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So the rebellion has begun. Wonder if it will go until the 2024 election or fall apart before then.Then, when trump loses, each of those states will probably secede. Oh, that is right. None of them will secede because they each get billions of federal dollars each year and their governments would collapse. Then they would have to have the Dems bail them out again.

We know just who to come for to save our country. Hide!

I am not afraid of you or your so-called group of ‘patriots’

But your afraid of MAGA people?

Of course not. They were included in that group of ‘patriots’.

Does she plan to do anything for Iowa, other than destroy the schools and healthcare? Or is she just going to serve Bruce RATstetter her entire term?

Is that the same as saying is Joey going to do anything foe America, other than destroy the borders and our security to serve Barack his entire term?

In one breath you say Obama and Biden are in cahoots, and in the next one, that they don’t like either. Neither is true.

There are more women than men in Iowa. The total population of Iowa is estimated at 3,107,126 people with 1,543,045 male and 1,564,081 female. There are 21,036 more women than men in the state, which is 0.68% of the total population. The Iowa Gender Ratio is 99 men to 100 women (99:100) or 0.99. Drumpf never had the votes of female Democrats or independents, and now he’s lost the votes of female Republicans. He’s done.

We were good til you transitioned

Typical trumpanzee. You should have a shirt that says “I get triggered easily”.

The amount of harm done by that stupid b*tch Reynolds just keeps growing. Iowa ranks last in the U.S. for the number of state psychiatric beds per 100,000 residents, according to a new Treatment Advocacy Center report published Wednesday.
The state had 64 state-managed in-patient beds to treat adults in 2023 — just two beds per 100,000 residents — ranking Iowa 51st on the list of 50 states and the District of Columbia, the report states.
According to the Treatment Advocacy Center, 50 beds per 100,000 people is required to provide “minimally adequate treatment” for individuals with severe mental illness.

Only need those beds for Demoncraps

I thought you were a trumplican. Isn’t a bed in 5 East where you have been the last three or four weeks?

He’s there EVERY three or four weeks.

Next to you?

So, you have to go out of state for your help. should not have transitioned

Biden couldn’t even be a Walmart Greeter & HE’S Running our Country.

That Fine Line between becoming Sane to Insane was the 2020 Election Results.

Actually, it was the 2016 results, which WERE tampered with by the Russians. Drumpf’s cognitive decline is obvious when he appears anywhere, including here. He rambled incoherently about magnets and water and about John Deere, and drags one foot when he walks. He’ll drop dead before the primaries are over.

Bull Shit Again!

LOL you wish!

Sounds like Joey again, like he says watch me……

50% of ALL Marriages in America end in Divorce the other 50% end in Death. SO it’s a Coin flip.

Your boy Drumpf is responsible for more than that all by himself. Cheated on his first wife with his second, his second wife with his hooker third wife, then cheated on her with a porn actress. Biden’s on his second wife only because his first, along with his daughter, was killed in a car accident on the day he was first elected to office. His young sons Beau and Hunter were seriously injured. You’d be calling Drumpf a hero if he’d lived through half of than.

He is still so much better than Crooked Joe Biden

ALL these Football Pundits etc who think THEY know Football bad mouthing Lions Head Coach about the two 2nd 1/2 4th down Calls. ALL Season until they met the Ravens the 9er’s were Blowing EVERYBODY Out by 20 points or more & what was the Final Score? Maybe Campbell KNEW in the 2nd half THEY could make a Run & that You CAN’T Beat the 9er’s with just Field Goals.

This stupid BS is of no importance whatsoever.

Neither are you!

WHY NOW!?… As much as the American People are in FULL support of Texas & the Razor Wire Why NOW? It’s not like Biden started doing this Wholesale Open Border SHIT just last week, last month or last year it’s been 3yrs. GOP Playing with Americans in an Election Year JUST like the Democrats? Not like it took a WHOLE 3yrs for these Politicians/ Lawyers to Figure this SHIT out Just NOW. WE Americans having been Bitching & Saying this the WHOLE Freakin 3yrs & NEW Damn WELL it was Legal for States to SHUT the Whole Damn Border Down…..ALL a Bunch of Worthless POS!

Shut up, take your meds, and get off the computer.

You are so cute. Stupid but cute!

Guess where Hamas is getting the weapons they’re shooting a Israel with? From Israel. Israeli military and intelligence officials have concluded that a significant number of weapons used by Hamas in the Oct. 7 attacks and in the war in Gaza came from an unlikely source: the Israeli military itself.

They beat Joey to it?

Two items stood out today in the news that show how Republicans are dealing with problems. First Republicans and trumpettes do not want to work on immigration because it is too big of a campaign issue and any bills passed will be a victory for President Biden. Secondly, the Arizona Republican party’s chairman stepped down after Kari Lake, one of the ex-President’s biggest supporters, blackmailed him into stepping down because he wouldn’t support her run for Senator.

H.R. 2 was passed by the house, Schumer will not bring it up for a vote in the Senate
Did you listen to the tape? blackmail?

Threatening him with the release of more damning tapes sure sounds like blackmail to me. Of course, republicans don’t look at it that way.
As for immigration, here is Mitch McConnell speaking to his fellow republican senators. (Note that this is from Breibart News.

Don’t believe a threat was needed after the tapes were released..the Gop could decide what to do with him.
Good ol Mitch, trying to tie Ukraine into the immigration, if they treated them separately, could probably make head way.

Well, he is a republican so he probably had some top shelf screwups in his past that would make his threat seem like kindergarten stuff.

Worse than Schiff?

Yes, probably even worse than yours.

Thanks, Larry…coming from you that is awkward

Many Americans got killed because of Biden

Unnecessary deaths, 13 in Afghanistan, now 2 Seals, 3 service members, not to mention hostages held by Hamas, all thanks to appeasement policy of Biden, disgusting lack of leadership

Biden’s Buffoons are killing just about everything!

 If Russia succeeds in Ukraine, the world will see upheavals beyond your comprehension. China will take Taiwan. Russia will attack NATO countries, Iran will attack Israel. America will fall to a second or third class nation, and the reign of the despot will prevail.

If russia succeeds in Ukraine, you can thank trump for that. It is his minions who are stopping our assistance to Ukraine because they don’t want to do a border deal because it might hurt their chances for a win in November.

A USA Today/Suffolk University pollfound 44% of GOP primary voters were “very enthusiastic” about Trump. Only 18% of Democratic primary voters said the same about Biden.

Of course the cult would be very enthusiastic.That is why they are a cult.

So……saying then the Dems are lemmings that can’t think for themselves?

Not at all. Just saying that they don’t follow tyrants enthusiastically like you trumpettes do.

Guess again..check the congress

Seems to me that you should check Congress. Lots of cult members there. And more are signing on even after being maligned by the cult leader.

They will follow schumer off the cliff

If they do, they will see the trumpettes down there as they have already gone over the edge.

If you say so…typical lib looking for a soft landing

Says the typical trumpette claiming he is right despite tons of facts to the contrary.

HA HA that works both ways Larry

You better get out your wallet because your cult leader is going to start asking you to help him pay the $83 million his big mouth just cost him. And you know he will despite his claims that he is worth billions. And the funny thing is, you cultists will send him your last $2.

Nobody has received a penny from me. Saving yours for the Biden foundation?

At least he has one.

Funded by the Chi-coms no less

Biden can’t figure out how to get off a podium or where he is … as seen the last time he returned from another vaca WITH Jill walking away without grabbing bozo’s hand.

Guess we have two senile old guys running for Pres then. And one senile old guy who posts under the No1 of 1 moniker.

This year’s primary voters are a fraction of what they’ve been other years. Only the hardcore Drumpf cultists went out on such a frigid night. Other Republicans say that if Drumpf is the nominee again, they will vote for Biden, or not at all.

Former President Trump said Sunday it was “highly unlikely” he’d ask Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) to serve in a second Trump administration after DeSantis ended his own presidential campaign and endorsed him.
Trump, who is the dominant front-runner for the GOP nomination, told “Fox & Friends” the bitter rivalry between him and DeSantis was water under the bridge. But he downplayed the prospect of the governor having a role to play in a Trump White House.
“It’s probably unlikely,” Trump said after DeSantis dropped out of the race. “But I have to be honest: Everything’s a possibility, but I think it’s highly unlikely. I have a lot of great people, and I have great people that have been with me right from the beginning.”
Trump added DeSantis had not asked for a position in a possible administration. The governor’s current term runs through 2026.
DeSantis suspended his 2024 campaign Sunday after a distant second-place finish in Iowa, where he had spent considerable time and resources. He was polling in single digits in New Hampshire ahead of Tuesday’s primary and concluded he did not have a path, or the money, to win.
DeSantis endorsed Trump, who for months had ridiculed him on a personal level and accused the Florida governor of disloyalty because of his primary challenge.
“Well, you know, I endorsed him [for governor]. I didn’t know him as well as you might think, but I did endorse him,” Trump told Fox News. “And I had some fun with it, because I watched somebody who was not in the race, and all of a sudden he was in the race. And then he did a good job as governor. So, I was happy with that. But I was disappointed when they asked him whether or not he’d run. And he said, ‘I have no comment.’ Because, to me, when you say no comment, that means you’re running.

Democrats WANT A RACE/ Civil War to HIDE the Socialist/Communist Fascist Agenda & Power Grab they are just DYING to Get Hold OF!

That’s the Christian Nationalist MAGA facists and you know it. Old nazi trick, accusing your opponents of things you’re guilty of.

Dems have perfected that

And you’re doing it again.

Reminding you?

UNITED States Of America…REALLY?…A Black National Anthem at the Super Bowl…When did WE the Freakin People Sign THAT Amendment or Into LAW? Divided JUST like the Democrats Planned…SMH…SO Glad I quit watching These RACIST POS when THEY Started Kneeling…YES I watch Highlights as I still love the Sport but FUCK the NFL, I’ll NEVER Invest 3hrs to watch ANY Team play again!

I’m sure they’ll miss you.

Hmmmm…Been Looking around & I SWEAR after 3yrs I can’t find a Damn THING Built Back Better.

Don’t Really have the Money so IF I crossed our Border, came back over Claiming Asylum from Ukraine & have Family in Maui to Sponsor Me would Biden Fly Me Head Of The Line  NO ID like other Illegals are getting NO Charge?

Not happening. If you’re so sure, prove your allegations.

Does happen…most choose New York or Chicago

The mess the Drumpfies made of our treasured national buildings has been cleaned up. That’s sure as hell better. Also, the House has to approve the funds, and they’re too busy fighting with each other to do anything else.

How many people were charged in those peaceful riots that burned down the buildings?


Any in jail…hunted down like the jan 6ers


Bet not…they were dems/libs

You wouldn’t pay the bet anyway.

won’t have to as l win

Sounds like trump. Despite the evidence, he still says he won in 2020.

Like Hillary says about 2016

You are lying again. She conceded the election to trump. trump is still lying about his loss.

As is the dem party on how they received more votes

Really? How? Proof?

3 out of 10 people said they would not have voted for Biden if the truth was told about the laptop

He won by seven million votes so those three votes wouldn’t have made a difference. Who would they have voted for?

trump is losing his mind. Now it looks like we will have two candidates for President who are in the midst of cognitive decline. This past week he confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, earlier he confused President Biden with President Obama. Now there is this:
“Observers have been saying for a while now that once Trump had to start appearing in public, his apparent cognitive decline would surprise those who haven’t been paying attention.
That certainly seemed to be true on Wednesday, January 17, when he told a New Hampshire audience: “We’re…going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your—you know, your political beliefs, what they do. They want to debank you, and we’re going to debank—think of this. They want to take away your rights. They want to take away your country. The things they’re doing. All electric cars.”
Does this sound like someone who knows more than anyone about the world?

The Mason City speech alone should disquality him. Magnets in water?! John Deere?! WTF?! His speech was also noticeably a bit slurred, and he’s dragging one foot. He probably won’t make it to November.

Mirror image of Joey

And you are going to vote for him.

Better than Joey

People hate MAGA as it is associated with Trump.
What is wrong with Making America Great Again?

Nothing but what some people’s definition of “great Again” is up for debate. What do you think it means? Does it mean going back to a time when men were the decision makers and women stayed at home and raised the kids? And gays stayed in the closet? And people of color stayed quiet and didn’t cause “good trouble”?

There you go. Gays stay in the closet where they belong

Guess it’s about time to come Outta the Closet….For ALL My Friends & Family…I’m NON-BIDENNARY

Perhaps you should stay in the closet.

Like Joey….

That’s what you believe made America great?
l believe it means when people have a say in their lives and what goes on.

No, it isn’t what I believe. Your comprehension skills are still lacking. It is what Larry believes.

So you are Larry..speaking in a third sense?

Thank goodness I am not Larry and, once again, you know that. You’re just being obtuse.

Keep telling yourself that. That will prove your obtuse

you’re. Grammar lesson again today…
Your – possessive “Go to your room”
You’re – contraction ‘You are’ “You’re not very bright.”

Thanks Larry

Don’t thank Larry. He doesn’t know a thing about education.

You is Larry, thanks for admitting what you don’t know

Ha ha. I think you need to go back and do a refresher course in basic education.Your skills are lacking.

Thanks Larry

“Meanwhile, the stock market roared as two of the three major indexes hit new record highs. The S&P 500, which measures the value of 500 of the largest companies in the country, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which does the same for 30 companies considered to be industry leaders, both rose to all-time highs. The third major index, the Nasdaq Composite, which is weighted toward technology stocks, did not hit a record high, although its 1.7% jump was higher than that of the S&P 500 (1.2%) or the Dow (1.1%).
Investors appear to be buoyed by the fact the rate of inflation has come down in the U.S. and by news that consumers are feeling better about the economy. A report out today by Goldman Sachs Economics Research noted that consumer spending is strong and predicted that “job gains, positive real wage growth, will lead to around 3% real disposable income growth” and that “household balance sheets have strengthened.” It also noted that “[t]he US has led the way on disinflation,” and it predicted further drops in 2024. That will likely mean the sort of interest rate cuts the stock market likes.
The economic policies of the Biden-Harris administration have also benefited workers. The unemployment rate has been under 4% for more than two years, and wages have risen higher than inflation in that same period. Production is up as well, to 4.9% in the third quarter of 2023 (the U.S. growth rate under Trump even before the pandemic was 2.5%).” HCR


S&P 500 just hit a record high. Thanks Brandon.

How Many Americans Own Stock? About 158 Million — But the Wealthiest 1% Own More Than HalfOver half of Americans own stock, but it’s not distributed equally.By Jack Caporal – Updated Nov 1, 2023 at 1:58PM

I know it isn’t distributed evenly. That is why we need to tax the wealthiest among us. The top ten richest people in the world doubled their net worth in the last five years. Have you?

Don’t have a Cell as I would be a BAD Influencer.

Don’t fit in that category…Have to ask the Pelosi’s or Buffet

I don’t think Pelosi is among the top ten. As for Buffet, here is what he says:
The Buffett Rule is part of a tax plan which would require millionaires and billionaires to pay the same tax rate as middle-class families and working people. It was proposed by President Barack Obama in 2011.

Right now, they don’t pay the same percentage.

Barack had the pull…why didn’t it go thru?

The bill received 51 affirmative votes, but was stopped by a Republican filibuster that required 60 votes to proceed to debate and a vote on final passage

As usual, it was stopped by a Republican.

So the dems have never used the filibuster?

They haven’t? That is weird because I thought they used it about as much as the Republicans.

Hey, you understood sarcasm

Too bad you don’t.

l must..l read your garbage

I think you have someone read it to you. I have seen your lack of comprehension over and over and over

Keep repeating yourself, soon you will believe it…Dems mantra

Newsome for President!
(because California is doing so good, lol)
This guy is spooky AF…if you could AI the antichrist, he’d be the guy.

Realistically,the same could be said of the Trump derangement crowd

If YOU ever Feel Dumb just remember WE have a President who gets LOST leaving a Stage with Only ONE Exit!

See the above post about dumb ex-Presidents.

Yup he made a mistake…Joey does every time he tries to talk.

“a mistake’? Ha ha. There were at least two listed above and an incoherent rant about who knows what. I have heard Biden talk and he does have some problems but to say trump makes “a mistake” is hypocritical at best.

OK they say Joey makes mistakes…Trump can’t?

They both do. But if it shows (as you say) that Biden is losing it, then trumpie has to be losing it too.

He is 3 years behind Joey at least

Ever Look at a Democrat & ask..What would YOU Do with a Brain if You Had One?

Need a Gray Pride Month…Were Old Were Tired & GET OFF My Lawn!


You’re all already millionaires, Lizzy…WTH? Go get some of that tribal money, you socialist douchebag…

Apparently there were a Lot of Good Football Games played this weekend. Odd that Dallas Stayed Home & Decided NOT to Play.

Dallas..What’s THAT? Mr. Belichick Headin for Dallas? LMAO

Miss REAL Football..Fearsome, 4 Some, Purple People Eater, the Steel

Miss REAL Football..Fearsome, 4 Some, Purple People Eater, the Steel Curtain. Today’s Teams have NONE of those Badass Nicknames.

Don’t be Alarmed or Nervous if You see numerous Uhaul Box Trucks rollin thru Yer Neighborhood…..Apparently when it’s 1 with a -26 Degree Windchill those Amazon EV Delivery Trucks DONT Work for Shit!…..LMAO!

Seen enough Climate Change YET Dumb ASSES? Plenty of Walks in below Zero temps the last week here in the Midwest waiting for YOU to come to Shovel. After Yer DONE then We’ll Talk!

We started at 12 this AM with a below Zero windchill We Might just hit Freezing for a High today, it actually DOES feel

Oh larry, you are so 1930s


Hmmm…. WHY weren’t the Insurrectionists ARMED if THEY wanted to Really take over the Govt Jan 6th?

They were armed. I was kind of worried about you, Larry. Hadn’t heard from you for awhile and was thinking more medical problems for you. Glad you aren’t gone.

How many were charged with going armed with intent?
And what were they armed with?

In the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, a popular narrative has emerged: that because rioters did not fire guns that day, they were not really “armed.”
But a review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs.

It’s good for our governor, too. Those rich repubs donated mightily to her and she is beholden to them.

Suppose China and India want in?

Ask trump.

May have to, as Kerry is gone. Like he would

Donald Trump has told supporters not to just see him as a candidate but as “your retribution.” He means HIS retribution. He’s saying “vote for me so I can get revenge.”
In his comeback bid for the White House, the former president — twice impeached but twice acquitted and now twice indicted — has vowed that if reelected, he will wield his power to personally remake parts of the federal government to a degree that historian Mark Updegrove said was unprecedented. Trump has promised to hamstring perceived enemies, including in the Department of Justice, which is currently investigating him, and target Republican bogeymen like President Joe Biden.
He swore in June to appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” the Bidens and that he would “totally obliterate the deep state,” referring to a conspiratorial view of how the government operates.
“This is the final battle. … Either they win or we win,” he said in March.
Among Trump’s policy proposals is reviving an executive order from the final months of his presidency, revoked by Biden, that observers say would let him essentially turn broad swaths of federal workers into at-will employees whom he could fire and replace — rather than terminating them only for cause, such as bad performance, and after satisfying certain employment protections.

If Biden loses and comes back in 4 years, then it would be him saying all that.

If you say so.

No, Joey would

BS. He’s smarter than that, and so is everyone around him.

Especially Hunter, according to him

“Biden puts America last , I put America First”. -Trump

Haley would never ever get across the line, and frankly CNN loves her for a reason. She could never generate enough true backing from conservatives. DeSantis is a legit leader but has not shown well to stir dominating support.
Two have proven themselves with policy of the three (not Haley) for the actual leadership that is needed as of now these debates are likely irrelevant wastes of time as neither will end up close unless something dramatic happens.

Haley is wasting her time. She won’t make it to the finish line. I think Haley would make a much better VP under Trump. I do like Ron DeSantis but I’m tired of the back stabbing and putting Trump down whenever He praised him when he was President. I’m tired of the Republicans putting the Republicans down. One thing about the democrats is they stick together and that’s the ONLY good thing that comes from the democrats which isn’t saying much. The democrats will do anything to gain power. They aren’t for the people but all the left wants is power.

It would put you in your grave to have a woman leading this country, wouldn’t it? I don’t like her because I think she waffles on too many issues but she has a lot more common sense than the two men who are contending for the candidacy. i don’t trust any of them but your fear of women is laughable.

Care to say who the two men are?

I know they are both poor excuses for men, but head over to your local caucus and listen for the most bs and you will be in the room with people just like you.

So you don’t know…just anybody who doesn’t think like you

Come on, you know exactly who I am talking about. If you didn’t, you need to pull your head out of your rear end and listen to the news.

Oh you mean Joey and his Defense secretary

Oops wrong party
Aza and Chris

Men….Just because SHE might pay for the whole Date doesn’t mean YOU have to Put Out.

A little late wouldn’t you say ! I believe we the people and our outrage is the only reason the Democrats government decided to do something after 130 strikes against us.

If the clown show administration had it their way they would continue to state
“Communication, not confrontation”
Haha we have a joke in the Whitehouse and a disaster of a military leader as well.

Perhaps they wanted to make sure the strikes were on target and not a knee jerk reaction like someone in the last administration would have done without regard to civilian casualties or diplomatic repercussions.

On target? blowing up empty buildings…sounds like practice to me or a waste of good ammo

While I have no problem wiping out any terrorists, it appears this administration is so desperate to get us into a war.

That’s Drumpf and you know it. Biden’s kept us out of at least two wars since he was sworn in, and probably more that we don’t even know about.

Wonder…Are ALL those Windmills & Solar Panels still Cranking out ALL those Kilowatts needed to Charge the Frozen EV’s that aren’t Running? Same Folks that told YOU it’s Climate Change are the SAME LIARS that said YOU liked Your Doc You Could Keep Your Doctor, Russia Collusion was Real, Covid DIDN’T come from a Lab in China, Get the Vax YOU can’t Catch IT or Spread IT, Don’t GET IT Your a Murderer, 6ft apart, Laptop was a Russian Hoax, 51 Former CIA POS Signed a Letter Claiming that also. Joe has NOTHING to do with Hunters Business Dealing…Sense ANY Pattern America?

Yeah, I do. The pattern is that you have been a conspiracy theorist for years.

California: Where 11 year olds can’t play football but if you’re a 8 year old girl who wants to be a boy… everyone has to accept and praise you. Smh

At this rate California probably wants to ban men from having testicles, only women will be allowed to have them.

Somebody has to, you sure don’t.

I’d much rather have my children and grandchildren grow up in a state where everyone is welcome than in a state where my 10 year old granddaughter would be forced to give birth if some degenerate raped her.

moving there?

Nope. My chlldren no longer live in Iowa. Evangelicals have forced out a number of intelligent, forward thinking young people. Eventually all we will have will be curmudgeons like you and me

Gotta die somewhere, here is OK

Can you leave the state? Usually, that is a restriction.

Haven’t arrested me before…why start now?

Know ANYONE who has ANY Pet Left Out in this Weather…Turn THEIR Sick ASS IN!!!

Holy crap. I agree with you.

Men are from Mars Women from Venus if YOUR not Sure…Whip Out Your Penis.


KNEW when they Changed it from Global Warming to Climate Change that the Whole Rebranding was behind ALL this Cold Ass Shit!

Top Gun 3…Jumpin the Shark

They changed it when they realized that dimwits like you don’t understand that “warming” doesn’t necessarily mean “warm weather.”

So, Bobba Fett here has been doing things like this quite often lately…did the stroke improve his mental ability? Has he done it enough that we refer to him as a DINO now? Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it IMMENSELY when a Democrat tells the truth, it’s just that it’s so mind-numbingly rare that it takes me off guard.

Bidenomics We’re Doing Just FINE…$9.00 Diet Coke 12pks, Lowes Credit Cards at 28% Interest.

Shop around.

Spend $5 in gas to get a diet coke for $8.49 Visa 26%

If you are spending that kind om money then I have a couple of things I want to get rid of and you seem like a perfect pigeon.

Put it on facebook market place…..l may look

That’s all profiteering collusion by CEOs who want Drumpf back in office, so he can finish destroying democracy. It couldn’t be more obvious.

America NEEDS 4 More Years of THIS…Vote Biden.

Sad to say but it doesn’t matter if the whole world endorses Trump they will cheat again and put that thing back in the white house and believe me this will be the #1 excuse for the Civil War the power of cheating and fraud from the corrupted are very strong.

He’s not endorsed by the entire world and never will be. He endorsed by a few cult members who can’t see reality.

How many is a few?

10 or less.

Took more than that to pull off the destruction of the twin towers

Oh, are you blaming that on the Democrats?

If you say so.

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