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Democrats made it so he had no other choice..voters will remember. TRUMP 2020

Funny how when both Bushes, Clinton and Obuma, who declared states of emergency 12 times, did it, it was just fine. Build the wall, build it strong and build it tall.

A stolen jeep that was possibly involved in a hit and run, was pulled from the Winnebago river in the 1300 block of east state st. this morning.

Donny’s a Dick!

The American people gave Congress a clear mandate: secure the border and build the wall. These are critical priorities – for the country.
Unfortunately, this spending bill is a bad deal, and fails to reflect these priorities by not sufficiently securing the border. This bill does not deliver on the promises that were made to the American people to keep our communities safe. Washington Democrats do not want to secure the border, but Americans do.

You do not seem to know what the American people want from Congress. We do not want a border wall. We want Bonespurs to read the U.S. Constitution, understand his limitations and quit using the office of the presidency to enrich himself.

Wait till next month and our new A G Barr goes to work. Heads are going to start rolling. So, if you drank the punch you better find a place to puke.

The 25th amendment is in the Constitution and is legal but only for purposes if a president is ill or unable to perform his duties as president, it’s not legal to attempt to remove a dually elected president because you don’t like him that’s not what the 25th amendment is about.

duly not dually. that isn’t the only thing wrong with your rant but I am not going into your tda.

He’s correct. You’re the one who doesn’t know what you’re talking about.

We will keep our guns. Impeach Pelosi.. Lousy–very poor or bad, disgusting, awful terrible, very bad, atrocious, desperate, frightful. according to Google This describes her to a tee.

A reference to your NRA phallic symbols, and an insult to women. Don’t need to be a psychiatrist to figure you out.

My old Democratic Party has went over the edge. They oppose National Security, embrace death over life, promote hate and violence, and have no idea where money comes from. They actually believe there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In New York, to lose Amazon and 25000 jobs in a push toward Socialism is insane! I don’t know how anyone in their right mind would continue being a Registered Democrat!

You do realize that Amazon was getting $2.4 billion dollars in subsidies that many New Yorkers felt was much too steep for their liking. In addition, housing costs (which are already the highest in the nation) were almost certainly going to rise. Mason City decided not to accept Prestage into town. Were you for or against that? If you were against it, you have nothing to say about New York.

Always undercutting America , Schumer is seditious .

All I want to know is …. how did the Democrats find this many stupid people … and then … how did they get voted in ????? … Such a sad time for our country …. getting over run by uneducated individuals with no moral compass and no common sense !!!!!

Need to tighten security at 5E to prevent all the nut jobs from getting out.

You are so right ! With Trump and his Neanderthal sons and idiot daughter in charge ..God help us !

Go back to your safe place you pansy

TRUMP 2020

Must be the parole release dates for each one.

Awww did mommy not bring milk and cookies to the basement like she promised

Never in a million years. Or a billion. Or even a trillion.

Trump is right!! There is NO PLACE for Omar in our capital. Voters from Minnesota should be outraged that they put a terrorist sympathizer in our nation’s capital! Now Minnesota needs to correct what they did. She soils our whole country by being there

Voters from Minnesota put her there, genius.

She won by 70+% in the election. Besides, she is correct about AIPAC. They support the extreme measures that the present government of Israel is using to exterminate the Palestinians.

Republicans are afraid of being called names!
This woman is a radical Muslim America hater, just like Obama.

Liberty and Communism are incompatible. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for an America hating Communist Pig.
Obama lowered the bar for ethical standards and telling the truth! He spent eight years trying to destroy America!
President Trump stands behind what’s good for America and we should stand behind him!

We,the citizens that love our country,our heritage and way of life will never ever allow conmunisim or socialism be a part of our life.
We are ready to pull ALL THE STOPS TO STOP DEMONCRATS ON THEIR TRACKS,if they should ever try.Make no mistake!.

What’s the matter poor baby? Mommy not let you suck on her titty this morning?

russia is not good for the usa. That who trump stands behind.

Anybody who votes Democratic now is an enemy of this Country

Trump tried several times with the previous Congress to get wall funding by also granting amnesty for the DACA kids, the Democrats just refused every deal he offered

Doesn’t matter. The Democrats didn’t have enough votes to stop him then, and he still couldn’t get the job done. Maybe he needs a little something from a Russian hooker again.

You Democrat Party lovers are Hitlers army! Look at what they have turned into! Total socialists. They have turned good people into a hateful mob! Look how they act when they don’t get their own way! We may make remarks but we don’t take to the street in mob fashion and act like a bunch of lunatics when we see gov’t people out in restaurants.


Just like Trump

Democrats also tend to be weak and absent-minded people. Closely relating to their aforementioned ignorance and immaturity, a Dem’s entire political standpoint can be effortlessly manipulated by what Oprah or any other over-inflated celebrity they lust for says they should do.

Democrats are weak, spineless, absent-minded, frivolous, petty, pathetic, ignorant, pompous, arrogant, overbearing, inconsiderate, heartless, retarded, hypocritical, brainless, parasitic fragments of human beings.

Americans must face the fact that today’s Democratic Party is evil.
Today’s Democrats don’t just just want to defeat their political opponents, they want to destroy them.
Democrats call attention away from the fact they are harming this country by focusing on the lies they tell about others.

Worst of all, Democrats are evil because of their policies.Today’s Democrats have turned into socialists.
Conservatives are not perfect, but unlike Democrats, they are not taking us down a path of total destruction.

You mean, the same thing that the republicans did for the 8 yrs. that Obama was in office?

Democrats are willing to lie, cheat and steal to attain their goals of destroying America.
The Democrats lie cheat & steal from the American people day after day.
The Marxists, communists and perverts running the Left/dumocrat party will lie, cheat, steal, kill
and get in bed with anyone to achieve their goals.

The Democrats and their TV news proxies have unmercifully gone after Donald Trump for the past two years.
The Democrat’s biggest liar was Hillary Clinton who cost them the election. She never saw a lie she didn’t like.
As for President Trump, his accomplishments have been ignored but our enemies are shaking in their boots and
the economy is coming back contrary to the lies the Democrats keep telling the country.

Trump will go down in history as the greatest US president.
Quite a step-up from the disastrous policies of Obama.

Donald Trump is enacting policies that are ushering in an era of world peace and economic prosperity.
God intervened to make Donald J Trump President.

God does not intervene. He certainly wouldn’t make a sinner like Donald J Trump a leader. More likely, satan has found your heart.

No, God didn’t intervene. Satan did.

Satan intervened when Obama was elected.

Democrats are not patriots, they are criminals.
Now the Democrats are calling themselves patriots, trying to continue the anti-Trump narrative that he is a traitor.
They are not patriots; they are criminals.

On top of the financial and economic malpractice, they did everything to clear Hillary Clinton of her crimes and
to frame President Trump. It is obvious.
Democratic lawmakers don’t have your back — unless you’re a criminal undocumented immigrant.
The Democrats are truly the party of crime.

Obama promoted racism, hatred of the US, and was anti-Israel. I never understood any of that and he opened that door very wide to let everyone in. Allowed those that hate us into the country to fuel these fires even more.

You are lying. Again.

Bull Shit. The only liar here is you. You have to be a democrat to have your head po far up your butt.

Omar needs to resign to and be deported along with her brother and the other Muslim women who share the same views and they can even take nut job Alexandria Ocasio Cortez with them. I am getting so sick of all this crap and B.S.
I will be voting for TRUMP 2020!!!

If Omar needs to resign so does Cadet Bonepurs who has been involved with discriminatory practice (Jews, African-Americans, Muslims, etc.) for years. Don’t be hypocritical; if one goes, both go.

Just because you say something doesn’t make it so Bo. The affirmative action president had the same affliction as you.

Not me but I agree with this poster. Just because someone doesn’t think the same way you do, doesn’t mean they are wrong nor does it mean they should be demeaned. The principles of this country are based on freedom of speech, religion, free press and thought. The right wants us to forget that and accept that they know what is best for this country. They don’t.

If Wally Bonespurs doesn’t agree, its “fake news”.

It always astounded me that the Jewish Community was so supportive of Barack Obama who was an outspoken critic of Israel. He blew the doors open to the anti-Semitism we see today. It is going to take a long time to repair the damage that has been done.

Democrats will somehow find fault in this idea of using Chapo’s money for the wall. This blood money has killed thousands of Americans. I can’t think of a better use for it.

Maybe it should be used to close airports and drain the ocean since he also used airplanes and submarines. He also used points of entry rather than unsecured places.

For your information Mexico is paying for the wall under the new trade deal and now we are adding Chapo’s money you would know that if you would read before making comments you idiot

How is it possible that in EVERY photo, Booker and AOC both look like crazy-eyed psychos?

Now Demoncrats are telling people what they can eat. Stay out of our lives. Good reason for smaller government and term limits

Term limits? That means Grassley, McConnell and Graham go. Hip hip hooray.

In all seriousness…..WTF is wrong with the people that align themselves with the Democratic party?!?!? Everyday it’s a complete shit show with these loons!!!

Democrats want to destroy our country.
Both my grandfather and JFK were virulently anti-communist. They would see today’s Democrat Party as a bunch of communists and lunatics.
They wish to destroy the middle class by allowing a takeover of the labor markets by immigrants (illegal).
The Democrats of today do not represent the best interests of America…the fact is they want to destroy it and turn it into a socialist “utopia”.

The Democratic (socialist) Party is determined to destroy the principles and form of government upon which this great nation was founded.
By allowing the illegals into the country, they see a goldmine of future Democrat voters, (staying in power longer), and they don’t give a hoot
about destroying the American way of life or culture. Just look at what’s happening in France and Germany and other parts of Europe.

I see that four local drug dealers were busted. Hangem Danno.

Senate intel -committee just announced that NO COLLUSION IN TRUMP/RUSSIA/MUELLER INVESTIGATION. Must have been getting close to Obama/Clinton EH !

If Reagan had not defunded federal money to all the mental hospitals then you would have been locked away forever.

Always knew Obamas were thieves. How much of the $500 billion did they use to buy their house and build the wall around it?

There is no wall around their house

How is it that the US Government grants a member of Congress a trusted Security Clearance when that person is clearly a threat to US Security and openly supports both foreign and domestic terrorist groups? That is not only a red flag but an out and out disqualifier. If you can’t remove her from Congress then at least remove her access to government secrets and give her a box of crayons with direction to go sit in the corner and color.

Funny how Republicans are supposed to be the so called nazis and yet Democrats use the same identity politics and tactics as the Nazis

Take socialist Dems over fascist Putin loving GOP (greed over people) every time you rotten puke.

By embracing Islam Democrats are anti semitic, anti woman, anti gay, anti Christian and anti American.

How do you figure? Give me one fact rather than your misguided opinion.

Ihlan Omar, Louis Farakahn, Rashid ??, and AOC.

You want to see a real evil threat to USA democracy then go look in the mirror turd head.

Politicians and Celebrities want protection for themselves, but not for kids. Even banks are defended with guns. It’s not surprising given Democrats are the party of dead babies.

THIS is why the Conservative can never take their Liberal counterpart as serious, good citizens, wanting the best for society nor even as trustworthy with regards to those that disagree with them. We will always need to be vigilant, for YOU are the truly hate-filled group and we know it. If this window depicted Obama as such, the owner would be in a basement somewhere in VA getting his/her fingernails removed with a pair of pliers…If you would reign in your crazies, we could talk but until then we simply are wary of you.

The Congressional Progressive Caucus is the largest political caucus on the Democrat side, comprised of 79 members of the U.S. House
and one member of the U.S. Senate, the “Independent” senator, Bernie Sanders.
Bernie calls himself a “Socialist.” The rest call themselves “progressives.” Be clear on this. They are all Communists.

if you enjoy endless images of Antifa thugs attacking and beating elderly Americans;
if it cheers you to see GOP members of Congress and the White House confronted in elevators, restaurants and streets;
if you love to hear people like Maxine Waters inciting crowds to violence and think it would be great to see her running a congressional committee;
if you want to see endless violence, destruction and protest;
if you hope to see our thriving economy take a nosedive into the tank;
if you think it’s “justice” to see our jobs stolen by illegal aliens;
if it thrills you when Democrats import masses of killers to shore up their base, while our streets run with blood from terrorist attacks and
anyone who protests gets called an “Islamophobe;” if you want all this and more, by all means vote Democrat.

Is there no evil the Democrats won’t commit?
Democrats are trying to open America’s borders and fill the country with MS-13 gang killers and drug dealers who will turn the United States into Venezuela, destroy Medicare, trash the economy, and otherwise bury every white man, woman and child eyebrow deep in drugs.

Are there really this many idiots out walking around in north Iowa or is this just 1 or 2 morons posting all of this right wing nut job drivel?

Next time one of your liberal friends tries to talk you into Socialism tell them to read up on Mao Zedong. His “Great Leap” revolution to make China a power led to the greatest famine in human history and directly led to the deaths of 22 to 45 MILLION of his countrymen in just 4 YEARS. He who forgets history is doomed to repeat it.

Yes as part of the solutions and then use technology attached to that wall to search for tunnels/ launch drones, allow border patrol to do other things with their time.
People act like we think the wall is the end of the border security discussion… it’s simply a piece of the puzzle. As far as cost it’s a tiny fraction of the overall budget..

Border wall – 5.7 billion dollars one time. Housing and other amenities for illegals – 110 billion dollars a year, each and every year. Now, you tell me.

The new JLTV is bad azz. Hope it performs as bad as it looks.

How is everyone’s big tax refund working for you?

Sounds like you were to stupid to change your deductions.

McCain was always against his party. Nothing new about that. Wonder what his princess daughter has to say about her dad being a traitor.

McCain was the biggest snake in the political process. Total loser Crooked as the Day is long.Not a Republican. He was not a War Hero. He was a Traitor

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