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Hopefully Johnson can meet up with Joey before ice cream time and bingo at the old folks home. Formally known as the White House.

If this “openness” is anything like it has been in the past, this means Biden will gladly take Johnson’s endorsement for passing his latest bill presented by the Senate. Joe Biden has no concept of debate to try to come to an equitable outcome. That’s not who he is.

Then Biden throws a fit and blames republicans for not getting his way. Like how Pelosi blames Republicans when she didn’t get her way without looking at the bills

Drumpf throws fits every day, and you call it being “strong.” What a lying hypocrite you are.

The way the Dems are behaving about’d think they killed him instead of Putin.

Even real Republicans are p*ssed off about this. Somebody should whack Putin

You ain’t black if you didn’t vote for Biden

Why do you suppose there are 20,000 + Chinese illegals since Oct of 2023. Mostly young men……

l see all you libs are dumb founded, hate hard questions like Joey

I see you are dumb because there isn’t a question here. By the way, dumbfounded is one word.

anti-business, and anti-capitalist…

What? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all week. WE’RE the problem? LOL, we’re smarter, that’s their problem…when it’s financially unviable to downsize, it only makes good sense to “age in place.” It’s truly amazing how mentally and emotionally frail the young are.

What? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all week. WE’RE the problem? LOL, we’re smarter, that’s their problem…when it’s financially unviable to downsize, it only makes good sense to “age in place.” It’s truly amazing how mentally and emotionally frail the young are.

Says the guy who repeats himself in the same thread without anything in between. You might be the dumbest thing I have heard all year.

That must be real hard for someone as stupid as you!

It’s obviously easy for someone as stupid as you. Sober up.

Joey is that you?

Trump is aware that true patriots have often suffered loss of fortune, property, and even life when fighting against tyranny. This should not surprise anyone.

It’s clear this judge loathes Trump, enough to destroy himself. This nut case and the prosecutor should be removed and investigated, perhaps a dive into their finances and associations.

The radical left is trying to make it hard on him or try to bankrupt him. As much as they’ve put him through I doubt it’ll stop him. MAGA24

Since there wasn’t a “victim” or anyone “hurt” in this case, who will get the $350 million he was ordered to pay?

There was a victim. The American people, who fund the FDIC with our tax money, which reimburses banks for losses. Bank fraud is illegal for anybody and everybody.

He bankrupted himself, with his own avarice and stupidity. He actually thought he’d be able to keep doing all his media crap, like The Apprentice, that stupid radio minute thing, and product endorsements after election. Didn’t even know enough basic civics to know they’d all be cancelled the minute after the election. That’s what happens when daddy pays somebody else to take tests for you.

Buy yourself a pair of gold-colored tennis shoes. Help him out.

Sold out…Joey bought them all for his new voters…..

So this  is our Gov. today, it’s awful and needs to stop. This is not going to end well, for the crooks in power.

Not only is it not going to go well for you and the MAGAmoron contingent, it’s going to be much, much worse than you think. You’ve really p*ssed women off now, including Republican women. They’re not voting for anything Drumpf any more.

The biggest threat to our children and our future is the democratic party followed very closely by teachers unions. We need to shut down the National Education Agency and all teachers unions and return the schools back to our local communities.

Clean out the bad teachers along with the books.

Teach them only right wing nut jobs are right?

compared to what the left is teaching them now?

What is the left teaching them now?

Provide proof of bad teachers and books, and good luck with any more union busting.

Hey Larry, there is no such thing as the National Education Agency so go ahead and shut it down. Schools are back to our local communities but the governor of Iowa wants to change that. If you don’t believe that, look at all the education bills she is signing…almost all of them take power from the local schools and put that power in the hands of the state DOE or legislators.

So… you scared you won’t graduate?

That is the dumbest post of the week. Good job.

These rocket scientists do know that GoFundMe keeps 40%, don’t they? That’s going to be one tough goal to reach.

DAMN IT FB!!! I know Yer Shadowing My ASS, like I give 2 Shits but Yer REALLY Pissin Me OFF Knocking My ASS Offline when You DO!

Don’t post false stories or fake news. Don’t demean or slander other people. Don’t be a dick. You will find FB is nicer to you if you try to be nice. I know it is hard for you, but try.

Up yours dumb ass

Can’t even try, can you?

Our grandparents fought so hard to end segregation. And now so many people are fighting to go backwards. There’s only one National Anthem, it’s The Star-Spangled Banner it’s for everyone move forward, not backwards.

Your grandparents most likely did not fight hard to end segregation. If they were anything like the rest of that generation (my grandparents were members) they fought against segregation.

You know nothing about my grand parents.

All slavery was horrible. But I wish some would stop. With the insanity of division in America. If you’re an American. We have 1 country and should have 1 anthem. Haven’t heard of any Native Americans. Wanting their own anthem

They don’t need an anthem to define themselves.

It’s mind boggling to that these leftist Democratic legal ‘Professionals’ get away with some of the things they do.
They should be disbarred or at the very least challenged.

But, others do within our country?

Sure, some do. Just like there are people in the US who don’t believe in God. I don’t agree with them, but I certainly don’t think they need to be eradicated. In other words, mind your own business.

There was the vegan fad ( I will rescue your lamb and take it back to my center city studio apartment), the I’m offended fad ( where they have been simply asked to do their pad job), the I have rights (despite trampling on yours) fad and now this!!!
The latest nutter fad. Who cares!!! Call yourself what you like, who cares?

Wearing labels like a badge of honor because they’ve never accomplished much in life is sad. I don’t care to participate.

Only two Genders in this world.

You do it all the time. What have you accomplished? Whatever it was didn’t serve you well, did it? Still a poor, bitter, loser. Just. Like. Always.

I have accomplished so much more than you you couldn’t even count it.

Ha ha ha. I would love to hear one person say they became a better person because they knew you.

Maybe you need to get to know him, personally..

I don’t care to know him just I like don’t care to know trump.

Better that way, so you can be more prejudiced

Really? I would be less prejudiced if I personally knew a man whose picture is in the dictionary next to bigot?

Hmmm, nice liberal dictionary you have.

Tucker Carlson is an idiot and a traitor. You magarats should be ashamed.
On Monday, in Dubai, Egyptian journalist Emad El Din Adeeb asked Carlson why, when interviewing Putin, he “did not talk about Navalny, about assassinations, about restrictions on opposition in the coming elections.” Carlson replied by equating Russia and the U.S., saying: “Every leader kills people…. Some kill more than others. Leadership requires killing people.”

Truth Hurts doesn’t it?

“Leadership requires killing people.”? That is your definition of leadership? You belong in Russia.

What did the US do in all the wars and conflicts they were in.

Another Putin defender. Perhaps you should move to Russia so you have a leader you like.

Sorry you don’t know history, typical lib

I know history. People die in wars but we don’t call that assassination. I also realize our government has done atrocious deeds when it comes to other countries but I certainly don’t condone it.

Just vote for people who do it…

trump condones the assassinations carried out by Putin. You are the one voting for a person who thinks it is ok to kill your opponents.

So…why then would they need all the sheltered accounts?

To keep Russian hackers and nosey people like you out of their private business.

Bull Shit. Quit making up excuses for them. They are slime ball criminals and you know it. How did he go from dead broke to being a millionair over night

You mean illegal business…right

My Spidey Senses tell ME that the 2 Juveniles who Shot Up the KC Parade AREN’T White & they are Screaming Gun Control AGAIN! Least THEY will be Tried as Adults. 1 of these 2 POS had an AR15 WITH the Butt Stock attached. Law abiding Citizens aren’t the ones Shooting Places UP, the questions should be HOW does some PUNK get 1. Law Enforcement it was over 60 Degrees Out most people were sporting Chiefs Gear, Windbreakers even Shorts & Tees etc. HOW does some Punk POS get by Hiding an AR15 with Stock ?

Your “spidey sense” LOL figures that you’re a comic book fan. Yes, the color of the shooters matters a lot less than the fact that they got their hands on automatic weapons so easily. How’s it going with your NRA membership, BTW?

Inflation is SO High I just saw a Truck Load of Americans Illegally Crossing into Mexico.

The current rate of inflation 3.09%. You rich pukes keep trying to talk the economy into a recession but we’re not buying it.

inflation 3.09% prices up 17% plus. thus you are buying less for your money

That isn’t inflation’s fault, it is corporations raising their prices on goods to improve their bottom line. Most people call that corporate greed.



When inflation topped out around 9%, prices followed.Inflation came down, prices and costs did not. Not sure that is corporate greed or supply and demand.

Black National Anthem…Will they be getting a Flag? Will the Hispanics & Asians ALSO be getting a National Anthem & Flag?

We already know what yours looks like, Nazi.

Just like the one in your front yard, l bet

You can’t call us Nazis and Antifa both, since Nazis are facists and Antifa is a stupid word made up by F*cker Carlson, short for Anti-Facist.

Depends who you are following that day.
Pick which ever one you want to fly in your yard…..

The Black Community has Felt Like 2nd Class Citizens for Decades in America so I’m Curious how they Feel, NOW that the Illegals are 2nd, the Hispanics are 3rd?

Rigged!!!! 2020 Leap Year Trump vs Biden Chiefs Niners Superbowl Swift Biden Supporter…Month later a Pandemic. 2024 Leap Year Trump vs Biden Chiefs Niners Superbowl, SWIFT a Biden Supporter A MONTH Later???? Stay Turned.

Hahahahaha!!! LOL take your meds!!

Kamala Claims SHE’S ready To Serve…OK!!! Then…I’d like a Filet Medium Rare, Baked Tater, Garlic Bread, Salad with Italian…Ice Tea with Lemon…WAIT…AS OUR Border Czar…Never Mind…I’ll go get a Big Mac

What a puke you are. If anybody’s capable of no more than minimum-wage labor it’s you. Big Mac is out of your drunken price range

Again, then why did they need all those secret accounts?

Why did who need all those secret accounts? And provide some proof they did hide them.

Biden’s shell company’s. Follow the investigation and bank reports.

No proof in other words.That what all the committee’s have come up with in their investigations – nothing.


Proof? Here is an informative article on SARs. Read it and you will find that about 4% of all red flags are found credible which doesn’t mean something illegal happened but rather it says that an investigation is warranted. 4% of 158 is just over 6. I’d bet the trump organization has about the same number.

The speech at the fairgrounds here are all the evidence needed, what with the babbling incoherently about magnets in water, and John Deere people.



Smells democratic..wonder if Joeys smells commy

The President doesn’t wear Depends, his infantile predecessor does.

You know how?

Brandon is simply awful…and was for the previous 40 years before he got dementia.

See above. You seemed fine with dementia when it was Ronald Reagan’s problem.

Maybe he had a good VP to back him up

GHW Bush? I thought he was a RINO.

Better than a hyena….

Wow…it’s sad, really these entitled brats. Half of them need to be in a mental health facility and the other half need a good old-fashion beat-down, along with their parents.

My problem is I just wanna follow Jesus and slap people too…

Then you don’t really want to follow Jesus.

Only Demorats and they don’t count

See the post above yours.

Yeah, like you.

Try it bad ass!

Soooo…now we have even more doctors and virologists (the honest ones with a spine) calling for a complete halt to ALL mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations because, as one state Surgeon General said “there is foreign DNA in the vaccines that hangs on with the mRNA and goes into peoples’ cells…these vaccines are the anti-christ of all medical products.” Well, I’ll be…we were right to be wary of a very rushed, government-imposed vaccine demand, but I’d still really like to see when that horn grows out of your forehead.

No legit doctors are calling for that. The vaccine situation would have gone much better and been less destructive if Drumpf hadn’t thrown away the Pandemic Playbook that had been in the Oval Office for decades.

The one (and only one at that) state Surgeon General who made these claims is from Florida, appointed by DeSantis to give legitimacy to DeSantis’s false claims about Covid. One out of 50 and a crackpot at that. Try again.

How did Florida do compared to other states?

They had 86,000+ deaths so that worked out well for those people.

Didn’t work out well for anybody that dies…Question was how did they compare to the 49 other states

Listened to an interview with a Scientist/Doctor who said there is proof of being affected by Covid-19 Vaccinations from “shedding”.  Shedding occurs after one person gets the COVID-19 vaccine shot and comes in contact with someone else. After receiving a vaccination that person perspires and the spike proteins are shed through our breath and sweat.  Should the person in close contact have a compromised immune system, they can acquire an adverse reaction from the vaccinated person.  They know that babies can get the spike protein through nursing. These spike proteins can cause blood clotting, strokes, heart problems, and respiratory problems.  The FDA recognizes shedding but the CDC refuses to acknowledge it!  There is a lot of new information coming out all the time about the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine but Big Pharma, our Government, and the media are still suppressing all this evidence to continue and promote the COVID-19 vaccines and the booster shots.

Why are hospitals still demanding employees get the vaccine? #2 why are liberals now saying that these medical professionals are crazy but believed “their” professionals were telling the truth? It’s beyond ridiculous, almost sci-fi novel-like, and I have a feeling it’s going to be a FAAFO situation for the vaccinated.

Do you have a name of that doctor/scientist? Because if his name is Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson, I wouldn’t trust him. Actually, I wouldn’t trust anyone you bring up because more than likely, their opinion is politically based and agreed upon by a small number of others.

Try Fauci..for accuracy or truth

I would ask Dr Fauci before I would ask you or Larry any questions about viruses. You both were lucky to pass HS Biology – if you did.

Can read the same books/papers as Fauci and come up with answers too

The next time you have a colonoscopy, weigh yourself before you start the treatment. Then, when you’re done, weigh yourself again to see for yourself how full of shit you are. SMH -You think you can do a little reading and do Fauci’s job? Hell, you could be a brain surgeon then, too with your brain but I wouldn’t send even my greatest enemy to you for treatment because you are really delusional. Stupid, too.

It is called AI ….see you in the operating room

Weigh yourself.

The aftermath of the Tragic Mass Shooting after the Superbowl Parade, ONE of Our FOX Local DEI Hires while reporting outside One of the Hospitals with the 8 People under their Care. They were Updating that 2 were Seriously Injured & 6 were Stable or had Non-Life-Threatening Injuries. SHE Actually ASKED this Question… What Do You Mean BY Serious?….SMH!!

  • According to the National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), gun owners in Missouri are not required to obtain a permit to buy rifles, shotguns, or handguns, or they do not have to register their firearms or be licensed to own them, and do not need a permit to carry them.

Love to hear you talk about how weak gun laws help stop shootings.

Thank God Iowa is better

Better than what? Give the republicans in our legislature and governor’s office some time and they will pass the same kind of laws here.

Amanda will stop it

A recent NBC News poll found just 23 percent of voters believe Joe Biden is physically and mentally capable of serving as President.
The fact that Biden’s team is afraid of having him sit for an interview with one of his fans at CBS, where he is sure to only face softball questions, shows that even those closest to him believe he is no longer mentally capable of campaigning outside of the most controlled environments possible.

Yet you ignore the same problems that show up in trump’s speeches and social media posts. I have said all along that I am not comfortable with Biden, but he is certainly better than the man who wants to abandon our allies to aid our enemy.

I haven’t ignored any problems, you haven’t shared them

One example off the top of my head,,,,trump mixing up Nancy Pelosi and NIcki Haley. You deflected with a snarky Biden comment. Another one – trump’s saying he beat Obama in 2016. Another deflection.

Neither rank in a NBC poll

Truth of the Mara Lago Raid is NOW Out! Trump Declassified 1ks of Docs & There is ONE File that is apparently LOST containing Numerous Classified Docs that DIRECTLY ties Obama, CIA Dir Brennan eventually Comey at the FBI with IT’S ILLEGAL Wiretaps & Hillary to the Russian Collusion Hoax. Contained is a List of 25 Names the CIA had on International Businessmen who had NOTHING to do with Trumps Campaign but Trump Supporters THEY thought could possibly USED to Start the HOAX.

People need to get past Trump’s personality, you’re not voting to be his friend, you’re voting for what he can do for our country. He’s crass and unpolished, so what! We had Obama the dramatic actor and he tore the country apart, intentionally..

I’ve never seen a more conceited, narcissistic person than Obama. But the democrats and liberals didn’t have an issue with that !

Have you seen trump?

 Blue states voted for totalitarian rule by a socialist government.
Don’t complain when you get what you voted for.

A confused-looking President Biden paced back and forth behind King Abdullah II of Jordan Monday, apparently unsure of where to stand ahead of the royal’s remarks. 

Only one national anthem!! America is made up with lots of different nationalities. We are all Americans!! They are trying to destroy us by division. 

A National Anthem by its very name means one anthem for the entire nation. The division and backwards leaps we are making in this country are shocking and absurd.

I use it as a 15 minute warning to the start of the game. I go to the bathroom and by the time I return, I miss the race baiting clown show!

We are borrowing money to give to other countries. Our leaders are working hard to bankrupt our nation. This will not end well. We all know that kickbacks from these giveaways will land right back in the pockets of our corrupt politicians. Disgusting.

We are borrowing money to give to other countries. Our leaders are working hard to bankrupt our nation. This will not end well. We all know that kickbacks from these giveaways will land right back in the pockets of our corrupt politicians. Disgusting.

Out of that 119 billion border bill, this was all going to other countries not our border. This is why it didn’t pass, should of been 95 billion to the border wall and the rest to foreign aid,, not the other way around

Kate Sullivan, like every other writer for this lib dumpster fire fake news agency, takes everything out of context. What the real deal is is that Trump doesn’t want the US to solo bankroll NATO any longer, which burdens us taxpayers, so if they want our aid, they pay their share.

As long as there’s Afro-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans the Democrats & RACE Pimps will continue to WIN! In a Fire Fight NO ONE Gives a SHIT about Color, Religion or what Sex You are…Are they an American!?

You shouldn’t give a shit about color, religion, sex, anyway. You must have forgotten that the Republicans are legislating against allowing people to experience all those things.


Look it up yourself. Find the number of bills introduced to restrict LGBTQ persons in this state. Or abortion bans that take away a woman’s choice or any of hundreds of other bills.

I forgot to add the new bill in Iowa to ban a religion from practicing their beliefs in public places.

My mistake..thought you were talkin nationwide.
Guess elections have consequences

Where do you think Iowa is? Isn’t it part of the nation? Where do you think the bills come from? Most come from ALEC which is pushing its agenda nationwide. If you really wanted to you could look at all the red states and you would find the same kind of bills being presented as are in Iowa.

You reference IOWA which is one of 50 states unless you ask Obama, then it is one of 52

As one of the fifty states, it has many things that happen that are indicative of the national trend. Because it turned red, there are many bad things that happen here that are indicative of the national trend. But, thankfully, there are more people nation-wide who don’t agree with the right wing agenda.

elections will tell

Your side is already 0-1.

Chief’s were behind too….

Chiefs not Chief’s. You were using it as a team name (noun) not a possessive.

Thank You Head Master

Kate Sullivan, like every other writer for this lib dumpster fire fake news agency, takes everything out of context. What the real deal is is that Trump doesn’t want the US to solo bankroll NATO any longer, which burdens us taxpayers, so if they want our aid, they pay their share.

trump just told Putin to do “whatever the hell he wants” and that the US under his leadership won’t stop him. That is treasonous and gives Putin more reason to back a trump Presidency. You are a traitor to our values, Larry.

Kind of like the mafia, if you don’t pay for protection…too bad so sad

Yea, you’re right and trump wants to be the godfather. And you, and the rest of the cult, think that is ok.

Well…we do need a leader.

We don’t need or want a dictator.

will settle for a leader

Just 35 Percent Met NATO’s 2 Percent; 58 Percent Expected in ’24

So, it doesn’t matter to you who is the leader? Eh, comrade?

Not rooting for your commie leader, comrade

I am just rooting for the good guys. You can go ahead and root for Poot and his sidekick, donny.

Well, when Trump was in charge we had no invasions…..
You need to figure out who the good guys are,
PS. it is not your God and Master XI or his sidekick joey

So you are going with Putin. Wow.

Donald Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin gave him “a great compliment” by saying he preferred President Joe Biden over the former president.

During a Wednesday interview on Russian state television, Putin said Biden defeating Trump in the 2024 presidential election would be “better for us.”
“He’s more experienced, more predictable, he’s a politician of the old formation,” Putin said of Biden.
The Russian president added, “but we will work with any U.S. leader whom the American people trust.”

An extremely moronic and tunnel-visioned article based on a virtually unknown philosophy book, c’mon people. These woke idiots never stop.
Go to work every day on time and ready to do the job for which you were hired, keep your gob shut if you don’t know what you are talking about or have terrible productivity, affect positive changes when you are able and be a quiet role model, improve your work knowledge, be respectful and be congenial. Things usually work out if these things are regularly put into practice.

Of course, it was a conspiracy set up by the alt left. Right, Larry?


Nope, I am happy with the Chiefs win

This says differently.
Super Bowl..9er’s Have been the Best NFC Team all Season, the Chiefs have NOT been the AFC. 9er’s Have Better O Line, WR’s, RB’s D Line & LB’s. Chiefs have Better DB’s, TE, QB & Coaches BUT had the Most Penalties, Losses to FAR Weaker Teams like Broncos & Raiders AT Home plus 44 Dropped Passes…..9er’s GET THIS ONE in a Blow OUT!

I believe that Best case Trump should make Kristi Noem his running mate,and if he is convicted pre-election she should be his replacement.
If for whatever reason she is overlooked, DeSantis or Greg Abbot would be the next best choices.

Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to ‘press one ‘ to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than ‘Old Glory’ are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties. Just my opinion, but maybe it’s time for the government to take down the bird feeder. If you agree, pass it on; if not, just continue cleaning up the poop.

I honestly believe that if I were in their shoes, I’d  feel the same. You should have a reasonable feeling of safety, and this tracking dickhead could be a threat. Send someone to “say hi” to him and remind him how feeling safe is important, lol. Ironic, since you can make these 20 watt-ers cry with hurt feelings about damn near anything…

Well of course no charges. Always an excuse for them Dems. Hillary didn’t have malicious intent when she deleted 33,000 emails and smashed phones. It’s all good, nothing to see here

Hur was a trump appointee.

Wish they would release the transcripts, then people could decide for themselves. Appears he had two choices…tell the people what he saw or charge him.Which one is right?

He wasn’t there to “tell the people what he saw”. He was there to determine if charges were merited in the investigation. Besides, he decided on his own to make public his opinion of the person he interviewed. Why? What purpose does it serve other than a political one? When trump is interviewed for his mishandling of the documents he stored at Mar a Lago, do you want the interviewee to give his opinion on trump’s mental well-being? Be careful what you wish for.

Then they would have to drop the charges….like Joey received

Is that because trump’s mental acuity is declining rapidly? Or because you don’t have an answer? Or is your mental acuity declining rapidly?

Democrats are mad as Hell because the Special Counsel said Joke Biden is a well meaning old man with a bad memory. LOL, They should be thankful that the biased Justice System refused to Prosecute this Criminal but they will probably prosecute Trump even though he was lawfully in possession of Classified Documents as a former President. Democrat biased Justice System is a danger to us all.

“trump even though he was lawfully in possession of Classified Documents as a former President”
Where did you find that information? It is not true and you know it.

Then why did Biden have documents dating back to the 70’s.
Can’t claim presidential immunity for that…unless he thought he was president

Treat them equally…if he is competent, then he can stand for the charges.

Different situations. Trump tried to hide the documents, refused to give them up and lied about it. Biden voluntarily turned himself in.

They were at Mar A Lago under lock and key, with an extra lock put on after a request by the Feds. And secret service present at all times.
Biden turned them in….they found them in 3-4 different places, some open to the public…Yup different situations

Nice try but trump stole the documents; he didn’t declassify them and Secret Service wasn’t there when he wasn’t there. And his workers had access to every room in Mar a Lago.

The only thing Biden willfully does is piss his pants. Everything else is done by his “handlers”

Drumpf’s the one who went to the hospital in the middle of the night with “explosive diarrhea”, which he’s had for years. The very large adult diapers he wears are obvious under his clothes.

voice of experience talkin?

Well, DUH! Biden will fail with flying colors. The man is a (barely) walking example of dementia.

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