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Trump is doing what they’ve been promising us for decades…….his joy is accomplishing what others only talk about….that is exactly what they fear….being exposed……I ask you how many times will you allow others to lie right to your face…..and you reward them election after election……..

Trump is the greatest President we’ve been fortunate enough get elected by the people because he is for the people. He is aa honest, true and cares for America!!

25,000 people denied a good job in New York all thanks to a 29 year old inexperienced nut case named Cortez.

The liberals started a long time ago to take over America… billions of dollars were spent, agencies and business we’re corrupted and the groundwork laid… Obama was the point man to put America in chaos, and I think they were really trying to get most of the country rioting, so Marshal law could have been filed and they could have taken over this country… Hillary’s election was bought and paid for, she was the one too start shutting down America…we the people and president Trump threw a monkey wrench in the plans…now every American needs to stand up and fight, because if we don’t, America is lost

Trump is exposing the corruption in the Republican Party too. That’s why the majority of Americans love him more than the rest hate him.

Trump is doing what they’ve been promising us for decades…….his joy is accomplishing what others only talk about….that is exactly what they fear….being exposed……I ask you how many times will you allow others to lie right to your face…..and you reward them election after election…..

Trump is the greatest President we’ve been fortunate enough get elected by the people because he is for the people. He is aa honest, true and cares for America.

For some reason I don’t believe the Mueller team, let’s be real here, everyone on that team supported Hillary and the Democrats..there isn’t one Republican lawmaker to be found in that group of misfits. And who are the biggest culprits that don’t play clean politics, and prefer dirty politics.?

The whole shit show is just so old now. The criminality of those people is baffling. The Mueller team, those at the FBI involved in his little charade, the DOJ not doing a damn thing about any of the real criminals that were exposed during the election. What a sham. The longer we just plod along the more it seems gets exposed. El Chapo’s revelation of money going to the Clinton foundation and Pelosi and Schumer’s campaigns. No surprise they’re against national security!

Mr. Obama used the agencies, and the awesome power of the federal government, against his political enemies. He used the power of the state against those he didn’t like. This was full-on banana republic dictator kind of stuff.The negligence at Veterans’ Affairs, the “stimulus bill” that was simply a redistribution to unions (those “shovel ready projects” weren’t so shovel ready after all), the sale of uranium to the Russians, the lies about Benghazi, the Clinton email scandal that was not prosecuted, the appeasement of the Iranians — even sending billions in cash in the middle of the night and bragging about how they lied to the American press and public, the use of financial penalties to fund leftist causes, the use of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to take property from Americans, on, and on, and on. I literally could go on forever!!

There was so much hope in January 2009 when Barack Obama took office. Here was the first black President of the United States, promising to be a leader for all Americans, to halt the rise of the oceans and to be the most transparent administration ever. Even black Americans were saying the Civil War was finally over.

Unfortunately for America, it didn’t turn out that way. As more and more evidence is revealed daily on the evening news, it is now very clear the Obama administration was the most corrupt presidency in the history of the republic!!!

I haven’t watched the idiotic Oscars in years. I hope they tanked even lower this year!

Black Panther is up for best picture, despite being one of the weaker Marvel films. Awards are no longer given for what they are intended for, they are given for their social statements; period. Unfortunately, the new guard in hollywood could care less if this old, white, conservative man got snubbed. If he was black and liberal, his movie would be the front runner!

Clint Eastwood made his own success without having to kneel and suck up to the loony left that runs Tinseltown. His films, including “the Mule”, have always produced positive results unlike some of the garbage we see the loony left producing . In addition, the oscars have lost almost all of their credibility over the years and it can be blamed on their liberal ideas that they are trying to perpetrate on Americans. Gone are the days of true Oscar winners like Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando, Bette Davis. Now a days the movie has to have a liberal agenda to be accepted. A huge reason why the ratings for the oscars are in the tank!

Wow, the pointy hat is extra pointy this morning.

STFU, you whiny little no balls lib bitch.

But he does make a good point.

No, he doesn’t make a good point. He is a dumb ass. Allen, don’t be a dumb ass and encourage him. He is giving all Trumpians a bad name – or a worse bad name.

I don’t think that he was talking about Trumpians. In his first sentence he mentions the loony left. Most of his rant was about Hollywood films/actors, of which I agree.

He gives all Trumpies a bad name because his posts are so full of bs and lies. He is deranged and it reflects on all Trumpies.

I can’t tell one anonymous from the others.

There was so much hope in January 2009 when Barack Obama took office. Here was the first black President of the United States, promising to be a leader for all Americans, to halt the rise of the oceans and to be the most transparent administration ever. Even black Americans were saying the Civil War was finally over.

Unfortunately for America, it didn’t turn out that way. As more and more evidence is revealed daily on the evening news, it is now very clear the Obama administration was the most corrupt presidency in the history of the republic!

The whole shit show is just so old now. The criminality of those people is baffling. The Mueller team, those at the FBI involved in his little charade, the DOJ not doing a damn thing about any of the real criminals that were exposed during the election. What a sham. The longer we just plod along the more it seems gets exposed. El Chapo’s revelation of money going to the Clinton foundation and Pelosi and Schumer’s campaigns. No surprise they’re against national security.

For some reason I don’t believe the Mueller team, let’s be real here, everyone on that team supported Hillary and the Democrats..there isn’t one Republican lawmaker to be found in that group of misfits. And who are the biggest culprits that don’t play clean politics, and prefer dirty politics.?

Mr. Obama used the agencies, and the awesome power of the federal government, against his political enemies. He used the power of the state against those he didn’t like. This was full-on banana republic dictator kind of stuff.The negligence at Veterans’ Affairs, the “stimulus bill” that was simply a redistribution to unions (those “shovel ready projects” weren’t so shovel ready after all), the sale of uranium to the Russians, the lies about Benghazi, the Clinton email scandal that was not prosecuted, the appeasement of the Iranians — even sending billions in cash in the middle of the night and bragging about how they lied to the American press and public, the use of financial penalties to fund leftist causes, the use of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to take property from Americans, on, and on, and on. I literally could go on forever.

There was so much hope in January 2009 when Barack Obama took office. Here was the first black President of the United States, promising to be a leader for all Americans, to halt the rise of the oceans and to be the most transparent administration ever. Even black Americans were saying the Civil War was finally over.

Unfortunately for America, it didn’t turn out that way. As more and more evidence is revealed daily on the evening news, it is now very clear the Obama administration was the most corrupt presidency in the history of the republic.

I haven’t watched the idiotic Oscars in years. I hope they tanked even lower this year .

Black Panther is up for best picture, despite being one of the weaker Marvel films. Awards are no longer given for what they are intended for, they are given for their social statements; period. Unfortunately, the new guard in Hollywood could care less if this old, white, conservative man got snubbed. If he was black and liberal, his movie would be the front runner.

Clint Eastwood made his own success without having to kneel and suck up to the loony left that runs Tinseltown. His films, including “the Mule”, have always produced positive results unlike some of the garbage we see the loony left producing . In addition, the oscars have lost almost all of their credibility over the years and it can be blamed on their liberal ideas that they are trying to perpetrate on Americans. Gone are the days of true Oscar winners like Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando, Bette Davis. Now a days the movie has to have a liberal agenda to be accepted. A huge reason why the ratings for the oscars are in the tank.

You are a straight up idiot!

You think so? Try it and find out you little weasel.

You are a whiny little weasel!

You are a straight up whiny little weasel.

You are such a whiny little weasel!

Okay Democrats try to take my guns…… Try it you can bet there’s going to be a Civil War…….

Doesn’t matter if they get their way we would lose our guns anyways. All these shootings are happening for a reason. You can’t control an armed nation but you can control a unarmed one. Protect the second amendment your life depends on it

Do you know how stupid you sound? You say we can’t control an armed nation. That seems to mean you want an uncontrolled populace. One where lawlessness is common and a person can do what he wants to do. No control??? You must not have any friends or family.

It’s better to look stupid than to open your mouth and end all doubts!

It’s better to look stupid than to open your mouth and end all doubts!!

Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldiers who died protecting it.

Donny is a dope!

He’s a Billionaire and the President, and, you are a nothing.

Trump is a billionaire and President and, you are a nothing.

The Republican Party is now Trump’s Corruption Party.

Trump’s inner circle and campaign leadership are stocked with criminals.
The vast majority of Americans now see the Republican Party in its true light: as the Party of Corruption.

Trump would like to consider himself a modern-day King Midas, with the ability to turn anything he touches to gold, but it’s becoming clearer by the day that everything he touches is poisoned by corruption.

Every new question we ask reveals that this president and this presidency is even more rotten than we realized.

Just wondering, who’s we?

“Every new question (we) ask reveals that this president and this presidency is even more rotten than (we) realized.”

You always have questions, but never answers, Dumb Ass!

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

And that’s how you learn.


Mr. Einstein, you have to talk to these people in their own language. Try fifth-grade level talk. If that doesn’t work, go back to 3rd grade.

It didn’t work, you are still a idiot!

This year’s nominees for best performance in a fictional drama:
1.) Christine Blasey Ford
2.) Nathan Phillips
3.) Jussie Smollett

And for best supporting actors:
1.) The liberal sensationalist mainstream media
2.) Democrats, especially those in Congress
3.) Hollywood

What is the need for the taxpayer funding? Planned Parenthood has enough money to donate to political campaigns so why would they need federal dollars to operate?


You must not have read about the Coast Guard lieutenant who was an avowed white nationalist (remember Steve King’s statement about white nationalists or Trump’s “good people on both sides”). He had the weapons and a plan to kill many people. And not a single one was a Republican.

Don’t be to hard on him, he was just trying to do the country a favor.

It is a sad state of affairs when liberal crybabies are offended by MAGA hats! SAD little losers, get ready for 2020 it’s gonna be MAGA shirts, hats and buttons

“Сделать Америку Снова Великой” – Vladimir Putin

It will Definitely go down in history, as the time things were so great the Democrats had to hire actors, for hate crimes

One stupid a****** does not a group represent. For example, you vs. all the other readers of this site.

“The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has paid out a total of $7.7 billion in aid to farmers to offset the effects of Trump’s tariffs.”

And the GOP is totally against socialism?
Chuck Grassley owns a farm and is receiving bailout money.
Wonder how much wall that could have built.

A Socialist program at it’s finest, supported by TRUMP and the GOP, paid for by all taxpayers.
Where are the Trumpanzee anti-socialists? Trump taking our taxpayer money and redistributing to farmers because of tariffs that Trump initiated.
What happened to Capitalism? What are you Trumpanzee’s going to spin next?

My grandparents have been gone a long time. But I grew-up in a time of no technology, and I am grateful for the time. I did get with them,they were always teaching me something new.And I didn’t realize it at the time. And what they taught me,stuck with me.And It’s neat how that works.

Here’s why we want Trump: Yes, he’s a bit of a jerk; Yes, he’s an egomaniac; but we don’t care!.. The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republicans and Democrats can be two-faced and gutless, and illegals are everywhere.. We want it all fixed!.. We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he insults people, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he’s been married 3 times, we don’t care that he fights with Megyn Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, we don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorist.. This country became weak and bankrupt, our enemies were making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals, we are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo, and Hasid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in; “AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED”.

And Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want..
We’re sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, sick of the Republican Party, and sick of illegals!.. We just want this thing fixed.. Trump may not be a Saint, but we didn’t vote for a Pope.. We voted for a man who doesn’t have lobbyist money holding him back, a man who doesn’t have political correctness restraining him.. We all know that he has been very successful, he’s a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he’s also NOT a politician, NOT a cowardly politician.!.. And he says he’ll fix it.. And we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong, or looked at and called a liar.. Also, we don’t care if the guy has bad hair.. We just want those raccoons gone, out of our house, NOW!!!”

No law…NOT ONE…can stop a person hellbent on taking a life with a gun! ONE LAW…JUST ONE…can and WILL stop that hellbent person from taking MINE…..Second Amendment To The Constitution of the United States Of America.

Not one of the democrats Anti gun laws are designed to take one illegal weapon off the street. Not one.
The democrats want the weapons that were purchased legally by citizens of this country.
Disarm we the people that is what the democrats are pushing.

I agree that we all have the right to get healthcare, but we are not entitled to it! Like anything else in life, you have to work to get it. If it’s like you say, where healthcare is to protect and preserve life, how do you explain abortion? The left likes to call abortion women’s healthcare, but that’s killing life! I’d say the whole system is screwed up!

You have a right to pay for your own healthcare. You have no right to take someone’s money and use it for healthcare. And is this the liberal made up constitution where we just make up meanings?

Per the 2nd amendment of our constitution, Americans have the right to bear arms should they choose to do so at their own expense. The reason for this is to protect ourselves against tyranny and harm.

Entitlement has become a negative word because of how Democrats use it. I have paid in to SS for years and now it is an entitlement that I greatly depend on. It makes me sick that SS is now funding lazy and many times illegal people who never paid in to the SS fund. Bernie says he wants a clean environment but look at all the cities and areas of our nation that are controlled by liberals. They all look and smell like third world countries!

I don’t think anyone has a problem helping the sick, elderly, young, disabled and those who are down on their luck. We have a problem paying for those who are able to work and provide for themselves and their families but are simply not inclined to do so. They want handouts and they want to live well

In other words, what you already have.

Approx. 449,000 Illegals according to CA state…have state issued driver’s licenses, which is what I am told CA uses to call for jury duty, but were not citizens. Snopes would not confirm or deny and as they’re a liberal slanted site, they ALWAYS protect the Left, except when they cannot.

Why would anyone want or let Muslims have a say in how our nation is run ? Well, we can thak thank a Muslim by the name of Obama

Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work,

“…including phrases such as “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work” and “…we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast”

Vote Democrat Socialist. Examples of AOC’s genius.

Vote Democrat. The party of Jussie Smollett, et al the other tellers of falsehoods.

The electoral college is necessary. Only socialists believe it should go away… and hell yeah they want our guns. Spreading hate? She made a clear statement…spreading hate, talk about that Jussie Smollet, relative of kamala harris…spreading lies and hate…

Donald Trump blasted the electoral college in 2012, before it gave him the presidency.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.
10:45 PM – Nov 6, 2012

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
This election is a total sham and a travesty. The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of or nation.
We are not a democracy!
10:33 PM – Nov 6, 2012

No one cares Dumb Ass!

The takeover of America began the day Obama was elected. Other tricks such as Ballot Harvesting will help insure their success.

The Left are trying to divide, abolish the Electoral College, take away your Right to Bear Arms…….Let that sink in……Agenda. Future proves past. We have to fight back, or lose everything.

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