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Trump calls for blocking all Muslims from entering USA

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
MT. PLEASANT, SOUTH CAROLINA – Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing “25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad” and 51% of those polled, “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.” Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won’t convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women.

Mr. Trump stated, “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again.”

Thank you to the great crowd at the #USSYorktown in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. Listen to the the response from the crowd to my latest proposal – and let me know if you agree with these PATRIOTS?

Posted by Donald J. Trump on Monday, December 7, 2015

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History teaches us that Muslims have killed and killed and killed everybody and anybody that don’t agree to their brand of religion. This has been going on for thousands of years and now it is here in American and because of bleeding heart feel good politics there are many people who have their head buried in the sand when it comes to the real agenda of the Muslim people.

Read that Koran and if you have any sense of self preservation you will end up with a knot of fear in your stomach.

The Koran teachers their followers to lie and tell you they are peaceful loving people. Well, in reality it ain’t so!

We are at war with Muslims and they want our country and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal unless we stand up to them.

Trump or no Trump! Wake up folks!!!

I’ve tried to warn them but they would rather die an ignorant death than live in freedom.

@David-Can you believe it? 16 Muslim country’s have banned Jews from entering their country’s. The shame of it all. Banning a religion from entering their country.

Once again LVS, you have a “reading for comprehension” failure.

Those countries have banned people with Israeli passports, not Jews as you put it.
Beside the people of Jewish faith (the vast majority) in Israel, there are also Christians, Muslims and Druze that are Israeli citizens.
The ban is against Israeli citizens, not Jews per say.

You really need to take some classes on reading for comprehension.

FYI, Israel bans it’s own citizens from travel to many of those countries.

Once again you are making up stories because you have nothing else. Jews settled Israel and that is who they have banned. There may be others living there but it is a Jewish State. Wake up aand tell the truth for a change.

They have banned Israeli citizens, not Jews, LVS you fool.

If they had banned Jews that would mean every Jew from all over the world and that would be impossible.

The depth of your ignorance knows no limits. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about, but then that is nothing new.

Damn, you are one stupid old fool.

I would suggest you read this, it is Forbes, hardly liberal.
You can’t comprehend, but I will link it anyway.

Damn you are one stupid Dumb Azz. Who do you think settled Israel and has the biggest population there. You ignorance gives new definition to the Dumb Azz Club. What a ignorant P.O.S. you are.

So LVS, you can not comprehend the difference between citizens of Israel and Jewish people as a whole?

The demographics of Israel by religion :
75.4% Jewish, 16.9% Muslim, 2.1% Christian, and 1.7% Druze, with the remaining 4.0% not classified by religion.

So, the ban is on Israeli citizens which lo and behold includes Muslims, & Christians.

It does not matter if you attempted to read that article, for it is way above your intellectual level anyway.
But then a first grade reader would be above your level of comprehension.

You were born ignorant & stupid.
You’ve lived life ignorant & stupid.
You will die ignorant & stupid.

In a way I feel sorry for you though, what with such a simple mind as yours.
So here is a little pat on the head…..little LVS.

I am sorry I didn’t get your name. It can’t be Anonymous because that isn’t a name it is just something that allows you to lie about everything and then not take any responsibility. The lie that is Anonymous automatically qualifies you as a card carrying member of the Dumb Azz Liars Club. Dumb Azz.

So what is your name then LVS?
LVS is just three letters and also is anonymous.

@No Name-Initials are a lot different than “Anonymous”. I have always used them and post under nothing else. I do not hide behind “Anonymous” like you and other cowards do. Is it because you are to cheap to buy a subscription? That wouldn’t surprise me at all with a snake like you. Using Anonymous is not a name at all but just a excuse for not taking responsibity for your comments. That is what sneaks and cowards do. Hide behind “Anonymous” so they can lie about everything and not be accountable.

@David-Speaking of IGNORANT, look no farther than “ANONYMOUS”.

Reading the comments it is easy to access that most people are ignorant when it comes to Islam and the people that practice that “form of government”. Americans have been misled into thinking that Muslims are only practicing a religion when it is not only a cult form of religion but it is how the Muslim people govern themselves.

Muslims are not compatible in the Western world and never will be. What you folks have to understand this is a very violent religion and American had better wake up before it is to late to overpower these believers in such a radical religion

Vote for Trump you honkies and begin to chant “Seig Heil”

The KKK has a new voice and Radical White Protestants have signed up to sing in the Choir.

NBC ((nothing but clinton) stomped on Trump for this statement (common sense) and his ratings at the polls jumped nearly 10% – GOOOOO TRUMP !!!!

What a breath of fresh air! Finally a non lawyer/non career politican pubic servant running for president with COMMON SENSE!

Watch out for those radical Methodists too

I those Mormons can be just as bad as the methodists.

@David-They just arrested another Muslim in Minneapolis because he was recruiting Muslims to go fight for ISIS. Over 25% of the people who have left the U.S. have been Muslims from Minneapolis. That should really give everyone a warm fuzzy feeling about their safety.

I just read the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 which part of it says this, “The Act allowed the government to deport immigrants or naturalized citizens engaged in subversive activities and also allowed the barring of suspected subversives from entering the country. It was used to bar members and former members and “fellow travelers” of the Communist Party from entry into the United States, even those who had not been associated with the party for decades.” Which means anybody that belongs to a group that wants to overthrow the government which is islam.

Aah yes, take us back to good old 1952!

I’m just saying that people are condemning trump for his idea when there are already laws on the books saying basically the same thing, doesn’t mean I agree with him.

There are plenty of stupid laws on the books from days gone by that seem ridiculous by today’s standards. As someone who fought for our country I would think you’d be appalled at the way Trump is trampling the constitution.

@David-Did anyone really listen to Trumps comments, or did they just hear what they wanted to hear and then start their hate. All he called for was a “TEMPORARY” ban on Muslims entering the country until the government can figure out how to screen them and protect the citizens. To me that is common sense and the overreacting lefties are out of line as usual.

I didn’t hear what he said but i have heard that the media butchered what he said, and to nada, in my opinion from what I have seen and heard trump is definitely not trampling on the constitution but the democrats are destroying it, you have your opinion and I have mine.

Im just amazed at how far radical liberals are willing to go to trash this country. They are hell bent on revenge and destruction. They want Islam to take over. Im perplexed and bewildered by it all.

satan has convinced them that islam is peaceful and most of the politicians have sold their souls so they will do or say anything they can to convince the weak minded that islam is of peace. It will be the downfall of the world.

One of the most telling statements was from one of the most unlikely sources – Dick Cheney. “I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion, goes against everything we stand for and believe in.” He added: “I mean, religious freedom has been a very important part of our history and where we came from. A lot of people, my ancestors got here, because they were Puritans.”
Donald Trump is going to hand the election to his opponents. Then, he will once again switch parties and become a DINO

one of the biggest lies told to us is that islam is a religion, it is a way of life not a religion. Plus if by chance it was a religion, any religion, culture, that sole purpose is to overthrow the government is not allowed in.

Isn’t Christianity a religion that should be a way of life? When Islam began, I don’t believe that the United States existed. How could the Quran teach that overthrowing our government was essential to the Islamic future?

You will have to read the quran to figure that out yourself,all i know is that they are to conquer and kill anybody that refuses to convert. The crusades were started by the muslims trying to conquer israel. I know you want me to give you all the answers but in order for you to understand you will have to look it up yourself. Christianity is about your relationship with God, islam is about control.

“The first of the Crusades began in 1095, when armies of Christians from Western Europe responded to Pope Urban II’s plea to go to war against Muslim forces in the Holy Land. After the First Crusade achieved its goal with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099, the invading Christians set up several Latin Christian states, even as Muslims in the region vowed to wage holy war (jihad) to regain control over the region. Deteriorating relations between the Crusaders and their Christian allies in the Byzantine Empire culminated in the sack of Constantinople in 1204 during the Third Crusade. Near the end of the 13th century, the rising Mamluk dynasty in Egypt provided the final reckoning for the Crusaders, toppling the coastal stronghold of Acre and driving the European invaders out of Palestine and Syria in 1291.”

Israel wasn’t created until 1948.

israel didn’t become a nation till1948, israel was God’s promise land for thousands of years before that.

The people who believe that Muslims want to destroy this country don’t know any Muslims, I would want to bet. Their understanding of the Quran is very similar to the radical Muslims’ interpretation, and therein lies the problem.

@Bodacious-I don’t know what it takes to get you to understand that they hate us and want to wipe us out. You can defend them if you want but you are wrong. If you really know any Muslims and are friends with them (which I seriously doubt) ask them and they will tell you they are taught to hate us.

I spent quite a bit of time with some muslims in iraq and i hope you see the light before they cut your head off.

@David-even Obama;s guy Ash Carter said today that we are at war with Muslims.

LVS, and you wonder why almost nobody believes the garbage you spew out.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter today said:
“The reality is we’re at war. That’s how our troops feel about it because they’re taking the fight to ISIS every day.”

He said nothing about “war on Muslims”, he was talking about ISIS.

Quit making stuff up & pulling made-up crap out of your nether regions.

Samuel unless you are completely stupid which i doubt, even you know what iSIS stands for.

So David, are you saying that since ISIS are Muslims, ALL Muslims are ISIS?

Differentiate David.

Frank Ancona, the KKK’s Imperial Wizard stated:”We’re a Christian organization”
If we go with the above logic, then all Christians are KKK.

If you are not stupid, and I don’t think that you are, do you see that?

What I said was ISIS are muslim hence their name, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. i won’t get into the whole muslim belief system, just that ISIS is muslim and no that doesn’t mean that all muslim are iSIS.

Good David. And I know what ISIS (or ISIL or Daesh ) stands for.

That reinforces my statement that Ash Carter did NOT say that we are at war with Muslims.
He stated that we are at war with ISIS.

for now, like i said I won’t get into the whole muslim belief system.

Hate to tell you this LVS, but when I was in college, I became friends with a Muslim family. They are still my friends today. I don’t have any problem staying at their home and i am not afraid any one of them will cut my head off in the night. Don’t profess to know me.

@Bodacious-Good for you having Muslim friends. I certainly hope you don’t wake up dead. My brother has lots of Muslim co-workers and has recently been in Jordan and Egypt. They all tell him not to go back there as it is not safe for Americans. If they are really your friends they will tell you the truth.

@Samuel-I don’t care if someone like you believes it or not. I watched the whole thing. You were born a idiot and have not improved with age. You have a lot of guts accusing anyone else of making things up. The only ones who lie more than the Muslims are liberals. By the way, how is our treaty with Iran coming along. Fool.

LVS – I have friends in Chicago, Minneapolis, Des Moines, and many other towns who tell me it isn’t safe for Americans or anybody else to go to certain places in their towns. As for my friends telling me the truth, I trust them to tell me the truth and I have no doubt they do.

@Bodacious=If you are happy I am happy.

LVS, if the United States Secretary of Defense stated: “We are at war with Muslims”, the internet & every news source in the world would be exploding with commentary.
I quoted in my other post EXACTLY what Ash Carter stated, but you are just too stupid to comprehend even the simplest of concepts.
You are a prime example of why ignorant & stupid people should not have internet access.

You have lied over & over & over again, been caught at it, proved wrong and yet you continue to spread your idiocy and made up crap.
You’re an embarrassment to humanity and the best contribution that you will ever make is when you are no longer vertical and are getting your mail delivered by the ground hogs.

@Samuel-You are just another member of the Dumb Azz Club and way to stupid to be on here. Libraterd sheeple like you are everything wrong with this country but that will be fixed soon.

@Samuel-Let me spell it out so even someone as slow as you can understand. ISIS is “ISLAMIC STATE”. Got that? ISLAMIC=MUSLIM. GOT THAT. Real simple and easy enough for even a simpleton like you to understand.

LVS, you are so stupid that you do not even realize how stupid that you really are.
Your claim about the Secretary of Defense was a complete lie and you damn well know it.
How you managed to live so long as idiotic as you are is a freakin’ miracle.
You try to BS your way out of your lies & fabrications but all that does is reinforce to the world what a complete buffoon that you are.

You have got to be the biggest dumbass in Northern Iowa.

@Sammy-I knew you would be to damn stupid to understand. Of course you belong to the Dumb Azz Club for a reason and you have to be a Dumb Azz to get in. You libraterds cant understand that Islamic is Muslim. No hope for stupid people. You were born that way and have not improved with age. Talk about a waste of education.

LVS, what part of that fact that you lied do you not comprehend?
David understood the the difference between ISIS and Muslim because he has a mind.
You on the other hand, are a bumbling idiot.

Once again, just for you because you a very special kind of stupid.
So LVS are you saying that since ISIS are Muslims, ALL Muslims are ISIS?
Differentiate dumbass.
Frank Ancona, the KKK’s Imperial Wizard stated:”We’re a Christian organization”
If we go with your logic, then all Christians are KKK.

Ash Carter did not use the word Muslims, he said ISIS.
There is a difference, you numb-nuts.

Perhaps I should draw simple pictures for you, or use one syllable words.
But I doubt that would even work, because your are terminally stupid.

@Sammy-Damn you are dense as well as stupid, which is to be expected for someone who is in the Dumb Azz Club. And like all bibraterds your stupidity goes along with your cowardness Dumb Azz. I said all ISIS are Muslims. I didn’t say all Muslims are ISIS. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that someone as ignorant as you couldn’t figure it out.

@Sammy-Hey dumb azz, that means we are at war with ISIS who are all Muslims so we are at war with Muslims. Do you get it now. Libraterds are sure stupid.

LVS you idiot.

You said that Ash Carter said “We are at war with Muslims”.
I called you on your BS lie because he never said that.
My God you are so freakin’ dense it is almost unbelievable. I’m surprised that you even remember to breathe.

You can huff & puff all you want to, it does not change that fact that you lied and were caught at it.
And it is not the first time, you have lied so much here that it is pathetic, not as pathetic as you are , but damn close.

Beside the multitude of your many faults & failures, you are a liar!
LVS the liar….very suitable moniker for you.
That shall now be your title….LVS the liar.

I didn’t hear what this guy said so I can’t take sides but it seems to me as if you are both saying the same thing. Now if this guy said ALL MUSLIMS then yes we are at war with all muslims but if he just said we are at war with ISIS then we are at war with some muslims. If he said we are war with muslims then he could be talking about just the ones in ISIS, could be.

Oh Sammy-You are so damn stupid you wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you. Like all Libraterds you think you know it all. From now on I will call you Sammy the Ignorant. That name fits you to a “T” you Dumb Azz.

@Bodacious-Cheney is old line Republican and they are scared to death of Trump and will do or say anything to discredit him so they can get in one of their paid for lackey’s that they can control. They are misjudging this as there are more people that like Trump than dislike him and this could backfire big time on the Republicans. If Trump gets the nomination and they do not support him the Republican Party could be gone. Muslim is a CULT, not a religion.

Adios Carlos….. You are next.

TRUMP 2016!!!!! WOOHOO !!!!!

Watch out you Jews and Mexicans. You are next on the hit list.

I don’t know if I agree with this or not. I can see the reasoning behind his comments, but there are a lot of Muslims that are decent people. I agree we have to do something. Because Obama’s administration didn’t do their job and properly vet people coming into our country we now have terrorist inside our borders. A temporary hold until this can be coorected might just be in order.

Just common sense folks !- hard for the public servants to swallow !

at least he has the guts to say what others are thinking! But others have to be politically correct.
Its just about time that we start speaking the truth and stop worrying about who might be offended.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, sounds like a duck. Its a duck

It is the people that think they are smarter then anyone else because they have then more education , but look where the smart man has taken the country

Apparently you’re too stupid to pass a Civics and Government class. The President doesn’t operate alone. Our entire government doesn’t act alone. One leader can’t do much without the ok of the other branches of government. Blame Congress too while you’re at it. They veto everything good Obama tries to do. The banking and housing collapse also happened BEFORE Obama as did ALL of the Iraq, and war with terrorists. But I’m sure in your infinite wisdom…you could tell him how to do a better job…lol yeah sure.

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