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Senate Majority Leader McConnell says repeal and replace Obamacare a failed mission

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following statement regarding a vote to repeal Obamacare:

“Regretfully, it is now apparent that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failure of Obamacare will not be successful.

“So, in the coming days, the Senate will vote to take up the House bill with the first amendment in order being what a majority of the Senate has already supported in 2015 and that was vetoed by then-President Obama: a repeal of Obamacare with a two-year delay to provide for a stable transition period to a patient-centered health care system that gives Americans access to quality. affordable care.”


McConnell’s statement comes Monday after a key Senator for Kansas, Republican Jerry Moran, said he would not support the latest GOP attempt at repeal and replace. In a statement Monday, he said “There are serious problems with Obamacare, and my goal remains what it has been for a long time: to repeal and replace it. This closed-door process has yielded the BCRA, which fails to repeal the Affordable Care Act or address healthcare’s rising costs. For the same reasons I could not support the previous version of this bill, I cannot support this one. We should not put our stamp of approval on bad policy. Furthermore, if we leave the federal government in control of everyday healthcare decisions, it is more likely that our healthcare system will devolve into a single-payer system, which would require a massive federal spending increase. We must now start fresh with an open legislative process to develop innovative solutions that provide greater personal choice, protections for pre-existing conditions, increased access and lower overall costs for Kansans.”

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The TRUMP and TRUTH are poison to demorats. Think you took a beating last november? wait till 2018 when we can get rid of more corrupt democrat elected officials. Hillary/Lynch?Rice should be in prison by then so start looking for some new thieves to run for office.Your party is a sick joke on working Americans.

Donald TRUMP! Lol more like Donald CHUMP. Can’t wait to vote ever republican out of office. Every republican has to go and I’m conservative.

WE KNEW that you demorats would blame obanannacare on Trump – SORRY you lieing demented pieces of shit – It’s you superhero Obamma your kenyon czar and your Anti American party of crap that run this thru – Pelosi -spearker of the house -Quote – we have to pass it to find ot whats in it – then laughs and walks off stage. The blame and shame is on your shameless corrupt shoulders.

The Republicans had seven years to draft a new health care bill. They control all three branches of government. And yet they cannot pass a bill.
The Republican party is the most incompetent group of morons this country has ever seen. They cannot govern. All they are good at seemingly is being complicit with a traitor and his idiot mafia styled family.
The GOP is pathetic.

I almost have to agree with you except for your comment about Trump and his great family. You are just so used to dealing with traitors and thugs in the Obama family you can’t understand decency.

“Trump and his great family”
Bwahaaa, you are delusional.

Trump & his family are nothing but liars, con-artists and playing you for a fool.

No one but a FOOL believes that.

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