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Op-ed: What is the cost of bullying and hate? (by Quinn Symonds)

Quinn Symonds and daughter
Quinn Symonds and daughter

What is the cost of bullying and hate?

The simplest answer could be, everything. It is widely known that many children and young adults have ended their lives based on things said to them just on social media sites. Any person could end their life due to peers making them believe they aren’t worth living. A brawl could break out over racist comments made in “jest”. The list of hypotheticals could go on forever, but the point is that bullying is easily the most preventable crime of human nature. The cure for that is tolerance and understanding. You can also win by not being tolerant of hate groups, some may find that viewpoint hypocritical but most bigots do.

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Quinn Symonds. Yes I’m the mayoral candidate that wants to give OUR city internet access for everyone. I’m also the guy who wants to see more tolerance in a world of growing diversity. I’m also the candidate that understands that mayors in Iowa in a council strong city government have access to veto power, but that is another story and an issue we can hopefully address further into my campaign.

A few years ago while trick or treating on Halloween in my hometown of Rockwell, my young daughter and I had my first encounter with a hate group. Not a one on one, but flyers plastered all over telephone poles in rockwell. Thankfully my daughter wasn’t old enough to know what they said, but it was basically a recruitment poster for a KKK like white supremacist group recruiting here in our own backyard. It was so full of hate and vitriol that I contacted KIMT and the Globe Gazette and had an interview of the experience the next day. These signs were also found in other small towns across North Iowa.

Recently I have become, unknowingly, the champion campaigning and gathering information on a local hate group that is seemingly very popular on facebook. It’s name? North Iowa Mugshots, perhaps you’ve heard of it. I’m not proud to say it, but when it first came around 2+ years ago I was one of the first 100 people to “like” it on facebook. It seemed an interesting enough social experiment and I paid some attention to it as it grew. However my membership in the group was revoked after one of the original admins posted a poorly written blog about “obamacare” and how in it pedophiles and sex offenders would benefit. I quickly dismissed its “facts” as nothing more than good ole slippery slope logical fallacies and mccarthy style rhetoric. I then critiqued it harshly and was immediately banned.

Now, the biggest question that gets brought up is, “what makes north iowa mugshots a hate group?” My typical answer is how is it not, but that is usually never a good enough answer. So, let’s get technical for a second. There is no universal definition as to what makes a hate group but according to the The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) their definition is as follows: “All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics…Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing.” I would argue that people arrested and not quite convicted yet fall under one of those categories, as here in america you are innocent until proven guilty. If you’re a fan of schadenfreude and look at those arrested and posted on NIM, you will see that they always end each of their posts saying arrest is not an indication of guilt. They acknowledge the fact the alleged perp could be innocent but don’t stop the sexism, racism, the discrimination and all of the bad things that are said on their site. In fact, in many cases you will see some of the admin actively participating, perpetuating and encouraging the filth.

Accountability is what is needed, and something lacking in almost every facet of everyday life, especially politics. In the case of North Iowa Mugshots, I do have the real names of the majority of past and present admin. Now prepare yourself for a shocker, a good handful of them also have criminal histories or active warrants and don’t even live in the state of Iowa anymore. Their current page owner, has an active warrant for his arrest here in Mason City. Instead of taking responsibility for his crimes he fled, allegedly, to California. The sad fact is, that most of the admin on NIM are originally from North Iowa, but no longer live here. They probably hate North Iowa and love the fact that their hate group brings out the worst of us, which is disappointing for those of us who love it here.

So why take on bullying on NIM? Great question, I’m a fighter and I’m not scared of being a martyr for my cause. Even after receiving messages from the current owner saying I will not like how it goes if I go this route, I don’t care. Someone needs to come out and call it for what it is, a hate group run by spiteful hateful people that are too foolish to understand the difference between libel and slander. Yes, I’ve been a victim of libel several times by this hate group and its admin. I expect it in the comments when this is posted on North Iowa Today, heck, they might even share this article on their page and encourage all kinds of nasty things. Could go either way, but at least I’m brave enough to stand by my own convictions and make it public an opinion on such a touchy subject. There are also other costs that people don’t consider involved with not just hate groups like NIM. People start fights with each other on these forums and if someone feels threatened they call the police. I would sure hate to be at a bank being robbed but there are no police available because someone called someone on NIM a naughty word and there is now a riot down by the mall. It’s fiscally and morally irresponsible to support or even acknowledge these hate groups for anything less than what they are. If you want to get rid of these groups, and make sure those who “run” North Iowa Mugshots are held responsible. I suggest looking up groups like I mentioned above like the SPLC, they monitor hate groups and report them. You can even go as far as fill out a form on and report them as a hate group. Just go to your browser and search for hate groups and there will be a number of resources to report these hate mongers.

Now people that get arrested and lambasted on NIM aren’t the only victims of bullying here in North Iowa. There is and has been a bullying issues within our mason city school systems for quite some time. When I ran for board of education 6 years ago there was a huge anti-bullying initiative that was in full effect. Signs were all along the halls of every school I visited saying no to bullying.  It seems now to be completely nonexistent or buried like some feel good relic of the past. I know several parents whose children are victims of bullying but are too tired of speaking up and no one listening. These adults have spoken with the principals, superintendents, teachers, etc to no avail. The schools response? Complete denial or even worse, they blame the victim. Anyone who knows anyone that has been a victim of a traumatic experience knows you do NOT blame the victim. It’s that belief that can turn a bad situation worse. If someone is raped, we do not blame that person who was violated, we blame the perpetrator. Those style of tactics can leave a lasting impression and in some cases be worse than the crime committed against them originally. However, we all know children can be loving and at the same time some can be very cruel. The fact is that it’s the parents responsibility to teach their kids tolerance and to be respectful, and its the teachers to enforce and teach these cultural norms while under their supervision and also report any such malfunctions. These types of behaviours are learned and it’s about time that we take a stance against this kind of lifestyle and demand accountability.

My point is this, we are a community with a ton of cultural diversity. We need to embrace these changes and encourage togetherness while we, as a city, become increasingly isolated. We have problems in our town, but our potential goes far beyond any of the problems we’ve encountered. I encourage you, even if you don’t support me, to take these words seriously. We’ve proven as a community we can accomplish amazing things not thought possible, and we need to continue that path. Our greatest asset is you, and as I’ve mentioned before I encourage anyone to reach out to me, even if you disagree, agree or whatever. I want our city to grow as well as the hearts and minds of the people that inhabit it. I will be looking for more input as well as volunteers and, if you could spare money and feel the way I do, donations for my campaign to show your support. I’ve given my contact information out before and I’ll do it again. 641 512 2878

I can assure you as time goes on you will learn more about me and my campaign, in the meantime please reach out and stay involved!

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This article is dead, old news. It is two years old.

NIM and NIT are not the same page or the same owners. NIM is north iowa mugshots. Two totally different pages and two totally different owners.

Hey NIM you are constantly bullying people on your page. I understand we should know who commits Crimea yes but you bullying people and spreading lies about people is not right. Some day someone will find out who runs the page. The will be a heavy weight on you head. The next time you want to attack a person maybe grow a pair of balls and use your own name not a Facebook page name. Just saying. Otherwise for all we know you could be one of the tweakers….women beaters….robbers….or even a child molester.

That awkward moment the newly elected mayor has to leave the city council meeting because one of the working tax payerer that happen to have court ordered protective no contact order against him decides that want to attend their city council meeting.

Is this what Mason City really needs a court certified bully of woman complaining about a website the featured his own mug shot. Sounds more like a pissed of mama’s boy who needs to address his own violent behavior before preching to anybody.

Whats his thoughts on employment, everybody wait for that government check like him and not work at all.

That’s exactly what needed to be said Joe Duffy! That’s what I’m sayin!

Interestingly enough for a man who finds NIM so deplorable, he visited our page just a lil bit ago and “liked” a mugshot. Anyone else find that humerous and hypocritical?

. I have to admire Mr. Symonds for first of all going after NIM knowing full well of the backlash that would come from its supporters and his own detractors. I don’t know the man and if this was a publicity stunt as some of you say, it was a good one.
I seldom go to NIM and when I do, I am amazed at the number of ‘holier than thou’ people who post on their site. It is laughable because they all proclaim to be excellent citizens and extremely good judges of character. It surprises me that they aren’t in charge of our court systems because they are so intelligent I am certain they could and would do a better job than our present officials. It also surprises me that with their intelligence and great character, that the jobs many of the most vehement and mean posters hold are not upper level jobs. Geez, what is this world coming to? These people should be running our country. There would be no crime or at least, no crime would go unpunished.
Most of you seem to miss the point also in this article that bullying is a problem and NIM is a prime example of internet bullying. That fact is not disputable, at least in my mind. Bullying is defined as “unwanted, aggressive behavior among people that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.”
The posters on NIM do all of the above. The admins of NIM allow it and, in some cases, encourage it. It is a hate group run by people who have deceived themselves into believing they are doing a public service. The most beneficial service they could do to the public would be to shut down their site.

Sticks and stones might break my bones, but names generally have no basis. Just don’t call me late for dinner, it makes me “hate”.

My major concern is once he is done with NIM he will (he has told me so) go after other so called “hate” groups such as several new confessions pages on facebook. So where will it end? I firmly believe in freedom of speech and we should not let Quinn or anyone else for that matter trample over our 1st amendment rights and arguably our most important right.

@Admin #1-I seriously doubt that his run at the mayors job will go very far. If his only platform is free internet he won’t go anywhere. Nothing (NOTHING) is free. He might not have to pay but the property owners would. From his comments I would say he is one of the people who think the world owes him a living. Just my opinion.

He’ll never get the signatures needed to be on the ballot.

I believe that at home is where it starts with bullying. None of wants our children to be bullied,but I have read comments on Facebook in regards to mugshots and a lot that is written is absolutely terrible. Some even made my stomach turn. Well guess what? Why should we expect our children not to bully and judge when that is the example that is given to them?

Quinn won’t get enough signatures for his petition to be on the ballot, no matter if ALL of this personalities sign it.

** his **

The premise of this whole diatribe seems to be becoming mayor to end bullying on NIM.

First off, never visited NIM, don’t care to. NIM is a place I understand that puts a persons mug shot on display after an arrest, then allows people to make comments. It’s hardly a sport, but cannot be considered hate in the truest sense of the word.

The term hate has been misused, and it’s definition watered down in the last decade or so. Hate implied an emotional aversion usually associated by malice. As it is used today, there is no emotion attached.

Then in this writing comes the association between hate groups, and suicide. While emotional trauma may be the result of ‘hate’, it should not lead to suicide. There would have to be a lot more underlying problems involved than comments on the
intarwebs. Problems which in past times were noticed by parents, teachers, or friends, and some sort of intervention taken.

With all due respect, the concern over suicide may be a noble cause, it is hardly basis for a mayoral candidacy.

@Peter L.-Every thing posted on here is someone’s OPINION. And everyone is entitled to their OPINION.

We often post Serving Sentence mugshots along with what they were allowed to plea down or which charges were dismissed as part of the plea agreement. In the yr I have been admin 1 mugshot was removed because the person was found not guilty and we posted the news article that covered his trial and verdict.

Internet access = a chicken in every pot.

Aside from that, there is cost associated with access to the Internets. Infrastructure, electricity, upkeep, hardware. Who is going to pay for that?

And what is next? Free telephone service? Free heat? Free electricity? A free acre of land for everyone?

Nyet comrade.

Your scheme aims to destroy private investment, and denies people an income. That, is not good community policy.

Btw Quinn, all of us admin decided weeks ago to never acknowledge you on NIM. Say what you want about us, we will not be giving you free “press” on our page. Hope there was no money placed on your bet, because you lost.

Time to wake up quinn, nim is not the only mugshot page on facebook. If you just type in mugshots, busted, or any of keywords u will see many across the U.S. if u don’t like mugshots just unlike the page. Nobody is forcing u to read anything. And you got butthurt when we posted your mugshot when u were arrested.

RE: North Iowa Mugshots.

I really don’t understand Quinn’s outrage. It is nothing more than the information from the Sheriff’s and Police Department’s with a picture. It is all public record. He is interested in open government and free access to the internet–but then wants to remove information from the internet that he does not like. The public has the right to the information. Now, the people who comment are the problem. That’s where it can get nasty. But, we live in a democracy where we are give the opportunity for Free Speech by our constitution.
So, move on to subjects that will really impact the lives of our citizens, starting with Economic Development ie. good jobs, job re-training/training, safe communities, etc.

When you have some ideas– bring them on….

I do remember quite a while back that the NIM administrators were going to block people who were obviously using fake names but I see that never happened. I was just on the site and there are several people using fake names. Perhaps posting the information and not allowing comments would be a better idea. It’s funny how when certain people are on NIM the comments are few if none at all. Like when a Barrentes or a Foster is on.

1) We can not control who receives comments or not. Usually depends on how many defenders get on NIM to claim their friend/relative is innocent and being set up by the cops.

2) On our old page we said we were going to remove anyone using an obvious fake name. We have a new page now, no statement has been made about fakes.

3) Due to how facebook has Page settings we can not pick and choose which posts can be commented on. When we post about missing items or asking for tips on wanted suspects, having comments open is a time saver. Otherwise our inbox would be flooded with tips that we’d have to check out before we pass it on to law enforcement. One time a suspect was identified as someone and before we saw the comment, someone else pointed out that particular person was in jail.

Anytime someone gets on and defends the accused it is a mistake. All they do is make themselves look stupid. I understand about the comments. However, saying that you have a new page and never mentioned anyting about blocking fake accounts is a copout.

On our old page the fake acct names got ridiculous and out of control, so we banned the worst ones, and if it gets out of hand again we will start banning. We have banned a few fake accts for various reasons. We are aware a few accts are made just so someone can comment on specific mugshots.

Thanks for the explanation.

Beam me up Scottie. There is no intelligent life on his planet.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) their definition is as follows: “All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics

When did criminals become a “entire class of people” before of after Quinn’s last criminal conviction. Somebody sounds upset their campaign is a joke after their mug shot surfaced.

His campaign was a joke before the mugshot surfaced. It became a joke when did an interview with the globe after court proceedings on the day his trial was being continued for contempt of court charges filed against him. (More to come in the future on this subject.)

He was crying for attention then and hes crying for it now. Quinn cannot even legally “run for office” yet. I noticed Quinn posted the link to his mayor fanpage. The audacity of a person leaves me speechless. Here, im reading a poorly written and highly uneducated opinion to display the affects of bullying and targeting a facebook group….but then I go to Mr. symonds’ facebook mayor group and instantly found myself ill when i saw a status update on said page, poking fun at someone else for sending him their thoughts and opinions about this “campaign.” I have copied and pasted the exact text, which is currently still visible to the public.

“If anyone knows of a Quint Simmonds, please let him know that I have a dollar for him from a citizen to NOT run for mayor. Please pass this message along, just in case that there is a chance that there is a Quint Simmonds out there somewhere that needs this dollar.”

Hahaha could he try to blame anyone else more thoroughly for an epidemic that sweeps CONTINENTS??? Young girls in Japan have been leaping off buildings for years and they weren’t arrested in North Iowa before hand.

Yes let us all band together and rally against a public forum with information available from the county jail website and newspapers
When do we attack public media foes for doing their job?

All I got out of this was “waaaaah someone made fun of my campaign and i was an abusive asshole that deserves a place of power in the city to….offer free internet. Instead of actually solving any problems. And I will form my own internet army to take down NIM.”

there might have been a dick joke in here somewhere but it isn’t important. this guy is throwing brightly colored candies into the crowd hoping we won’t realize it’s prettily wrapped dog turds.

HEY DUDE PAY OFF YOUR OWN CRIMINAL CHARGES BEFORE SPEWING ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE’S!!!! You petty little queer. Go suck on mama’s tits some more since you are obviously still an annoying whelp.

Totally agree!

Quinn has the most restraining orders filed against him than any other anti-bullying advocate I have ever heard of!

Also speaking of accountability, I wish he would pay his outstanding fine for disorderly conduct.

Case: 02171MCSMSM030306 01/23/2012 $27.50

Good luck in politics, you are going to need it.

Get a grip!!!

And it seems to me that this lame op-ed is not about the cost of bullying and hate, but more, pointing fingers and whining, only to be vindictive and cry for attention. If someone honestly believes posting their own mugshot on their mayor fanpage on facebook and continuing to cyber-fight with other locals is going to win them mayor, then we need more help then we all think. Over 300 comments of arguing. Is this what you do at city council meetings? Or will you be truthful for once and admit you dont attend council meetings. You live with a criminal who has recently been releaaed from prison…..and your 5 year old daughter. You cannot even handle being a normal working father. Sit down kid, you better be prepared for whats ahead in your fantasy mayor world. DONT DONATE MONEY TO THIS PERSON. It’s only enabling this jackass to be a fat, lazy slob. Whining about mugshots is petty, immature and sad. Get off your computer and go volunteer. Go make anti-bullying posters. Talk to kids. Offer a free class. You sir, are a joke.

This “citizen” wants city wide internet, yet, we have roads that need repaired, lack of tourist interest, crime rates going up, ect. Id like to see money go torwards school funding, children, business’. Cmon people! Wake up. I believe you have to work for what you want. This man is only embarassing this community. Soon enough, the real Quinn Symonds will be shown. This is NOT flattering nor ideal for Mason City and I am curious as to why this grown child hasnt been thrown out yet. Politics are not only important, they affect every citizen in our community. Why are we letting this obsurd and sickening joke go on? Get rid of this kid!

Good thoughts, Quinn. Bullying in our school systems is an issue that needs to be addressed. Emotional distress is not easily forgotten, and most victims of childhood bullying carry this burden with them into adulthood, where it can negatively impact all aspects of their life, including relationships with other people. Bullying and intolerance are cyclic, and won’t end until the school systems decide (or are forced) to take on the issue.

Its just so easy to be a victim, and love it

If Quinn truly believed NIM was a hate group, he would have already found a lawyer to shut us down. Instead he resorts to mob tactics in order to further his hate agenda. He preaches no hate but sure likes to show a lot of it towards anything he disagrees with.

Quinn when you talk of hate and bulling what did you put the NOT ONE BUT TWO woman through to have the local judicial system put restaining orders against you after they filed petitions for relief from domestic abuse. Before you go attacking NIM and lecturing about hate and bulling you might want to look into taking a batterer education course, because DOMESTIC ABUSE even when it is emotional is still BULLYING. I thought last time you ran for an office you thought everybody would support you because you admitted your support for legalizing your own drug of chioce. Now please stop bullying woman and smoke another one you uneducated jobless living of the system joke of a boy. NIM is an asset to the community. I think I seen your mugshot on there for a crime you were found guilty of and you want to talk about keeping the police busy how many man hours were put in getting you off the streets to return a nieghborhood to a peaceful place?

You are one of the few*

So Quinn’s plans to better Mason City is to give city wide internet and ban Mugshots? Not sure how either is a priority when there is a lack of jobs, slumlord properties bringing down neighborhoods, and lazy and/or corrupt judges are letting career criminals back on the streets. Those seem to be much more serious problems to address than some facebook page.

So by what you are saying all religions are also hate groups? Grow up and get a job Quinn. You always bring up how you don’t like this and don’t like that, yet it seems like you or one of the few people who instigate all the problems. You blame others for your wrong doings and short comings.

Well, this won’t end well.

I’m glad there are men like you out there that are willing to stand up for what they believe in. I see you get dragged through the mud often due to ignorant people thinking only ‘perfect’ people can speak their mind. I have also seen you admit to faults where most people are adamant that they never make a mistake. Keep up the good fight.

How about you were mad when we posted u on mugshots quinn? That’s when your hatred showed. Yes I am an admin on nim and have followed u with your trash talk and u suddenly delete comments. I have a screen shot of it all. If you wanna contact me directly my name is Mike Johnson. Nothing to hide. I left Iowa to Beyer my life and be succesful. Stop blaming others when the fault is short of your own feet.

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