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Iowa Auditor Rob Sand slams Attorney General Brenna Bird for denying victims of sexual assault emergency contraception

DES MOINES - Iowa Attorney Brenna Bird wants to make sure victims of sexual assault get no state help with emergency contraception, and state auditor Rob Sand is having none of her games. Bird is a MAGA Republican and a strong supporter of Donald Trump, who is an adjudicated sexual assault doer and advocates in no uncertain terms that grabbing a woman by her reproductive organ is a swell idea.
Iowa Auditor Rob Sand

DES MOINES – Iowa Attorney Brenna Bird wants to make sure victims of sexual assault get no state help with emergency contraception, and state auditor Rob Sand is having none of her games.

State Auditor Rob Sand held a news conference Wednesday to set the record straight on Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird’s claims that an “audit” is delaying funding for emergency contraception for survivors of sexual assault.

“I prosecuted rapists and pedophiles when I was at the Attorney General’s Office,” said Sand. “And the trauma and the pain that the AG’s decision is putting victims through in this case makes my skin crawl.”

Bird announced when she took office last year that the AG’s Office would suspend a long-standing practice of paying for emergency contraception for survivors of sexual assault while awaiting the results of an “audit.. Last week, the AG’s office reiterated these statements and acknowledged that a public records request was not fulfilled according to state law.

“Her consistent use of the word audit has led to questions,” said Sand. “So, let’s be abundantly clear here. The attorney general has never asked us to audit payments for sexual assault survivors for emergency contraception. We are not performing any such audit and there is no third party performing any such audit.”

Sand also noted that while the Auditor’s Office audits the AG’s Office, it does not specifically audit the funding for emergency contraception, which is paid by convicted criminals through court-ordered restitution and fines.

“The word salad the AG is serving up is pure politics and does a disservice to survivors of sexual assault. as well as the advocates and healthcare providers who try to help them,” said Sand. “Bird is simply trying to avoid taking responsibility for the decision she made.”

Bird (pictured at top) is in her first term as Iowa Attorney General and has been evaluating whether providing emergency contraception is a good idea or not, halting the service not long after taking office.  She is an unabashed MAGA Republican, suing President Joe Biden numerous times.  She is strong supporter of Donald Trump, who is an adjudicated sexual assault doer and advocates in no uncertain terms that grabbing a woman by her reproductive organ is a swell idea.


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She is the dumbest heifer in the pasture, and that’s exactly what MAGA morons in the legislature wanted.

If it takes her this long to make a decision because she’s evaluating the facts, how come she isn’t being transparent about the ‘evaluation’?

Covid Kimmie is behind this.

Even more news:

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