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When Trump gets into office, things will change.. for one, he’ll get Danny out.. two, he will bring home Evan from Russia..

Danny is out, and has been since just after the incident.

Out like Hunter is out. Still facing charges.

Last year alone the Healthcare for illegals was over 1.1 billion. But we have homeless veterans and our own homeless which are actually citizens. America has been footing the bill for other countries for far to long.

So now they’ll inconvenience the illegals ahead of the election because even their supporters are starting to complain so now it’ll look like they did something while still really doing nothing. The Do Nothing Democrats get to keep their nickname for another year!

Damn democrats! We TOLD you morons it was a bad idea, but no…I hope our governor has the national guard ready to repel the invasion, I’m tired of all the stupid, expensive liberal bullshit that’s ruining this country.

I’m tired of your bullshit.

What’s bull about the statement

The author.

Up Yours Dumb Ass!

Ha ha ha. You are a snowflake.

Pot calling the kettle black , eh

I don’t mind being called names. It is what I expect from some people and I realize they will never change nor have they changed from their pre-teen years.

I’m tired of your Bullsh*t

Then leave and don’t come back. Because I won’t

We’re tired of the greedy rich, who pay NO taxes, bitching about what gets done with tax money. We’re the ones paying for everything, not you.

Top 1% pay 46% of the tax

High-Income Taxpayers Paid the Majority of Federal Income Taxes. In 2021, the bottom half of taxpayers earned 10.4 percent of total AGI and paid 2.3 percent of all federal individual income taxes. The top 1 percent earned 26.3 percent of total AGI and paid 45.8 percent of all federal income taxes.

Why does a guy like you – someone squarely in the lower middle class – continually defend billionaires? Do you think they really need your help? In the last 25 years only one group of earners have at least doubled their accumulated wealth. Everyone else has less wealth.

They pay more taxes…than you?

Again, no they didn’t. Even if it were true, which it isn’t, they proportion that lower-income people pay is MUCH higher.

more than 45.8%

I seriously doubt that the very wealthy pay 45.8% income tax probably because the highest federal rate is 37%, Secondly, the write offs they have and the deductions they use, According to this article, the top earners in the US paid 3.4% in taxes. That is less than even you pay.

I see that I misread your statement. But the wealthiest of us taxes may make up almost 1/2 the tax collected, but they still keep way more than they can spend and way less than they can afford. Bezos makes more per hour than you or me make in a year. He makes more in a month than you or I will make in a lifetime. Why do you defend the rich?

I don’t blame the rich for making a living. Who did you work for the government?

I don’t blame them either. I just don’t think they should be able to amass so much money while others suffer. No1 of 1 complains all the time about the homeless and our veterans. Bezos or Musk or Zuckerberg could wipe that problem off his list of complaints easily without suffering a bit. All of them together could solve a lot of problems in this country and the world. But they don’t.

LOL like hell they do

How about they stop. will you pick up the slack?

We already do.

Keep letting them across the border…it will get worse

So…have we given up or run out of options? If the Army Corps of Engineers can change the direction of the Mississippi, we can divert that toxic human sludge right back into Mexico…gett’er done!Used to think Pence was a decent person……he disguised that yellow stripe down the middle of his back really well. He needs to go away–the further the better

The Army Corps of engineers cannot change the direction of the Mississippi. They’ve tried repeatedly and claimed that it worked, when in reality it was and is a disaster. The only allegedly human sludge around here is you. What does Pence have to do with it?

Used to think Pence was a decent person……he disguised that yellow stripe down the middle of his back really well. He needs to go away–the further the better

Pence is a turncoat but I think we ought to stop calling patriots maga. The democrats are labeling us as a cult. We are Americans and patriots, that’s it.

You are in a cult, everyone knows that.

Find yourself in this because you are firmly entranced:
Cults consist of:

  • A charismatic leader: Cults always follow a charismatic leader, living or dead, whose teachings are considered of the highest importance. This leader may be considered a genius, or may be considered a religious figure like a messiah or prophet.
  • Ideological purity: Members are strongly discouraged from questioning the cult’s doctrine and any doubts are met with shame or punishment.
  • Conformity and controlCult leaders often exercise an extreme degree of control over members’ lives, including dictating what they can wear and eat and what kinds of relationships they can have. Conformity is also enforced by group members who police one another.
  • Mind-altering practices: Sleep deprivation, chanting, meditation, and drugs are often used to break down individuals’ defenses and make them more susceptible to cult ideology.
  • Isolation and love-bombing: It is common for people in cults to be encouraged to cut contact with outsiders, including close family members. Within the cult, new members are often subjected to love-bombing, a practice where new initiates are showered with love and praise to bring them deeper into the cult and foster a sense of belonging.
  • Us-vs-them mentality: Cult members are often encouraged to see the cult as superior to life on the outside and to feel that those outside the cult lack understanding or insight.
  • Apocalyptic thinking: Preparation for a supposed apocalypse or cataclysmic event is a major characteristic of many cults, especially cult religions.
  • Time and energy: Followers are expected to dedicate huge amounts of time and energy (and often money) to the cult to the exclusion of their own lives, interests, jobs, and families.

You are right there, Larry a full-fledged cult member.

That’s the dem/lib manifesto, finally put out for everyone to see

Your reply lets us know that you are in cult because you refuse to see yourself honestly.

Look in the mirror comrade

You’re no patriot, as patriots don’t try to overthrow the government, and you’re probably not even American.

The ones trying to overthrow the government are the slimeball Democrats.

Did you forget about January 6th?

Nope, more info coming out daily about that. Getting interesting

Hey anon, have you forgot about the peaceful riots that caused billions of $ damage and hundreds of law officers hurt and civilians killed?

You think that was wrong but Jan. 6th was ok. Or you are trying to justify January 6th because of the riots.

Both were wrong ,only one was pursued for justice

Why does it seem like our government is helping the enemy? Giving money to countries that hate us. Going against countries we are supposed to back up. Screw IRAN!

Omar is guilty of trying to destroy our country. Has to be why she is here, certainly not because she loves the usa. Why else would she be here where she is so miserable

Drumpf has and is trying to help the enemy, Putin. Omar is one congresswoman. She can’t destroy the country, she’s only one person. You and your fellow cultists are the ones doing that.

A planned and successful invasion of the United States. Anything but jail or deportation is ignoring the rule of law. No one illegally entering should be granted asylum. They instead should be charged.

Schumer should be strung up on the White House steps for the traitorous crap he’s done the past 40 years, I’d help build the gallows. The liberal, evil Left will be the end of America, and most are too dumb to see it coming, even now.

Evil MAGA wants to be the death of America, but we’re not going to let you do it. Don’t pretend you haven’t already help build gallows in DC.

You couldn’t stop a pissant

LOL we’ll see about that, Sgt. Schultz.

It’s what happens when:
A) mental health problems aren’t addressed
B) @$$holes are told by groups like  BLM that they are untouchable and deserve the world on a platter for contributing nothing
Dude got exactly what he “deserved,” and it’ll keep happening thanks to woke BS and manipulative sham groups like BLM.

That’s the greedy rich MAGAmorons, start to finish

Just…wow. I never would have thought there are SO MANY corrupt judges, lawyers and other local elected officials that aren’t and never will be held accountable. Willis and her moron boyfriend are perjurers and should be disbarred and put in prison.
It’ll never get back to court before the election, she will get rid of him and no way they get a new DA in place and up to speed before November. Should be thrown out for perjury but we all know why it won’t.

You know nothing about the law, or much of anything else. Drumpf lawyers are the ones going to jail, where they belong.

One of the top reasons so many politicians are running around with their hair on fire is that Trump vowed to drain the swamp. Way too many elected officials go to DC broke, make an annual salary of apx 175K, then somehow  after a 4 yr term are millionaires. Millions of U.S. taxpayer $ meant to help legit causes are ending up in the pockets of politicians on both sides of the isle. Vote wisely in Nov folks.

Drumpf is losing supporters faster than you’re losing friends. By the time election day gets here, he’ll have to cheat even more than he did the last two times.

This is the worst case of Election interference in the history of the United States. The Honorable Mr. President George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson, (as they roll in their graves…) send their humble regards, to those who are about to F.A.F.O. they can be defeated with the Pen. On this day I will Defend the Constitution of the United States. As it is my duty as an American… by drafting this Declaration of Independence! from this Destructive form of Gov. who is responsible for the loss of 85K + Children???, WHO LOSES 85K CHILDREN??? ( Over Here?) Weaponized a virus, to kill more that 15 Million human beings, 1+ Million Americans??? Weaponized the Media, to report only their lies? Weaponized Gov. agencies to spy? and misuse Tech Companies to violate Americans rights? (Missouri V. Biden) Sending more than 168 Billion dollars to Ukraine??? but ONLY 72 Billion dollars, was received??? the other 94 BILLION DOLLARS has gone missing??? Who loses 94 Billion dollars? like the children at the border??? then another 95 Billion more approved by this Senate??? for disbursement??? and holding the Border hostage? until Congress submits, to a LONG TRAIN, OF CHILD ABUSES AND USURPATIONS… The unanimous Declaration of the Fifty United States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s GOD entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these States; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present Destructive form of Government, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world… Article IV sec 4 and Article III sec 3 of the Constitution..

Have you bought you survival package yet from Bongo? Reserved your room in his safe space haven? Please do.

Better speech than Joey’s



I do find it interesting that No1 of 1 and nobody have nothing to say about this disgusting behavior.

That’s why l don’t watch Kimmel

Because he calls out trump for his sick and disgusting behavior? I assume you’re ok with mocking the disabled.

Kimmel disabled?

Deflection. Answer the question.

Like l said above, don’t watch Kimmel, that is why l asked if he was disabled, but could care less really.

So, you are ok with mocking disabled people. Says a lot about your character.

Again, Kimmel disabled?

Because he lies!

I know you are ok with it because you have said so in the past.

‘Trump Loses’: Fox News Voter Analysis Predicts Disastrous Defeat
A Fox News contributor predicted that Donald Trump will lose the 2024 election because of the significant number of Republican voters who backed Nikki Haley.

Can’t wait to see them go head to head in the debates which will never happen because bumbling Joe’s team will never let him take the stage.

Oh yes they will, they’ve already asked for a debate. Drumpf is the one dragging his feet.

Please show me where that was printed or said.

It will be one boring debate with little being debated. trump will spend most of his time baiting President Biden and bemoaning the state of America. Biden will try to keep up with the insults. I think they should put boxing gloves on and go at it. That would be more entertaining and possibly more informative.

There you go promoting violence…..

Good one

Didn’t say anything about a bloodbath, did I? But, guess what? One candidate for President did mention that a bloodbath would occur if he weren’t elected.

But that is ok, isn’t it? “Just kidding”? BS.

Read the whole statement…the bloodbath will be in the auto industry. But libs just cherry pick and lie to get people fired up. Maybe try to run on your policies……

He didn’t say the bloodbath would be in the auto industry. Trump said, “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. That’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”

Dollar Tree, which no longer sells things for $1, has to close 1000 stores in Joe Biden’s economy. Stock price is plummeting. Sad times.

Joe Biden’s economy is booming, and the greedy rich know it, they just want their stupid puppet back in the White House. Dollar Tree’s troubles are the result, once again, of corporate mismanagement. “This dramatic cull is the coup de grâce in the rather botched acquisition of the Family Dollar chain, which has caused Dollar Tree nothing but hassle since it was completed back in 2015,” wrote Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData. “Basically, almost ten years on, Dollar Tree is still sifting through the mess it inherited and has not been able to completely turn around,” Saunders said.

ALL of this that’s going ON, Illegals, Crime, Interest Rates, Inflation etc. is to KILL the Middle Class. ALL Because WE didn’t vote for Hillary, the Democrats are establishing a Whole NEW Dependent Class with the Illegals & are Banking on WE the Stupid People will Vote them BACK in Control of Congress. THEY WILL Grant Amnesty to the 12-14 Million who were Here when Obama Left Office PLUS ALL those that Biden has Allowed!

So OLD I remember WAY Back When; When We could afford Gas, Food, Rent/House Payment, Insurance, A Drive Thru…Just 3 Long Years ago.
Chinese are Buying Up Land everywhere they CAN & so I Wonder how much Extra they are Paying the POS Politicians that WE Elected to SELL US OUT!!!

DEFUND THE POLICE! Ban all police in Haiti. End racist mass incarceration. Free everyone in prison in Haiti. Refuse to accept any money from the wypipo. Haiti is the paradise the democrats promised but have failed to deliver here in Amerikkka. We should all go to Haiti and enjoy the freedom to live with our people and be governed by our people. These are mostly peaceful righteous uprisings happening in Haiti and need to continue.

As I recall Haiti was the Clinton’s and their foundation’s pet project. More evidence that their and their parties policies don’t work. How long until we have self avowed cannibals violating our borders?

Poverty, and the end thereof, was pet project of the foundation. Don’t pretend you aren’t eating your neighbors already.

WOW, are you drunk already this morning, or are you still drunk from last night?

Maybe he’s hangry, might have ran out of neighbors

Awe, CNN didn’t get the memo that the objective isn’t to win the case but to bring charges, any charges, for the bad press and possibly to keep political opponents from running and off the ballot.

That’s, “aw,” not “awe,” and, bullsh*t.

aw, that’s funny

WHY does Hunter continue to play games with you all???? If he was a Republican, he would be thrown in jail!!!

What games is he playing with us? He’s a private citizen with a PTSD-induced substance abuse issue. The same could be said for half the people on this page.

PTSD? first l heard of that

 PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after someone experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. That is what your mom and dad suffer from after your birth.

Voice of experience there, l hear
Joey must have it too

No, I don’t know your parents. I am not a doctor so I can’t diagnose President Biden. I know you read stuff on the internet so you must be an expert.

!Obiden has already walked and so has Hunter. Our judicial system is and has been broken for a long time. Case closed.

They walked because they weren’t guilty, despite your lies to the contrary. This is just one big MAGA tantrum.


Confusion about immigration laws may be the reason people believe that Biden is not implementing effective policies at the border.
The U.S. passed a law in 1952 that gives any person arriving at the border or inside the U.S. the right to apply for asylum and the right to legally stay in the country, even if that person crossed the border illegally. That law has not changed.
Courts struck down many of former President Donald Trump’s policies that tried to limit immigration. Trump was able to lawfully deport migrants at the border without processing their asylum claims during the COVID-19 pandemic under a public health law called Title 42. Biden continued that policy until the legal justification for Title 42 – meaning the public health emergency – ended in 2023.
Republicans falsely attribute the surge in undocumented migration to the U.S. over the past three years to something they call Biden’s “open border” policy. There is no such policy.

So…from 1952 to 2021 it was a secret?

Hardly. It has been discussed often, just not on Faux News or Newsmuck, which are too busy lying about it.

Apparently it is not news worthy or fashionable for the left

Yes, there is a Biden policy! He has admitted it.

Just imagine a government operated so poorly they had to import an entire nation of new voters because they lost the citizens vote.

2. Trump imports hundreds of them to work for slave wages at his sh*thole properties.


Provide proof, please.

Looks like Trump was right….

He’s never been right about anything, and neither have you.

Look back at history for 3-4 years

This skepticism is throwing thousands into a condition of doubt, not about occult but about obvious things. We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green. 

Wow. Just exactly many drugs have you done today?

Larry is quoting GK Chesterton. A very intelligent writer who actually called himself “the last liberal”. It is really odd that Larry would quote him as Chesterton was a believer in Christianity and the teachings of Jesus. He emphasized Jesus’s belief in humility, love for fellow man, and forgiveness. He believed Jesus stood tall against the Roman idea that power is what all men should strive for. What I find interesting is that Larry quotes him when Chesterton’s ideas are in direct conflict with his own MAGA agenda.

Note to readers – Larry won’t respond to this because he has no defense for his stupidity.

Curious…. IF Laken Riley were BLACK, how would Biden, Democrats & the Media react? Would Joe Ignore HER Parents or Know Her Name? Democrats & Media Bitch about calling HIM an Illegal then?  IF Not Exactly the Same…. NOW tell Me WHO’S the REAL Racist.

He didn’t ignore her, he knows her name, and you’re the real racist.

Ha,, her name is not Lincoln, as Biden says

He said it once, then corrected himself immediately, as many people do. He was in a room with a portrait of Lincoln directly in his line of sight, so the extremely minor momentary glitch is normal.

Thank God Stalin’s picture wasn’t on the wall.

If trump wins in 2024, it might be.

Better than yours or Biden’s

That’s scary that you would prefer Stalin.

Scary you like Biden

Hur DID NOT Exonerate Biden as HE is Guilty of Stealing the Documents, He IS Guilty of Sharing Classified Intel with His Ghost Writer. He didn’t Prosecute Biden as He knew Honest Justice would NOT Be Served in D.C. as the Democrat Jurors in that City would Let This GUILTY Man WALK!

That sniveling little partisan puke Hur has obviously never had anything bad happen to him. Anyone who’s lost a child, much less three of them, and a spouse, as Biden has, knows that the level of trauma is so bad that the brain blocks some or the memories as a form of self-preservation. It’s why people at funerals for loved ones can seem to be in a fog–they’re in shock.

Well then, has he been in a fog since it happened? There were other instance he referenced…vrooom, vrooom

IF the Illegal who Killed Laken Riley had Shot Her…Biden the Democrats & Media would be Screamin for Gun Control!

Democrats can’t handle the TRUTH even when Biden said Laken Riley’s Killer IS an Illegal!

You wouldn’t know the truth if it punched you in the face.

Thanks Hunter

No AMERICAN flags allowed at school? Then no more federal monetary support for those schools. This is beyond the usual liberal stupidity.

And this is your usual lying crap. No schools are doing this.

Larry keeps throwing sh** at the wall hoping it will stick. Unfortunately, some people will believe anything that paints the opposition as bad regardless of the truth.

Sounds like a lib to me. Ask Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and on and on

Biden took  action when he “asked” the VP to take charge of the border with no results. Most actions I’ve seen him take. If he gives executive orders, expect more of the same. And then blame his predecessor

His predecessor did more damage in four years than anybody else could do in a hundred. MAGAtards blame Biden for Drumpf’s mess and everybody except idiots like you.

Yah the border and 10 million illegals, how many have you taken in?

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government and shall protect each of them against Invasion.”
Treason against the United States by adhering to the Invaders and giving them Aid and Comfort.

LOL holy crap you’re stupid

Still hate the truth and the constitution huh

That’s the MAGA “Christian” Nationalists. They’re coming right out and saying so themselves, now.

Which ones are those?



Remember the famous words of Nikita Khrushchev who said they will defeat us from within. Seems like he was right.

I bet Nikita had you in mind when he said that. Were you two friends or was your love for Russia developed later on in life?

It was that trip l took with you and your mommy to see your daddy.

Quit answering for Larry unless you are Larry, jr.

OK Hunter

The problem with yelling in an echo chamber is that it makes you think everyone agrees with you. This will drive even more of the real Republicans out, and they’ll form a new party without Trump or his dimwitted minions.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Just days after installing his new leadership team at the Republican National Committee, Donald Trump’s lieutenants are cutting dozens of staff across key departments in an aggressive move that further cements the former president’s takeover of the GOP’s political and fundraising machinery.
More than 60 people were fired in all, including senior staff in the political, data and communications departments inside the committee’s Washington headquarters. The cuts also included staff that ran the committee’s celebrated community centers, which were focused on building relationships with minority groups in some Democratic-leaning states.
The sweeping overhaul was confirmed by multiple people with direct knowledge of the cuts who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the moves publicly.
Trump’s pick to lead the RNC is facing skepticism from some Republicans
“MAGA is now in control of the Republican Party!!” Greene wrote on X, referencing Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement. “We will continue to need everyone’s help all the way across the finish line! Do not grow weary.”
Trump’s lieutenants telegraphed major changes late last week as Republican National Committee members gathered in Houston to approve his hand-picked leadership team, which includes his daughter-in-law Lara Trump as the committee co-chair. Michael Whatley, a former North Carolina GOP chairman, replaced Ronna McDaniel as the chair.

  People are not told of the generosity and human kindness Trump has shown to others. There are many stories of his reaching out to the common person in need that are never shared. The democrats have painted Trump as a monster when in fact at his own expense personally and financially, he stepped up to lead this country in a better direction. He knows the swamp, he knows the corruption and he knows that this country is not headed in the right direction.

“People are not told” because there isn’t any!! If there were, don’t you think his people would be announcing that all over the place??

The best thing we could do for our children is get rid of the Department of Education, the Teacher’s Union and fire ALL liberal school board members and teachers. Again, the Federal Government STOLE what was by The Constitution a STATE’S RIGHT to run our schools by forming The Dept. of Education. It’s only one of many departments that are unconstitutional. If these liberal lunatics want their kids to learn their BS, let them homeschool them! There’s FAR more of us with common sense than there are lunatics!

Since the teachers work for the government, take them out of the schools and put them on the border to help Texas.

The teachers work for individual school districts, not “the government,” and there are NOT far more MAGA lunatics than you want us to believe, and that number is shrinking fast. There is nothing unconstitutional about the Dept. of Education, and that you don’t seem to know that makes it obvious that you don’t know what it means. You clearly need…an education.

You are correct on the MAGA lunatics comment. Their are regular people who do support Trump.

“There” not “their”. trump loves the poorly educated.

Who vote
Biden loves the illegals

who don’t vote.

Today no, tomorrow yes

Ah cool they are banning CHILD ABUSE AND CHILD MUTILATION. Hopefully sane America will prevail and we will do EXACTLY the same. These crazy lunatic child abusing pedos are going to hell you know.

We could start immigration of our homeless to Mexico, but they seem to have pretty strict immigration laws
They would call it an invasion

Who cares what they call it?

Let’s send them then. See how that works

Personally, I can’t wait till President Trump gets rid of TikTok or unless we can take absolutely 100% control over it on our end which is most likely impossible

He has changed his mind on TikTok. He met with the owners and they gave him something to change his mind. He now thinks it is a good platform. Wonder what he got?

Believe he said Meta, Google would have the monopoly and since they work for the lib agenda….not a good idea.

Ha ha ha.

Hate the truth as usual

I have no doubt of the truthfulness of what he said, it is just stupid, so I laugh.

If you get rid of TikTok, Facebook and Zuckerschmuck will double their business. I don’t want Facebook, who cheated in the last Election, doing better. They are a true Enemy of the People!” Trump posted on Truth Social Thursday.

Biden is being Praised ALL over the Media & Democrats for His Speech…SO He’s so fit HE Can Stand Trial for His Stealing Classified Documents after ALL!

He’s either incompetent, or a master criminal. Nobody can be both.

He can still be charged and tried ask Letica

Democrats can’t handle the TRUTH even when Biden said Laken Riley’s Killer IS an Illegal!

Tell me that’s not treason. All that are involved should be arrested and charged with TREASON!!!

If there was anything treasonous about having a stupid opinion, you’d have been the guest of honor at a necktie party long ago.

Or given the state of the union address

The one who did that incited a riot to try to subvert our democracy, and in so doing, did what hasn’t been done in years: motivated moderates and independents of all parties, the biggest voting bloc, to band together to defeat him. Keep watching.

Thanks Nancy and company

It’s not “Biden Inflation”, it’s price gouging and greed. Cohn “served as former President Donald Trump’s Director of the National Economic Council”, so you can’t expect him to be honest.
“Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds”
“A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop.”

It is true.

Astonishingly, we agree on this. It’s called “greedflation.”

Need to quit patronizing companies where possible

Biden sends all this aid to Gaza when Americans can’t even afford to buy groceries. not to even mention all illegal immigrants. The taxpayers have to keep up.

See the post above.

corporations guilty of aid for Gaza?

Measuring the effects of Bidenomics the last three years is very simple. The number of children in household +plus+ how many times the parents visit food pantries during the month,

Make up your mind.
No1 of 1
 47 minutes ago
It’s not “Biden Inflation”, it’s price gouging and greed. Cohn “served as former President Donald Trump’s Director of the National Economic Council”, so you can’t expect him to be honest.
“Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds”
“A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop.”

This pope…half the brain power 10 times the insanity. WTH is in the water in Vatican City? The dude is a nutcase…

LOL he’s smarter than you, and can still kick your a** any day.

Bidenomics is Brokenomics His inflation reduction, build back better, and economic rescue plan all failures, including the border.

Make up your mind.
No1 of 1
47 minutes ago
It’s not “Biden Inflation”, it’s price gouging and greed. Cohn “served as former President Donald Trump’s Director of the National Economic Council”, so you can’t expect him to be honest.
“Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds”
“A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop.”

We have more problems on our southern borders here in America and our American military all needs to be here on the southern borders NOT overseas in other countries.

Joe Biden is an Impostor who was not elected by the people for the people! He was placed in office by “QUOTE  is a the most inclusive voter fraud organization in history “
He doesn’t work for the betterment of American citizens!

The whole 20 minutes it took shuffles to approach the podium, you can see it all over his face he had no clue where he was going or what was happening. He looked like he thought he was a guest of honor at a party of some sorts. And you can tell by the looks on the faces of the people whom he stopped and babbled some unclear gibberish to.

LOL you wish! He kicked a**, you know it, and you’re scared to death. It took as long as it did because Republicans kept stopping him to congratulate him. They don’t want Drumpf either!

Damn, you are stupid!

Big question is .Why do people keep voting for Biden ? Yes, people hate Trump . But Trump would get everything fixed that Biden has destroyed.

trump would get rid of democracy. He welcomed with open arms Orban who destroyed democracy in Turkey. Wonder if donny got a lot of good tips on how to eliminate elections.

He could of done that 4 years ago and didn’t

Because he was positive he would be elected again and he could do what he wanted in his second term. Too bad. Now, he just wants to make sure he can never be defeated in an election so it is time to destroy democracy.

Believe that is what Joey is doing.

Inflation math is really not that complex…….unless it’s Bidenomics inflation math. Then it’s incomprehensible.

Make up your mind. Sober up, too.
No1 of 1
 47 minutes ago
It’s not “Biden Inflation”, it’s price gouging and greed. Cohn “served as former President Donald Trump’s Director of the National Economic Council”, so you can’t expect him to be honest.
“Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds”
“A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop.”

Proof? Of course not.

Watch the tape,,draw your own conclusions

Oh, b*llshit. If there was any fraud, it took place in 2016. He works for the betterment of American citizens, not Putin, like your big-butt-boy.

Funny, why hasn’t Joey sanctioned the former mayor’s wife of Moscow who gave Hunter all the cash and gifts?

Because it never happened. That bit of B.S. was investigated by the Republicans in the Senate and they couldn’t find any evidence other than hearsay evidence. Nothing…..why bring it up now?

Hmmm…wonder where Hunter got his money then. And why won’t they sanction her?

Gawd, you are dense. They won’t sanction her because it didn’t happen. The Republicans found that out and dropped it.

Easy peasy…stop buying items from China. For heaven’s sake people, glass in toothpaste, toxins in baby toys, comm devices in cranes, ad nauseam…just how dumb have Americans become?

It was greedy rich Republican businessmen who moved manufacturing to China so they could save a dime per unit. They hollowed out the American economy, took the money that was supposed to trickle down, and stashed it in overseas banks.

Name names there please

Good luck, that googly-eyed fascist Letitia James couldn’t find her own huge arse with both hands, a map and a flashlight…

You can’t find anything in your pants with both hands, a map and a flashlight.

You would know.

In your dreams.

Your wet dreams maybe..

Your Choice in the Upcoming Presidential Election!
Vote for Biden and the Democrats/Socialists who are actively working to destroy our Democracy and The American Culture!
Or:  Vote for Trump and Conservative Congressmen who want to RESTORE our Democracy and return America to the GREATNESS we once had!
Yes, folks, it all boils down to these two choices!

Drumpf and Nazi congressmen are actively working to destroy democracy, they even say it right out loud now. Drumpf says that if re-elected, he will “be a dictator on Day One.” Conservative activist Jack Posobiec joyfully hailed the “end of democracy” at the Conservative Political Action Conference, further emphasizing Republicans’ apparent desire to completely overthrow America as we know it.
Posobiec, who helped popularize the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, appeared at CPAC’s opening day on Wednesday. He spoke during a panel moderated by former White House adviser and white supremacist Steve Bannon.
“Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely,” Posobiec said as the event began.
“We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this, right here,” he said, gesturing to the crowd and holding up his fist.
As he spoke, Bannon laughed and said, “Amen!” Posobiec then said, to cheers from the audience, “All glory is not to government. All glory to God.”
Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump has repeatedly indicated he intends to embrace authoritarianism if he is reelected to the White House. Trump has paraphrased Adolf Hitler, floated horrifying and fascistic policy ideas, and joked (so he says) about being a dictator on the first day of his new term.
Trump’s closest allies in Congress have also indicated they would be willing to throw out the rulebook for him. Senator J.D. Vance and Representative Elise Stefanik, both reportedly on the shortlist for Trump’s running mate, have said they would have carried out a coup on January 6, 2021, to keep Trump in power.

I will only fact check the first lie. Trump said he would be a dictator for day one …only….that was said to appease you fools

Is that because the other points are true? Posobiec did say those things at the CPAC meeting as did Bannon. Trump called his opponents “vermin” and vowed “retribution” on all of his “enemies” which are words Hitler used to malign the Jews in Germany. He has embraced Victor Orban, the leader of Turkey who scrapped democracy in Turkey after his election. Vance said in a Sunday interview on ABC that trump should ignore SCOTUS rulings that are “illegitimate”. What those rulings are was not clarified.

No response?

Well with all the stuff they’re doing to our meat and other food sources I’m surprised any of us are still alive. Oh but wait without us they would have to turn on each other.

Corporate agriculture. Should never have been permitted to exist in the first place.

 If Biden can do the SOTU and do a campaign speech against Trump, he can have charges against him.

If You are unaware, the night Pelosi Tore Up Trump’s SOTU Speech, she actually Broke Federal Law doing SO. SO why wasn’t HER Dumb Ass Prosecuted?

4 More Years of THIS? Really America?

ask trump.


Ask him why Hillary wasn’t prosecuted. He had four years to do it.

If he wins he can have them create a new law like New York did and go after her. Doesn’t pay to be nice.

Ha ha ha. He had four years to do it and when was he ever nice?

When he didn’t go after Hillary and you.

He doesn’t have evidence to prosecute either of us.

Well, that makes you a commie just like her then.
Hopr you don’t destroy your computer and devices with a hammer or bleach after this.

OK, Scott.

Because it was only a photocopy.

We need to spread the word! Since Biden appears to be back in such good form, he needs to stand trial in the documents issue!

The “documents issue” is Drumpf’s issue. The fact that he is selling them to our enemies to pay off his huge debt to them is high treason, punishable by death, which he richly deserves.

Pelosi dangerously threatened the court claiming they were “on trial” in this case.
“The Supreme Court is placing itself on trial with its decision to hear the former president’s total immunity claim. It remains to be seen whether the justices will uphold the fundamental American value that no one is above the law – not even a former president,” Pelosi wrote on X.
Democrats democracy in action

Where is the threat? The SCOTUS is certainly putting themselves on trial. Will they follow the rule of law and say a President does not have immunity from criminal acts while in office, or will they side with trump and say a President can do whatever he wants to do while in office – legal or illegal?

Must be the same as Joey’s campaign speech the other night as he looked at them and did the same about abortion. Guess what..their decision will be seen as either siding with Trump or Biden

Biden is being Praised ALL over the Media & Democrats for His Speech…SO He’s so fit HE Can Stand Trial for His Stealing Classified Documents after ALL!

So, there is no threat? I thought you said he threatened them.

Did you listen to his campaign speech when he talked about abortion to the justices?

Yes. He told them not to underestimate the power of women and power is what will be evident in the next election.

Also said he would re-instate Roe v Wade


Law says otherwise from the supreme court.
But then again he has ignored it before….

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