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Max Weaver: “I’m on top of the issues” (VIDEO)

Max Weaver took a few minutes Saturday to let everyone know that he is still around and keeping up on the issues.
Max Weaver took a few minutes Saturday to let everyone know that he is still around and keeping up on the issues.
Will he run for office this fall?

MASON CITY – In an exclusive interview, Max Weaver told that he is “on top of the issues” in Mason City and paying attention to city business.

“I’m watching,” Mr. Weaver said Saturday in East Park as he finished up his volunteer job with a police triathlon. “I’m on top of the issues. I get just as many phone calls from people as ever. I try to help everyone as much as I can, at least steer them in the right direction.”

Mr. Weaver knows lot of people have been asking the question “Where’s Max?” He attempted to answer that question Saturday.

“I’m being respectful,” Mr. Weaver stated. “I can stay out of things. I wanted to give this group at City Hall a chance. I’m not real happy with how things have gone.”

Of course the big question is “Will you run for office this fall?”

Mr. Weaver stated “It’s way too early for that. Lot of time left. I talked it over with my wife. I really don’t know.”

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That’s just stupid. You obviously haven’t read the majority of comments now and through his career as a watchman.

Or even listened for that matter.

He blows all of us off the knowledge map and everyone but you know’s it.

You simply can’t handle that. No one likes a guy smarter then ones self.

Just because Weaver claims he is on top of the issues, doesn’t mean he understands them!

Excuse me blindside? I can’t begin to say how dumb that is. Not one ever objected to being called out about NOT reading everything. They didn’t, every thing was pre arranged.

You want examples go to archives and see who was the real problem.

Funny how you can’t answer my question either.
Hmmmm real funny. Silly me, of course you can’t.

It will be more funny when they GET you where it hurts..we’ll see what you want then.

Weaver has an undying love for this community, he genuinely cares about it and the people who live here. He is one of the finest watch dogs over the city’s money. His attire both confuses and upsets most, especially those who have never met him.

Politicians like Urdhal and Bookmeyer really dislike him because he easily sees through them. He says exactly what is on his mind and he never puts himself first. The person who beat him only did so because Max’s people don’t vote, they talk
a good game but they don’t vote. Maybe after what we are all living with now they realize just how important voting really is.

Well just who in the hell matters more ? The general population or the team of thugs on deck? At any time.

You just sealed the deal on who you are and for by saying that.

Question is why don’t you want someone out there like Max letting you know about any screwing to the general population? Even though you may like and approve of the workings. It’s your world too.

Do you go drinking with them?

Wake up! A little disruption? Try being him when the OTHERS wouldnt even clue him in on their thoughts or plans! Ever. He wasnt included on their vast schemes. They knew they were pulling fast ones and plenty of tricks for the citizens!They knew this guy Max wouldnt allow the dasterdly deeds! And you wonder why some disruption? You guys wouldnt be able to handle what he dealt with. Who wouldnt get get a testy!

Max wasn’t clued in because he has burnt them too many times when they did clue him in. Max was/is a loose cannon and nobody in their right mind would trust with their plans or agenda. Max doesn’t play the game, which makes him popular to the general population ,but makes him a leper to other elected officials that are trying to get a consensus with other council persons.

Wow, you couldn’t have been more right on with that post. Well said Reggie, and this is coming from a Weaver fan.

basically your saying they lied and deceived Max because he wouldnt cave in. Not saying Max is a dog, but if you repeatedly poke at a dog hes going to bite. cant blame the dog for that. same as you cant blame Max for that. I had seen Max for many years, never knew who he was untill after he was defeated as councilman. even then he was still interested in “what it would take to make things better” His own words.

No what I am saying is they would tell him what was going on and Max would have no problem before the council meeting. Then at the council meeting he would bring up all his concerns and questions and blind side everyone. All they did when they clued him in was let Max prepare more to make them, the other council people, look bad.

One could also see it as doing some in ivestigation and checking background information, between the time he was informed about an issue and the time to vote on it. I am just assuming this could be an answer as I have never seen Max in action. Many times a situation looks different after we have had time to think about it.

@Reggie (Red)-Did anyone ever think that Max might have felt that the discussion should be public? I know he loved putting on a show but he also would fight like hell for the common guy where a lot of them won’t even acknowledge their existence. I think that Max like all politicians had his good side and his not so good side. As long as he was good more than bad he was doing what he was elected to do.

This might explain a few but it happened all the time. If you have never seen Max in action let me give you just an example of the one of the things he would do.At least once a council meeting he would start off his comment about a subject by saying ,and I paraphrase, “I don’t know if any of you(council members) have bothered to read the council packet completely ,but I have” This is NOT the way to start a discussion by implying your colleges are either lazy or incompetent. Again he is a nice guy but has no tact.

LVS you hit the nail on the head. The voters must decide if Max’s good outweighs his bad. In my mind it doesn’t.

@Reggie (Red-Aw Reggie, I never said Max was tactful. He is about as blunt as a ballpean hammer but, he does get his point across. He doesn’t always make a lot of friends but they do know where he is coming from.

everyone please answer this poll.
#1..Has Max ever lied to the citizens of Mason City?

#2..has anyone on the current council ever lied to the citizens of Mason City? name names please.

I do not know the answers 100%, but this poll should tell you something. Everyone please respond #1, #2

#1-no, not that I know of
#2 yes, every other Tuesday night!

Even Max’s detractors admit he’s as honest as the day is long, which most of his detractors are not. Like most folks, I’d heard/read about Mr. Weaver for many years, but I’d never met the man until about 3-4 years ago. It’s impossible to sit down with Max and listen to him and not concede that he’s got an incredibly incisive, high-capacity mind. If there was ever a college degree called a Ph.D. in Mason City, Max would hold it. Hell, he could teach the course. But like I said, unless and until he decides to wage a serious race, this discussion isn’t worth a bucket of shit.

#1 To my knowledge, he has not tried to lie or deceive those he represented.

#2 I cannot recall a direct lie perpetrated upon the citizens of Mason City from the council. Yet there has been so many grey areas, questionable actions which give an appearance of impropriety.

Max Weaver is probably, in the IQ sense, smarter than anyone currently serving in city government. He also understands the people of MC, their needs, and MC’s history, better than just about anyone. Getting Max back on the Council would send the strongest message possible that someone is looking out for the average Mason Cityans. Someone who can’t be, won’t be, rolled, by the Powers That Be. But Max doesn’t like to campaign, and he probably won’t campaign, or line up an organization. But his opposition will. And until Weaver decides that he will develop an effective team that can get him elected, this discussion is meaningless.

WhatEVER. Everyone is soooo scared of Max. Why cuz he’ll look at you one day and tell you the truth? That’s it!

That’s no act buddy. Bring it all on Max anyway you want! We Need it! Wake some of these ass’s up!!!!!!!

Let me start off by saying I have known Max for many years. I like Max as a person. I like Max’s grotto. I think,Max wants what is best for Mason City, BUT I don’t agree with his style.
Max went from being that really weird guy in the back of the room yelling things to the kinda weird guy at the podium to the kinda eccentric guy at the table.
I think he is a very smart person that thinks at many different levels and has a hard time keeping focused and coherent in his arguments or discussions.
I see why posters on this site like him. He is a very nice person that tries to look out for the little guy.
I don’t think business wise that Max is good to have on the council. I have heard from multiple people that they would never do business in Mason City because of Max. Is this just B.S., maybe.
I think in the end ,because of his style, he is bad for Mason City.
Remember this is just my opinion and we will probably see this November if the voters want to give his “ACT” an encore.

@Reggie (Red)-I too have known Max for a long time as I grew up just down the street from him and yes, you are correct. Max has his own way of doing things and they seem to work for him. I didn’t always agree with him or how he loved to cause a disruption but, after seeing what we have now where every council meeting is prearranged with prearranged votes I think a little disruption is good. Max is very good about digging out the details but not always so good at understanding what he finds. Again, I think the time is right for him to come back and help our city. Just my opinion.

LVS a little disruption is ok but what I think Max brought some of the time was a lot of disruption. Prearranged votes have been around forever in local, state and national politics. A politician, I think, would be foolish to just throw something out there without first getting a feel for where his/her colleagues are.I do know where you are coming from though.

@Reggie (Red)-Agreed.

Hey Reggie, you got what you wanted…wouldn’t be too much to thank LVS and promote positive behavior would it?

Positive attracts positive just as negative attracts negative.

Thank you LVS…:)

Hey LVS it is actually interesting to talk to you. Thanks for being civil and thanks to you My Voice for facilitating this very interesting interaction.

No problem Reggie, just understand we’re gonna get riled up once and awhile and some names will get thrown…at the end of the day, I’d like to believe we could all rise above it…we ain’t perfect. Hell, I might call you a dumbass in the future…lol. Don’t take it too personal ok?

Good catch observance! 49er scolding you as he totally messed up his fine “communication” skill.

You are right, how does he know who get’s lost on delivery? Just because he does. Only a simple minded “OFFENDED” type that’s who. Ah obviously.

Max does an excellent job always. I’ll take some tude before a looong drawn out yap with a smile telling me I’m screwed.

Oh I see you like when they come with smiles as the knife is inserted. Who said that makes validity? It’s ALL about those things. 1st you say when they are continually offended then went on to say this is not about being offended. Amazing.

Yup simple communication.

Your right Observer that special access Bookie’s open door policy is only for the rich. Look what Blimpmeister done for the Harley, give Minert all that money, our money. That was when Todd Blodgett AKA nazi crack head took Steve Minert out to the country club they had lunch with Bookie, there deal got going right then and there. When Max get’s in that shit will stop it never should of began in the first place.

How about Robin return those statues and bring some of those rusty bikes, bowling balls, rocks, old signs and other treasures from Max’s park uptown and we could have saved a lot of money and show off Max’s artistic side- GO MAX

Screw delivery! Anyone who can’t handle delivery needs to stay in the house and close the shades and by no means turn on the tv. Everyone is sick of some one getting offended! Look what is going on in the world. Fragile and foofu personalities will not make it! Man up!!!!

Thank you Max Weaver!

Observance – by “delivery” is meant the ability to sell or convince others to support his ideas. When you continually offend the ones’ you are trying to convince then the validity of the good idea is lost.
This is not about “getting offended”, “fragility”, “foofu” or Manning up”, but simple communication – something you could work on.

I for one would rather be told the truth to my face, rather than lied to and then stabbed in the back. maybe you cant handle the truth, and just want to have everyone play nicey nice. Far too many people are sheep that follow and dont have the balls to ask questions, or make waves. NOTHING IS EVER FIXED OR REPAIRED IF PEOPLE DONT INVESTIGATE OR ASK QUESTIONS.

Oh, I can handle the truth and it is not about playing nice or having testicular fortitude.
How many times did Max sit up there pontificating about one subject or another ad nauseam rather than stating his case clearly and concisely?
Max came up with many good ideas because he did his homework, but then floundered when he did not deliver a cogent message. I watched this over and over while he was in office.

Max had some good, even great ideas but the message would be lost in the delivery.

We need Max… he may get a bit over the top once and awhile, but, he isn’t mean spirited and he cares about the 98%.. The rest of Mason City that the Mayor and the Council don’t give a shit about….

“I would trust Eric to run my business any day of the week, he knows how to treat people and employees and get the most out of them.”


Let us examine the record.

Openness and honesty: 0.0 If he would cut off citizens comments at council meetings, imagine what value he gives to staff? As if he really values their acumen and long experience doing the jobs. Treats the press unequally.

Values his internal customers: 0.0 Threatening to displace the Sanitation Department employees with poorly paid contractors.

Creates a positive work environment: 0.0 I have yet to hear a story where employees felt happy to show up for work, and felt as if they are appreciated by management. If such stories exist, please share them.

Displays Leadership through example: 0.0 Excessive spending on projects with no real need, in a time of tight budgets. Then cuts the budget of what many consider a service to citizens, making it harder for them to seek redress.

Embraces ethical behaviors: 2.0 While not unethical, many items in the past three years were not well publicized until the last minute when voted Council on them(statues). Then there were instances where the Leadership knew that there was mild conflict of interests, yet no action was taken to encourage them to recuse themselves.

Open Door policy: -20.0 Some have access well beyond what a single entity should be given, while average citizens are sometimes ignored. Does not appear to require other elected officials who he leads, to establish an Open Door policy either.

Strives to be a good neighbor: -10.0 Uses taxpayers funds for projects that create excessive environmental noise pollution (despite the noise Control Act of 1972, Iowa Code, and various local ordinances) This in turn has been found to negatively affect the health of it’s citizens and reduces their quality of life.

If he was leading a business, one hopes he would have been unemployed by now, for the good of the shareholders!


Love him or hate him. Max is one of the ONLY people who ever sat on that council and would fight for the people. (He would ask the questions that no one else wanted to bother with.) It didn’t matter what part of town you were from if you had a concern and took it to him he would bring it up. Our city council needs a complete makeover.

Like or dislike, Max makes people pay attention. He encouraged me to attend my first city council meeting after a lifetime of living in Mason City and it was an eye-opener! All the best to Max in whatever he chooses to do. And t

If somehow Weaver runs for mayor and is able to defeat Bookmeyer, all you will be doing is exchanging one clown for another. You will be no better off than you are now!

He get’s the most out of his employees alright. Just ask any of us who work at the hall.

Weaver forever!

Bookmeyer blows! A 2.0 while driving!

Right thats why you’ve heard from him so much. A real publicity whore. Suuuure. The only thing Bookmeyer could run circles around Weaver is in the DRINKING ring! People can’t you remember anything?

Matt get out the archives these dingles are gonna need a refresher. Come on all the things Book and councilmen where caught by Weaver doing over the yrs. Really…really?!

Figures, a golfer

Just like an asshole, everyone has an opinion. Masters degree or not, I wouldn’t trust Bookie to run a ice cream truck for me. I wouldn’t want the liability of him drinkin on the job and lyin to the kiddies.

@My Voice-Bookie couldn’t even run a bar. He would drink up all of the profits. His only claim to fame (other than being able to drink people under the table) is he was a Executive Recruiter and that is the next thing to a felon for the most part. Without his wife he would end up in the gutter.

Wow, such a warm fuzzy feeling after two minutes on Negative Insight Today!! Didn’t your mommies ever tell ya, if ya can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all? Enough on the bashing already. Anyone in their right mind wouldn’t run. Peter for instance. Who needs the grief.

for the same reason I would never run for council in my town. I am the type of person that would (NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE HERE) “call a spade a spade” and say it like I see it. much like I guess Max would do. Nothing wrong with it. as i see it, you’d sure know what i was talking about.

is he was a Executive Recruiter and that is the next thing to a felon for the most part.

What do you mean by this comment?

LVS and what does Max do for a living. He to lives off his wife. I’m not sure if he has ever worked a day in his life. Max is very smart and very lazy. And he loves the spotlight. We don’t need him back in city politics.

Sure stirred up the establishment lackeys with that comment. I would bet they know exactly what it means. If not they can look it up.

I beg to differ on that one but I sure would like to see it.

Bookie is smart, I’ll give him that but Max has that edge. It would be a good one.

“Carl, I want you to kill all the gophers”

“Check me if I’m wrong Sandy but if I kill all the golfers they will lock me up and throw away the key”

@Reggie (Red)-all golfers are not bad people just like all of the people at the Country Club are not bad. I know a lot of golfers that are pretty nice guys.

Thanks for the laugh LVS!

Weaver will never run for mayor because Mason City has a weak Mayor system. The Mayor really has no responsibility except to run Council meetings. As a Council member, you can try to make things happen.

@Anonymous-I agree with you. However, I think he wouldn’t run for mayor because I don’t think and I am pretty sure he doesn’t think he can win. The social elite wouldn’t vote for him in a city wide election and would certainly do everything they could to defeat him. You see, they are afraid of him and what he could possibly do to their elitist ways. Now, running for council is a different story. There, he would have a good chance of winning and accomplishing a lot more. I would support him for mayor but think he would probably lose. Again, just my opinion.

The Mayor’s race isn’t much different than an at large council election and Max has won that once or twice ( someone in the know please clarify this). In my conversations with people in town, I hear more comments in support of the current Council than against but comments about the mayor are more negative than positive. Of course
I don’t talk about City politics that much. To be sure, the next 4 1/2 months will be interesting

Max doesn’t have a lot of tact, but he does his homework and he tries to look out for the taxpayers dollar. Marsters and Nelson did the same thing. You think they were such a bad council? Max showed people what an idiot the mayor is and he couldn’t get his own way when Max, Marsters, and Nelson were there. Now everyone just yawns when they vote on something because it will always be the same. Whatever the mayor wants pushed through, it happens and all in favor. He has all of his little ducks in a row and it is a joke. This is what you want running the town? They are a joke and all they do is suck up to the mayor. Then you have Trout that makes far more money than he is worth. No wonder he will never leave. Where else could you get a gig that pays that much in a town of this population? Remind me again of why we need the city administrator with what he makes and a mayor both??????????? What a flippin joke! It is time for a change. A new mayor and someone with backbone on the council.

The city council that Mr Weaver served on was used as a teaching tool at more than one major university in the USA. It was taught as what city government should not look like. Weaver, Nelson and Marsters made a laughing stock of Mason City. We would be insane to vote any of the 3 back into office.

@?????-that’s your opinion. I think most people disagree with you.

The only opinion in my post was about us being insane to vote any of them back in. The rest of that post is fact.

There isn’t a ounce of fact in that post…it’s purely opinion based. If you disagree, rebut with DATA that proves your point. I challenge you.

Max can be an arrogant prick. But he knew what he was talking about and he stuck up for the average joe. I won’t deny his delivery of that sucked ass most of the time.

????? you are full of it.

“used as a teaching tool at more than one major university in the USA”, what a crock.

If anything, this country needs more dissidents if we are ever going to keep our freedoms.

Mason City spent money on statues downtown without taxpayer approval. Who are you trying to shxt?

We currently have the worst City Government in the State of Iowa. You could use that as teaching tool!

I didn’t mean to offend you watchdog but facts are facts. We were the laughing stock of the Midwest when Weaver was on the council. I wouldn’t call him a dissidents, I would call him a publicity whore.

Sorry Jodie but you too are wrong. They actually show video’s of some of the more memorable moments. I know the truth can hurt but I have no reason to lie. I have never been a fan of the chamber. I am a true blue collar democrat. I place a lot of blame on the chamber for MC not getting any good knew paying jobs. We don’t need our city council members grand standing like Max did for all those years.

Do you really care where your employer get’s his money to pay you? Do you care how your raise’s at the job are founded? Do you care what antibiotics have in them? Hell NO you don’t ! Just get it done!

Who gives a rip how someone is caught and what’s said to catch them? Tact my big american ass. Laughing stock? The more attention the better, precisely why the unlawful mayor sited such remarks. Government is not for the goodie wimps who can’t take it and are offended by words.

While I do not agree with every position Max has taken, I will repeat what others have said here. The man makes it his business to examine all sides of an issue, far and away from what others have. And well before an issue comes before the Council, he is talking about it.

It is not about personalities or who plays favorites, kissing pinkie rings, or back-slapping, it is about decent representation of all citizens. Max practiced that. He had time for the average Joe or Jane. Can that be said about the current crop? Unless you had a “connection”, no.

Max you have my vote and I would even help out to get you elected. REMEMBER NOVEMBER

Who would run? The schemes and shady offers to find someone to beat him would be on the priority list for the less then honorable crew in now.

Although simple people don’t VOTE.

Nichole must be bored. At least Max gives fine entertainment with never boring answers while exposing the local government criminals.

He never ran for mayor prior. Should though. Would you rather really know the truth and let it sting for a bit or keep pretending what they tell you now is honest and the right thing to do.

I remember the promises made by Bookmeyer AND Kuhn. What happened? Are they still going out to bars and getting blasted, they’ve kept that on track.

Ok, I stand corrected. I thought he had run for mayor a few years ago. Thanks.

@just my opinion-You are mostly right. He definitely thought about running but Max is pretty cagey. If he doesn’t think he can win he probably won’t run.

It would be interesting if Max were to run. Max does keep on top of issues that make him look good. Would the hotel have been sold on E bay with Max at the helm? Would a gentlemens club opened downtown?
Maybe somebody should go back through the past several years and see exactly what Max voted for and also see what he opposed to.
Sometimes you just forget those things in your haste to come up with a quick fix too.

@Hacker-Max has always done his homework and that is one of the things the establishment didn’t like about him. They couldn’t Bull Sh## him because he knew what he was talking about. I didn’t always agree with Max on the issues but I always respected the guy. He didn’t lie to us or look down on the rest of the people like our current bunch. Just send our council a e-mail and see who answers you. I have never received a reply from Hickey and he is our councilman.

I would DEFINITELY vote for Max if he ran for mayor.

Max has more common sense, knowledge and honesty the the whole bunch of misfits we have now! I would vote for Max for Mayor (or council) without a doubt. Run Max Run!

Max ran for mayor once already and lost, but it just might be his time. I have to admit I never cared for the way he handled himself in council meetings. He could use a lesson in tact. But even if he turns out to be the same old Max he has to be better than what we have now. I’ll say this, though. He has NO chance unless the “common” people get off their behinds and vote. It’s not that difficult, folks. You can even vote by mail, which I’ve done many times. No lines, no waiting. You just mark your ballot and mail it in. If you’re too lazy to do that you deserve what you get. And you have NO right to complain.

I recommend Weaver for mayor. What a race it would be. The most-hated mayor in the city’s history against its folk hero. Wouldn’t be close.

Nice Job Max-you will certainly have my vote if you run.

I write in Max’s name on every ballot. He’s always been the most informed person ever on council- and of course he’s on top of the issues! That’s one of the reasons he has met with so much opposition- the blind can’t lead the blind if someone has foresight!

I think that the administration that’s in city hall now has really been accepted in Russia on Kprf Tv.

Max should run for Mayor this time

We can balance the budge on pay per-view on the Comedy channel if Mr. Weaver is re-elected.

Nicole, you should be on the comedy channel. Max is the best thing for this city.

Nicole, you’re right. I have nothing against Max personally. I have never met him. However, the council meetings were considered to be the laughing stock of North Iowa while he was on the council because of his antics. It was the way he went about things, as well as some of the issues he belabored. Everyone talked about Max Weaver in conversations when he was on the council. I can tell you that I don’t hear bad comments about your mayor except on this site. Unless a mainstream candidate with big-dollar backing runs against Eric Bookmeier, he will win another term because most people are satisfied with his job performance.

We would all like our City to grow via the Mayor, Council and Economic Development, but that isn’t going to happen unless we get lucky and a big business decides to locate here. And how many of you who want higher-paying jobs would be able to pass their drug tests? I always wonder if that’s why they pass Mason City over. It has had the reputation as a drug town for 40 years or more.

Katie, Mason City is no more a drug town than any of the other towns in Iowa. Actually, the entire country is in love with drugs. But please, don’t lump marijuana in with drugs unless you’re willing to do the same with alcohol and cigarettes. And don’t give me the old line about pot being illegal. The fact is, it shouldn’t be. It’s a harmless plant (not a drug) that needs no processing before using. Can you say that about alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, heroin, meth, etc.? They all need some type of processing before you have the end product.

@Katie-I am sorry, you are wrong here. All that crap about being a laughing stock was promoted by Max’s enemy’s. It was a put up deal fostered by the GLOB and a lot of people from out of the city fell for it. Did you ever watch a council meeting? Most people in town supported Max in his efforts. Unfortunately< I was not always one of them. But I am now after seeing what we got after he left.

LVS if most people supported Max why did he lose? Think about it.

Yes, I did watch a few of the council meetings when Max was on it just to see what all the talk was about. I found out what they meant. I would not have voted for him.

This city needs Weaver and more like him

Holy Cow!

We need MORE of Max? Whether some of you want to admit it or not, Mason City was a laughing stock when Mr. Weaver was in office. Look, I appreciate his passion and love for Mason City and respect that he was willing to take the time to be a public servent, but in my opinion, the best thing to happen was for Max to not be on the council.

Max is a folk hero? to whom? Holy Cow

Eric is the most hated Mayor in Mason City history? How exactly did you come to that? Just NIT readers? If so, that is as jaded as your opinions of Globe Gazette’s perspective.

I know for a fact that City Officials in a Southern Minnesota Town were thankful of Max being on council. Why? Because it drove business to their town.

Nice job Max. I happen to know you’ll be back. I won’t let the cat out of the bag on here tho…lol.

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