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Have a brother in law that lives down by the Wendl’s. He says they produce 16,000 head of cattle a year. That’s less than $30.00 a head.
Need to look into the Bees and Fish a little more as l am not familiar with that operation

Bet they don’t live in a $150,000 home with 2 pre 2020 trucks in the garage.

Doubt it, sounds like one of them is converting a barn into living quarters. trucks are in the shed, SUV’s in the garage….my guess. Says they are on the 3rd generation.

Yeah, the house is probably close to a million dollars, there are 3 brand new $100,000 trucks in the garage and the barn will be a party barn that has $100,000 worth of toys in it. They are really hurting and really need those subsidies.

Quit assuming and go check it out.

Total and complete BS. Large Chinese cities have been recorded as having some of the worst air pollution in the world, but their student population kicks the ever-lovin’ crap out of ours on standardized testing. More grant-grabbers with fake science bowing to the stupidity of the liberal agenda.

When you have parents who don’t think education is worthwhile, then you have what we have. People like you who continually demonize teachers and teaching are one of the reasons we don’t always compete on an even level with other countries.

I will add one thing – our best and brightest can compete with anyone.

Are we producing the best and brightest? Maybe to our capabilities.

We certainly failed with you. Sorry. You should have paid attention.

l take it you didn’t demonize teachers, as we should not. Are your children doing as well as the Chinese?

Yes, because they live in the US and work hard to make a living.

When teachers quit brain washing our children to communists and start teaching I will leave them alone. Until r=then, watch out.

If teachers could brainwash our children, the kids might be doing better in school. They would pay attention, they would do their homework and they would be nicer to one another.

That’s what the Chinese do

OTHER NEWS – GOLD STAR FATHER ARRESTED during joe’s state of the mess we’re in speech.

I hope Alec Baldwin and all of his arrogance is found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. The man who is so anti-gun yet uses them in his movies to make money. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

They aren’t “his” movies, he’s just the hired help in them. He has no control over scripts or props. Also, he wasn’t the armorer, so why is he getting any blame at all?

LET’S Make IT a Thing!!!…American’s!! Those of US who can still afford it should Each Mail a Dildo to President Biden 1600 Penn Ave Washington DC 20500 with the Note…JOE GO F Yourself!!!

Maybe you could send a few of yours, unless you’ve drained the batteries in all of them.

Pelosi, just go away you old idiot.

That is what most people say about you.

Believe more people know Pelosi, than No1 of 1

No 1 of 1 is more like a No 2

SO…Since the Age of the CaveMan Eating Meat is Now BAD for Humans….Hmmm.. Then HOW are there still Humans?  We Shoulda ALL Died Off By Now.

You sure should have.

I suppose if Trump had cheated, he would be our President, right?

LOL Drumpf cheats every day, on every person and thing in his life!!

She should have been wearing a Handmaid’s Tale outfit.


You are just not uses to looking at a women with class!

Just IN….News Feeds are NO Longer allowed to Use Bright Lights around Joe Biden…He tends to Walk Towards Them.

JFC, sober up. A news feed is not a live event, it’s a transmission, digital or otherwise. If you’re going to trash-talk, at least trash-talk the right thing.

Hahaha. Your grammar is getting really bad. “used” not “uses” and “woman” not “women”. trump loves the poorly educated.

They vote, despise what the dems try to do.

Wow she pulled a Biden….better watch her.

No, she pulled a trump. It does make one wonder why the Repubs would let her go on national tv, knowing full well her speech would be scrutinized, and lie about something so easily disproven. They are not smart. trump loves the poorly educated.

Actually the same thing can be said of your buddy Joey. He is fun to watch… bad MSNBC,CNN don’t fact check him.

“too” not “to” You never learn, do you? I don’t watch CNN or MSNBC so I can’t tell you if they fact check or not. I know that Fox doesn’t fact check the orange buffoon. That is why they paid over $700 million dollars out.

Because you don’t want to know.. Nice one sided conversation

Not sure what you are talking about now. You are the one who excels at one-sided conversations because you consistently deflect away from the issue at hand.

Hey, I was scrolling through posts on FB and I saw this on someone’s timeline. I guess CNN does fact check.

If you were scrolling FB you should have seen the school fights a few weeks ago…

LOL she has as much class as a cheap cup of vanilla pudding, and as much intelligence.

Joey played the Emperor had no clothes and you don’t like her? Truth really bothers you doesn’t it.

Most people thought he gave a great speech. Much better than hers.

The only thing the angry old man left out was get off my lawn.

Speaking of angry old men, did you see trump get bested by Jimmy Kimmel last night?

Nope, he is unwatchable and not funny.Letterman was much better.

Huh, wonder why his numbers dropped lower after the speech

One misstep: Biden infuriated some Democrats in an ad-libbed moment by using language they find degrading. He called the alleged killer of Laken Riley, a Georgia nursing student, “an illegal.” (Former Speaker Pelosi said on CNN that Biden “should have said ‘undocumented.'”) And he called the student “Lincoln” instead of Laken.
Finally admitted the truth on the illegals.

Whereas, on the other side, trump’s truth social crashed before and into the SOTU speech so the orange fruit cake couldn’t add his commentary. If you are more concerned with Biden’s misstep than with what he said, then I guess you must agree that he kicked trump’s butt.

Just glad he admitted the truth about illegals.
PS sorry you couldn’t follow truth social

You think that was a misstep? LOL he said what he meant to say, and I didn’t hear “Lincoln.” I heard “Laken,” and I was listening closely. So this is all you’ve got. He b*tch-slapped the whole MAGA crowd completely, and they knew it. The look on Mike Johnson’s face says it all.

It was a quote from a article. l believe his whole term has been a misstep.

You are stupid!

Always Remember…I have a Heavily Wooded Property, a Backhoe & Bags of Lime

Biden couldn’t say her name correctly. “Not Lincoln you idiot”. Obiden should be in a facility. Oh that’s right he’s at the White House Senior Home.

Better listen again or read the articles..PS there is no N in the middle of Laken

Ever wish YOU were in a Coma the Last 3yrs & You Wake Up Jan 25th 2025 & Trump would STILL be President?

Dear Gov. Moron:
Per Fox News, since Jan 2021, when Pres. Biden took office, the unemployment rate is down 2.7%; jobs added up 10%; wages are up 15%; the Dow Jones is up 24%; and new home sales prices are up 12%. Try to keep up, if you can pull your mouth off Bruce RATSTETTER’s a** long enough.

Wow, who has their lips on Joey’s a**?

Facts that don’t align with your skewed mental state really get you upset, don’t they?

Not any worse than yours

The big donors have had it with these ignorant lunatics, and are heading for the door.
A group of the Republican Party’s most prominent megadonors are pouring millions of dollars into a handful of primaries in deep-red congressional districts — part of a bid to influence the makeup of the House GOP conference after a difficult and conflict-ridden year. 
With the political world’s attention focused on the presidential election, two super PACs financed by a small group of donors quietly spent over $6 million against five Republicans running for House seats in Super Tuesday primaries, according to Federal Election Commission records. 
The super PACs, Conservatives for American Excellence and America Leads Action, have targeted candidates who are either endorsed by the political arm of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus or would align with the caucus, which has been a thorn in GOP leadership’s side since it launched in 2015. The groups have also targeted one candidate endorsed by former President Donald Trump: Brandon Gill, who is running in Texas’ open 26th District.
The Freedom Caucus has been in conflict with House Republican leadership since it formed, including helping force the resignation of then-Speaker John Boehner in 2015 — but those conflicts have been especially acute in the last year-plus, with the GOP majority at only a few seats. 
Most of the eight Republicans who moved to oust then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy last year were Freedom Caucus members, and members of the group have opposed deals struck by new Speaker Mike Johnson in attempts to keep the government open this year.

If you have not read Eric Swalwell’s questions to Hunter Biden during his hearing, you need to.
SWALWELL: Any time your father was in government, prior to the Presidency or before, did he ever operate a hotel?
BIDEN: No, he has never operated a hotel.
SWALWELL: So he’s never operated a hotel where foreign nationals spent millions at that hotel while he was in office?
BIDEN: No, he has not.
SWALWELL: Did your father ever employ in the Oval Office any direct family member to also work in the Oval Office?
BIDEN: My father has never employed any direct family members, to my knowledge.
SWALWELL: While your father was President, did anyone in the family receive 41 trademarks from China?
SWALWELL: As President and the leader of the party, has your father ever tried to install as the chairperson of the party a daughter-in-law or anyone else in the family?
BIDEN: No. And I don’t think that anyone in my family would be crazy enough to want to be the chairperson of the DNC.
SWALWELL: Has your father ever in his time as an adult been fined $355 million by any State that he worked in?
BIDEN: No, he has not, thank God.
SWALWELL: Anyone in your family ever strike a multibillion dollar deal with the Saudi Government while your father was in office?
SWALWELL: That’s all.

To scared to ask about China investments.

It’s “too” not to. How do you know he didn’t? Or perhaps one of the right wing wacko group had already asked that and was answered. Remember the material they are using in this fiasco has already been proven to be false.

l don’t. Do you, or just assuming again.Like Russia,Russia,Russia, right

No, apparently Fox News hasn’t reported on Alexander Smirnov. Google his name. He is the guy the committee investigating the Bidens were using as their one and only source for the “dirt” they supposedly had on them

You mean the guy who was a trusted FBI paid informant for
1 0 years?

Yep, that guy.

Better rehash all his cases he helped in the last 10 years then.

That is a good idea.

Some Democrats on Capitol Hill dread a high-profile senior moment. tonight. Others expressed confidence Biden can repeat last year’s energetic SOTU performance, Axios’ Andrew Solender and Alex Thompson write.

  • “We are all nervous,” said one House Democrat, citing concerns about Biden’s “ability to speak without blowing things.”

What is ironic about that is many Republicans feel the same way about trump but will never say that. Think Mitch McConnell.

Thinking and admitting are two different things…..ask a judge

Yeah, you can’t admit you are wrong about anything but we all think it about you.

Shoes feet both feet there…

You drunk already?

Following your example……..

At least my posts make some sense. Yours sure didn’t

OK, if the shoe fits wear it…better

Yea, but it still makes no sense because I will admit I make mistakes and will admit that the President makes mistakes whereas, you on the other hand, refuse to admit those mistakes you make and that the ex-President makes. Then and now.

Never claimed either of us are perfect…

Not only did he not blow it, he knocked it out of the park, and Drumpf’s big a** with it.

Wish in one hand, poop in the other, you have the same result libby.

The REAL True Number of Documents the FBI recovered & Verified in the Indictment at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home WAS….102…ALL the Pics of BOXES upon Boxes like found at Bidens multiple locations were Staged BY the FBI to be reported as FACT.

Why should we believe you? You never offer proof of your allegations and never respond when someone proves you wrong.

According to the New York Times it was 107

They said there were 107 classified top secret files and dozens of boxes of other files. So while you might be correct on the number of classified boxes, old Larry neglected to mention the dozen of boxes of documents. He also forgot that Mr Smith is talking to trump staff at Mar A Lago about the rest of the documents that still haven’t been turned over. Those boxes might be in the secret room that many of his employees have referenced in their testimony.

l reread the article, l was wrong it was 80 boxes and 27 classified files.
You mean the gov’t didn’t confiscate all the information with the warrant they had?

How were they supposed to know about the secret room?

Maybe the secret service agents assigned to the place…wink, wink

Hunter Biden is a 54 yr Old Crackhead yet the Media & Joe want US to Feel Sorry for Joe & Him like HE’S some kinda Teenager or a 20 something POS. STFU!

Has the President ever said that? Has Hunter? If so, provide proof, because that hasn’t appeared anywhere else. BTW, are you not familiar with the concept of PTSD, which Hunter clearly has? And do you want to be held responsible for the behavior of your adult children?

How soon till the CIA Goes JFK on Trump? Biden has had 3yrs to allow the Assassins from China, Russia, Iran, & N Korea to cross OUR Border.

Colorado Sec of State suffers from a Head Wound? All Pissed & Bitchy that the Voters will have to get Rid of Trump.

We Live in the ERA of Smart Phones & STUPID People.

You’re Exhibit A

There is no clear candidate for the president. One is crazy (Trump), and one is unconscious most of the time (Biden). Why would you want to donate? Also, why can the USA not choose between two reasonable and composed presidents? I think you have to look back a long time to find a candidate like that 

You are finally admitting that trump is a chump? Took you long enough.

Have to admit a chump is better than unconscious person.

donny does love you poorly educated people.

Joey loves you unconscious libs

Killing the Unborn is NOT Extremist but Restricting Abortion IS? Woman’s Body is MY Body My Choice But NOT when it came to the VAX? Having a Problem with that Math.

You alleged pro-life idiots like fetuses, but not kids after they’re born. That’s because it’s not about babies, it’s about keeping women out of the workplace, so they can’t make you look bad.

Halley’s not going to endorse Trump, because she’s a democrat running as republican

The hatred for President Trump by the Establishment is incredible. I don’t think Halley could ever get elected again unless she runs as a democrat.

The “Establishment” LOL

When Biden was elected, he said he would have the most transparent presidency ever.
Now we find he has flown 320k illegals into the US undetected.

That bs comes from your cult leader, I know but it isn’t the whole story. Read and learn:

Transparency was bs ? Trying to find the foia request that addressed the flights

Read the entire article. You might learn something.

Read the foia report you might learn something

Post a link or is that too difficult for you?

Trying to find it again, believe it was in the Washington post

The WaPo is way above your reading level so perhaps you might look on the Fox News site.

If it was there you would have seen it.

Senator John Kennedy
So much of the attention right now is on present Biden’s age,” Kennedy continued. “It’s true that it takes longer than a trip to Jupiter for him to walk across the stage. But we can’t lose sight of the fact that his economic policies have been, almost every time, reliably and dependably wrong. His inflation is a cancer on the American dream. And the American people have figured it out and that’s why if you believe the polls, the President is polling right up there with chlamydia.”



That’s what the dems say to the Blacks

Both Bidens are traitors, liars, thieves and should be charged with treason.

You got that right for sure

Fed Govt keeps NO Count Nationally of Deaths BY Illegals as they KNOW We’d be PISSED!

They don’t have to. It is such a small percentage there is no reason to do so.

Liberal answer or you don’t care or both

No murder is good. I wish they didn’t happen but they do. The overwhelming majority of them hare committed by American citizens. The right has already shown they don’t care about them unless it is an immigrant or a school kid.

And the left only cares if it is blacks being killed by whites, nothing about black on black murders….like in Chicago

OK, you go ahead and believe that. Who is trying to cut down the number of guns in the US and who is trying to multiply the number of guns?

Socialists and Patriots

As of February 2023, the United States has 120.5 firearms per 100 residents. This means that the US has more guns per person than anyone else in the world. And you think we need more?

No, just ammo
PS have you ever collected anything?

I have. I also have at least 5 long guns and one handgun.

So….you contribute to the problem then. Gonna buy more?

No, I don’t need more. I also don’t have a weapon that fires multiple rounds in a short period of time. I have yet to come across a time in my life when I needed one and probably never will. As a matter of fact, I haven’t shot any of my weapons in years. No need.

Democrats need to stop the shenanigans and start thinking things through. This latest stunt is so wrong that all 9 justices agree. Stuff like this is a huge, costly waste of resources and it has no place in a decent society. Democrats need to stop all this lawfare and start acting like adults, for the first time in several generations.


Guess that means no

No, it is a laugh because the man worried about costly wastes doesn’t care about the costly waste going on in the House and their foray into what they thought was the Biden coverup.

Dems wasted nothing on Trump, Russia,Russia,Russia

America…Remember Joe Biden is the BEST the Democrats have to Offer.

Don’t bother walking a Mile in my Shoes as it would Bore You…Spend 30 sec in My Head….Would Scare the SHIT Outta You

Biden is government at its finest. We all know they will be behind anything that happens to Trump

The bureaucrats are the problem, not how long a Senator serves. Do you think you’d want the military or corporation to turn over it’s leadership every 8 years? We need somebody with experience in charge.

The difference is that a corporation can fire its CEO at any time. We can’t do that with elections. EIght years is plenty of time to prove ones’ worth. Our country decided years ago that we won’t allow to be President for more than eight years. They realized that serving longer than that can lead someone to believe they can do no wrong. It only took donny four years (truth be told he has always felt that way) to believe he is above the law.

Watch the next 4 with fear then, won’t you

I will. I can’t believe any good American thinks that the President is above the law.

Will see what happens to Biden.

Why? You apparently think trump is above the law. But then so does he. Your colors are showing.

Crooks are not above the law, except maybe Hunter

So, is trump above the law or don’t you think he meant it when he said he was?

He meant it like when Joey says he is competent.

Now these illegals are showing why their countries got rid of them; the next & worst thing that’s going to come out of the illegals are the terrorists that have infiltrated our country.

Let The United States Of America CITIZENS Decide All Our Elections !! Agree 100% !!

You mean like in 2020 when trump lost and then tried to get the election overturned?

Any worse than all the election deniers when Trump won?
PS how many moved to Canada?

I gave up on politics after Obama won the second time. I had almost given up on our country. Donald Trump was the only thing that could have brought me back. When he’s no longer running or on any ballot I will probably go back to not being politically involved again unless someone as good as him comes around to take his place. It’s definitely not Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley.

Every word out of Joe Bomas mouth is lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies.

(no dementia)

You are in a cult.


That’s what the dems say to the Blacks

That is what trump said to you.

Assuming he talks to me, like Joey talks to you huh

You must be confused – again. trump said this to a crowd of his supporters. Just. Like. You.

Funny, he was talking to you and your lib friends

Amazing…the coke snorting, whore Hunter Bidden is banging, half-wit is ON AUDIO TAPE, and his camp is crying foul. It’s disgusting.

Example 1A of piss poor Democrat up bringing

More bs from Mr BS.

BS when he himself is recorded?

The fact that one’s child has struggled with drug abuse for years has no bearing on a person’s parents. Hunter has never been elected to an office. You should listen to Hunter’s exchange with Matt Gaetz during the inquisition by the House. Hunter admits he is and always will be a drug addict. He also question Gaetz’s motives and holier than thou attitude which should be questioned.

So being an addict is an all inclusive excuse for anything or everything

Absolutely not. Addiction is a disease and if you had anyone in your family or close friends who have struggled with addiction, you might have a little compassion.

I have compassion for those who don’t use it as an excuse

Do you think that maybe a drug addict might do things he or she regrets later on? Or don’t you know any reformed drug addicts?

Yes, has Hunter regretted what he did to earn gifts/bribes for not doing anything worth while

You didn’t answer my question and I didn’t really think you would but, yes, Hunter has said he regrets what he did when he was in the midst of his addiction.

l said Yes.Don’t know Hunter or any other drug addicts.
Then why won’t he admit to all the money he took from foreign countries?

Americans DESERVE to know how many Americans are being Killed by Illegals from DUI’s, Murders etc, How many Rapes & Child Molestations by ALL these Millions of Illegals. YET BOTH Parties Ensure that NO Federal accounting of those Numbers are gathered or reported.

Google AI…Only as Smart as the Woke 20 something POS who Programs IT!

Who are all 20 times more intelligent than you ever were.

Wow, we are in trouble.

Really doubt it. I am tried and proven. I can outthink you liberal shitheads anytime

God grants Mercy upon My Enemies…I WON’T!

You are delusional.

Excuse him. he may be an addict

He’s addicted to his own ego. Just. Like. trump.

Where does that leave the Biden’s?

Biden wants MORE Border Agents NOT to Turn them Back BUT to Process More OF THEM!…1st & Foremost Job as President is to PROTECT the People & this is HOW!

Word Play…Illegals….Undocumented.. Asylum Seekers & NOW….Newcomers. Biden & the Democrats keep seeking Your We finally don’t Give a Shit Term that YOU’LL Accept!

But I am the best jigsaw puzzle person.


Trump is LIKE NO OTHER! He actually does what HE SAYS! Is clearly the most effective classy TIRELESS caring intuitive smart man this country has ever seen and ever will see THAT IS WHY THEY HATE HIM SO MUCH

When his words hit you… you may get irritated… but deep down inside… you know he’s telling the Truth! And truth hurts!!! but it’ll show you the reality… that Trump is the perfect guy for this Big Job!!!! Not Easy… but you cannot put this good Man Down… 

He is not a good man.

.OMG. You are so far gone.

Joey started 3 1/2 years ago and still can’t find the border pieces

When someone tells you who they are, believe them.
“Jack Posobiec opened this weekend’s conference of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) outside Washington, D.C., with the words: “Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here.” He held up a cross necklace and continued: “After we burn that swamp to the ground, we will establish the new American republic on its ashes, and our first order of business will be righteous retribution for those who betrayed America.”
These people should not and cannot hold the reins of power.

This is what the trump supporters want. Unfortunately for them if he is elected, they will find themselves fighting for their lives, too. The Christian far right (Posobiec is a prime example) won’t stop at destroying who they perceive as enemies, but they will then start their purge. Get rid of birth control will be first on their agenda. Then they will go after the minorities – racial and religious. Then the media if they don’t eliminate it first. Then the civil rights of all Americans until all they have left are the cult members. If it sounds like Germany in the early and mid 20th century, it is.

Haley is here to hurt the Republicans to help the Democrats, she is Cheney’s protege!

Nikki said it… “Trump will Never be President… Will be a woman; either her or Kamela..” Such is Democracy in our Republic these days. The power and control of “the Swamp” (Marxism) is yet to be seen and felt. How sad for our Nation.

I used to be very impressed with Ambassador Haley. I wish her good luck in her next endeavor.

Get off the drugs….

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