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“I never understood wind. I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous–if you are into this–tremendous fumes and gases spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right?
So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right spewing, whether it is China and Germany, is going into the air.
A windmill will kill many bald eagles. After a certain number, they make you turn the windmill off, that is true. By the way, they make you turn it off. And yet, if you killed one, they put you in jail. That is okay. But why is it okay for windmills to destroy the bird population?” —Stable Genius Donald Drumpf

Chicago to Indianapolis? 180 miles? EV won’t cover 180 miles on a single charge? EVs might be OK for city commutes. Not ready for prime time.

It’s what happens when you listen to the government. They push EVs hard. When they push that hard you should be wary. Politicians will push anything if there’s money to be made for themselves.

CNN accidentally slipped and told the truth. “They” want to ban private ownership of cars. Let’s all take subways, trains, and buses. You need passes for those. Your movement will be monitored and cut off at will.

Full EV’s are not the future, at least not yet. They should have pushed hybrids more so people do not get range anxiety. If auto manufactures have hybrid vehicles that get 60mpg, there would be a huge demand, even if gas was $2.50 a gallon.

On average, EVs have a range of 211 miles, but most can go between 100 and 300 miles. More affordable EVs typically have shorter ranges, while higher-end electric vehicles tend to have longer ranges. Ford sales were up 10 1/2 percent in February with hybrid, EVs, and SUVs leading the charge. Seems like a lot of people are buying EVs and hybrids. Guess what/ Nobody is forcing them to do so. Apparently, there are many people who believe that helping to save the planet is a good thing. Too bad you don’t.

Maybe they are just saving money and like china

MAGAmorons have to lie, they can’t talk about endorsements any other way. If they can’t keep Richard Petty, they can’t keep anybody.
NASCAR legend Richard Petty is not endorsing North Carolina congressional candidate Christian Castelli’s 2024 campaign, his family announced over the weekend.
In doing so, Petty becomes the seventh Republican to withdraw an endorsement in the state’s 6th Congressional District race.
Throughout the 2024 election cycle, Castelli’s campaign has been circulating a video of Petty calling Castelli “a leader who will fight for North Carolina values” and offering his “support” of Castelli.
But eagle-eyed watchers might have noticed that the video was first posted on Castelli’s YouTube channel on Aug. 23, 2022, well before Castelli lost the 2022 election to Rep. Kathy Manning, a Democrat from Greensboro.
And Petty’s family told McClatchy Monday the video was created for the 2022 cycle.

Let the math do the talking:
49% of Republicans in Iowa.
44% of Republicans in New Hampshire.
Roughly 40% of Republicans in South Carolina.
All of them voted against Trump.
The guy who’s “unstoppable.” The guy who’s basically running as an incumbent. Between 40-50% of Republican primary voters – the absolute, most motivated core of the party – do NOT want Donald Trump as their nominee.
Many of those voters aren’t coming back to him, and that’s just the Republicans. The independents won’t, and the Democrats sure as hell won’t.

Lets Go Brandon

I will remind you once again who you are.


Thanks Hunter

Did you and Larry just get back from Russia? Haven’t been on here much this week. How is Vlad? Hope he is worried about how Alexei Navalny murder is affecting his country and his future. You guys talk about that?

He says to tell your momma Hi

History will not reflect kindly on the adults pushing this bullshit to kids, mark my words. History will not reflect kindly on the adults pushing this bullshit to kids, mark my words. Remember, the people conducting the Salem Witch Trials thought they were doing the right thing too.
Woke Mind Virus is deadly…to those under the care and guidance of the infected.
, the people conducting the Salem Witch Trials thought they were doing the right thing too.
Woke Mind Virus is deadly…to those under the care and guidance of the infected.

MAGA Christian Nationalist hate is the disease. If there’s one thing that God has shown over and over, it’s that he hates false Christians, with their false gods.

Child victimizing clinic. Democrats have never met a vulnerable group they aren’t willing to use for political gain.

WTF are you talking about? How about we discuss how that stupid puppet b*tch Reynolds is willing to starve poor kids so she can give the money to Rastetter, who owns her, lock, stock, and barrel.

Cool down Amanda

Blast from the Past back when WE bought 45’s & LP’s…See today’s Music Artist have Figured Out going back to Vinyl not only does the Music SOUND Better People can’t Copy IT.

All these Elderly Folks walking for Exercise claiming they walk 10k steps 12k steps are those Normal Steps OR Biden Steps to & from the Bathroom?

Repeat from yesterday, Your mind is going if not already gone.

It’s Drumpf who’s the diaper wearing idiot. Did you see and hear him at the Mason City event? Magnets in water?! John Deere?!

VERY common now. You are openly and freely discriminated against if you are white, straight, older and Christian.

LOL yeah, no. You wish

Again I will say, file a class action suit against the US Gov for any person harmed, injured or killed by an illegal for the failure of the US Gov to protect its citizens.

Like on Jan. 6, when the sitting fake president was the perpetrator?

Fake? another election denier l see

Serve these along with bone spur buffalo chips.


You would eat it every meal

Liberals will try to put those illegals in office.

Joe will, like he always does, bungle this up. The terror unleashed on Israel on October 7 would have never happened if Joe and his merry band of nitwit diversity-hires had lost in 2020. He thinks he’s a “foreign policy expert.” LOL. He knows when it’s ice cream time. That is all.

It happened because they’ve been at each other’s throats for more than 3000 years. Hamas saw the sh*tshow the MAGAtards were creating in the House, and the minute that deeply closeted freak GAYtz robbed the House of the Speaker, they attacked. They know no money for aid to Israel could be provided without Congress authorizing funds, which can’t be done without a Speaker. They watch us like hawks, and obviously understand our government better than you do.

He’s just plain mentally impaired, and all the MAGAtards know it, which is why they hurried to say that about President Biden first. They knew it was only a matter of time.
If there is a simple political truth, it’s that voters hate inflation. If there’s another, it’s that they also hate the policies that snuff it out.
Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign highlights the tensions between these two truths. The former president has blasted President Biden for the rise in prices over the past few years. But Trump also criticizes high interest rates — the Federal Reserve’s key tool for lowering inflation. And the second-term agenda he is proposing contains few policies that economists believe would reduce inflation.
In fact, some would risk pushing prices higher.
Those include higher tariffs, which could raise costs for American consumers. Trump has also pledged to deport many undocumented immigrants, which could cause labor shortages that lift prices on food and other items. And while Trump has not laid out his plans in sufficient detail for economists to judge how his agenda as a whole would affect inflation, there’s little to suggest that his policies would stamp out price increases.

Really liked it better 4 years ago in the last administration

That’s because young people are emotionally decrepit and no one has clued them in on that fact because it would further hurt their feelings…

Destroy America – check
New World Order – check
WWIII – Check
Civil War – Better damn well get ready!
YOU voted for it!
When America is flooded with tens of millions of Illegals, the communist know it will eventually break the system. He also knows these people have no morning to our founding and what we are
That’s what he wants from them here. It’s less work for him.
America isn’t losing its standing in the world by accident
Cities aren’t releasing murders to kill again by accident
We didn’t take in 8 MILLION ILLEGALS this year by accident
The destruction is Intentional.
Wake up and grow up.
THIS is all planned
Polio, tuberculosis, leprosy, malaria, and other diseases once eradicated or controlled are making a comeback. YOU voted for it!!!
They can now vote in our elections!!
THERE is NO way to send OVER 8 MILLION of them home! They are in every city, every state but THIS administration has NO idea where they are!
They are NOT vetted! They are NOT tested!!
His “Border Czar” has NEVER been to the Border!!!

There’s more illegal terrorists here in the US than anywhere else in the world. That’s where the civil war I hear people talk about that’s suppose to happen in the US. It will be between the true US patriots against the illegal terrorist and the domestic democrat terrorist.

Define “true US patriots”. I am sure it will be a convoluted definition but give it a try. Will you include those who took part in trump’s attempted overthrow of our government on January 6th?

Ever seen a gov’t overthrow with out weapons?

You are mistaken or you are lying. There were many weapons at the insurrection.

Nine people make a insurrection against hundreds of police and only one shot was an unarmed woman

You stated there were no weapons. When shown there were weapons, you deflect. Did you read the part about thousands of rounds of ammunition were found? Critical thinking would lead one to believe that nine weapons wouldn’t need thousands of rounds of ammunition so there must have been a lot of weapons that weren’t found and many who had weapons weren’t arrested at the time.

Talk about deflection…or you have been to an insurrection before

Explain to me where I deflected away from the subject which was (before you deflected) Larry’s definition of “true patriots”. My comment was to question him about his definition of true patriots and whether he would include those who took part in the attempted overthrow of our government.

Love the attempted part

Aah, so you can’t show me where I deflected. That figures because I didn’t.

Animals ARE truly Smarter than Humans as Only Humans would Choose & Allow the Dumbest & Weakest among them to Lead Them!

Ok Mohawks, one of my agenda items was security  in School to protect our Students.  I was told there were 9 major fights in the High School today.  Better put a stop to this just going to get worse.  This really pisses me off the money we wasted on Riverhawks we should have used for security.

Try 11 fights…I think the high school needs security and cops in hallways at all times! Other kids that do not behave this way are frightened to go to school, because they don’t know what is going to happen next. The kids that act this way need to be kicked out of school for good and go elsewhere or be home schooled for everyone’s safety! Parents talk with your kids if you get that call from them or a text stating to you they do not feel safe at school and they are anxious, scared etc go get them make them feel safe and do what is best for them!
It’s time to do something before something bigger happens in this school!!

My kid goes to MC schools and hasn’t seen or heard any of this. More of your lies. Even if it was true, it’s the parents’ fault.

Who told you this?

Parents on facebook?

What parents?

Students parents, check it out

Show me where to check it out.


Just any random person’s page on FB or do you have a specific person’s page I should check on? If it is the first answer, you don’t have a place; if it was the second, produce a name.

If you don’t know any parents at the school….l am not going to out them to you to be ridiculed as you libs do

Ha ha ha. In other words, you don’t have any proof.

Guess you don’t have facebook..

I would imagine by now that among colleges, Harvard rates in popularity about where Bud Light rates among beer brands.

If my job was hiring employees if a candidate showed me a Harvard degree on their application it would immediately go in the trash. A large percent of our congress are Harvard grads, maybe that’s why my government is so screwed up.

Marxist institutions of brainwashing. All designed to destroy the country.

Harvard becomes a terrorist training camp

A sick administration who cares more for the vote than the US citizens. Such a beautiful soul. May she rest in peace.

Wonder how many MORE Murdering Rapist because of HIS Open Border from Doesn’t matter where, Biden will allow into Our Country before HE leaves Office?

All these Elderly Folks walking for Exercise claiming they walk 10k steps 12k steps are those Normal Steps OR Biden Steps to & from the Bathroom?

A Gov’t so evil that has so much power, who will spend 3 years pushing a lie of Russian collusion to take Trump down, has no right to run any agency or courts in this country ever again ! The Left will lie, cheat, steal and kill to get what they want. And will take down anyone who speaks out against their evil. Evil will not win as long as we keep God’s name on our lips and ask for his help against the Devil.

And the FBI and democrats that filed fake impeachment of Russian collusion are free of charges. Go figure

You know if Trump did that they would be screaming at the top of the lungs but when they do it, oh that’s okay I’m hating this two tier system that we have and needs to be switched to one tier system where if these people are held to the correct view

Thought you weren’t religious. Guess you were lying again.
How about this?
“For example, at the Conservative Political Action Convention’s recent annual meeting, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec proclaimed during a panel discussion, “I just wanted to say, welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here.” Posobiec then held up a Christian cross on his necklace, adding, “That’s right, because all glory, all glory is not to government, all glory is to God.””
You are a big fan of Posobiec so this should say about what you think too. Guess overthrowing democracy is ok if it comes from a right wing wacko.

take the T away and all thats left is RUMP, everyone knows another name for rump,, its ASS

President Trump needs to sue all these people for these outrageous, ridiculous lawsuits. They’re either creating crimes to charge him with or charging him with false crimes. I just don’t see how they can do this legally in any way or form. Everyone of them that’s making these charges can probably be charged with the exact same charges if you follow their examples of a crime. 

Sadly, there is no known cure for the woke mind virus.

You are in a cult.

You keep drinkin the kool-aid….

How many Willis’s are in our legal system? DEI babies groomed into hate and resentment and elevated in the system to destroy the system. Fifty years of this corruption.

What a shock, a couple of corrupt Democrats lied. The big guy who orchestrated this indictment lies every single day.

They lied in court under oath!! Now the appeals from those previously convicted will start rolling in. How many will be overturned? Guess that’s worth it to Democrats to “get Trump”. What a bunch of clowns these Democrats are!!

Haley has lost her own state in a real vote and is behind Trump in every other state according to polls , normally a candidate would withdraw at this stage , due to lack of funding , but funnily enough her funding is going up higher than Trump’s , as she is being funded by the Deep State to keep going , because they are hoping to block Trump legally in the courts. So much for Democracy the American establishment will tell you they are trying to spread around the world .

Do we really think they’ll let Trump be the nominee in the general election? Let’s not forget how far they’re willing to go. Better be prepared because the Democratic Party is all in for total control and domination. Haley is a plant with well known democratic support. She hasn’t gone out for a reason.

 When someone loses their own state how can they possibly think they can win others lol. Girl, take a lesson from Christie.

At this point Haley staying in the race says volumes. She is willing to waste millions of dollars to get what she wants. Even if the cause is futile. I don’t want her hand in tax dollars. She’s no better than Biden.

No surprise here
Even after begging democrats to vote for her Haley still gets whooped in her own state.

Biden has allowed more than 10 Million Illegals into our Country…Singley That’s MORE than 36 of OUR State Populations. What does that tell you? If you’re here illegally you’re a terrorist.

Funny how the POS Politicians are asking for Americans to Take In Illegals to OUR Homes but NOT Once have they EVER asked to take in a Homeless VET!

Or the dems and rhinos haven’t taken them in. Also after 30 days do they turn into squatters and they take over your home. Wouldn’t that be a slap in the face?

You can tell by Biden’s vague look the lights are not on and there’s nobody home upstairs. History Books will not look kindly on his Presidency and destruction of this Country.

Wanna bet? They will certainly look at him more benevolently than trump and the destruction he has already caused.

Biden HAS to Run to Keep Himself & Pardon Hunter & other Family Members for ALL the Crimes THEY’VE Committed against Our Country & the American People.
Didn’t think of it that way. It’s the only sure way. Otherwise he could be used as the scapegoat. How many more has this happened to that we don’t know about. It’ll be like illegal terrorist against true Americans.

Treasonous people. What do you do to people like this, by the law?

Change Biden to trump and Pardon himself you have it accurate.

Was right the first time.. Biden has changed the country with open borders

Your TDS is flaring up again….better have some more kool-aid

So says the cult member

Too bad you can’t deny it

Too bad you can’t deny it

Should never matter what gender, race, background, sexual preference when determining pay. Only skills and knowledge of the job expected should matter. We live in a time that looks at the least important thing about the job.

That what the democrats want – equal pay regardless of your race, sex, background or sexual preference.

You left out skills and knowledge…on purpose?

No, I was saving them for you as I know you have neither.

Sorry, l am not your family

We can assume that they’re not having a great time on Google’s normally upbeat, chic campus right about now. It’s very likely the organic gardens are unattended, the massage rooms are empty, and the on-site cooking classes are suspended until further notice. That’s because, as we discussed yesterday, the launch of Google’s exciting new, cutting-edge AI platform called “Gemini” has very quickly turned into a debacle, and for good reason: Gemini does not recognize the existence of white people.

Get your shoes before we shut ’em down. No guarantees, no returns, made by real Americans living in China.


Guess that is better than getting money from China for no apparent reason

I am surprised that No1 of 1 (Larry to those of us who know of him) hasn’t gone on record about the republican’s screwup with their investigation of the Bidens and all the wrong about that investigation. Chuckles Grassley is turning over in his grave.

Friggin’ Brandon…

What else can you say, a Democrat Judge finds him guilty of fraud before any trial starts, then fines him over $450 million when there is NO victims( besides Trump and his family) and the DA campaigned on getting Trump and destroy him . Another Democrat DA has him on trial over BS voter interference in Georgia. Another trial in D.C. by Democrat court for Jan 6 “insurrection” , even though over a thousand has been convicted, NOT a single person has been charged for it. Then he has another trial over Legally obtained classified documents by Democrats , and let Biden off for having illegally obtained classified documents. Yes this is ALL political. TRUMP 2024

Yeah, trump for 2024 years in prison.

The Dr can’t even cure your Trump Dysfunctional Syndrome

Oops…l was wrong. You need to Dr in Canada, they fix all medical needs

We are the only major nation who doesn’t have universal health care so going to a doctor in Canada would certainly be cheaper.

And guaranteed death, just ask, if that is your choice

Really? Guaranteed? Lots of living Canadians who have seen a doctor in their country.

Especially the ones that want to die

kiss his ass goodbye

Biden just passed student debt to the Americans that have already paid their own bills

This is the Only way Biden can get votes. And thanks for passing that expense on to everyone that didn’t go to college.

Biden wants them to feel obligated. I paid your loan off so you vote for me ??? And unfortunately there will be some who will .

More bullsh*t. Those loans were for worthless education at Drumpf buddies for-profit schools. The kids pay thousands of dollars for degrees that employers won’t accept, and worthless credits that won’t transfer. It’s another scam by the greedy rich, and that’s all it’s ever been.

Democrat greedy rich, that is….

It’s my understanding that the banks didn’t file suit? Ok, so where does this money go? The banks are saying they are not victims, so why the law suit? This makes absolutely no sense.

The media does not give all the information. It’s generally the Banks that do the appraisals. Also, if the property is overvalued then why doesn’t the State benefit from the property tax. If the city takes over Trump’s property, then there will be no tax revenue and will be filled with homeless immigrants.

This is such a shame. When you go to sell a house, you have an idea what it is worth. When an offer comes in, they do their due diligence and get an appraisal. That’s how it works. The banks need to do their due diligence before they hand out funds. No one was harmed here and why was there no jury trial. This judge and DA had an agenda from the get go. Now businesses would be smart to have second thoughts about doing business in New York if this is allowed to stand.

There weren’t even any VICTIMS!!! These banks WANT to do business with TRUMP!! This is a CROCK!! This has got to get fixed NOW!!! So WRONG!!

The American taxpayers are the victims, since we fund the FDIC, which had to clean up the mess! Drumpf doesn’t think anything he does is wrong, when in reality it all is.

Yes, he wrong for not charging Hillary

He and the republicans tried to charge her but none of them could find any crime she committed.

Humm…not like today, where show me a person and l’ll make up a crime

That is true about the republicans in the House. Keep looking.

They will and find the truth

Biden was really anxious to console the wife and daughter of the Russian who died BUT what about the American families of those being murdered by illegals. He calls Putin a murderer. What about the person allowing murderers to walk freely into our country?

Anybody ever told you you are a moron?

Hate the truth?

I am sure people have said you are a moron before, so I guess I don’t need to tell you. I do have to remind Larry now and again.

voice of experience? Is that why you quit going to family get togethers, tired of hearing the relatives call you moron

Where did Iran get enough money to be able to supply Russia? Biden, after he lifted the sanctions on Iran, put in place by Trump. Now he says he’s going to sanction Russia? So basically, he’s supplying Russia by proxy. He’s also supplying Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis by proxy. This is how you create those forever wars.

Biden did NOT lift any sanctions on Russia, he imposed more of them. It was Drumpf who let the Russians loose in our White House, and gave them our top-secret documents.

He did not lift sanctions, he just ignored the ones that were on them

Really? Provide proof.

selling oil…..

You are selling snake oil just like your cult leader. Most Americans aren’t buying.

typical lib, hate the truth

BIDEN Imposes 500 NEW Sanctions against Russia!…WTF? NOW? 2yrs Later & 113 Billion of OUR Tax Dollars that WE don’t have & were Funding the BULK of this War & just NOW Biden is Imposing 500 New Sanctions!….WHO’S the REAL PUTIN Puppet?  WHY the HELL are there Still ANY Remaining New Sanctions IF You REALLY want Ukraine to WIN this War?… You POS or should WE say the Handlers TELLING Biden WTF to DO!

Of course. Biden first acted too late when Russia was on the Ukraine border, and then Biden and our NATO allies have been extremely soft on sanctions. Yet, he wants American taxpayers to continue pouring money into thisBiden war with no clear strategy.

So did Biden’s sanctions before the war started. It all started with him on day one killing the pipeline causing gas prices to go sky high. Since then, Russia has been selling their gas at record prices paying for the Ukraine invasion.

Why is it okay to allow trans-women to infiltrate first-gender women’s spaces (sports, restrooms, jails, etc.) and first-gender women are told to ‘get over it’, instead of placing trans-women in men’s spaces and telling trans-women to ‘get over it’?

Why was it okay for Oklahoma rednecks to beat their nonbinary classmate to death? No police or emergency services called.

Good question, so let’s retaliate instead of investigating

The left in general is not kind! They say they’re tolerant but act intolerant, they say they pursue peace but act violently, they say they champion inclusion but divide everyone into groups and so on and so on. It blows my mind that so many can’t see the difference between a liberal’s words and their actions.

Oh, really? Name one liberal mass shooter.

Things like this are getting monumentally ridiculous. The confederate flag should still be there, not a statue of some random basketball player that did absolutely nothing for mankind. We get it, you’re woke and racist and feel you deserve it. What we deserve is another flood…

The confederacy lasted a whole four years, picked a fight with the rest of the country, and got it’s ass kicked as a result. It shouldn’t be anywhere anymore. You go ahead and pray for that flood. It’s not going to turn out the way you fantasize it will.

Ask California….

You all know where to lay the blame and vote for a positive change so crap like this doesn’t happen to small towns due to radical liberalism run amok…

Liberalism…the most damaging thing that has ever been promoted by our government. There’s going to be a day of reckoning and it won’t be pretty.



  1. 1.
  2. willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; openness to new ideas.
  • the holding of political views that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.
  • “the borough prides itself on being a great bastion of liberalism and diversity”
  • the belief that many traditional beliefs are dispensableinvalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
  1. 2.
  2. a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.
  3. 3.
  4. the doctrine of a Liberal Party or (in the UK) the Liberal Democrats.

Shameful, I feel bad for good teachers. Our generations only get dumber with directed liberal teaching like this.

Like what? If you’re going to spam, at least get good at it.

He’s teaching

Biden walks like a Toddler with a Head Injury & FULL Diaper Boarding Airforce One.

LOL yeah, no. That was old 45. Crapping his pants right now.

You wish

Haley has become unstable. I no longer like her, she has destroyed her career and become a lefty.

Haley is becoming another Liz Cheney. Someone who wouldn’t go away and just damages herself helping the enemy. Her career is close to over if she doesn’t wake up and look at who’s funding her and supporting her.

It was all a f*cking lie, from the jump. Just like we knew it was.
Hunter Biden informant charged with lying had high-level Russian contacts
The informant accused of fabricating a story about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden taking $5 million each in bribes allegedly had high-level Russian intelligence contacts, according to newly filed court documents.
In the filing Tuesday, special counsel David Weiss revealed that after his arrest last week, Alexander Smirnov told the FBI “that officials with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story” about Hunter Biden.
Prosecutors argued in their filing Smirnov should be held pending trial, with Weiss saying that Smirnov claims that he has active contacts with “multiple foreign intelligence agencies” and that he had planned to leave the U.S. just two days after his arrival last week “for a months-long, multi-country foreign trip.”

I must compliment the democratic leadership that have systematically destroyed big cities in this county over the years! Well done!

What county is that? Perhaps you meant country?

“That’s why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.”

That is pretty much what the bill prepared by the Senate is trying to do but the House Republicans refuse to act on it.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem joined a list of Republican state leaders who have said they will deploy troops to the country’s southern border, which she called a “warzone” in a post announcing the move.

“The SD-Guard’s primary mission will be construction of a wall to stem the flow of illegal immigrants, drug cartels, and human trafficking into the United States of America.”

Wow, Keep drinkin the kool-aid

Did you read the bill? Both bills, one in the Senate, one in the House, had most of what Clinton proposed. Read and learn. This is from the ACLU about why they are glad it didn’t pass but if you read why they didn’t like it, most of the proposal of Clinton were there.

Listened to Bill talk, you sayin he didn’t tell us the truth?

Since Oct 2023 20K Chinese not counting Got Aways have crossed our Border. Apparently, THIS Still isn’t a Big Enough Problem for BIDEN to CLOSE OUR BORDER! WHY? China’s Puppet? What do THEY have On Joe?..It’s what THEY are Saying Putin has on Trump.

It’s what THEY are Saying Putin has on Trump.” You continually say Putin has nothing on trump so you are saying the Chinese have nothing on Biden. Why are you complaining then?

Bank records say China owns Biden’s or in there pocket

Traitor TREASON. Biden’s the biggest threat to the US because he doesn’t know what he’s doing anymore.

He’s just fine. You don’t know what you’re doing, though. Put down the booze and get off the computer.

The Biden Administration is responsible for this… funded Iran now Iran has a lot of money to fund those terrorist organizations… Biden brought unrest to the entire Middle East by funding Iran.

Biden’s tit for tat retaliation doesn’t appear to be working. Maybe he should ask  Bibi for help.

You should ask Prairie Ridge for help.

Nobody here funded Iran, you idiot. It’s just another MAGA lie.

I keep asking why it is right to give my hard earned money, taken in taxes, to other countries?


Too bad the Republicans don’t want to close the border because the cult leader says no. He loves Putin.

Tell that to Gym Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Horseface, and Chuck Grassley, et al. They’re the ones who tanked the bill, so as not to “give Biden a victory in an election year.” These fumb duckers don’t care about us, just themselves.

Wow, did you read that load of garbage? Keep drinkin the kool-aid

Who do you think you’re kidding? You don’t pay any taxes.

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