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How to Become a Geriatric Nurse

If you are looking for a career that allows you to work with older adults, consider being a geriatric nurse. As a geriatric nurse, you work primarily with elderly patients. Your job is to provide them with specialized care and support. After assessing their health needs, you must develop care plans tailored to their requirements. You administer medications and monitor vital signs. A geriatric nurse must also provide emotional support to the patient and their families. If it sounds like something you’d love, here is how to become a geriatric nurse.

1. Acquire the Relevant Education

You need specialized education to become a geriatric nurse. The first step is to obtain a nursing degree. This typically requires an ADN or BSN. You can obtain it through a nursing program in college. Some programs offer specialized coursework in geriatric nursing. However, this is not a requirement. Choose a program that aligns with your career goals and interests.

When choosing a nursing program, consider your career goals. Focus on options that empathize on geriatric nursing. The best program should provide you with both classroom and clinical experience. It should cover topics like psychology, anatomy, and nutrition. Check out the AGACNP program available online in Iowa to stand out.

In addition, you must learn the unique ethical considerations of caring for elderly patients. Issues like advance care planning, end-of-life care, and patient autonomy can be complex. As a geriatric nurse, you will need a strong understanding of these issues. You must be able to advocate for your patients’ interests while respecting their autonomy.

2. Take an Exam and Get licensed

After completing your nursing program, you must pass the NCLEX to become a licensed registered nurse (RN). The exam tests your knowledge and competency in various areas of nursing. Geriatric care is covered as well. You may need additional certification depending on where you live. They demonstrate your commitment to the profession. For example, the Gerontological Nursing Certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) is widely recognized.

3. Learn Communication and Patient Advocacy

Communication is an essential aspect of becoming a geriatric nurse. Elderly patients often have complex medical needs. Many struggle to communicate their symptoms or concerns effectively. As a geriatric nurse, you must have excellent interpersonal skills. Listen attentively and provide clear explanations. Ensure your patients get the care they need. If necessary, ask questions to seek clarity. You may also need to advocate for your patients and their families. Communicate with other healthcare providers and ensure that their wishes are respected.

4. Acquire Some Experience

To gain experience, you can work in a long-term care facility, hospice, or home health care setting. These settings help you gain the necessary skills to provide quality care. Working with geriatric patients can be rewarding but also challenging. They have complex medical needs and require great patience and empathy. These skills get better with practice.

5. Keep Learning

Consider pursuing additional education and attending conferences and workshops. Extra education enhances your knowledge and skills. Some organizations offer continuing education opportunities specifically for geriatric nurses. You can also seek mentorship from experienced geriatric nurses or join professional organizations. They allow you to network and gain valuable experience.

Becoming a geriatric nurse requires a combination of education, licensing, experience, and ongoing learning. By committing to this career path, you can make a meaningful impact on the lives of elderly patients. The career attracts a handsome pay and there are many employment opportunities.


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