local lawyer investigated for ethics or ??? my suggestion would be to start somewhere far away from north iowa. You wont get a straight answer around mason city. all friends ya know and work together

Hmm…maybe you should talk to NIT about this?

I am sick of this blue zone crap. It is important for people to take care of themselves but we do not need the city or the chamber of commerce to tell us that. People of Mason City will not get on board as long as the citizens think the chamber of commerce is dictating how things should be in this city. If the working people would stop shopping and buying from business’s that belong to the chamber then we would all be better.

true, a homo is not neccesarly a pedi, an alcholic, a stone cold killer, like a pedi is born with his brain prewired to act the way he does just the same way you say that a gay person is born with this wacky brain. everyone of us has to make decisions every day on which impulse we act on.

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