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Event Center:
Too many boards.
Too many old thinkers on boards.
Not enough money to truly change.
David Green doing all he can. Hands Tied.
Town does not support events.

Maybe the County Board needs to step in here and allow David Green to truly run the show. Answering only to the County Board, not 50 senior citizens on boards. I found our Mr. Green doesn’t even have winter office help. How can anyone turn this Event Center around with no help?

It’s long past time for Mason City to support an events center. However, this town doesn’t support anything that doesn’t appeal to the FLW or Willson crowd. I appreciate the heritage of Mason City, really I do. However, to limit ourselves to just looking backward and not forward has not helped us to grow or become prosperous.
An events center could become a major asset to Mason City and all of North Iowa if done right.
First thing is to realize that downtown in a flood plain is a horrible place to locate an events center. A better place would be in the Sears plaza at the south end of town. Lots of parking, easy access, plenty of room to build.

I think the event center talked about here is the north iowa events center. the new name for the north iowa fairgrounds. why they think changing the name will solve anything is beyond me. If the fairboard hires someone then they should back off and let them do the job.

@anonymous-you are correct that it is time to do something different and your syggestion about the Sears shopping center is a good one. Do you get the idea that some of the city leaders might have a different agenda for the events center?

Darn keyboard-I meant suggestion. I tried to change it but was to slow.

There can not be an events center unless the people want it. It’s very clear the public has no interest if the events center is here or not. This is why america is so great decisions like this is left up to the people who have to pay for it.

your right this town doesn’t support anything, and that’s a shame. If Top Country performers want to come to Mason City and the town snubs them then shame on this town. We should endorse such efforts and even financially help support such efforts.

Events Center = old Fairgrounds

I’m sick and tired of the Nightstorm dances. I have heard from some young people that have attended these dances that they are really, really bad. Kids in the parking lot drinking and smoking pot prior to going in. And once they are in there, the boys think it’s a free for all for grabbing, grooping, putting their hands down girls pants, up their shirts, and if the girls are wearing skirts they are getting their genitals touched by the boys. Sounds like assault to me! So because of these dances I will never step foot on the fairgrounds again! Pretty bad way to try and make money. I only can hope the next time there’s a nightstorm dance the police shut it down!

The Events Center is formally the Fairgrounds is what poster is relating too. I understand they are now profitable, great job by the current GM. Now let him do his job, and for goodness sake, get him some help.

Nite Storm is a clothed orgy, many kids have told me that it gets way to sexual.

Maybe new country music performers will help. I hear their is a line up waiting to come in an perform..we just need to embrace these acts as a town.

Event Center (fairgrounds)concerts could be huge in turning this effort around. We must support this as a town/county. Get rid of the oldies fair boards and let David Green answer to the county board only. This sounds like a plan. These boards and rude people answering phones out there is a big issue.

why is the price of farm land going up so much? could it be because of the farm subsity program? Free money is going to over 2150 people alone who own butler county land. some may be lawyers, investors, children of large land owners, and so on. even Charles Grassley who hasnt actually farmed for 30+ years has recieved alot of this farmer welfare money. check link below. I actually went thru looking for out of state farmers. Did you know that in Butler county, farmers travel back from many states to do their farming? states such as virginia, n dakota, minn, alaska, n carolina, california, florida, michigan, illinois, missiouri, wisconsin, arazona, nebraska, ohio, kansas, texas, washington, rhode island, tennessee, oklahoma, colorado, and idaho. I really dont see how they can drive from their home in these states to farm their land. I feel its just another way for the rich 1% to milk the system

katie, so you give a free pass to all pediphils because they were born liking little kids, and cant or wont try to controll their urges? what ever you are born with suck it up and stay within the norm.

Being a pedophile does not make you a homosexual, nor does being a homosexual make you a pedophile.

Preying upon children has nothing to do with the sex of the victim nor the perpetrator.
Otherwise how do you explain all the priest who preyed upon children?

I never said pedophiles are born. Homosexuality and pedophilia are not the same thing. Pedophiles are created when they are abused by adults or when their sexual development is somehow arrested and fixated at an inappropriately young age. That is the gist of how I understand it, but I am not well-versed on the subject. I just know that being gay does not mean you are a pedophile and the reverse is also true.

katie, people may be born that way, but the difference between us and animals, is we know what is right and wrong

How can a child think being gay is wrong when he is born that way? To a boy child born gay, liking girls is what is wrong. You can’t even imagine his confusion, can you. It’s a shame that some people still believe the world is flat.

dont worry about it Katie. some people (nobody in particular) are born stupid. and they cant help it

How do you know what is right and what is wrong?

Two consenting adults having sex is not hurting anyone nor is it anyones business. If you like in every hole you have it is none of my business and I could care less.

Specially in Mason City NE side/rural NE side.

I have heard insurance companies are refusing to pay claims. Asking people for receipts from purchases from years ago, that nobody has. One Mutual Insurance Company in Algona is hiring an Algona attorney to fight every claim. This is wrong.

I know they are represented by a prominent Clear Lake Insurance agency on Hwy 106.

sounds like they are located in the “HEARTLAND”..

Having an Algona Lawyer challenge most claims is pretty scummy. Most people who just suffer a loss don’t have the extra funds, so insurance companies get away with simply challenging the claim, with a lawyer on their payroll, they tie you up until you give up…sad!

Any Clear Lake Insurance Company located on Hwy 106 that represents this scum, should be avoided.

My websters dictionary defines Insurance as: A racket… governed by itself… designed to take your money today in forms of premiums, and designed not pay at time of loss through forms of exclusions. think about it. youve heard about people getting fked over like this.


Scientists believe they have solved the puzzle as to why people become gay or lesbian. It is an epigenetic cause that is passed on from mother to son and from father to daughter. It is caused by how much or how little testosterone the fetus is exposed to in the womb. Lesbian girls are exposed to too much and gay boys are exposed to too little. Homosexuality is NOT a choice. They are born that way.

hahahahahahahha..oh you were serious.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people we have working in education from teachers to administrators who act like they hate kids. Seriously, why did you go into the profession if you don’t like kids? Save me the comments about how kids act bad, etc. I know I volunteer all the time and see some of these professionals in action. Good Lord parents get involved in your child’s education. Ask questions about how teachers act and talk to them. Right now, true story, our son’s (and his friends) big laugh for the day is seeing how many times his 8th grade LA teacher adjusts himself during class.

Very unprofessional, but he has to be more ethical than this dope. Nice role model for the kids, and he is part of the administration. I heard he’s from the area.

Wow! I know of only a few teachers/no administrators in our current school that I would want my children to look up to as role models. This year alone our Principal has lied more times than I can count and our AD is one of the worst I’ve ever been around. Every day it is becoming more evident to me why parents home school. We are not from Mason City, just to let all know.

This guy is no role model and what’s even worse, is the kids are all old enough to understand what he did. It makes it hard for him to be respected or to try and tell the kids what “proper” behavior is.

I think the school board should have gotten rid of him. Another parent said he was from the Mason City area, but I don’t know if he ever was in the school district up there.

The Fiscal cliff could lead too some big cuts I hear.Democrats and Republicans are playing tic tac toe but know seems to be winning.

This is an example of a well run council meeting. They all check their facts ahead of time and discuss. There is no drama and all members are involved.

Has anyone heard about the stabbing in Clear Lake on Sunday morning? I was driving by Kum & Go on the highway and there was a cop car in the lot with police tape around it and officers taking pictures of the ground. I drove by the CLPD and there was a black SUV being unloaded off a tow truck into the garage with a MCPD car there. My brother said there was a stabbing at Kum & Go.

watching the army football quarterback cry after losing the army navy game, am thankfull that we still have men in other services to protect us.

I do not know how you can say this and be proud of yourself. These boys that played in this game are still young. They are our future leaders and i am proud of them. Just because someone is emotional over a game does not make them less of a man. I am proud to have everyone of the men on that field protecting this great country. You should be ashamed of yourself for what you said. My suggestion to you would be to move to a different country. you my friend are a jerk

Heard of a drug bust in MC on Wednesday… no details in the paper…just wondering if anyone heard who it was…..
Hope Feds come in and send their ars away…another waste of life in prison…yayyyy!!!

It wasn’t a drug bust , it was a search for stolden property. But apparently it was poorly executed.

Nothing to Whine about since the 4th? I find it hard to believe!

damn girlfriend isnt cooperating

LOL the globe just annocenced you have two days to start paying 6.95 a month to read their online slanted content. I will so miss copy and pasted stories.

I will never pay for the globe. If I am at a restaurant,DR office etc. I will read it but never would I personally pay for it!!

I will not give Glob a Dime, That peggy is one interesting Person, If you know what I mean, If I get any news or videos of something happening I send it to Matt, GOOD WORK MATT!!! Keep up the good work!!

There’s no way I would ever pay for the Glob. Won’t buy it on the news stand or pay for the online version either.
I see bankruptcy in their future.

I thought they already went through bankruptcy?

I think they filed for bankruptcy protection, whatever that means. They can close their doors for all I care. Their reporting is novice at best and they are completely one sided and kiss butt to the mayor and his “chamber”. I subscribe to the Des Moines Register, good state news and more coupons! Good bye Glob, you won’t be missed!

While hiking down along the border this morning, I saw a Muslim extremist fall into the Rio Grande River .

He was struggling to stay afloat because of all the guns and bombs he was carrying.

Along with him was a Mexican who was also struggling to stay afloat because of the large backpack of drugs that was strapped to his back.

If they didn’t get help, they’d surely drown.

Being a responsible Texan and abiding by the law to help those in distress, I informed the El Paso County Sheriff ‘s Office and Homeland Security.

It is now 4 PM, both have drowned, and neither authority has responded.

I’m starting to think I wasted two stamps.

Stephen and Liz Gales – I am writing to inform you that many people are having a tough time financially. Jobs are hard to find and wages are low. To treat anyone trying to make an honest dollar as if they were criminals – What kind of heartless awful people are you?

Steve & Liz ..…You should be ashamed of your selves. Do you really think you are that above people? Are you really that pompous of people? Calling the cops on some kids trying to make a buck? Are you guys really that far out of touch that you think you have to try & get kids arrested for asking to rake your yard for a few dollars? I have lost all respect for you & you give your neighborhood a bad name!!

So have you all discussed what’s going on in Forest City with the Chief of Police?

Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with his pants on the ground.

Word is he likes the ladies!

To the person who stole our bird feeder out of our front yard on Sun.Nov.25 sometime after 12:45AM REALLY! Bought this for our father on Father’s Day this year.He passed away 3 weeks ago and we got it back and thought we would put it up for the birds,may have not meant nothing to steal for you,but it meant something to us.Hope you enjoy it and see the name on the bottom of it when you refill it

I saw this report on the police blotter, are you serious? You call the police because a couple of kids want to make money raking leaves? I applaud the kids for trying to make some money!

(12024350) Suspicion Reported: 11-30-2012 13:32
Report of a couple boys asking to rake leaves for money.
Addresses Involved
22 Riverheights Dr SE, Mason City, IA
Names Involved
(Reported By) Name has been intentionally suppressed.
Officers Involved
(Primary) Lieutenant VandeWeerd, Ron

Liz Gales is a snob!

“The times they are a changing”. As a 10-14 year old boy way back in the 1060’s that is how we made our money. We would go door to door and ask if we could rake, shovel snow, mow, ect. The customer got a good deal and a job well done and we got our spending money. I can’t believe anyone in their right mind would call the police on these young men.

I have to admit that the 1060 typo gave me quite a chuckle. Kudos to the kids who were actually willing to go outside, do phisical work and spot an opportunity.

@happy guy-I can remember in the early 1970’s my oldest son flat wore the wheels right off my lawn mower riding up and down the streets on his bicycle towing the mower to the houses he mowed. He also delivered two paper routes and shoveled sidwalks and driveways in the winter. He did pretty good for a kid and saved his money for extra things he wanted. Another time in another place.

Has anyone else heard about the elderly gentleman from Ventura who was attacked by a pit bull today? I guess he almost died but was saved by his daughter, who just happened to be there at the time.

@small biz gurl-It is easy. Lack of decent paying jobs with benefits. There is nothing here to keep most young people. We have lost Holcim, Deckers, Alexander Battery, The Brick Yards and the Ice Machine plant just to name a few. A lot of other businesses have cut way back on their manpower as well. These were all good paying places to work and after they went under or left nothing came in to replace them. Four of them were union plants that just couldn’t afford to operate here anymore. It is strange that Hampton, Charles City, Clear Lake, Forest City and Garner all have decent paying company’s but not Mason City. All that is left are Curries, Mercy Hospital, Kraft and a couple of others. Not near enough.

Take a drive through Clear Lake, there is not one blighted area of town that you can see. Companies do look at the whole town when they chose an new location.

Mason City really needs to take a look at all the blighted areas of town and buy up some property and tear it down for future growth including the industrial park area,the north end of Federal and a few areas of south Federal. South Port is a disaster and an eyesore.

Waterloo is going through the same thing. They have not been proactive and Cedar Falls has been. Waterloo is blighted all over town and Cedar Falls is growing leaps and bounds. Cedar Falls has one of the best looking industrial parks I have ever seen, including the Target Distribution Center that Mason City lost. (I am convinced we lost that because of our city leaders at that time, we had a better location to the interstate highways.)

John, I must agree with your viewpoint. Since this site appeared, one of my constant themes has been the look of our town to outsiders, the inconsistent enforcement of housing codes, and even City owned blighted properties. At least one of them was taken care of.

But I remind people it is not just “the City”, but everyone needs to be involved. This includes property owners, in particular, rental properties. Some are maintained properly, and fit into the surrounding neighborhood (in a few cases, they look better than those properties around them).

It’s about pride. Pride says you mow your lawn, clean up the blown in trash, rake leaves, store things out of public sight. Those things cost not a penny to perform. Pride, respect, and the law says you don’t plow your snow into the street, mow your grass and leaves into the gutter and wait for someone else to clean up after you.

For the life of me I do not know why you people complain about what does or does not happen in Mason City and tie it to its elected leadership.

This is what you people voted for by putting these people into power knowing full well that there is absolutely NO ONE in Mason City who has the capacity of governing. Everyone you elect is a TOTAL screw up.

You would be better served to hire from outside the city a person who has the proven track record of governing successfully.

But since that won’t happen you have to ask this question then. Just who can you elect who has any sense of brain power to govern a city and govern it correctly to get things in control and turned around? My answer would be that there is no such person in Mason City!

So take what you can get and be happy with it. It’s the best you can do!

Personally, I think a person like Pam Myhre has the education, the fairmindedness, the experience, and the vision to govern. She tried to get people to look at all sides of the garbage processing company’s good and bad points, but she was removed from the project when she didn’t sing harmony with the council and mayor. That is the type of person this City needs. Pam is enjoying her retirement, but there must be other people like her in MC who are strong enough to stand up to the powers that be, who have some experience in city government matters, and who are at least willing to listen to and consider all aspects of matters of interest to residents and business people.

I did vote and I certainly didn’t vote for any of these jackasses!

If you want to find out what happens when the take the guns away go to Chicago (murder capital of the world), California which is 2nd best, or Canada where they suckered the people into giving up their handguns. In all cases crime went up. The Canadians won’t admit it but I lived there and know what goes on there.

Oh yeh-I forgot-New York, Washington D.C or anyof the East Coast states where you can’t walk the streets at night because you have no way to protect yourself. Kind of like Mason City is getting with all the imports from the east.

Ya, they seal their guns up in their walls!

“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”….George Washington, 1790

Oh yes, yes, please fill us in on who this person was.

Turn them in for collection………

I did hear they are closing their doors in a couple of months.

Now that the November elections are history, has anyone noticed that we no longer hear any stories on or about Tommy Harkin??

He wasn’t up for reelection so any stories we heard had nothing to do with pushing his own agenda.

MATT: someone else commented about this before and never got a responce. I have also noticed that it takes a long time to load some pages on NIT. especially rants. would limiting the post per page to 30-50 help with this problem?

I have no problem loading Whiner’s Den or any NIT pages other than the Home Page. It often takes a minute to load that page if it’s not a cached page, on both my Mac and my PC, and it frequently won’t load at all on the first try. I haven’t figured that one out at all.

wonder why that is? I can load the home page almost instantly but the whiners den takes a minute or two to actually use. I thought it was because of the long list of posts on the first page. a minute or two isnt long but it sure is when waiting for a page to turn. do da do da

Matt regarding Kristy Arsburger . This could be a very interesting story. Any more details?

Matt why don’t you do a story on this

Is IC Systems really locking it
s doors? Heard the lost a huge account and they are closing up shop.

Why wasn’t Mason City attorney Kristy Arzburger held responsible for driving while under the influence of alcohol over the LEGAL limit? Who decided she is above the LAW? More information should be made available to the public. This is just wrong on so many levels. An investigation into wrong doing is called for.

Apparently you don’t understand Facebook. John Lee’s father is posting that article over & over again. It’s not costing him anything. It’s not a paid advertisement. I guess he’s just proud of his son. Enough is enough, however.

Can someone tell me why as taxes payers we are paying Colleen Young’s wages as part of the Blue Zone? If you look on your water bill you will see her name and she is part of the Blue Zone!!!!

Does anybody know how old this person was and why the police are having the DCI Criminal Investigation Division investigate are the suspecting foul play?

(12023917) Death Reported: 11-23-2012 06:22
Officers responded to a medical call at the location. The incident was referred to CID and the Medical Examiner’s Office.
Addresses Involved
777 Eisenhower Av SLOT153, Mason City, IA 50401
Names Involved
(Reported By) Name has been intentionally suppressed.
Officers Involved
Officer Stratmann, Josh
Officer McChesney, Seth
Sergeant Lillquist, Mike
(Primary) Investigator Hugi, Jason

There was 2 deaths out there. One was in their 80s and one was in their 40s.

This town is in trouble. When the KCMR’s winter program out sells other Surf/Event Center top music stage talent..something is wrong.

Are we truly a 65+ aged town?

If we are then the tax base must be depleted. But we buy statues for downtown.

When the town is so new business unfriendly.When this site is the only site that tells the truth without a sugar coat.

Shame on MC for not supporting it’s own local events.

Yes Tina, Mason City is a 65+ community. Virtually every photo you see on here is like an advertisement for a retirement home. Take a look around town….blue hairs as far as the eye can see. Most of the younger people with families have left town with no regrets. With no opportunities on the horizon, who in their right mind wants to stay?

No jobs, no young people. It is just that simple. The city “leaders” do not want new business in here as it will drive up the wages of the company’s already here. Always been that way.

Yes-but Da BEARS looked pretty good.

Our Chamber of Commerce claims to be top notch and we should support them for all the services they provide to the business community. Check out their web site, the last newsletter that they have posted was Sept. 2012, nothing since. Does anyone work there? All there is on the website is past events.

Seriously though, if you were not from here and thinking of a place to move, the Chamber Web site would be my first choice. This is just poor in my opinion.

my boss told them no way..they don’t even support the local events,never even welcome many new businesses to town or they rush in and demand they sign up.

But again this town doesn’t even support it’s own events.

my comment was deleted again for the third time today. I know that Matt is working on it.

According to the court records she was arrested in 2010. She waived her right to a speedy trial, then the Clerk of Court and the prosecution “forgot” to set a trial date. After 2 years of “forgetting” to set a trial date the prosecution quetly asked for the case to be dismissed. I believe they call this looking out for your own. I could be wrong, maybe they really did forget an attorney they work with on a daily bases had an OWI cases awaiting trial.

How much did it cost to make this OWI go away, $1,000 according to court records. Now if you were not guilty of something and had the means to defend yourself would you pay $1,000 to have a case dismissed?

My only posts that have been deleted are those critical of the powers that be in Mason City. Curiouser and curiouser. That’s not Matt’s style…….

I agree. It certainly is not Matt’s style. I know he has been having some server issues with his provider but the posts I have been missing are also critical of the city. Interesting isn’t it. Do you suppose someone in the city IT department or someone retained by the city has hacked NIT’s password and is deleting stuff. If it can be traced I do believe that it is against the law and Matt should prosecute them. It might be the mighy GLOB Gazette as well.

With Matt’s luck, he’d get Judge Weiland………..

Why is this site so slow to load and surf in?

why are soooooo many posts being removed. way too much censorship going on on this site. and dont try to say there isnt any censorship. or that it was only because of bad language or slander because that is NOT THE CASE.

I agree, there was a post this morning that I responded to regarding an OWI post on an individual in Mason City that was dismissed. His comment was deleted as well as my response to his comment. Both comments were very civil, just asking questions.

My mothers social security went up by 1.00 and her medicare went up 5.00, something just doesn’t sound right there.

Employer provided insurance has been drying up for twenty years. That is why we have so many uninsured in this country. Check the numbers then tell me its all Obamas fault.

To all of the sloppy punks smoking by the MCHS…..Seriously? Do you realize how pathetic you look? Do you realize that you look like loser gangsta wannabes who are never going to accomplish anything in life because your ambition thus far is to stand outside in the rain and wind and soon to be snow getting your little nic buz and God only knows what other kind of buzz…I will pray for all of you because that, and a good old fashioned butt beating, is what you need! Get your butts in school and don’t be such a drag on society!

It sure was a waste of taxpayers money to try to educate these idiots. The only way they will learn is the hard way. Where are the parents???

Bible. TL:DR

Yeh, the men are doing such a great job. 🙂

And statements like this is why I don’t have much faith in the bible. It is a book written by Old Men to control other men but mostly women. Might as well be a Muslim.

Thank you Shane, but you can keep your opinion to yourself and your cultic style church.

Sorry, i meant “church”.

you sir are two faced. I am an athiest and understand that the bible is nothing more than a group of stories compiled into book form years ago when people were basicly ignorant compaired to what we know to be true today. you say you are a pastor. A pastor worships the bible as gospal. this statement IS part of the bible. the bible you believe in and preach from. If you want to pick and choose what to believe and not, then you are, like I said two faced. Maybe this just goes to proove that the bible is just what I said. just a book compiled by primative people over a thousand years or so. and that everything in the bible is just one persons opinion. and you know what they say about opinions. Also remember that athiest can think for themself and dont rely on a book to tell them what to think

Alaska Senator Mark Begich has introduced a bill in the Senate that would strengthen Social Security for the next 75 years. This bill is worth everyone taking a look at. It seems so simple and sensible. Look at it and call your senator’s office and ask him to support it.

I read the article and if the information about the SS cap is correct then it is a no brainer, remove the cap. I don’t believe it, I actually agree with happyguy on something.

I just threw up in my mouth. I’m sick with the thought that I actually agree with Happyguy too.

I don’t agree. That’s a 15.3% additional tax on small business people who have to pay it all out of their own pockets if they make more than $113,000. That’s pretty steep in addition to whatever tax increase Obama puts on them for thinking they’re rich. They will be struggling to maintain the standard of living they have achieved and may not be able to make house payments so more employees will be taken off the payroll or more health benefits will be taken away from them. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Police were sent to the Hospital to take a report of ANOTHER SEXUAL ASSAULT. How many has that been this year? Why do we not hear anything about them? Because the county attorney could give a shit about the victims of sexual assaults, that’s why. Thank you to the police for doing your job and taking the report, but that’s as far as it will go, and that’s where it will end. Hopefully one day soon the county attorney will turn the heat up on these pieces of shit and stop pleading them all down to nothing. (That’s IF he even decides to charge them at all, which he usually does not).

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