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Eight Tips to Make Your International Move Stress Free

The rise in inflation, noticeable climate changes, limited housing options, and rising living expenditures have compelled a significant number of people to seek alternative residences in different states or foreign countries. Several states, including Florida, have experienced substantial population shifts due to these factors. Roughly 21% of individuals purchasing homes opted to relocate from Fort Lauderdale, a prominent city in Florida, owing to the increase in residential property prices. Specifically, during April 2023, housing costs in Fort Lauderdale observed a notable increase of 14.3%.

Moving to a new state or country and starting from scratch seems exciting and thrilling. However, international relocation may be stressful and anxiety-inducing. An international move can be a draining and overwhelming experience, encompassing coordinating logistical arrangements and adapting to a novel cultural setting. 

If you are also planning to move from Fort Lauderdale to a new country, then there are a few that you need to consider. With that said, let’s explore some helpful tips that can make your international move stress free. 

Tip # 1 Hire a Professional International Moving Company

When moving from Fort Lauderdale to another country, it is imperative to leverage the services of an experienced and renowned long-distance moving company. Why? Because the best long distance movers in Fort Lauderdale have knowledge that guarantees a seamless and effective relocation. It includes the management of logistics, documentation, and handling customs regulations. Their familiarity with international shipping procedures enables them to safeguard your possessions throughout the journey. Furthermore, moving companies offer comprehensive insurance coverage, providing reassurance in the event of unexpected circumstances. With their well-equipped facilities and trained staff, they possess the necessary expertise to handle fragile and valuable items with utmost care. Discuss the timeline and any specific needs with the movers you’ve picked to avoid the last-minute hassle. 

Tip # 2 Research and Plan Ahead

Before you move to a new country, it is important that you research it and you’re your move accordingly. Learn as much as possible about the country’s laws, regulations, and culture. It will help you make informed decisions throughout your relocation process, and you will know what to expect. 

Moreover, create two checklists of tasks; one checklist will list all the tasks you need to complete before the move, and the other will list tasks to be completed after relocation. Also, research the housing options in your destination. Remember to check the neighborhood, local amenities, and educational institutes. 

To avoid misunderstanding or poor communication in the new location, familiarize yourself with the area’s culture, language, customs, local holidays, and etiquette. It is also necessary to examine the surroundings and weather conditions to carry appropriate clothing and other essentials. You can better prepare yourself if you know what to expect.

Ensure you pre-book all the services you might need during and after relocation to avoid any inconvenience later. 

Tip # 5 Learn the Local Language

Learning the local language for everyday conversation is essential when moving to a country with a different local language. Registering for a basic language course is highly recommended to address the potential challenges posed by the language barrier. Prior to your relocation, acquiring proficiency in the fundamental aspects of the language is crucial. Familiarize yourself with basic vocabulary and commonly used phrases useful in everyday situations such as ordering food, seeking directions, grocery shopping, and more.

If enrolling in formal language classes is not feasible, alternative options, such as utilizing online resources, can be considered. Engaging in conversations with native speakers through virtual platforms or in person can help you practice and enhance your confidence while also allowing you to learn from any mistakes made along the way. 

Meanwhile, you can also use translation apps. You can start by learning basic words, greetings, expressions of thanks, numbers, and directions. With enough practice, you can converse and connect with locals like an expert in no time.

Tip # 6 Sort Out Your Finances

Moving internationally involves financial considerations that you need to plan for in advance. Do your research on the cost of living before moving and compare it to your current expenses. Consider housing, utilities, transportation, healthcare, and groceries. Create a budget to ensure you clearly understand your financial situation and can make necessary adjustments. Consider currency exchange rates and any potential tax implications.

Setting aside an emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses or any initial financial challenges during the transition is also wise. Planning your finances carefully can alleviate financial stress and give you peace of mind throughout your international move.

Tip # 7 Pack Smartly

Before you start packing for your long-distance move, begin by organizing and decluttering your stuff. This way, you can start fresh in the new place. Smart packing especially helps when you are moving internationally, as it can save you space, time, money, and effort. Categorize your belongings into usable items and those that are non-usable. Pack the usable items while considering the disposal, donation, or sale of the non-usable stuff.

Selling or donating unused items you no longer require will spare you the inconvenience of packing, unpacking, freight charges, and moving expenses.

When packing, opt for high-quality, durable bubble wrap and sturdy boxes to ensure the safety of your belongings during transit. Additionally, remember to clearly label each box with its contents and mention the room where it should be placed upon arrival. It will greatly facilitate the unpacking process.

Tip # 8 Stay positive

Long-distance international moves may be stressful, but it’s important to prioritize self-care and stress management to avoid burnout. Rather than addressing everything at once, divide things into manageable tasks. Focus on one room at a time when packing. Research the available housing options when looking for a new place to live. Take regular breaks by engaging in different activities or talking to your friends and family for help. Connect with individuals who have recently moved overseas or are currently relocating; it will help relieve stress. Remember to relax, pace yourself and find balance in the middle of the rigors of the move.


International relocation may be stressful, but it can be managed properly with proper planning and organization. Research your destination, plan, pack smartly, prepare important documents in advance, sort out your immigration process, and learn about the culture and surroundings of your location to avoid any inconvenience. Moreover, learn the local language, make a budget, and plan your finances. By following these tips, you can make your international move less stressful.

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