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Whiner’s Den

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election scam, put your real name if you think you can truly back up your claims

I read the same stats in plus quite a few other sites. I heard these same stats on CNN but I haven’t heard a word about it since. Maybe the media is trying to cover it all up.

Not another conspiracy theory!!! You have to be kidding. Don’t you think Faux news would be all over this!!! give it a rest David. Only the real right wing nuts suspect this. Pres Obama won fair and square. The sky isn’t falling.

election scams. put your real name to your rant if you are so sure?

Rant… Yeah right, just a copy and paste job from some nut job website or email. Back to Hannity!

Do you have a link where all this information was posted together or did you compile this list? I would like to forward a link to friends.

Nice cut and paste. If all of these allegations are true, then why aren’t the Romney people going absolutely crazy with recount demands? Maybe it could be that they know where these claims originated and know their worth?

For every claim of election fraud you made I can counter it with web sites that say that fraud is very rare. If there was as much proof as you say it would be all over the news. Even Fox (Faux) news isn’t talking about it. Rush isn’t talking about it. I follow the news very close and I haven’t seen anything about it. To me this all tells me this is extremist right wing rederick. I and most others do not believe any of this. I know I or others will never convince you that what you believe is false, but rest assured that it is.

These reports HAVE been all over the news, just not the liberal media, who would never acknowledge them. There were also instances of Republican voter fraud. Why don’t you Google them instead of saying they didn’t happen? Have you not read about West’s problems in St. Lucie County in FL? You have to read the article to read about the real problem. The MSM are not reporting any cases of voter fraud. They were all over the news the first week, but now they have been silenced. Mitt is too classy to play the bad loser role like Algore did.

Mitt is to classy to play the sore loser!!! You have got to be kidding. He has done so much crying and whinning that most of the GOP want him to stop as he is sounding so much like a small child. “They were all over the news the first week, but now they have been silenced”. What news were they all over. You must have been dreaming. I have not heard one news story on this. None now and none rightn after the election. The republicans lost fair and square. The democrates won fair and square. Get over it.

I recall seeing where one state’s computer system was picking Romney even if people were voting for Obama. This is just people being upset that Obama won. Too bad for Romney. Get over it.

NIT staff…do you know which restaurants in Mason City are open for Thanksgiving?


I’m assuming that you will delete this or not even post it to start with, but I have a concern with the membership portion of NIT. I recall from many of your posts and stories that you have taken concern with the Cerro Gordo Supervisors holding meetings that limits public attendance. NIT has even endorsed Supervisor candidates who were in favor of making the BOS more transparent. Why, just why, would you now charge to view to coverage of their meeting??? You stood on a soapbox and demanded that the BOS become more voter friendly but when the prospect of financial gain is put in front of you your principles now change?

Matt why was my posting deleted?

I mentioned some time ago that Obama wanted to sign the united nations small arms treaty which would make owning any type of weapon illegal and some of you people laughed at me, Obama signed the treaty November 7th and of you want to know what’s in store for us read this article.

Seriously, our president signed a treaty before it was scheduled to be discussed in the UN? C’mon David, get your news from somewhere other than the internet!!

I tried calling obama to ask him but he wasn’t taking any calls. Google it yourself then.

David what you are saying is false. The final draft of this treaty hasn’t even been written yet. No one representing the US has signed any treaty about this. You need to fact check before you post.

My last three posts (elsewhere on NIT) have been deleted. Any reason why?

Matt: can you post the percentage of voting turnout for Tuesdays election and for the past couple elections for Mason City.

Can’t you look that information up yourself on the county web-site?

didnt know they had a web site with any information

Just was on the sex offender list,scan down list to the 2nd from bottom guy how does he get to live right next to Jefferson Elementry school?

It all depends on what level he is. If he is a level 1, I think he can be around schools and if his charge is someone over the age of 18 he might be able too also I am not totally 100% sure can you tell me his name so i can look him up?

I get home around 4pm and have been hearing a loud noise every once and a while. It sounds like a large pressure release. Sounds like it is coming from maybe north of the water treatment plant? Anyone else hearing it and know what it is?

Yes, we’ve been hearing to also. Curious?

Mick we heard it on the golf course Wed. afternoon. Someone said they thought it was some kind of a pressure release at the water plant.

I live over by Hoover and have also heard it early in the morning (5:30am). If we can all hear it that clearly, it must be pretty loud. I’d like to know what it is also.

They are blowing off a well house. It gets the sand out of a water well shaft

Oops, that instead of than.

Where,s Peter? Has he given up his political rants to chase the shirts?

I just can’t believe the good people of Mason City passed on putting Chris Watts into office. Why was he not given a chance? Unbelievable. The whole night was.

So true, I was so disappointed Chris did not get in. I don’t understand people complain but do nothing to change it. I am proud to have voted for Chris.

Money talks and Chris didn’t have a lot to work with. He needs a backer with deep pockets to help him out. Maybe he can run for city council or mayor. We could certainly use a good one.

I wanted to vote for him but he was not on my ballet. I was surprised that not all voters in the county could vote on the supervisors.

The country took a huge step backwards last night.
The country is divided down racial lines.
The House remains the same so Obummer is a lame duck president for four years.

72% of the white males that own 90% of major businesses voted Romney. This is an economic disaster!

China is smiling. Russia is laughing.Walmart is dancing.

Anyone that thinks the Rep House will budge on any issue is dreaming.

This is were Obummer will introduce the new middle class tax he’s been keeping quiet the next 90

Foreign policy is a mess. Ambassadors are being killed while presidents sleep.Then lie to the public about it all.

Israel is all alone now.

States are endorsing homosexuality as normal.

May God have mercy on us.

Election season ends, complaining season starts.

“Anyone that thinks the Rep House will budge on any issue is dreaming.”

Sad, isn’t it? You’re saying the Republicans won’t budge on an issue even if it’s absolutely in the best interests of our country? Pathetic. NOW is the time for this partisanship to end!

On national tv senator reid said if romney won the senate will make sure nothing gets passed. now it’s ok for a democrat to say that but heaven forbids a republican say that and he is the anti christ. you people need to grow the F up and learn to play well with others.

Oh, so sad. What we did last night is narrowly dodge the republican/romney bullet, and Thank God we did. But go ahead, cry your eyes out. So sad.

“72% of the white males that own 90% of major businesses voted Romney.”
…this is who we call the 1%, and the reason we have the phrase “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer”

Foreign policy is a mess. Ambassadors are being killed while presidents sleep.Then lie to the public about it all.
…This sounds exactly like 911 while bush was reading a kids book. Then lied about weapons of mass distruction. doesnt it

Maybe…do you remember the quote from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell about the most important issue was making Pres Obama a one term pres? He failed. Now he said this “Let me put it very clearly,” says the five-term Republican senator from Kentucky. “I am not willing to raise taxes to turn off the sequester. Period.” Well Pres Obama won in an electoral landslide and from day one he ran on raising the taxes of the wealthiest people. Over 60% of people polled agree with this. It is time for the republicans the wake the f*** up and start doing their job. Sen McConnell is up for re-election in 2 years. He is willing to let the US fall off the cliff inorder to save his job. How unpatriotic.

Both parties want to be in charge so they will do and say anything to get them there, I hear republicans say stuff and democrats so instead of throwing just the republicans in my face look at your own party too, they all suck.

Maybe….You were the one throwing the democrates under the bus when you posted “On national tv senator reid said if romney won the senate will make sure nothing gets passed. now it’s ok for a democrat to say that but heaven forbids a republican say that and he is the anti christ. you people need to grow the F up and learn to play well with others.” So what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. The facts speak for themselves, the tea party is holding America hostage. The republican leaders in congress need to start leading for the good of the country. Not for the good of Grover Norquist. It wasn’t the dems. that stood in the way of progress the last 2 years. It was the teabaggers. Sen Mitch McConnel is up for re-election in 2 years. He will do everything in his power to get re-elected. And his selfish attitude of I don’t care that we are going to go over the fiscal cliff as long as I am re-elected will do nothing but hurt this country. From day 1 Pres. Obama ran on raising taxes on the rich. The majority voted for him and the policy. The people have spoken. McConnel needs to go!!!!

Please read the interview with Chris Watts, on recent blogs. t’s. No brained, it’s time for a change.

Matt, no more cartoon link to Whiner’s Den on the upper right of the page?

Jeremiah Mumford in custody for bank robbery and attempted murder-Seriously! It’s kind of late now but had this guy tried to get into Hollywood acting he might have made on looks. Scary! Kind of a John Malkovich or Raul Julia.

Seriously what would it take to get a strip club back in Mason City? I could really go for some no strings attached nudity right now. 🙁

that will happen right after hell freezes over

A strip club is not high on my list of thing to do but I do believe it should be allowed and if people want to go it is free enterprise at its best. I do not want my government or religious groups telling me what I should pay to see.

I have known Chris Watts for 34 years. He has been extremely active in community affairs. His record in attendance at the county supervisors meetings is equal to or better then the county supervisors themselves. Chris has even been known to come back from his personal vacation to be in attendance at the supervisors meetings. Chis has been involved in many projects in his neighborhood, including beautification of 19th street, He was responsible for the planting of all the lilac bushes on 19th street, and does all the upkeep and mowing that needs to be done, and their care. he is responsible for the neighborhood cleanup, he is involved in the neighborhood watch program and picnic, and is also responsible for many of the improvement and care of the improvements made to Georgia Handford park. Chris is always there to help if help is needed. He is very concerned about how the county money is spent, and will do his best to spend it wisely. His ideas to help improve county government are stellar. He wants to reduce the salary’s and benefits of the supervisors, and set term limits. I think it is high time to get some new blood in office and make some changes. Chris is the man for the job. Vote for Chris Watts for county supervisor!!!!

Can we please get rid of Merlin Bartz. He is a smaller government fiscal conservative unless the money comes out of his own pocket. Makes his neighbors pay for half of a fence that they don’t want or need. He says it’s the law but that doesn’t stop him from being against abortion. Gay marriage is legal in Iowa but he told county clerks not to file marriage papers for them. Any law maker that tells the public to break the law should be removed from office. He only loves thy neighbor when he has something to gain.

Don’t know Merlin – don’t have a dog in this fight. However, I can tell you the “Iowa Fence Law” has long been a standard for the nation. Simply put, you stand on your side of the fence, your neighbor stands on their side of the fence. Facing each other, the fence to your right is yours to maintain; the fence to the neighbor’s right is theirs to maintain… this includes building/replacing a fence.

NOW, Iowa-nice would possibly include offering to pay part of your neighbor’s expense of the fence if they don’t want to put up the fence, but the law is the law…

When the Government says “we’ll cut red tape, cut regulations and get out of the way” to speed up recovery after natural disasters are they saying they strangle us in red tape, over regulate and are in our way the rest of the time?

No, they will strangle you with red tape during recovery, despite anything they tell you.

Yes it does mean that but its deal with that or don’t ask for help. Most people take the money.

Here is an article about the new form and information we will all have to supply to the IRS if ObamaCare is NOT repealed by 2014:

Might be true, but from what it says, insurance companies will supply the needed information and you include that info with your return. That isn’t too difficult.

Typical liberal rag, only prints what they agree with!

The United States of America was under attack again on 9/11/2012 in Benghazi and the President did not respond. This was not about a video. The Obama administration says that they were still investigating. BS, Obama was watching this real time for 7 hours and did nothing. Americans are dead. His national security advisor told the press that the president was informed.

Obama needs to be fired. The press is doing it’s best to cover this up.

You are absolutely correct. And I just read that Biden was stupid enough to ask Woods’ father if his son had always had balls the size of cue balls. And that idiot is a heartbeat away from the presidency. It is just unimaginable to me that our leaders sat and did nothing to help those people when there were people willing and ready to help them. I hope Obama can’t sleep at night, but I really don’t think he has a conscience.

Republican and Democrats are tattle tales.They always point the finger like 5 year old.Both Parties need to own up for their actions.

Ha! Ha! According to “my source”, and another ‘source close to my source’ Who is this guy. Just look up in the right hand corner and you will get a good idea of his politics. Conservative fables.

A general has been “replaced” as the head of AfriCon over the Benghazi mess. He apparently didn’t see eye-to-eye with the President. I can’t believe that our President, Secretaries of State and Defense sat and watched this unfold for 7 hours and refused to let assets less than an hour away go help them after they had begged for help more than once! That is criminal. They had 2 drones in the sky over Benghazi. One was armed and locked on the attackers, but they didn’t fire on them. This entire mess is outrageous and they should all be put on trial. If I were a foreign ambassador or worked in an embassy and Obama is reelected, I would quit and tell him where to shove it.

Amazing how the mainstream media just ignores anything that shows Obama in a bad light………

Funny how consevatives believe everything written on the conservative blogs but all the liberal blogs are nothing but lies. Wake up people they both are lies and they are manipulating all you weak minded people to get you to vote the way they want!

The Elephant sitting in the middle of the room is one that many think about but no one dare say out loud.

If only the 9/11 attack on the WTC received the same microscopic analysis of the events leading to and the response following the horrific event perhaps this latest chapter would have been prevented.

No doubt there were major failings but the politics of this sickening spin is shameful.

@ Da Bearse: The major problem prior to 9/11 was the refusal of the agencies to communicate with each other. Their stupid turf jealousy and refusal to share information put our country in jeopardy and the agency heads all finally got poked in the eyes. I think Bush put an end to their pettiness and got that fixed with the Department of Homeland Security coordinating things. Their failure to pick up on the pilots training was a horrible lapse.

Why can’t both parties take Responsibility.

Matt, so sorry to complain, but I don’t care for your method of weeding out the spam. I think I’d rather have my comments appear right away. I can always tell who the spammers are so I just skip over their comments. It’s not that difficult. I know the Globe has a five minute delay for comments to appear but the delay on here is usually much longer than that. Just my opinion (of course) but I wanted to let you know how I feel. Thanks.

I also agree to your opinion. thats why I also posted this.
let me say that I am not in favor of this new moderation system for our comments. If your intent is to slow down and eliminate comments. then you have succeeded. during a discussion it makes some people look foolish with their comments because the timeline is messed up and not current. IE..repeated comments, asking a question that was jut answered, ect. I guess NIT will say, they have to do it this was to eliminate spam and vulgar language. REALLY?? as for the language, cant this be flagged and eliminated as in the past? was the spam THAT bad that it couldnt be eliminated as NIT read it?. I think it works both ways. IF NIT is moderating our comments asap, then they can delete the spam asap also. This is also a good way for NIT to eliminate comments they dont like. NO censorship, and freedom of speach is what this website stood for I thought. Please reconsider this after the election is over, as people try to get back to normal life without so much bitching.

why then… have many people complained about being censored? I myself had one censored because i left in the word H. E. double toothpicks. either way after the election hopefully the spam will be drop off. posted 9:45 am

you spelled speech wrong. it not speach

Does anyone know where I can find the new channel line up for Mediacom? I googled it and can’t find the new channels.

Mediacom sucks, give them a call and they will get you an answer in an hour or so.

Oh no, I have Direct TV and would never go back to mediacom. An elderly friend can’t find her favorite channels. Was trying to help her out.

Switch to DirectTV. You won’t be sorry. I do prefer Mediacom for my Internet service (much faster) but I’ll never go back to cable TV.

You give them way too much credit. call after hours and the wait will be 2 weeks.

What happened to 106.9 FM?

I wish we knew. I loved that station, The radio stations in Mason City are horrible!!!!!!! I have been able to get 92.3 out of Waterloo pretty good in my car. But I refuse to listen to KLSS or any other radio stations that are out in Eastbrook. Once in awhile I will listen to The Fox, but that’s only once in awhile.

KLSS would be ok if HarryO didn’t talk so much and laugh at his own jokes, which, by the way are not funny!!! KLSS just has way too much talk and advertising!!!

There FB page says they have been replacing their transmitter. But it sure is taking a long time.

Their not there

Hours for trick or treating in Mason City?

5-7pm on Wednesday October 31st

Does anyone know the hours for trick-or-treating in Mason City?

How about this State Street project?
All this free money no wonder it is taking forever.
What was supposed to be done this year is going into next summer and who knows maybe even the next!
This should be real fun to drive on this winter, don’t stand too close when the snow plow comes by you could end up with a piece of concrete up your….nose!

Lots of political ads out there but one has me puzzled….. Steve King boasts that he comes home every weekend from his Congressional job in Washington. Do all Congressmen/women do this and who’s dime is paying for all of this travel? Is the American taxpayer paying for this and their place to stay in Washington? Just wondering….

Another great day trying to get to work and stuck behind granny bouncing from the center line to the curb and all at 18 mph down Kentucky. Its hell trying to get somewhere in this retirement town.

I feel your pain. Followed an older woman going 20mph on Hwy 122 through town today @ 7:55am. Seriously!

Some of us have had this discussion before. If you are driving the same speed as everyone else then you “may” be speeding. Sooo. Which is safer? everyone driving the same speed? or one odd person out, driving much slower than the rest of the trafic? Is slow safe?????

I understand what you all are saying but please remember that some day Lord willing you will be old and driving. Have you ever thought of that? Also their are lot of people that are older that need to get for point A to point B that does not have anyone to take them. Yes they can take the bus but they think they can get to where they are going and don’t need the bus. It is sad to see young people go on with their every day lives and not take time to ask parents or grandparents if they need anything. The US culture lacks so much in respect and care of our older people. Sorry didn’t mean to get on my soap box. I take my small children to the nursing home to see people there and we don’t even have family there. We go and say Hi and talk to the residents maybe once or twice a week. We only stay maybe 20 to 30 minutes but it means so much to them. So the next time you are upset because some “old” person is in front of you think about what life is going to be like for you when you are at that age.

If you were on highway 122 through town just go around her. It is 4 lanes all through town

I would rather get stuck behind an old person than have to drive around some of the teenagers leaving the high school. There’s times they are speeding out of there onto the highway rushing in between other vehicles, cutting people off, acting like they are the only ones on the road. And also, the police need to start citing these kids and adults with the boom boom speakers in their cars. If you can hear it outside the vehicle it’s a disturbance to others.

It has to do with a tv and the poor service he received.

What’s the deal with the guy just north of Northwood with the “I HATE BEST BUY” and “I WAS RIPPED OFF BY BEST BUY” sign? They must have really bent him over good to spend the money to make that sign, it’s really nice quality.

It has been there for along, long, long time. I wonder if he just the bought the sign and keeps it there? You don’t think he rents it do you?

The sign has been there for at least two years. And, yes, Best Buy must have really done him bad to pay for that sign that long. I would say he hates them.

I think it was something to do with a warranty they failed to honor. They made him mad so he is exercising his freedom of speech…for a very long time.


You know what the president knows? wow.

Oh come on. We all know that he either flat out lied or he went to bed while the rest of his administration was WATCHING Americans being raped and murdered and someone else told the Marines to stand down and do nothing. Which portrait would you rather paint of Mr. Obama? He’s a criminal who lied to the American people, Congress and the UN. He should be in Leavenworth.

You might want to take a look at the new 60 Minutes/CBS interview from the day after the attacks that was never shown until today. He knew and CBS knew that he knew.

Has there been any update on the missing girls in town? Or pictures to help look for them. I know if they were my children I would be panicked and want everyone looking for them even if they did runaway.

They weren’t missing. I think their parents just cried wolf so they didn’t have another run in with juvenile court. These girls are not good kids. Always in trouble with the law, stealing, drugs, alcohol, trouble in school. One of the girls got kicked out of the high school. I know all these girls personally and had to court against one of them for theft. They weren’t missing.

So in other words little brats! That is sickening and irritating.

who can keep the high school student smokers from loitering????? if you live anywhere near the high school or just dropping off a student, dont drive down 3rd street se…. you will see at least 1- 2 dozen student either smoking, drinking, screaming, drag racing, or trying to start recycle boxes on fire at any given time…..School officials cant or wont help. Not on school property…. The police… many students are allowed on private property to smoke. Police cant stop them on private property. What can we do to stop this??

How about the citizens arrest or whistle blowers or whatever the city is calling it. Take pictures and send them to the police department, and to the chief of police. Underage smoking is supposed to be illegal. Maybe ticketing these kids, calling their parents and having them have to go to court just might help with the problem. I see these kids everyday when I drop my child off at school and I feel bad for the people that live on that street.

One day my brother was going to the high school to pick up his daughter and he saw those kids smoking. He stopped and asked them how fast they can run because he was going to the office to talk to someone about them, as he was pulling into the high school he saw them all running away.

@tweetybird-I see youg kids (around 11 or 12) walk by my house smoking everyday. It just makes me sick to see it. After all the money we spend so called educating them they still smoke. I would say easily 75% of the kids going by are smoking. The police drive right by them and never even bother to tell them to stop. Just another law that they are to busy to enforce.

Does anyone know who drives the black Hummer that plays music at 120 decibels? Why have they not been ticketed yet?

Because whiggers are a protected class.

I do know that he works at Graham Tire.

Yeah i know that kid pretty well unfortunately he is mentaly retarted and he cant help it.

Yes, he has a loud system. But, he does not appear to me to be at all challenged. On one encounter, he was at first a bit sticky, yet listened to our concerns, and was respectful.

And that I appreciate.

B. Reindl

We are just glad he is okay!

Isn’t it just amazing that gas prices are scheduled to drop $.50 before the election? Who’d have thunk that the president really DOES have control of gas prices after denying he has any. Or is Soros meddling for him somehow. What is going on here?

Must have short memory,happens every fall.

let me say that I am not in favor of this new moderation system for our comments. If your intent is to slow down and eliminate comments. then you have succeeded. during a discussion it makes some people look foolish with their comments because the timeline is messed up and not current. IE..repeated comments, asking a question that was jut answered, ect. I guess NIT will say, they have to do it this was to eliminate spam and vulgar language. REALLY?? as for the language, cant this be flagged and eliminated as in the past? was the spam THAT bad that it couldnt be eliminated as NIT read it?. I think it works both ways. IF NIT is moderating our comments asap, then they can delete the spam asap also. This is also a good way for NIT to eliminate comments they dont like. NO censorship, and freedom of speach is what this website stood for I thought. Please reconsider this after the election is over, as people try to get back to normal life without so much bitching. and…. GO VOTE OR SHUT UP!!!!!! Didnt NIT or someone on here state that the voting turnout was about 23% last time?? WOW….. VERY SAD

An Oklahoma 6th Grader shot a burglar while she was home alone, on 911, and hiding from him in a closet.

I will be so glad when this election is over. Years ago the campaigning wasn’t just mud slinging and of course, it didn’t last as long. The candidates told how they were going to try and fix things. Today, all they do is sling mud and see how nasty they can be. Obama’s first campaign wasn’t too bad, but he is making up for it in this one. He continues to blame the last administration every time he doesn’t get his way. Well, there is Congress and all the fighting that goes on among the Republicans and Democrats so he needs to look there, too. These politicians are elected to look out for and help the tax payer, but they all loose sight of that. I am a registered Democrat, but I look at each candidate and try to vote for the best choice, no matter what the party is. Some people would vote for Charles Manson if he was a Democrat. Amazing! If Obama gets elected he will have to suck it up because he wont have anyone else to blame for the last 4 years but himself. I am not saying either candidate is the best, but I am one of those people that is not better off than I was 4 years ago. I am worse off and no job. Also, Obama and his family travel more than any President ever has on trips, etc. Also, between him and the wife (the one that is finally proud of her country since her husband is President If she wasn’t proud before that she should have lived in another country!)they are on the talk shows all the time. Who do you think pays for that? That would be the taxpayers! Ridiculous! Between that and all the money he sends out of the country and takes away from the taxpayers here that need it, we don’t have a chance. Another 4 years of this? Lord, help us all!

Being on the talk shows is call campaigning. It is a great way to reach alot of people at once. You don’t see Romney or Ryan doing it because they are afraid of being called out on their lack of a plan to do anything. They have no specifics. I do believe you are also wrong on the trips he takes. Much of it is presidential business so is vacation. He has taken way fewer days of vacation than most presidents have. I am sorry you are out of work but most people are now better off than they were 1 year ago and many are better off than 4 years ago. The presidents policies have started to show an ecomony that is improving…job creation, lower unemployment, new housing starts, house prices rising, and the stock market way up. Don’t fall into the republican trap of turning back the clock to the GWB days and trickle down economics. It didn’t work for GWB, it didn’t work for Bush 1,it didn’t work for Reagan and it most certainly won’t work now. We need 4 more years for President Obama

Michelle and the kids have spent $12 million on vacations just for them alone without the president along in the last 4 years. However, they have toned it down in 2012 with only one vacation. Wonder why.
We need to do like the Canadians and only have 3-6 months of campaigning before the election and limit the amount of money WASTED on all the BS that goes on. Doesn’t it bother anyone else about how much money has gone down the drain in the last 1+ years before elections? Think of all the good that campaign money could have done in this country. Corporate and personal. It drives me nuts. I think the media should be prohibited from talking about elections until the 3-6 months before the election as well. OFF LIMITS! It is they who polarize our nation so badly.
We should vote for as many candidates as are nominated by a petition of 1 million people around September 1 and then have a run-off on Election Day. No primaries. All candidates must be vetted by the CIA, the FBI, and the IRS for illegal activities and skeletons so the candidates will know what can come out during their campaigns. You can bet they all do this anyway, but they just don’t tell the candidates what they know! If there are illegal activities, the candidate must step down. We’re all tired of October surprises. No more John Edwards. No more Gary Hart. No more Herman Cain, if that was true. And we wouldn’t have had to tolerate the desecration that Bill Clinton put the Office of the Presidency through.

We need people who want to be president of this country to live their lives legally, ethically, and morally. We need leadership of the highest quality and that type of personality begins when the person is young and makes a conscious decision to live that type of life.

Katie, when one becomes President the cost of anything you do skyrockets because of who you are or who your husband or father/(someday)mother is. Don’t know where you came up with 12 million dollars worth of vacations. I doubt the vacations cost that much but the national security that goes with it I’m sure is spendy. I agree with you about what it costs to campaign. That is why there needs to be a massive campaign reform. Problem with that is it’s the fox gaurding the hen house. It will never happen because of career minded politicians. They all seem to want the job for life. I would support an amendment that would limit all congressional terms similar to the one that limits the presidents.

Here’s a video clip of Michelle and the kids on vacations. I googled some of the individual trips to verify the figures. Cost for 16 vacations: $12 million.

Granted, George Bush took a lot of vacations, but most of those were at his ranch in Texas, same as Reagan went to his ranch in California. There was no need for advance teams to check out the surroundings. I don’t know if he charged the secret service rent for their quarters the way the Clintons did and he didn’t have to pay $50,000 a week rent for the house.

Unfortunately the Obama’s aren’t ranchers,so they have no ranch to vacation to. They don’t own a vacation compound in Maine as the Bush’s do. Where would you suggest they go for vacation? 12 vacations in 4 years isn’t that much. 3 per year. I got 7 weeks of vacation per year where I worked. They also have 2 young daughters that need a break from the white house way of life. I know I just left myself open for a bunch of comments about the white house way of life, but I’m sure it is very hard for young adults to live in and deal with the issues that come with your father being president. I think there are more important issues to talk about during this campaign season than vacations.

Mitt Romney campaigned in the battleground state of Virginia Wednesday. He is now facing criticism over a conference call from June where he told employers they should give their staff advice on how to vote. Romney made the remarks during a talk with small-business owners.

Mitt Romney: “I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise, and therefore their job and their future, in the upcoming elections. And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope — I hope you pass those along to your employees.”

So what-Obama and his slaves do that all the time.

Slaves?What are you 12,can tell what village your from Cmon election day.

Nice posts-where did you go to school? Indoniesha?

It’s all about mind control!

For them, it’s all about mind control!!

I find this upsetting if Romney had any part in it.

Matt: when talking about the Flea Market in Mason City and the management out there. I remember that one of the problems was the lack of advertising for the dates of the flea markets. I believe the flea market is this weekend Oct 19,20,21 2012. I DID see you advertise the flea market on here a few months ago. I think I only saw it advertised for that ONE weekend only. my question is this. was, or is, the advertising for that flea market free? and also have you been asked, or notified to advertise each month? thank you

“management out there” If your talking about David Green. Let me just say this. David Green was the best hire the Fair has ever done. He is dedicated to the effort to rebuild. He has had to make tough decisions due to past management. Problems he inherited. Take the time to talk with David, see his vision, see his efforts and then write your opinion. I know their budgets are limited. Due to numbers from past fairs, getting carnivals and other events are next to impossible. North Iowa is also guilty of complaining but sitting on it’s hands. Mr Green would welcome donations/help.He has a strict budget unlike the city of MC who spends theirs on statues.

So please investigate before placing an opinion.

Hi Tina: first off I have never seen David Green in person. I have emailed with him however. I was interested in the dates of the flea market as I HAVE NOT seen the dates advertised. I also wrote “one of the problems was the lack of advertising”. Was… meaning in the past.
You are correct in saying “He has had to make tough decisions due to past management”. I WOULD like to see his “visions” but need to see advertised dates in order to be able to SEE those visions. This most recent comment from me was only concerning if any advertising had been placed with Matt at NIT. In another blog I mentioned how things had been ran in the past and hoped that things would change for the future. You say David is trying to do a good job. Good… more power to him and I hope he succeeds. But if there is NO advertising, then all your stuck with is the locals. And thats not enough to be succesful or profitable. I remember some years ago. 5,6,7,???? years I dont remember. the vendors paid for their own advertising for a month or two, and the outcome was wonderful. That was in hopes that the fairgrounds would see the difference and do some advertising. As I recall, that was even before the former female manager, that was fired. So in closing, its hard to “investigate” if nobody knows when to. Just stating the facts

Hi Tina, me again: I am definately NOT against David Green, or the job he is trying to do. But like you said. Do some investigation, so I did. While looking thu NITs calander of events for Mason City and north Iowa. I see that the calander of events must have started in the middle of Febuary 2012. I see the flea market advertised for march and April. And then not again with the exception of June. When did David Green start his job??? OOPS just doing some investigation like you suggested and telling the truth. thanks for talking me into investigating

50 miles: Does advertising cost money? If this money is not in the budget due to restraints, how can it be spent. David is not B Obama? THE ANSWER is you become a sponsor of the Fair, $2,000 per year for 3 years..then the budget to advertise will be the question is are YOU willing or do you just want to complain?

Tina: there are many places on the internet where advertising is free. almost everytime I do a show somewhere I advertise on craigslist. I know for a fact that it works as I have sold items to people that say they saw my ad online. one person in lincoln nebraska told me he wouldnt have known about the show if it wernt for my FREE ad. Like i said before, the vendors did some of their own advertising a few years ago and the results were good. I thought there was an agreement at one time to use a portion of vendor fees twards advertising. that advertising needs to be SMART advertising targeting the people that will come out to the fairgrounds. The Mason City area has many antique dealers and in the past has had many shops. yet VERY FEW OF THEM SUPPORT the NI flea market. In the “circut”, the north Iowa flea market is known as a joke. I would say because of management and not because of the town.

UPDATE:>>> I just called the hamptom Reminder news paper office for a quote. A 1 inch 4 line ad will only cost $4.60 per week. This FREE paper is distributed from just south of the Mason City
limits, south to include the town of Ackley. East to include the town of Aplington and west to include the towns of Aredale and Dows. lets say $5 per show x 4 different directions. thats only $20 per show. Less than the rent of 1 space. these papers are where people already look for something to buy and for a list of auctions. IE.. the people you want. $20 well spent in my mind. If it only brings in 1 NEW VENDOR it has more than paid for itself. So… there is no way in “help” that I should donate $2000 to people that cant budget their money worth a crap.

so you’d “like to see his vision” but you “have never seen Mr. Green in person”…

“I’d like to have a new car” but “I’ve never visited
an auto lot”

Tina: You missed my whole point I was trying to make. maybe I didnt explain it very well. Yes, I would like to “SEE” his efforts but I cant if I dont “SEE” and ad for the flea market to bring me in to start with. Now do you get what IM talking about? how would you like to buy a new car from the dealer having a sale if he doesnt advertise the sale. This is not MC Donalds or any other well known buisness. Nobody knows when or where it is. people in Mason City know it to be the North Iowa event center. But not all people from surrounding towns know the name change. just to name another point.

My last point:

Talk with anyone who works alongside David and ask them about his drive. You talk direction, my friend is on the fair boards, she said the excitement David id bring to the table is great.

Hockey is back after the overcharge debacle of years past. The main building will have concerts rolling thru it very soon. Exhibitors who where treated like garbage in the past have had fences mended, David has done speaking engagements all over North Iowa. Changes are taking place. This is due to David Green/ Dennis Higgins and many boards and volunteers.

Did anyone attend the debate in Lake Mills last night? I would love to hear people’s perceptions of that.

see you dropped the story 20% wage increase for the fat cat inion city employees – must have been too agreeable with the public !

It was the County union, not the City union.

They asked for a 5% raise for each of the next 4 years. That is not a 20% raise. It also won’t be what the two sides finally agree to. Trying to stir up a little controversy? Must be a romney fan.

@Bodacious –

Your thoughts about the Union coming into Forest City? I for the life of me can’t figure out why the City Council has allowed the Mayor to back them into a corner like he has.

You are correct it isn’t 20%

It is 21.55%

unanonymous – not sure I understand “Your thoughts about the Union coming into Forest City?” comment. Care to explain? and anonymouse – As I said originally, it is a starting point. The two sides will come up with something in between 5% and 0%. And a four year contract makes it a lot easier to project costs which allows better long term budgeting.

@Bodacious…Aren’t the city guys Unionizing in FC? That’s what I heard.

I see it two ways; the mayor picked a fight I’m not sure he can win and we are all really screwed if we get snow and ice this winter.

Last year was the exception, but one of my favorite past times is watching the cars slide backwards down the hill on J Street when its really slick and all the city guys are sitting up at Hardees. I also love when they plow down Clark Street and leave the 4ft wall of snow on both curbs just daring people to actually try and patronize those downtown businesses. Just try it, we dare ya.

Seems like Forest City is trying to euthanize its downtown businesses anyway. They really should just get it over with though. Watching the tortured slow death is awkward. Poor things keep trying to get something going but no one cares.

I am very concerned about MC. If you take a drive from the south end to the north end and seriously look at the buildings and businesses, it should make us all concerned. The Sears Mall is half there. The small bank drive thru out front of Sears,is not leasable so it remains empty for years. Buildings next to Pritchards Auto are plain gross. We have Harley Davidson half used buildings on the east side of hwy65. The Party Store that needs a facelift.The old Pizza Hut delivery building that still has danger cones out front.Used cars for sale parked everywhere. Open lots across from Kum and Go. ……and I won’t even get into the north end…disgusting owners/property owners that have simply no pride in there buildings.THIS IS BAD PEOPLE.

I agree! It’s a disgrace! But in a lot of the cases we need to blame the economy. Small business owners just can’t afford to make these improvements right now. Not true, however, in the case of Harley Davidson. I’d like to hear THEIR excuse. C’mon, we even gave them money!!

Give a rich man money to fix up his business and let the hard working class left to fix there own how sweet!

Disagree..any business that has not enough pride to make their store fronts respectable..should close

I just heard that the North Iowa Fairgrounds is no longer going to support the flea markets that have been held out for years. And are now only to have them 2x a year. I enjoy going out there once a month to look, visit and sell. If you think this unjust, please inform the fair board and the “new” manager your opinion on this matter, I know I am.

What? No flea markets that are geared to everyone? But the fairgrounds support and endorses Night Storm dances which are NOT an appropriate venue for teen agers in the community. Again, there needs to be some house cleaning done with the fair board.

how much ya want to bet that with only two dates to pick from in a full year. the fairboard will still pick the same date as another long established show. For many years the people running the flea market have chosen dates that conflict with other shows in the area. A sucessful show needs to have both customers and vendors. and if all your quality vendors are at another, better show, what does that leave you with?????? Also, the fairboard should have hired a good experienced flea market manager, and then stayed the HELL out of the flea market buisness. One last thing. I remember grinning ear to ear when the Mason City fire dept was out there removing the chains off the exit doors. How stupid can these people be. having all the exit doors chained shut during the flea market and auction

..I hear people complaining BUT nobody is donating money or volunteering. Hypocrites.

..the fair board can only do so much with the money it’s allowed. So volunteer or shut up.

hey Bailey…I will look for your name on the Fair website as a volunteer or pledge…right…that’s what I thought..neither will happen…so you just sit back and complain….watch out!!!the sky is falling.

Tina: MY remark from above about the fairboard hiring an experienced manager was NOT intended for David Green. I have in the past supported, “volunteered” in my own way at the north iowa fairgrounds as a vendor. I HAVE done my OWN advertising for the flea market to help promote it. Which seems to me, to be more than the fairboard has. “fairboard” in this case,meaning anyone involved with the operation or management of the flea market. I do not know who you really are, but have we read your name with a monetary donation? good for you if you have. So, to end here I will let you, in your own words, have the last statement.
October 18, 2012 at 10:25 am

Disagree..any business that has not enough pride to make their store fronts respectable..should close

Ya! but the pamphlet i got in the mail today about why i should vote for the local option sales tax, sure paint a pretty picture for what it has help Mason City with the last years!Like better strees and community improvements. Makes ya wonder where the money is going cause the streets are horrible and like you pointed out the building up and down federal need alot of help! yup im voting NO!

@poop-vote the way you wish but even though I am dead set against new taxes, this is not one. The advantage to this is when people come to Mason City and buy stuff they will have to pay a tax which helps off set our local taxes. Our taxes will go up if this is voted down because the government never gives back revenue.

I have to agree. Mason City has hit rock bottom. Buildings falling down, empty, no business anywhere.
People are leaving this town in record numbers. Yesterday on N.I. reality site, listed over 400 homes in Mason City for sale. That does not count those being sold by owner.
What few young people who are left here, leave after school to NEVER return.
Mason City has spent all time and all of our MONEY on things very few people care about, FLW, Music Man, library etc. These things were the past of Mason City, not the future. Young people and familys could care less about those things.
The only thing going to save Mason city is JOBS! There are NONE! How can communitys like Hampton, Charles City, Garner and Osage all land new busines, and Mason City NOTHING.
It is VERY sad, but this town is in decline and quickly sliding down hill. Makes me sick.

Dear sad,

I agree with most of what you said. The library needed an update. Did we need another downtown remodel? statues?.

Is it right Mercy is pushing people off their properties? Is it right the Mayor accepted numerous checks from Mercy employees? Is it right Mercy is buying up all lease sites were new businesses need to locate instead of building new?

Town is in trouble.

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