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President Trump says removal of Confederate statues is “sad” and our culture being “ripped apart”

President Donald Trump: Unhinged or patriot of American values?

NEW YORK – As Confederate statues come under scrutiny across the nation and are slowly, one by one, being taken down by authorities and vigilant citizens (criminals?), President Donald Trump today said those actions are “sad” and that our culture is being “ripped apart”.

Again using his Twitter account, the President laid bare his feelings on the matter this morning, saying “Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You can’t change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson – who’s next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish! Also the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!”

Twitter image of the collision during the riot in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017, which took a woman’s life.

The President’s statement comes in the wake of the recent tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which hate groups marched and clashed, some chanting anti-Jewish, racist slogans, leading to violence and bloodshed. A woman was killed when a possible White Supremacist slammed his car into traffic on a crowded street. Many in the “media” including talking heads and elected and formerly-elected officials and politicians are denouncing the division in the country at this time, and some are blaming President Trump for fanning the flames of white pride and emboldening alt-right groups that preach segregation and the suppression of those they view to be inferior. Some of the nation’s top CEO’s abandoned councils he put together on economic development, leading him to dismiss the initiatives and criticize their decisions.

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It is pretty hard to have an intellectual argument with posters who hide behind the “anonymous” name. i do not recall that I have called anyone names or questioned their intelligence or assumed that I know everything about what makes you tick. Everyone has a right to express their opinion. And by the way, I have read a few books in my lifetime. Does it make you feel good to bully other people?

Carly, if you are going to support Trump & attempt to defend his nefarious ways, you’d best get used to taking some flak for it.

Oh and the moniker of just “Carly” is not being anonymous? If you are going to travel down that road, post your full name.

Are we all going to stand by while these history deniers blow up Mount Rushmore?

No, we are all just going to standby & watch while you make a dumbass out of yourself.

Democrats/Socialism/Traitors – 90% of elected officials are put in office by large corporations/unions and over time become quite comfortable $$$$$$$$ – I am for the LITTLE guy – of course meaning himself – usually when voted out or retiring the little GUY is pretty well set at the misery of the private sector working class. T I F to you too !

Bo ! Civil war to free the slaves? LIke weapons of mass destruction says Buskie – the war was the product of Northern Banksters and bankster controlled corrupt politicians – The elite wanted the fertile southern land and the plantation owners would not sell – Let’s see? How about we come up with a nice humane cause like free the slaves? Who got the goldmine and who got the shaft – Old Abe himself became very wealthy off the theft and misery of the southern people and northern brainwashed army – FREE THE SLAVES – a cruel hoax played on the people who died for a false/.corrupt HOAX .

Did you know that President Lincoln was assassinated? Didn’t have much of a chance to enjoy all that wealth you say he accumulated. You can try to revise history all you want. Spinach is still spinach no matter how you cook it.

…..and we didn’t really land on the moon and Johnson Killed Kennedy and Bush brought down the towers and Prince & Elvis are just living out their days on a exotic island.

Welcome to NIT being used by some as the Hate Site of North Iowa.

When that LGBLT car drove down the street and all the nazis jump in front of it an flew through the air , did they get charged with HIT n RUN ? Yet.

Just wondering. We have to get rid of all history regarding slavery? I am wondering what is the difference when we are told that we have to have immigration so “the farmers can have their crops picked because no one here wants to do that type of labor. And the big corporations send our jobs to foreign countries for cheap labor. Isn’t that a form of slavery? Since we here that those workers are working for little or nothing. Doesn’t seem to cause any outrage from left leaning people or corporations who can’t stomach trump. I would think there should be just as much outrage against that. Slavery is slavery.

Carly, no one said we had to get rid of the history of slavery. Some are saying we don’t need to honor those people who fought so that they could secede from the US. And as to the weird correlation to modern day, Trump hires those workers and there has been plenty of outrage over that and the fact he often doesn’t pay them. There is also an effort to raise the minimum wage but your right wingers voted it down. Keep those poor people poor.

Discarding statues is not going to do anything to solve the problem, and it is a form of erasing history. As far as the weird correlation to modern day slavery, is the hypocrisy of the corps distancing themselves from trump because of his perceived endorsement of slavery and racism and then enslaving foreign workers to build their products cheaply and under harsh conditions. And expecting immigrants to come and pick the crops since it beneath the dignity of American workers. I’m sorry you did not see that.

So Carly, are you saying that you learned all of your history from statues and without them there will be no history?
There are things called books that can enlighten you much more.

Deflect much Carly?
This is about Donald Trump and his morally bankrupt comments & beleifs. What is it with you people that keep defending this person who has no concept of what it is to be President? The man is a total incompetent. Just some of the people condeming Trump:
All of the US Military Joint Chiefs of Staff
CEO’s of major US companies
Even Republican Senator Robert Corker, a usual Trump supporter said “”The president has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability, nor some of the competence, that he needs to be President”
“We’re at a point where there needs to be radical changes that take place at the White House”

I’m sorry. I thought the article was referring to the removal of statues because they referred to slavery. My mistake. I did not see where it was referring to your perception that he was incompetent.

OMG..the point of the article was Trumps psychotic response!

Is that your opinion or do you have a degree in psychiatry to make that determination?

Carly is a die-hard Trump supporter.
Nothing factual that you say, nothing factual about the vast majority of the country calling Trump out will change her mind.
She is oblivious to the truth & has become what many call part of the Trump cult.
In Trump they see themselves and as such can never be wrong, so they resort to deflection & fantasy theories.
Very sad indeed.

Carly-Did you read the article at all?
Did you not see the Trump tweets?
The story is about Trumps responses!!

Dems will want to replace the confederate statues with one of barack Hussein Obama.
Actually, now that I think of that, it might not be a bad idea. Think of how many pigeons could sit on those ears. And they could pass judgement on his legacy.

We.., at least he has a legacy unlike you.

It’s not a legacy, it is an embarrassment!

Wow! You must have been wearing your white hood as you typed this.

In the old days slaves were black – now their brown ? Actually the new world order want’s to dispose of all whites because they don’t make good slaves — but- but their trying to brainwash us and make us sheeple. Just watch MSM and their on line education of the doped up viewers. Price of zinc is skyrocketing – You know they need zinc for toothpaste. Healthy chit no doubt.

Why don’t whites make good slaves, o wise one?

I would bet old Bodaic knows where the Clinton emails are located -probably her licker rosy rotten crotch has them.

If they are somewhere, and that’s doubtful, they are probably buried under the 22 million emails ‘lost’ during Bush II’s administration.

Dem old Demorats’ cannot understand their lickin last fall so they keep on tickin their lies and deceit as they have conned their crowd of now mindless fools into fact and history – You think your party of corruption took a beating in 2016 wait till 2018 – your the enemy of America and our way of life – Good Riddance to Bad RUBBISH we patriots have always said.

Slave owners – modern times = mexicans ???? Deep state will face off 1 day and be in deep Trump shit.

Trump is a coward who ran and hid when he was called to war. A pile of chicken shit would be a fitting monument to his presidency.

Liberals are set to rewrite our history.

Some may see it that way but it isn’t so. The history will always be there. Do you think Germany rewrote the history of the Holocaust? No, but you won’t see statues in Germany of Hitler, Goebbels, or any of the rest of them. You will find numerous signs and markers making note of the Nazis’ efforts to exterminate an entire race of people. You can visit the Holocaust Museum or see the concentration camps.You can visit numerous memorials for the victims of the Holocaust. They don’t want to erase history but they want to educate people about what happened, why it happened and who was culpable for the horrors of that time.
The statues that are being taken down honor those people who supported slavery in this country. They openly defied the government and called for secession from the United States of America. If this were happening today, you would be calling for a charge of treason (think sanctuary cities) but only if they were liberals.(think California).
I, for one, am not a big fan of tearing down statues. I believe we should move them away from where they are presently placed to a place away from the centers of cities and that information about what they tried to accomplish and why they did it, should be included with any history of the person.

Very well said! I agree 100%.

As usual bodacious is the voice of logic, reason and intelligent thought.
Meanwhile, a few of the dregs and idiots of NI that frequent here every day, post their same old BS, lies and outright dumbass comments.
You are banging your head against the wall bodacious, in your attempts to have a meaningful discourse with these numbnuts.
They are just too plain stupid to realize just how stupid that they are.
And they are led by the King of Stupid and everyone knows who that is.

What a surprise. The Prince of Ignorance is gone. Bye, Bye Rick.

Absolutely agree. Put the statues in historical museums where the history is reported in perspective. Anyway–I assumed Trump would only like Generals who won. 🙂

The Anti American (Deep State) government being carried on by former phony president hussein obama and his army of Anti American demorats only 2 miles from the White House should be fumigated as they are treasonous bastards.

The crazy thing is you actually believe this to be true.
Think you need to lay off the Kool-Aid!

Trump going from just serving Kool-Aid to pouring gas on the fire.
He is a total disgrace to our country.

The slimy corrupt Anti American mayor of Shitcago has now said he wants the statue of GEORGE WASHINTON REMOVED ! Hanging is too good for that sonofaBITCH !

George Washington was a slave owner as was Robert E Lee.

Lies roll out of you just as easily as they do the President you adore. A Chicago pastor has made a public request for Mayor Emanuel to remove the statue. Emanuel has not commented on it.. You calling for his murder is another instance of left wing hatred.

Well bode, being a dem toadie, you should know all about lies. Hillary, Billary, Lie’n Brian Williams, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Sen. Blumenthal, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren etc., etc. etc.

Nice deflection but ineffective.

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