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Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani called America a “nation of evil” and said he “hates” Americans according to a manifesto he posted online before opening fire at a Naval Air Station in Pensacola where he was being trained to fly by our military. Muslims are our enemy. Why are we training them?

Because he is from Saudi Arabia and Trump likes the Saudis. They give him money.

We have been training them for decades. Trump had nothing to do with it you dumb ass.

The dems tour upholding their oath to protect the constitution yet have no reluctance to void the 2nd amendment, the electoral college, and last, and most important,,the 1st amendment. Liars and hypocrits in so many ways.

You’re the liar and the hypocrite. None of those laws are in any danger, and no Democrat is advocating for change of them.

First Elected Muslima Pennsylvania Representative Charged With Stealing Over $500,000 From Charity – Plans to Plead Guilty

POTUS pleads guilty to using donations to his own charity for personal use. He pays a $2 million fine and is banned from running another charity as are members of his family.

With just 9 legislative days left this year, I have a few questions for Speaker Pelosi:
• Where is the President’s trade deal with Mexico and Canada?
• Where is the troops funding bill?
• How have you helped make our country better since taking over the gavel?
Where is the Budget?
This Dem-led House has been a national embarrassment.

Mowcow Mitch McConnell is the one who is holding up these bills. He doesn’t want to give the Democrats any kind of victory even if it’s what’s best for the country.

Investigate Nancy, she is keeping an important trade agreement from the American people because for her own political interest. She is using the power of her office to stop USMCA, because of her hatred towards Trump. Keep on hating Nancy you are a lost case anyway and your dishonest colleagues. The Democrats need honest people at the leadership so they can put politics to the side and do work for the country.


I want to cheat on my wife.

Uh…then do it?

Trump did it and his wife still with him. IT’S OKAY!

*and that’s how you were conceived.

Now the left is complaining that the jobs don’t pay enough. They wouldn’t be happy if they were hung with a new rope. What did they ever do to bring back jobs?

Pelosi states “as a CATHOLIC”, If that statement were true and sincere she could not support abortion, which she does!!! she should be excommunicated for her stand on abortion and all the other blatant lies she regurgitates daily!!!!

If Catholics should be excommunicated for being pro-choice, there would be tens of thousands that would be gone.

No loss. They are not Catholic if they don’t believe in the bible.

You must not be Catholic. It would be a great loss.

Always negative thinking from the Democrats. Why not build off of greatness, record job growth, market is above 20k, career politicians are worthless and bought by foreign interests. We need to demand and vote in term limits.

Yea to go back to the destruction of this nation with the likes of Obama, Clinton, Kerry, and the many in the deep state running us into the ground! They are all traitors to this nation!

Wind turbines and solar panels are not as clean as your alarmist friends might think. Building these so-called “renewable” machines requires the use of non-renewable energy. Most are built in Asia using electricity predominately from coal (without America’s advanced pollution control technology), and rare earth elements generate literal tons of waste through the mining process. Wind turbines also require huge amounts of plastic, which is made exclusively from fossil fuels — 45 tons per turbine. After a solar panel or wind turbine has worn out, it must be decommissioned, which generates massive amounts of waste. If the world adopts the goals of the Paris Climate Accords, solar panel disposal alone will double the world’s current plastic waste.

PLEASE! Post your message on Alliant Energy’s website! They will love to read it and totally argue with you and say you are wrong. They think and they are telling customers that wind energy is the way to go. Why not solar power? MONOPOLY that should be stopped!

Of course the would argue. You really don’t think they would ever admit to conning the public do you?

Wind and solar produce power intermittently — the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine. Many renewable advocates point out that in order to have stable power supplied around the clock, we would simply need to store excess energy in batteries so that the power could be used later when demand is higher. This is correct in theory, but battery technology currently lags far behind what is needed. For example, in order to power New York City for just one hour, the entire world’s battery storage capacity would be completely drained. While America is expected to double its battery storage capacity in the next few years, battery technology is still generations at least away from the scale and efficiency required to make the switch to renewables.

It would take 27 acres of solar panels and 115 acres of wind turbines to replace a single acre-sized natural gas power plant. To put this in perspective, powering the State of Texas alone using just wind and solar would require over 6 million acres — that’s 14 times the size of Houston, Texas’ largest city. The environmental impact of this massive land clearing and wildlife habitat destruction cannot be overstated.

“‘Renewable energy’ is a misnomer,” as energy expert Mark P. Mills puts it. Each individual wind turbine requires 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete, and 45 tons of plastic. A single electric car battery requires 250 tons of material to be mined, moved, and processed — ten times the material required to produce the same number of miles driven in a gas-powered car. Wind turbines and solar panels also require large quantities of rare earth elements, most of which come from China, where lax mining procedures generate toxic radioactive waste that significantly harm the environment and human life. Between mining, manufacturing, and shipping materials to their end destination, wind turbines and solar panels simply can’t be made without fossil fuels.

So says the pro-oil guys whose funding depends on them.

Denying the truth doesn’t change it. It just makes you look foolish and stupid.

Eliminating ALL use of fossil fuels in the U.S. by 2030 will only reduce global temperatures by 0.139 degrees Celsius by 2100, according to data models used by the IPCC. Just over a tenth of a degree: So much for the End of Days.

The electric grid is a massive piece of infrastructure built over decades. It is not a simple matter to “exchange” reliable energy from fossil fuels and nuclear with intermittent energy from wind and solar.

More than 80% of our energy comes from fossil fuels: oil, natural gas, and coal, in that order. Wind and solar combined provide just 8% of our electricity and 3% of our total energy — even after tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies — because those resources cannot reach the scale required to become our primary energy sources.

Electric vehicles don’t magically stop CO2 emissions because they have to get their electricity from somewhere. In fact, some electric vehicles actually emit more carbon dioxide over their lifetime than traditional cars, depending on the electricity sources where they’re driven and manufactured.

You are so full of shit! Where are you getting your information? So if wind power is used to charge a transformer which produces electricity and charges a car, that produces CO2 and your bullshit??

You are a total Dumb Ass! It has already been proven they produce more CO2. Go read up on it before you end up looking dumber than you already are.

Who proved it? The oil companies? I would consider what they have to gain before I start believing what they say.

You are a moron don’t know shit about it!

Imagine what a typical day in America would look like without water filters, plumbing pipes, circuit boards, medical machines like MRIs, artery stents, prosthetic limbs, sterile IV bags and tubes, syringes, disposable gloves, cochlear implants, contact lenses, adhesive tape, synthetic fabrics such as polyester and nylon, building insulation, and most of the parts for cars, airplanes, trains, ships, and even satellites. And this is just a short list! Banning fossil fuels means banning all of these essential items — or at the very least making them prohibitively expensive.

Democrats are the Hoax party that are planning the next Hoax over THEIR ignorant followers

WHY? WHY does trump and the white house are keeping people from testifying during the impeachment hearings??? It does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out! There is wrong here and the republiCONS know it! What is so hard to understand? Why doesn’t the LYING SOB trump come forward and testify if he did nothing wrong??? SIMPLE AS THAT!

It’s as simple as not falling for a perjury trap by the crooked Democrats.

yep, thats the trump line, isnt it? Cant have honest people getting caught up perjuring themselves.

Faced with a president that is actually batting above 500 on the world stage, critics are grasping at any straw they can find, whether it’s going after the first lady’s wardrobe or showcasing national leaders mildly dishing and giggling like middle-schoolers in the lunchroom. Good luck with that. If those are the best criticisms that can be found to indict American global leadership, things are going very well indeed for Uncle Sam.

Most saw Macron’s “brain dead” comment not as a critique of NATO or Trump, but as a reminder that there was no practical alternative to U.S. leadership in the alliance. No one is interested in remaking NATO in the interests of France or the foolish pursuit of European autonomy that would leave Europe more vulnerable than it is now. And virtually no one takes seriously Macron’s jab that the U.S. isn’t the most effective leader in the war against ISIS.

**If you realize each day is a gift, you may be near my age. As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end. There will come a clear, cold morning when there isn’t any “more.” No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat. It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let everyone of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, “He was my friend, and I know where he stood.” So, just in case I’m gone tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying, insincere, narcissistic, double-talking, socialist hypocrite, and fiscally irresponsible moron who spent eight years in the White House trying to destroy our Military, our Homeland Security Department, our Treasury Department, our Justice Department, and turn our wonderful country into a Muslim loving, socialist shit hole like the one he came from, and I don’t mean Hawaii! One more thing, participating in a gun buy-back program, because you think criminals have too many guns, is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.

****You could see this coming. We have enabled a culture of disrespect and contempt toward our brave law enforcement officers. They put their lives on the line every day while being subjected to mockery and ridicule, at times coming from far-left political leaders eager to make a headline on social media, even if it means undermining and eroding public trust in law-enforcement. If the day comes when brave men and women patriots have had enough of the disrespect and refuse to put on the uniform, I will eagerly await the response of those cowards who criticize them, but would never have the guts to wear a badge and defend the peace. Most of this started with Obama. He wouldn’t stand up for the law enforcement only condemn them.

*****There was so much hope in January 2009 when Barack Obama took office. Here was the first black president of the United States, promising to be a leader for all Americans, to halt the rise of the oceans and to be the most transparent administration ever. Even black Americans were saying the Civil War was finally over. Unfortunately for America, it didn’t turn out that way. As more and more evidence is revealed daily on the evening news, it is now very clear the Obama administration was the most corrupt presidency in the history of the republic. As Mr. Obama’s favorite, President Abraham Lincoln, warned us, the most dangerous threats can come from domestic enemies. First of all, that bit about being a leader for all Americans, color-blind if you will, was a tall tale. Mr. Obama never missed an opportunity to sow racial divide. During his term in the Oval Office, racial relations literally went off the cliff. Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle promoted the false narrative that white America was literally guilty of hunting down blacks with glee. They whipped up resentment in minority communities against the police, even though a Harvard study found that blacks are no more likely to be killed by police than whites. But the racial divisions, as painful and heartbreaking as they are, were not the worst of it……

**ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States ! AND Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured! Islam considers insurance to be “gambling,” “risk-taking,” and “usury” and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de-facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying taxes to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude.

I will give you about 5 different links that show you are lying. You do this often and it is pretty easy to prove you are lying.. Why do you do this?

Best thing that can happen is the demented imbecile Biden gets the nomination. Watching him get a beat down during a debate with Trump will be worth its weight in gold! I would lay odds he goes nuclear and gets escorted off by men in white coats.

Biden is so ignorant!!! He knows if the Dems get in, there will be a recession and unemployment would go up, the stocks would go down, etc. They have to blame someone. Look how Strong our economy is under President Trump. It took him time to clean up the Democrats mess! We would be going backwards AGAIN!!!

Recessions only occur during Republican presidencies. Democrats build up a surplus, Republicans spend us into recessions. Look it up.


So, Biden is hoping that the economy takes a down turn and hurts Americans the way he & Nobama did for 8 years? No thank, creepy Joe. Time for you to check into the old folks home.

Irony runs deep in the party of liberals. Hope President Trump wins in a landslide next November! Will serve Pelosi, Schiff etc. All right!!!!!!!

Blockbuster jobs report today.
Best numbers in 50 years.
Great for the middle class.
Now, Democrats say lets impeach the guy whose policies helped create this amazing economy.

“Let’s see.
President Trump is fighting for America and our economy just ADDED 266,000 jobs.
Justin Trudeau was laughing it up in London and the Canadian economy just LOST 71,200 jobs. That’s no joke.
Trump wins.

Canadiens HATE trump! EH!

But they love American money…..

What REALLY happened?
A political outsider (Trump) was elected that the bought-and-paid-for politicians knew they could not control by usual means, hence the shit show we’re witnessing. If you are as smart as you think(Dems), run DIRECT NUMBERS OF SUCCESS for Obama and Trump, whether you like Trump or not, he kicks the SHIT out of Barry’s numbers across the board. If that upsets you, you’re also part of the shit show problem. Good day.

What really happened? A minor tv star with a lot of money, noted for his inability to run businesses successfully, noted for his philandering ways, his hubris, and his liking of conning the common person, was elected because some people believed he was the 2nd coming. They were wrong.

TOTAL Malarkey.

The medical industry’s real problem is the amount they charge for everything from surgery to the bag of saline solution. It’s all astronomically priced beyond fairness.

The entire industry is a scam. It is based on profit, not service. It is not designed to reasonably help people in need, but to always follow the bottom line, which is money. And advertising of new medicines, are based on getting more customers to make more money, not to provide cures. Disgusting.

Why do they have to be sooo greedy! It should not cost 10000 for 1 hr of work or a ride in an air ambulance. The pilot and paramedic do not make that much in 2 weeks. It is all corporate greed!

Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to do ANYTHING that President Trump puts forth because she is so full of HATE for him and his administration! Her protestations of that fact are as sincere as her “commitment” to The Constitution, the people of this country, her responsibility in Congress, the national security,and her concern for the “democracy”.

Not true, but everything he proposes is stupid or impossible or illegal or unconstitutional.


Joe Scarborough is a douch bag ! Such a disgrace to the human race

So is Layrie Shydeer

Who is that?

The old duck who lives on North Jeff.

The old duck who lives on North Jeff. The one that I have a sexual fetish for. Please take me back, I’m sorry.

*Wow. After Pelosi orders articles of impeachment to be drafted, approval for Trump hit 52%. Obama’s at this date was 46% – and no one even suggested his impeachment. Hmm… I wonder what Pelosi and Congress’ approval is? It’s in the toilet, nowhere near close to the president’s. Even after months (and years) of negative news coverage, Americans are still backing Donald Trump.

How can this be? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that, through this impeachment, America has been on Trump’s side. Not Pelosi’s. Americans have seen how hard Trump has worked to defend this country. He has helped turn around the economy in ways nobody would have expected. He has brought back jobs, slashed taxes, and helped increase wages. That’s not to mention his success at the border—and his defeat of ISIS. He’s even negotiated ground-breaking progress with NATO–something critics said he would never be able to do. What has Pelosi done over the last year? Hmm… let me check… oh right! She backed an impeachment inquiry based on a flimsy phone call!

Those numbers are 52% of registered Republicans polled, which is about 3% of the population of the USA. The Obama number quoted was a poll of the entire population of the USA. Apples and oranges.

*The border wall system worked exactly as designed. The illicit traffic was slowed down, the detection technology alerted @CBPElCentro USBP agents, agents responded, and the subject was apprehended. This type of activity — people scaling the wall — isn’t unusual for the area, which is located east of the Calexico West Port of Entry, Ornelas says. “What’s unique is that it’s dangerous to take video of this because the area is controlled by organized crime,”

A possible link between chronic marijuana smoking and Atesticular cancer, according to Deborah Korenstein, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

This won’t bother Liberals, they are already have no balls.

GREAT POST. Funny and true.

That’s chronic smoking of anything. Meth and booze do a lot more damage.

Glad to see Speaker Pelosi is “Keeping her Word” to be thoughtful and prayerful about impeachment. One day….one day after hearings involving law professors giving their opinions she directed Articles of Impeachment against President Trump be drafted. Salem witches got better deals than this!

*Employers added 266,000 jobs in November and unemployment matched a 50-year low of 3.5%, signs the U.S. economy is withstanding a global slowdown.U.S. hiring surged in November, as the economy added 266,000 jobs, far exceeding the estimate of 180,000 from economists.

SO MUCH FOR UNBIASED WITNESSES! Yesterday’s Democrat witness in the impeachment hoax has said that she crosses the street to avoid walking past the Trump Hotel

Pelosi Cites Being A “Catholic” As Reason She Doesn’t “Hate” Trump…But In 2013 Vatican Chief Justice Said Bad Catholic Pelosi Must Be Denied Communion

Adam Shitt has got phone records from AT&T who owns CNN and he is checking out all republicans calls , if he can do crap like this look out America throw your phones away , he is above the law and starting to think he is a GOD

That might look good on paper, but the real question is, will it work. Now that’s a question that remains to be seen, at whose expense.

Saudi training at Pensacola Naval base killing 3. Trump says it’s ok because the Saudis are sorry. MAGA.

Malarkey, or if you prefer BALDERDASH.

I know facts confuse you, but if we put it in Fox News language, do you think you will understand?

“Trump says it’s ok because the Saudis are sorry.”
The cite doesn’t say “Trump says it’s ok…” Nothing even close. Typical LYING LIBUFFOON spin.

“His (Trumps’s) remarks came after Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron Desantis said the Saudis “owe a debt” following the shooting.”
“The government of Saudi Arabia needs to make things better for these victims,” DeSantis, who said he had spoken to President Trump about the shooting, told reporters during a news conference Friday afternoon. “They are going to owe a debt here given that this is one of their individuals.”

And Trump’s response is they are sorry and angry. If that isn’t brushing someone off(a Republican no less), what is?

+*****OH NO!! Camel A. Harris has dropped out of the presidential race. But I bet she would make a good “VICE” President.

*****OH NO!! Camel A. Harris has dropped out of the presidential race. But I bet she would make a good “VICE” President.

Even more news:

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