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Watch Steve King interview with FOX’s Hannity

Congressman Steve King Fox News – Fast & Furious –

Congressman Steve King (R-IA) interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News Channel to discuss the latest on the Fast and Furious scandal on June 20, 2012.


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Peter, you were so enamored during the run-up to the caucuses with Republicans and Ron Paul, now you slight them at every other word. Which side will you be speaking from tomorrow?

He ran on the Republican ticket.

PETER…You neglect to mention the Democrats held both the House and Senate starting in 2006, and that’s when Barney Frank and Co. pushed for “everone” to be able to purchse a home…most far beyond their means. $5 trillion debt added in the past 3 1/2 years, and no end in sight. This “man” has no business running a lemonaide stand much less this country.

PETER…just who in the hell are these millions if not billions….that many weren’t lost during War I or II combined. How about Wilson and FDR, want them “touched”? You’d be better off sticking to city politics and leave national stuff to people who understand it and/or stay with your rant about the mistreated druggies.

Your “rant” on the dead border agent can only come from a terribly sick person.

Peter, you are in the minority. The majority of voters want drugheads and other law-breakers held accountable for their actions.

You on the other hand, support people who break the law, and actually encourage their anti-social behaviors.

History of presidential use of executive privilege
The Associated Press
Updated: 2012-06-21T19:31:12Z

President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege for the first time Wednesday. He applied the presidential power to withhold documents a House committee is seeking in an investigation of a flawed gun-smuggling probe called Operation Fast and Furious.
Presidents have the right to invoke executive privilege to preserve the confidentiality of information and documents in the face of legislative inquiries. The White House says presidents have asserted that privilege 25 times since 1980.
Here’s a look at how many times each president since Ronald Reagan has asserted executive privilege:
-President Barack Obama: 1
-President George W. Bush: 6
-President Bill Clinton: 14
-President George H.W. Bush: 1
-President Ronald Reagan: 3

The Kansas City Star

Where was the absolute distain by the GOP when Dubbya used this privilege 6 times? His daddy used it once and Ronnie used it thrice…

There’s an old saying, “If you have nothing to hide – don’t hide it.”

Unless there’s something pointing directly to Obama’s involvement in F&F or the cover-up, there would be no need to claim executive privilege at the very last moment.

It’s not the crime that gets you – it’s the cover-up.

Obama probably lied as usual when he said he had no knowledge of this. That is all he has done since he was elected by a bunch of free loading idiots.

Think about the family that lost their loved one due to our Government selling illegal firearms.

This family has a right to get answers and thankfully our Congress is demanding those answers for that reason. I can’t find fault with that.

We all would want answers how, why and who caused this firearm to be sold to bad guys that killed their son!

Peter L.-what a A-Hole thing to say about people just doing what the law dictates. If you don’t like the law change it if you can but because you are all alone in your misguided beliefs that won’t happen. You will really cry when the court throws out Obamacare. You communists should all move to the Soviet Union.

Yeah and the German Army was using the same excuse to get out of the Nuremburg trials. I don’t allow for that “just following the law, or doing my job” b.s.. Eventually men who make up the executive branch of our government need to exercise personal discretion as to whether or not they will follow policy dictated to them by law. Those who chose to enforce drug laws to the point they cost people their freedom and often their lives are karmically held accountable. The goal then is to assemble a government of men who understand human rights, and liberties, and not just a bunch of mindless Rambos who love to play Army.

How can one be in contempt of congress when it is a contemptible congress?

We have finally got control of our congress and they are doing what we elected them to do. Hold people accountable for lying and authorizing illegal use of firearms.

Now Obama and Holder are covering up their actions.

Nixon had to resign because of a coverup.

It’s call rule of law, and thankfully we live in a country that has rule of law.

Now we need to find a President that will abide by the law instead of thinking he is about the law.

Hope this helps.

I think we elected congress to enact laws. The judisial system is in place to do the investigating and enforcement of laws. Seeing as it is an election year the republicans in the house are up to their old tricks again. Going on witch hunts against the democratic controlled white house. Same as they did to Pres. Clinton when he was up for reelection. Starting on the day Pres. Obama was elected all that the republicans in congress have wanted to do was to get him out of office at any cost and no matter how many American people they had to hurt doing it. That is not what they were elected to do. Why do they think it has to their way or not at all? What ever happened to compromise, give and take? America shines when Dems and rep. can work together. Unforchantly for all of America the rep. won’t do that and we are now going to pay the price for their arrogance.

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