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GOP Chairwoman Barbara Hovland calls for removal of judge Rustin Davenport who let molester off with probation

Cerro Gordo courthouse:
Packed with liberal judges
who let lowlifes off
the hook easy?

MASON CITY – A top political official and activist in Cerro Gordo county is calling for the removal of a judge who presided over the case of Tawny Symonds, a woman who was accused of molesting a child under 3 years of age.

Cerro Gordo county Republican Chairwoman Barbara Hovland sent the following statement today, after Judge Rustin Davenport presided over the case of Tawny Symonds. She was accused by police of molesting a girl under 3 years of age in her daycare and was sentenced to just probation for her heinous, despicable deeds.

Barb Hovland

Mrs. Hovland’s statement:

It is TIME! Time to remove the liberal judges from our Cerro Gordo courts! Probation? This Judge thinks probation is justice?

I am sitting here crying for this little baby girl who was tortured. We need to stand up and say, our children need justice when adults think it’s okay to abuse them.

I’m crying for her parents. I can’t imagine what they are going through.

Let’s pray for this sweet baby girl and her parents.


“Judge” Davenport:

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Judges, Prosecutors & State Public Defenders Caught Convicting innocent people for profit, Withholding Exonerating Exculpatory Evidence, Admitting inadmissible Hearsay, planting the juries, Violating rights, Constitution, Due Process, Defrauding Taxpayers Of Honest Government Services. You Tube: Iowa Corrupt Judges Courts, & Iowa Corrupt Judges Courts Police 2. Where is the Accountability when BAR associates ARE the criminals ?

After reading all the information surrounding this, I doubt they would have ever convicted the lady. To much ambiguity.

sexual act against a child and not even on sex registry..that’s just wrong!

This is more of the liberal bull the democrats have pulled in California where the debt rate is at 1.3 TRILLION dollar, yes trillion.Liberal judges are presently corrupting even the local courts. Wake up Cerro Gordo County, peek at the sheriff office too, that is a fiasco.

High schools out there are banning the national anthem because it’s racist. Teachers too are claiming all adolescent boys are predators as they strut around the class in skin tight yoga pants. And now they have to take of a month because they’re traumatized. They still think that if they can give Trump the boot Hillary can still win. Madness!

You lie, Gabe.

Vote all liberals and democrats out of office. NOW

Better idea: vote all republicrooks and thieving, pervert phony conservatives out, now. Kissing the lazy, cowardly wealthy butts in the hope that they’ve give you a highly paid job is a waste of time. It’s not going to happen. They’ll just keep using you to do their dirty work and laughing about you behind your wannabe back.

amen. this is north iowa courts and their bias in action. You go Barb.

Messed up people vouch for this bitch or that peace of shit judge. But if it happened to your kids u would be preaching a different story. Send robbers thief’s and people who run from cops to prison including drug dealers but chomos get probation. Why not take law in to our own hands. Because some peace of paper from a couple of hundred years ago says it’s bad. Wake up people the law is a joke .

Should have a mandatory minimum on crimes committed on children, then the judges hands are tied!!!

As usual many comments on this site quickly turn ugly and hateful, appealing to the worst in us. Responsible adult converstaion is such a lost art these days.

She was found guilty of child endangerment-not molestation. Isn’t that where the rubber meets the road with respect to the scope of sentence the Judge could hand down?

Just months before Chet Culver was ousted (90 counties to 9) in the 2010 election, ‘Big Debt Chet’ named Rusty Davenport to his position. This deal isn’t playing well with the overwhelming majority of north Iowans, regardless of their politics.

I don’t know Judge Davenport. But this fiasco regarding this pathetic perp is an unforced error that could’ve been averted. It won’t bode well for him, or for the law-abiding citizens of north Iowa.

The degenerate defendant, Ms. Symonds, is about as welcome here as a Klansman would be at an an Obama fundraiser. IMO, she should exit north Iowa, in the dark of night – due to “health concerns” …

“I don’t know Judge Davenport.” So, you don’t really know him but you are going to judge him based on one case? And by who appointed him? Look at our president’s choices of judges, advisors and frontmen. Not very impressive either.

You new habit of cheap name calling is beneath you Mr. B.

Old Bod is an illusion of the liberal demorat party of Anti Americans that are brain dead and of low IQ except when it comes to stealing taxpayer money.

Is she/he confused – are both pictures the same person ? Obama and the crats would be so proud. What a disaster the democrap party is for American patriots – both democrats and republican honest people.

This story is plastered all over the front page of the globe. But we read about it first at NIT. Way to go Matt!

You are reading an open letter / opinion submitted by Barb. She submitted it to NIT. As usual Matt took the EZ way, the Lazy way of getting information.

You are just a POOR loser.

One would assume these feminist are using the children as pawns to further their agenda. It’s truly disturbing. But the majority of women love their children and only want the best for them. Such a sad story.


Oh, PLEASE. This perv is no feminist.

Who’s to say she wasn’t in one of those protests carrying around an ugly sign filled with feminist hate. American women have what is called female intuition and their not buying it.

There is no “feminist hate,” unless you mean a perfectly normal hatred for being beaten, raped, trafficked, and having private parts grabbed. I doubt you’d like that, either. Being a feminist just means not having to have anything to do with a**holes like you, if we don’t choose to.

But derogatory words aimed at others are hate. My conscience is clean and holding no guilt of the matters you speak of. Many women in my life will attest to that. Love conquers hate. Good Luck!

While this woman clearly deserves punishment, where is all this outrage for male offenders, who constitute a much, much larger percentage of sex offenders? Men do everything this woman did and much worse, much more often, over and over for years at a time, and get off with similar light punishment, with no one picketing the courthouse.

I remember that young teacher who perv on her students. Her defense was ‘she to beautiful to go to jail’. And she didn’t.

Does anyone KNOW just exactly what the abuse was? I was not in the court room. I have read about this numerous times but have never read any particulars.

Sexual abuse of a child is clearly as evil as it gets. It would be easy for me to dole out the death sentence for the rape of a child.

With that said I have been racking my brain to imagine what the hell a woman would do to a 3 year old child to “sexually” abuse them? A crazed man I can, a woman is hard for me to get my head wrapped around.

If anyone has any details I want them before I can judge this judge as harshly as the article is demanding.

There has to be some mitigating circumstances for the judge to rule the way he did. I could be way off base here but I really would like more information.

I realize there are privacy concerns here regarding the child so I don’t want names just particulars.

And I still do not agree with making these kinds of demands or decisions while in the emotional state the author of the article was in!

What I was told is that she raped the 2 year old girl with an object and then refused to take her to the er when she was bleeding profusely.

Ok, I read the article in the Globe Gazette. I get it! Now I am going to sit on this and process it.

She was only charged with “child endangerment” and entered an Alford Plea. That means she did NOT admit guilt but accepted she may be found guilty by a jury. The County Attorney dropped the “sexual abuse” charge and “assault charge”.

Inserting something into the vagina of of 2 year old by a woman to achieve sexual pleasure is puzzling.

Going to think on that one!

In order to understand how they come up with these verdicts you have to understand who these people are. They are full of themselves. They first and foremost are concerned with the offender because it makes them feel good. They also believe they know better because of there lofty education and all the studies that have been done stating what they are doing is great. What they don’t tell you is these same studies are funded by those paying for them for the results they want to promote the corrections system. To get the legislature to keep spending on the programs and services. These are big government business. They pull the wool over the legislature with all these one sided studies. The facts are we are spending about $30 a day to keep sex offenders out of prison. We put a bracelet on them so we know where they are but does that tell us who they are with ? It may be he dumbest use of resources there is. Not to mention the poor supervision of these offenders. It’s all based on enabling the sex offender but no real supervision.

cerro gordo attorney office should be downright ashamed of themselves for this mis-carage of justice RESIGN NOW

Throw that bum judge out on his big hail damaged arse!

AMEN to THIS! Someone has to fight for the babies

Thank you for your opinion Barbara Hovland, private citizen If you write as if to speak for the Republican Party of CG county, shame on you. This story is not named as opinion, open letter, news release or rant and perhaps NIT is the one to be shamed for profiting from your statement.

The REAL questions here, are: Are YOU pleased with the sentence this malicious malefactor received? Why no prison time? Why no probation? Why was her five-year prison sentence suspended?

Do you believe that this slap on the wrist constitutes JUSTICE to the victims in this case? The sorrowful mother of this innocent, little victim called this sentence “a slap in the face” to her, and her daughter, and to the child’s father. Many north Iowans ALREADY consider this sentence to be a travesty, a miscarriage of Justice, which could lead to MORE crimes of this type – because of the next-to-nothing penalty that this vile, degenerate woman got away with.

How would YOU feel if a pervert did this to YOUR child, and got off with a pseudo-sentence like the sweet deal given to this pathetic perpetrator? Would you be pleased with this Judge and this sentence?

Does anyone think that this decadent defendant will learn from this so-called sentence? That’s a valid concern, is it not?

It isn’t at all difficult to see the justification for Mrs. Hovland’s position in this case. Cerro Gordo county IS packed with liberal judges who are soft on crime. Their rulings don’t deter crime, and a good case can be easily made that such pro-perp sentences will encourage even MORE crime, including VIOLENT crimes.

Finally, consider THIS: between Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, and President Trump, which one would be extremely angry over this Judge’s overly lenient sentence?

I think we all know. One whose side are YOU?

CORRECTION: I meant to type: Why does she not have to register as a sex offender? She did receive probation.

Todd-I can tell you if it was my child she did that to she couldn’t run far enough or hide well enough to keep me from doing what the judge should have done.

I do know that at least one of that group you mentioned Todd has his own problems with sexual abuse and his first name is Donald. I too am not happy with the sentence she received but I concede that I don’t know everything that went into the decision. Do you? Hovland’s emotional reaction should have been a private reaction. To me, she is just trying to set herself up as a champion of the rights of the abused so that she has something to run on the next time she does.

All it takes to impeach an Iowa Judge is 51 votes in the Iowa House, and 34 votes in the Iowa Senate. It wouldn’t require ANY Democratic votes to impeach any Judge, as the GOP holds a healthy majority. It would only take four votes from Democrats in the Senate if the GOP Senators all voted to remove a Judge.

This Judge didn’t have to sign off on this ludicrous Plea Deal, but he chose to. And now, there may be ramifications.

exactly Todd

Keep up the good work, Barb.
Liberals offer nothing but fantasy.

I stand in support of this baby girl and her parents. You’re attacks against me just show the family how vile the left has become. I know who I serve and your comments will never hurt me.

How do you know it’s the vile” left that is “attacking” you? I re-read all the posts that appeared before this post. The only attacks I see were 1. when Anonymous called you a loud mouth and 2. when Watchdog and I said you were too emotional. Honey, if you think those are attacks, you better re-think running for office again because your skin is way too thin.

Your, not you’re

we love you Barb, idiots will be idiots, ask Hillary

Ms. Hovland’s statement was way to emotional! To have compassion and empathy for someone is one thing but to start crying seems a bit much to me.

To call for the removal of a judge because you didn’t like his/her ruling is irrational. To blame it on “liberal” politics is also irrational.

I am a conservative individual however I don’t believe everything has to be political and tied to a ruling by a judge. I/you/none-of-us have the information the judge has when he/she makes a ruling.

Just can’t agree with Ms. Hovland

I almost fell out of my chair, doggie, when I read this. I agree with you 100% on this issue. I would never believe I would say that and you just gained a little respect from me. Hovland’s plea for removal of all judges she deems to be liberal is pretty political and, as you say, an emotional response. Clearly, the judge has much more information than any of us have and we have to trust in our justice system even when it doesn’t follow what we consider to be rational thought. Also, once again I point out that many of the court decisions to put someone on probation are based on available prison space. Apparently, there isn’t an open spot for this woman. Maybe if they let out a convict who was busted for pot possession, there would be some space.

Your comment about the county attorney conferring with the police only goes to bolster my argument. Evidently, the police initially thought that 3 charges of sexual assault were proper, as did the County Attorney. At that point, law enforcement is out of the picture. They played no role in the decision to drop 3 class B felonies, that’s all on the County Attorney’s shoulders. Not to mention, clearly the County Attorney’s office failed to at least get the victim’s family’s input on the matter although their desires usually carry little or not weight.

WD, Bodacious, if you’ve never been a victim, or worse yet had a child that was a victim of sexual abuse, then you are babbling from a position of total ignorance!

And she knows that position well!

I have had a family member who was a victim of sexual assault.

Wonderful, so what does that add to the conversation? And I can’t remember the last time I heard of a shortage of prison space for women. What people need to know is that by the time it gets to a judge with a joint recommendation, the sentence has been approved by the County Attorney and it’s him that asks the judge to adopt that recommendation. That’s how the system works. Of course the judge could deny that request but that would create a back log of cases. 97% of all cases are settled and plea bargained and the court and prison systems are still hemorrhaging. County Attorney is up for reelection this year. Start there!!

If you are referring to my comment, it adds nothing to the conversation other than to respond to the Nonymous who questioned how much I could empathize with the child’s family. I can. As for the rest of your post, you are correct in that it is the county attorney’s decision as to the charges brought forth. However, the CA also consults with the police as to what charges to file. If the police recommend pursuing a case, the CA will generally act accordingly. Todd knows all of this but likes to stir the pot so he goes after the person in the forefront, in this case, the judge.

By the way, according to the State of Iowa web site, Mitchellville has room for inmates, but Rockwell City is overcrowded. It says nothing about the number of women waiting to get into Mitchellville.

FYI, having a family member that is a victim is something we have in common.

Additionally, I went to school to educate myself on the psychology of perpetrators and pedophiles. For years I volunteered in group therapy to help victims get through their pain and grow away from their horrible experience. Through my education I still have a problem tying the physical abuse of this child with sexual abuse because there has been no evidence presented of “sexual pleasure” that was derived from committing the abuse. While there may have been, that has never been presented to me or the public.

Also, I still have a problem trying this sic event to a political problem with a judge.

Experience teaches me that emotion tied to this kind of crime can taint judgement. Reading all the comments on here validates that for me!

Polygraph ’em all. We’ll get to the bottom of this.

Well loud mouth Hovland better look at her own party for blame. The Republicans have cut the budget to the judicial system to a point where you have to deal and five probation. This Barbra Hovland is just grand standing.

Were you born stupid or did you have to work at it?

I vote for BORN that way. You can’t fix stupid or so they say.

the hell with rusty davenport. let him get some treatment from tawny se how he like it! she got soft palms

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